DragonSlayer Posted January 18 Posted January 18 Hey guys! I’m a huge fan of bbkimmy’s Keeperverse series, and thought it would be fun to do an RP based off of that! If anyone does wanna start though, I do have a disclaimer, being that it might take some time to reply depending on the day, so…just don’t expect instant replies, is what I’m getting at. But either way, I’ll give the scenario and anyone who wants can jump in! Also, feel free to give your own thoughts or opinions on where the story should go next, as I’m relatively new to RP’ing, but not so new to storytelling. I sigh, rolling over on the soft carpet beneath me until I find my patch of sun. With a slight crinkle from the thick diaper around my waist, I adjust myself, letting the warm sunlight fall perfectly on my body. It’s just the right amount of warm for a nice, long nap. It’s funny how your life can be turned around so fast. It’s been almost a week since I’ve become a Pet, and I’m still adjusting. After my whole world was shattered by the magic that was the Bond, I had become a pet and my owner a Keeper. And after that, things both went uphill, but also downhill. There were mental, physical and societal changes to deal with. Firstly, my body was changing. My digestive track changed, my bladder and bowels grew smaller and weaker, my body started pumping out hormones like I was still in the throes of puberty and my skin had become softer, smoother. I had developed a pair of cat ears and a tail, both of which had both surprised and disturbed me when one day I woke up and they were simply there. And then, of course, there were the mental changes. Normally, a Pet would become much more dependent on their owner. Their emotions were far, far more intense, they were prone to acting on animalistic impulses and things like that. And while that did happen to me, becoming a Pet had also meant that my adult life was gone. So on top of all those changes, I’d been sent into the absolutely worst depression I’d ever been in. Even now is still had to force myself to get out of bed or try and eat or even just stay awake. But part of those bodily and mental changes kept me from spiraling over the edge. The Bond itself. If I didn’t have my owner, I would have died by my own hand. Just being around them instantly made me calm. Since my sense of touch was heightened, cuddles helped immensely. So that’s what we did for the first week. I lay in their arms as they held me, kissed me and reassured me. And I cried my eyes out. In part, that depression was caused by the standard of what happens to someone when they become a pet. First of all, you lose all your possessions. Your owner gets those, including your house, all of your money, your phone, your car, everything. And I had lost all of that. Of course, there were also the diapers. The bladder and bowels of Pets are much, much smaller than a humans, so they’re prone to massive accidents. And to prevent this, all Pets wear diapers. That probably broke me more than the loss of my possessions. It was degrading, humiliating, just downright wrong. But as time passed, I began to like them. The sense of security they gave me. It was, in all honesty, a barrier of protection for me against the outside world. So it both helped and hurt me. I closed my eyes, basking in the warm sun. I hoped my owner would come back soon. They’d left for work in the morning, and they trusted me enough to let me stay out of my kennel. If I’d been locked inside that thing for the whole day, with no one around, I would have been a sobbing mess when they got back home. Take whatever win you can, I guess. I looked behind me at the kitchen of my Keepers apartment. 5:12. They got home at 5:30, usually, but that was only in heavy traffic. I curled in on myself, hugging my sides and trying to stay calm. I needed my Keeper. I needed a damn hug. I hoped they’d get back soon… I was jolted from my sleep by the jingle of a key in the lock. Hopping to my feet, barely noticing the diaper that was now soaked between my legs from my nap, I sprinted towards the door. It opened. And there was my Keeper.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 20 Posted January 20 Arthur quietly tried to fit the key into the lock, muttering to himself about how sticky it was, and how he would probably need to get a new one soon. He was happy at the prospect of getting to see his sweet pet after a long day at work... He had been absolutely hammered with big deadlines lately. With the workforce cut in half thanks to the development of the bond, Arthur had been given just about double what his work had been before! He was quite the smart man- he was top of his class in university, always made good grades, and never took a day off. He was also quite tidy, which made him a good roommate back when everything was normal. It was how he got to know his pet at first... They met in college, and then they stayed friends once