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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by WiiBaby

  1. Thanks everyone for the advice...

    And to be more specific, he doesn't bother much with the router, he's better with getting in to the computer itself. For example: he's told me he's used Knoppix/Linux programs to help "bypass" passwords and such. He also had a search program that could retrive data even after a computer is formatted. =l In all truth I don't know if he even does check, but he's obviously capable. I'm a bit paranoid, but I do know that he'd disown me if he knew, either thinking I'm some sort of pedo, or just a freak..

    Anyways, thanks for all of your help! =D

  2. Cont. My parents had found my stash of baby stuff, too. Thankfully, though, at the time my friends and I were in the middle of a prank war, so I was able to blame them...

    More later -- dad's home!

    Anyways.. thanks for reading, and any help/ideas/soultions would be greatly appreciated!

    - WB aka Brandon ^_^

  3. Hi all!

    Right now I have a big problem!! I'm 18, and still live at home... My father is a cop and specialzes in computer stuff. So, basically what this means is; I can't visit any site even relating to diapers on any computer! >.< I am currently posting from my Wii, but it is a pain in the ass to do so...

    I need a way to get here on a normal computer! If someone could help in any way i'd appreciate it so much :D I'll be glad to post all my experiences/bio later if I can get here on a normal comp >_>

    Thanks in advance, Brandon

    Edit: Well I have a little time on my hands... so I'll adress some other problems, too. Since I live with my parents, I only have access to small amounts of Depends (aside from the fact they Always leak...) and I usually only have 2 - 3 hours alone time. I also won't obtain my liscence until Februrary. I have very limited amounts of space to hide them in. Also my parents know that I used to be obsessed with diapers (around age 5 - 7, possibly at 12, too.) Cont. below.

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