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    • That's their "About."   They've put out 4 videos in the past,months. And they are using real diapers, not pullups, most vanilla types would be using Depend pullups bought at Walmart.
    • Chapter 11:  Jacob rushed through the hallway of the campus building, barely paying attention to his surroundings. The lecture had been impossible to focus on—his mind kept wandering back to the sensation in his stomach, the one Mrs. Williams had promised would "take effect soon." He had tried to ignore it for as long as he could, hoping it would pass, but now, it was becoming impossible to ignore. His body felt tense, the pressure building inside him as he hurried toward the exit, praying he could make it home in time. The thought of having to face Mrs. Williams after an accident was too mortifying to even consider, but the longer he walked, the more urgent the situation became.  The suppository was working its way through his system, and with each step, the need to relieve himself grew stronger. His diaper crinkled loudly with every movement, and although he had become somewhat used to the sound, it now seemed to echo in his ears as he speed-walked toward the bus stop. His face burned with embarrassment as he realized that his chances of making it back home in time were slim.  By the time Jacob reached the front door of Mrs. Williams’ house, his heart was racing. He felt a cold sweat form on his brow as he knocked, barely able to hold it in any longer. Mrs. Williams opened the door, smiling warmly at him—completely unaware of the chaos unfolding in his body.  "Welcome home, Jacob," she said kindly. "How was—" Jacob froze on the spot. The pressure, which had been building all afternoon, suddenly became too much to bear. His body betrayed him in that moment, and before he could say a word, he felt it happen. Right there, in front of Mrs. Williams, he lost control and filled the back of his diaper.  His stomach cramped painfully, and with a sudden, overwhelming sensation, he felt himself let go inside his diaper. The warm, sticky mess spread through the padding as he stood there in shocked silence, knees slightly bent. His face turned bright red as he realized Mrs. Williams had just witnessed the entire humiliating event. For a moment, there was nothing but stunned silence. Jacob couldn’t look at her. He felt frozen in place, his eyes glued to the floor as the reality of what had just happened sank in.  Mrs. Williams, on the other hand, remained calm. Her expression shifted from surprise to something more resigned—almost like she had expected this all along. She stepped aside to let him into the house, her voice soft but stern. "Oh, Jacob," she said, shaking her head slightly. "That suppository I put in your bottom wasn't even that strong." Jacob couldn’t bring himself to respond. He just shrugged his shoulders numbly, too ashamed to speak. His stomach churned with a mix of embarrassment and discomfort as the mess in his diaper made itself all too noticeable.  Mrs. Williams closed the door behind him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you cleaned up." Her tone was maternal, almost soothing, but the humiliation of the situation was unbearable. As Mrs. Williams led him upstairs to the changing area, Jacob felt like a small child being led by the hand after making a terrible mess. He could hardly believe that this was his life now—wearing diapers, having accidents, and being cared for like a toddler. Once they reached his room, Mrs. Williams didn’t waste any time. She motioned for him to lie down on the changing mat, and with trembling hands, Jacob obeyed. The crinkling of his messy diaper was loud in the quiet room, each sound only making the shame cut deeper. Mrs. Williams knelt beside him, her expression calm but focused. “I know this was hard for you, Jacob, but this is exactly why you need to follow my rules. Imagine if this happened yesterday when you took off your diaper. You'd have ruined your pants instead of just filling your diaper up.” Jacob winced as she untaped the heavy, soiled diaper, trying his best not to think about the mess he had just made. Mrs. Williams worked with efficient precision, cleaning up Jacob's messy bum with warm wipes. Despite her gentle touch, the entire process felt degrading, as though Jacob’s last shred of independence had been completely stripped away. As she finished wiping him down, she looked at him with a firm expression. “Because of this, Jacob, the potty will be off-limits for a while. It’s clear you can’t manage without your diapers, so from now on, you’ll be using them for everything.” Jacob’s heart sank. The idea of losing even the chance to use the bathroom on his own was horrifying. He opened his mouth to protest, but Mrs. Williams shook her head. “No arguments, Jacob. We’ve tried letting you use the potty, and it didn’t work. You’ll be in diapers full-time now, and I’ll be the one to change you when needed. You’ll have no access to the potty until you can prove to me that you’re ready to be responsible again.” Jacob felt his face flush with a mix of frustration and shame, but he knew there was no point in fighting. Mrs. Williams was in control, and her word was final. After she finished cleaning him up, she slid a new, thick diaper underneath his bottom and secured it snugly around his waist. The familiar crinkle returned as she taped it tightly, sealing his fate for the foreseeable future. “There,” Mrs. Williams said, standing up and dusting off her hands. “All clean and ready to go. Now, let’s go downstairs and get you something to eat. You’ve had a long day, and I want you to relax for the rest of the evening.” Jacob stood up slowly, the fresh diaper feeling impossibly thick between his