they had graduated. But there had always been something that held them together more so than regular friends. Arthur wasn't a very sentimental man, nor was he a very friendly person in general, but he had always been fond of this particular person. He laughed at their jokes, raved about how good their cooking was- all manner of things that were otherwise completely out of character for him! When the great bonding happened, and the world shifted upside down, Arthur was quite depressed as well. The changes had made his once good friend seemingly hate him at first. They would lash out, scream, cry, beg... Arthur hated it. He longed for the peace and quiet that he had before he had to share his home with his pet, and he longed for his old friend. In a way, he had to mourn the loss of his pet's normal life almost as much as his pet did! As much as he wasn't one for affection, he didn't want to abandon his friend in their time of need, so he tried to be extra understanding. He held them, pet them, even put aside his germophobia to change their diapers since they couldn't bear to even look down between their legs at the thing. Arthur knew it was for the best, but he hated having to enforce all of the policies. Trying to get them to put on a diaper at first was like trying to herd cats! But once they got used to it, Arthur also did. He now no longer even insisted on wearing gloves to change them. What was worse was trying to get them to do anything other than curl up and cry. It was a deterioration that just crushed the man's soul! That was why on his way back from work, he had stopped to get his pet a treat. He himself couldn't really cook, so he spent a lot of money on tasty treats to give his pet until he learned how to cook properly. Finally, he managed to pry the door open, and he looked inside with a small smile, brushing back his blonde hair and blinking his green eyes as he tried to catch sight of his pet. Once he saw them, he hurried towards them and leaned down, stroking their face. "Hey there, dear. How are we holding up, hm?" He asked gently. "I'm sorry I took so long." He murmured and shook his head. "But I think you'll forgive me once you see this." He explained, reaching into the bag he was holding and pulling out a little pink box that contained a cupcake. "I thought you might like this. You were very good, waiting patiently all day."
DragonSlayer Posted January 25 Author Posted January 25 Okay, my apologies to everyone who hasn’t gotten a reply yet! I have not gotten any notifications, so I assumed people just weren’t interested in this RP. Firstly, Grumvakk, yes you can join in. If you already know about Keeperverse, you can go ahead and use whatever character you see fit for this story! And secondly, typicalrussianparent, if you’d like, you could be the Keeper for this story! Okay, on with the delayed RP’ing! I manage a small smile, hugging Arthur’s leg. “Thanks…” I say, my voice just audible. “B-But…can I actually eat this? I know Pets aren’t supposed to eat human food, it destroys their digestive systems…” I sit back on my legs, looking down a bit. “And…that looks like a really expensive one, too…I…I don’t wanna force you to get me stuff…” On 1/21/2025 at 2:21 PM, BabyJames23 said: What is Kepperverse? I am curious. To answer your question, Keeperverse is an AU made originally by an author named bbkimmy. In this AU, humanity exists as normal, except at a certain point in your life, you’ll probably meet your soulmate. Once you two meet, one person will become the Pet and one the Keeper. The Keeper develops maternal instincts that are quite strong and is responsible for taking care of their new Pet. The Pet on the other hand begins turning into part anima, growing things like a cat tail or ears, as well as their internal organs rearranging and changing. Pets can’t eat human food and need special pet food, and they lose control of their bowels and bladder as well, giving them a need for diapers 24/7. But I’d say the main thing about Keepervese is the bond, which is almost like a magical love spell between a Keeper and a Pet. All you have to do is lock eyes with the right person who will become your soulmate and you’re both suddenly madly in love with each other, just in a parental/little sense rather than a romantic one. Hope that clarifies things for you, but if you wanna get a better explanation, I could highly recommend reading the original work!
typicalrussianparent Posted January 25 Posted January 25 Arthur gave him a gentle smile. "It's alright. I made sure all of the ingredients were safe for you." He whispered. "And besides, you've had a rough day. Remember back when we were in school and you would make me cupcakes sometimes, hm?" He stroked his face with the back of his hand. "Come on, we can sit on the sofa and you can eat your treat and I'll comb your hair." He then looked down, and titled his head. "Oh... Did you need a change?"
