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This story is a sequel of my former story Happy Family and Double R project. Allusions and references to those stories are included.

Happy Family

Double R project

Part 1:

“Mommy, are you serious? Your idea is crazy!” Ashley Compton shook her head vigorously.

“Why, Ashley? I’m your mother and will do everything to make you happy,” Victoria Davis smiled at her daughter.

Victoria ‘s idea really looked crazy. Ashley was barren and she desperately desired for children. However, she wouldn’t like to adopt them. Victoria offered her help, but that help was slightly unorthodox.

Several mothers helped their barren daughters by carrying their children in their own womb, but Ashley was barren and didn’t have ova that could be fertilized and implanted into Victoria’s womb.

Victoria’s plan was quite different. She wanted to take part in an experiment. As the Happy Family affair was over and the regression machine was confiscated by the county, experiments were running at the city university. Later, the machine was abused by the army and secret services in the scandalous Double R project. Now, the machine was still working, and a new phase of the experiments was started. Volunteers were wanted to undergo the regression.

Victoria intended to apply for an experiment and get regressed and become Ashley’s child. It looked crazy indeed.

“Mommy, you will become my daughter. I can’t imagine it,” Ashley still didn’t believe what she heard.

“Do you know a better person than your loving mommy? I’m divorced and live alone mostly. Now I could live with you without being the troublesome mother-in-law.”

“Are you not afraid of this change? You will become a toddler and probably stay a toddler forever. According to my knowledge, nobody was able to grow up except for the double-R-project victims.”

“We can ask about it. Maybe there is an advance in the research.”

“Okay, but I wouldn’t like to agree to your idea all alone. I think we should ask my brother at least; after all you are his mother, too.”

“Right, Ashley, we can ask him first. Now tell me how you imagine my regressed form? How old should I be?”

“I don’t know, mommy. Maybe two or three? I’d like to have a small child rather than start with a teenage girl. I don’t mind if you stay an eternal toddler. It is my secret dream, mom. A cute toddler is everything I long for.”

“Okay, I’m also surprised by my own idea, but it is somehow attractive; it will be my second childhood. Let’s call Harry and arrange a family meeting to discuss my idea.”

The next weekend, the family meeting took place. Victoria presented her idea to Harry, his wife Eileen and their three children – Charlie, Annie and Susie.

Charlie, the oldest child, was 12. He was a clever boy and good student. His sister Annie was 8 and the youngest girl Susan was 3.

Harry was amused by the idea and didn’t mind it at all. “I will have a niece instead of mom,” he grinned, and Eileen nodded. She was a good mother and loved her children deeply.

Harry’s children reacted differently. “Daddy, we will lose our grandma,” Charlie was shocked by the idea.

“We won’t lose her, Charlie,” Susan shook her little head, “she will be as little as I am,” Susie also was clever and intelligent, but she still was a little girl and accepted the change easily.

“Susie, you will have a playmate,” Annie added.

“Okay. Would you like to have a cousin then?” Victoria asked them that important question.

“Yeah, Granny,” they answered almost unisono; Charlie hesitated for a short moment.

“Well, get ready then. I will return as your new cousin soon,” she smiled at them.


“Your idea sounds crazy, madam,” the lab assistant shook his head when Victoria explained her application and its reason, “but I have to agree with you. You are the first volunteer that wants to change her family relation, and your motivation is quite strong. Can you tell me your requirements? I can’t guarantee they will be fulfilled, but we will do our best.”

“I’d like to become a true toddler 2 or 3 years old and start a new life as a daughter of my Ashley,” Victoria smiled at her daughter.

“Does it mean you will lose your memories?”

Victoria hesitated for awhile, but the idea sounded attractive. She would forget every bad experience and start a brand-new life.

“Mommy, don’t worry. I will tell you everything necessary and leave out your unpleasant memories,” Ashley encouraged her mom, “you will start a true new life.”

A week later, all preparations were done. Ashley equipped a nursery for her future daughter and purchased everything necessary to take car of a toddler and a few pieces of clothing; she didn’t know exactly the required size.

Victoria and Ashley arrived at the university lab in the morning. The regression machine was set up already according to Victoria’s requirements:

-          Age about 3

-          Loss of memory

-          Limited motoric skills

-          Possible grow up

Victoria undressed herself, lay down on the bed and the assistant connected the wires to her body and started the regression program. She suddenly felt dizzy and the world around her grew larger. Her mind was changing as well. All her memories disappeared, and she felt incredibly happy at that moment even if she didn’t know why. A wide smile appeared on her lips. Victoria Davis was a past now; Victoria Compton was born … or reborn?

“All done,” the assistant switched off the machine and disconnected all the wires from the little body, “dress your daughter and carry her to the examination room please. We need to check her health condition.”

“Victoria, sweetheart, mommy will dress you now,” Ashley smiled at her new daughter. She realized Victoria had lost her memories, and she had to teach her the name and all family members first.

Victoria smiled back and listened. Her mind was clean and empty. As Ashley grabbed a diaper, she instinctively lifted her behind. Her toddler mind accepted diapers and the memories of an old woman had disappeared. Now she was a little girl that knew her mommy and her name.

Ashley put the diaper beneath Victoria and realized that was the first of endless diaper changes. Nevertheless, she didn’t mind it at all. Diapers belonged to the cute toddler image she longed for. She dressed Victoria in a cute dress and pair of tights and pink shoes.

“Come, sweetheart, can you walk?” she asked Victoria; the little girl sat up and crawled down from the bed. Her legs seemed to be a bit weak, but she was able to walk. The assistant led them to the exam room where the doctor did a quick check.