legs. He followed Mrs. Williams downstairs in silence, his mind racing. The rules had just become stricter, and he realized that his life under Mrs. Williams’ watch was going to be even more confined than before. There was no escape from the diapers now, and the thought of that filled him with a deep sense of helplessness. Chapter 12: Jacob walked across campus, feeling the thick diaper crinkle under his clothes with every step. Mrs. Williams had made sure it was extra snug before sending him off for the day. He couldn’t shake the feeling of embarrassment, knowing he was stuck in it for the rest of the day. Her new rules were strict—no more potty and no chance to change on his own. He was utterly dependent on her. As he approached his first lecture, Jacob’s anxiety grew. He sat down near the back of the classroom, trying to position himself in a way that minimized the crinkling sound. He could feel the bulkiness of the diaper pressing against him, a constant reminder of his situation. Just as he was settling in, a voice interrupted his thoughts. “Hey, is this seat taken?” Jacob looked up to see a cute girl with bright eyes and an easy smile standing beside him. She had long brown hair and wore a casual outfit that made her look effortlessly put together. Jacob’s heart skipped a beat as he gestured for her to sit down, feeling nervous and self-conscious. “No, go ahead,” he replied, trying to sound casual as she took the seat next to him. “Thanks,” she said, smiling warmly. “I’m Emily, by the way.” “I’m Jacob,” he replied, shifting slightly in his seat, hoping the crinkle of his diaper wasn’t noticeable. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence between them as the rest of the class filtered in. Jacob could hardly believe that this girl had just sat next to him, let alone introduced herself. His nerves were already on edge because of his diaper, but now, they were mixed with excitement. Maybe this day wouldn’t be so bad after all. “So, are you living on campus or off?” Emily asked, turning to face him. Jacob hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer. “Off campus,” he said finally. “I’m renting a room in a house nearby.” “Nice,” Emily said, nodding. “I thought about doing that, but I heard some crazy stories about the people renting out rooms around here. You know, some of them can be pretty… strange.” Jacob shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the mention of "strange" striking a chord. He had a bad feeling about where this conversation was heading. “I hope you’re not living with that one lady,” Emily continued, leaning in a little closer and lowering her voice conspiratorially. “You know, the one who rents rooms to freshman boys and...well, people say she turns them into… diaper-dependent babies.” Jacob’s heart stopped. He stared at her, trying to keep his expression neutral, but the panic was rising inside him. He felt his face flush, and for a moment, he was certain that the embarrassment was written all over his features. “Uh… what do you mean?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly. Emily chuckled. “Oh, you haven’t heard? There’s this rumor about some old woman who rents rooms to freshmen guys, and she’s super weird about rules. Apparently, she makes them wear, like, diapers and treats them like babies. It’s probably just a dumb campus story, but still—crazy, right?” Jacob swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. His mind raced, trying to figure out what to say without giving himself away. “Yeah… that sounds… weird,” he managed to mumble, his voice shaky. Emily laughed again, clearly unaware of Jacob’s discomfort. “Right? I’m sure it’s just one of those exaggerated stories people pass around to freak out freshmen, but I hope for your sake you didn’t end up in that house!” Jacob forced a laugh, but inside, he felt like he was crumbling. Of all the things she could have said, she had to bring up the exact nightmare he was living. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, the sweat starting to form on the back of his neck. His mind kept replaying her words: *diaper-dependent babies.* The thought of Emily finding out about his situation, about the diapers, Mrs. Williams, and getting his bare bottom spanked, made his stomach churn with anxiety. He tried to focus on the lecture as the professor started speaking, but it was impossible. All he could think about was the diaper beneath his clothes, his bladder filling up, and the crinkling sound that he was certain Emily would hear if he shifted in his seat too much. The rest of the class passed in a blur. Jacob barely registered what the professor was saying, his mind consumed with the fear of being discovered. When the lecture finally ended, Emily gave him a friendly smile. “Nice meeting you, Jacob,” she said. “Hopefully I’ll see you around.” Jacob nodded, forcing a smile as she walked away. As soon as she was out of sight, he let out a long breath, feeling both relieved and utterly mortified. Then, without thinking about it he flooded his diaper. His secret was safe for now, but the encounter left him shaken. As he stood up, the familiar crinkle of his diaper echoed in his ears, a stark reminder of the reality he couldn’t escape.
    • If you go to the page, it's hardly vanila.   It's definitely AB
    • The scale of this party exceeded anything Rebecca had expected! This was a full form party for with loud noises, punch, etc. Thank god for Olivia and Lauren setting up that quiet corner because if it wasn’t there Rebecca would be having a panic attack! Regardless, Rebecca seemed to be doing fine for now, though clearly a little drained.    “Mhm..” she nodded before asking the leader this, “What do we have?”
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