DragonSlayer Posted January 25 Author Posted January 25 I blush heavily, but nod. “…I’m sorry…yeah…” I crawl beside Arthur back to the living room, laying down on my back in the center of the carpet. I watch as Arthur sets down his bag and the cupcake box before walking further into the house, probably to grab some changing supplies.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 25 Posted January 25 He grabbed one of the fresh diapers, along with the wipes and the baby powder, and returned to him with a small smile on his face. He was worn, but he didn't let the poor thing see it. It wasn't anything for his pet to worry about. He kneeled down in front of him, and gave his head a gentle pat before starting to take off the thing. "You know you did a very good job." He whispered. "You didn't even make a mess. No blowouts." He wiped him clean, and Powdered him up, before putting the fresh diaper on him, and helping him sit up. "Did you have a good day, buddy?"
DragonSlayer Posted January 25 Author Posted January 25 I’m a blushing mess as Arthur helps change me. The smell makes me gag, but I manage to get past easy enough. Sitting up, I hug Arthur. “Not really…I couldn’t stop thinking…just…bad thoughts,” I reply, burying my head in his chest. “And I really missed you…I missed being able to hug you…” Since my transformation, all of my senses have been heightened. And just feeling another body against mine is enough to make my mind go almost blank with just how good it feels. I follow Arthur to the couch. He sits down, reaching over to the side table beside him to grab a brush. I sit down on his lap, hugging him again. Arthur chuckles, and I blush again.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 26 Posted January 26 "Oh dear..." He whispered, stroking his hair and leaning down to place a kiss on the top of his head. "I know it's rough." He lifted his chin slowly so he could get a look at him. "But I promise, we will get through it. I've got to work, so that we can afford everything here. But once we figure out how to compensate for having less workers, I'll have less work to do, and I'll work a normal amount." He reassured him. "You're such a brave boy to help me with all of this." He whispered with a soft smile. "Here, your hair has some tangles. Let me." He lifted the brush, and began gently brushing his messy hair. "I'll have to prepare your dinner soon. Is there anything in particular you'd like?"
DragonSlayer Posted January 26 Author Posted January 26 “No, really, you don’t have to go out of your way for me…I’m not usually super hungry anyways, so I’ll just stick with the cupcake…” I can already feel the tension melting out of my body as Arthur brushes my hair. Leaning back against his body, I feel my mind beginning to slow. And as the sensations continue, I end up fuzzing out. It’s common for Pets to fuzz out, basically go unconscious, but still awake, under situations of great comfort or discomfort as well as intense emotions. Slowly, I fall deep, deep down into the mindless, warmth. When I regain my consciousness, I’m laying on my side on the couch, my head in Arthur’s lap. He’s playing with my hair using one hand, the other holding a book that he’s reading. I look over to the clock. Only about 5 minutes have passed. Since the sensations weren’t so strong, I didn’t fuzz out for long.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 26 Posted January 26 Arthur had struggled at first with these random bouts of fuzzing out. At first he had even taken him to a doctor, worrying it was some sort of seizure! When he found out it was a perfectly normal part of a pet's life, he relaxed, and any time he noticed that blank look, he just settled down and let him dissociate for a while. When he felt his sweet pet starting to stir again, he looked down, smiling. "Ah. You're back." He teased. "You know you can't just have a cupcake for dinner, you need something with real nutrients. I could perhaps give you some of that kibble we have, though I know you don't fancy it that much."
DragonSlayer Posted January 26 Author Posted January 26 I stretch slowly, trying not to bump into Arthur. “Thanks…sorry, I just…it felt too good, just having my hair brushed like that…” I sit up and to the side, leaning on Arthur’s shoulder. “As long as you don’t mind, then maybe I’ll have something…I just don’t wanna get in your way…”
typicalrussianparent Posted January 28 Posted January 28 "You, get in my way? Oh, how could you possibly do that? You're my dear darling pet. You could never be in my way. Just as you're bound to me, I'm bound to you." He leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on the nose. "Now come on, let's go get you something to eat. You must be starving after a long day all alone!"
DragonSlayer Posted January 29 Author Posted January 29 My weight has dropped significantly since the start of my transformation, as well as my bone density. So I let Arthur pick me up, closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder as he carries me to the kitchen. Setting me down gently, I watch as Arthur looks through cabinets for my bag of Pet food. I sit down on the floor in front of my bowl.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 29 Posted January 29 Arthur filled his bowl with the kibble, and poured in some specially mixed formula, until it looked like a bowl of cereal! He smiled and scooped up a spoonful, holding it out to him and waiting patiently. "Go on love, I can't have you withering away from hunger now, can I?"
DragonSlayer Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 I lean forward, taking a tentative bite. Since it’s Pet food, it’s not exactly tasty, but I still eat it nonetheless. “Mmf…fankoo,” I manage to say around the mouthful of food. I swallow and eat some more, letting Arthur feed me, but eventually forgoing the spoon and just chomping out of the bowl with my hands. I watch as Arthur makes himself some food as well, sitting down at the table to eat alongside me.
Grumvakk Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Samuel walked around the neighborhood trying to make some ground. A few weeks ago he had escaped the confines of his Keeper and was trying to put as much distance between himself and them as possible. He barely ate or slept, it was too risky since he didn’t know how much of a headstart he had left. Tonight he stumbled down the street looking around and ducking over a fence as he saw a car approaching him.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Arthur was just about to throw his dinner in the microwave, content for his pet to eat as much as he could. As he closed the door... He heard a scream outside, and he quickly ran to check out of the window. He then saw a raggedy looking pet with bunny ears and a tail jump out of the way of a huge car. He turned to his own pet and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll be right back, love. There's something I've got to check on." He whispered, before hurrying outside to go help the poor creature. He kneeled down by the dishevelled boy, and offered him a hand. "Are you alright there? Where's your keeper, love?"
Grumvakk Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Samuel looked up from the mud he landed in and wiped it from his face looking up. He looked at the Keeper infront of him before scooting away from him and trembled. He tried to get up but slipped in the mud.
typicalrussianparent Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Arthur shook his head and helped the poor thing up to his feet. "Come on, let's get you inside. You won't last long out here on your own. You can tell me what happened with your keeper once we get you cleaned up." He reassured him, leading him up to his door and helping him inside. He looked up at his own pet and gave him a sheepish smile. "We have company." He said and shrugged a bit, leading Samuel into the bathroom and starting up a bath for him. As he waited, he quickly checked on his own pet, not wanting to make him feel jealous or frightened.
DragonSlayer Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 I quickly crawl over to the hallway leading to the bathroom. I didn’t really see much when Arthur first came in, but I manage to get a good view of whoever this newcomer after Arthur comes back to the living room, catching a glimpse of them through the bathroom door. I’m on edge instantly, and I scoot away slightly, my fur standing on end and my ears flat against my head in fear and anticipation. “Who’s that? Where did they come from, why are they here? Where’s their Keeper? Why is there another Pet in the house all of a sudden!?”
typicalrussianparent Posted February 4 Posted February 4 Arthur turned back to him with a soft frown. He approached him and squeezed him close. "Relax... It's alright, dear. I found him on the road, and he's in bad shape. I'm going to help him find his keeper." Arthur replied, hoping that such an answer would give his pet enough sympathy to have mercy on the poor thing. "My goodness, this poor dear doesn't even have a diaper on, and his legs are covered in... well..." He trailed off and shook his head. "I'm only going to help him. It's what good people do. Don't you think so?"
Grumvakk Posted February 4 Posted February 4 Samuel stayed quiet looking around the house and looked at the other pet before moving with Arthur. He had to get out of here, he knew his keeper would eventually catch up soon, he had to keep on the move and this would slow him down.
typicalrussianparent Posted February 5 Posted February 5 Arthur finally got the tub in the bathroom full, and he scooped up the guest, helping him into the water and giving him a gentle smile. "There there... it's alright... You must be terrified, you poor thing..." He whispered and stroked his long bunny ears. "We'll get you cleaned up, and I'll get you a nice clean diaper. Why are you outside all on your own, hm?"
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