” Mrs. Compton, congratulations to your daughter. She is a healthy 3-year-old toddler. You can take her home. Stop at our office to obtain the birth certificate. Also, I expect you with her to have another health check in two months. If you notice any issue, contact me immediately. We need feedback of our experiments.”

Ashley was amused by the word ‘birth certificate’, but there was no matching document available to make Victoria her legal child. She put the little girl into a stroller and drove her to the office. As soon as she got the birth certificate, she left the university and put Victoria into a car seat and drove off.

Victoria was a bit tired. The regression had been a challenge for her and her little body was exhausted. She yawned when Ashley put her into the stroller, and her eyes closed minutes later. While Ashley was carrying her to the car, she was asleep already.

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10 hours ago, Kaiko-chan said:

Since this is a sequel, you should link your previous story for people who haven't read it. 

Thanks for the comment. Done.


Part 2:

Victoria opened her eyes when the car stopped. She needed some time to realize her condition. Her mind conflicted with her body and memories. When she was regressed, her requirements were fulfilled. Her body matched the 3 years old toddler, her memories were erased, and her motoric abilities were limited. On the other hand, her mind abilities were preserved. She was an adult woman in toddler body without her memories.

Her adult mind started working and evaluating her condition. She looked at her body and found out she was a little girl. What happened? Why was she a little girl? Who was she? Her name was Victoria, and her mother was sitting in the driver’s seat. That was all she knew at that moment.

Despite her confusion and her adult mind, she felt strong non-adult emotions. She was incredibly happy and smiled at Ashley as she looked back at her.

Her next finding was the car seat. She was strapped down. Was it necessary? Her adult mind realized that little toddlers needed car seats though. However, the car stopped already, and she could get off. Victoria tried to open the clasp, but her fingers were too weak.

“Sweetheart, mommy helps you,” Ashley got off and walked over to the back door; she unclasped the belt and lifted Victoria from the car seat. The little girl hugged her instinctively. Victoria was happy to be with her mom even if her adult mind was a little taken aback.

“Oh, you are heavy, mommy can’t carry you around,” Ashley smiled and put Victoria on the floor and took her at hand, “mommy will show you your home and room,” she led Victoria inside and headed towards the nursery.

The nursery was another big surprise. It was well equipped and painted in pastel colors. A crib was standing at the side wall and a changing table was placed next to it. The opposite wall was lined by a cabinet and small table with a small chair. Several toys were sitting on the shelves and in the crib.

Victoria stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the nursery wide-eyed. Her adult mind had to cope with the image in front of her.

The nursery exactly matched a room for a toddler, and Victoria’s body was a toddler one. She might need the crib, small table and small chair. As for the toys, Victoria smiled; they were cute. Basically, the entire room looked cute.

However, the changing table caught her eye. Would it be necessary? In her former life, Victoria was toilet trained though, and she remembered it. Her body was too little to use a normal toilet, but there should be a potty available. Suddenly, she remembered the diaper and reached down to her crotch. The diaper was bulky and heavy. What happened? Did she pee in her diaper while sleeping in the car seat?

“Sweetheart; let’s change your diapee,” Ashley smiled at the little girl, “up on the changing table. Mommy will help you.”

Victoria hesitantly walked over to the changing table and crawled onto it and waited. Ashley pulled down her tights and revealed a soaked garment.

“Well, you need a clean diapee now,” she untaped the soggy diaper, cleaned Victoria’s crotch and put a clean diaper on her. Victoria almost opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it. She wanted to prove her ability to use the toilet and ask for a potty just like a toddler would. She jumped down from the changing table.

“Let’s go to the kitchen. You might be thirsty,” Ashley stepped forward and Victoria followed her.

“Would you like to have a bottle, or can you drink from a cup?” Ashley asked her new daughter, and Victoria was taken aback by the question. Would a toddler still use baby bottles? She remembered several little children and realized they frequently drank from bottles. It also was cute, and Victoria’s mind accepted the toddler behavior more and more.

“Bottle, mommy,” she smiled at Ashley widely and Ashley smiled back. Her dreams were coming true and her heart jumped. She would have a cute toddler.

“Here you are, princess,” she filled a baby bottle with juice and passed it to Victoria. The little girl took it and sat down on a chair and started sucking on the nipple. She even closed her eyes and enjoyed the happy feeling.

While she was drinking, her bladder got full and sent a signal to her brain. A fully adult mind would have reacted and clenched the muscles. However, Victoria motoric functions were limited, and her bladder muscles were weak and untrained. The urge signal continued to the bladder muscles and made them relax. Victoria felt the urge to pee, but the muscles relaxed instantly, and a long stream of pee soaked her diaper. An attempt to clench the muscles failed.

Victoria was shocked at first. Her adult mind didn’t expect that kind of failure, but her body betrayed her. She stopped drinking and looked down at her crotch.

“What happened, sweetheart?” Ashley asked her even if she guessed the answer. She was curious about Victoria’s reaction. Would the little girl cope with her toddler’s state?

“I’ve peed in my diaper, mommy,” Victoria managed to adapt to her role. Many toddlers were diapered at the age of three. However, she was surprised by the inability to clench the muscles. She realized she would need diapers until her muscles get trained and her mind will be able to control them appropriately.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Little girls go in their diapers and their mommies take care of them,” Ashley smiled and stroked Victoria’s hair and reached down to her crotch, “your diapee is okay, we don’t need to change it now.”

 Victoria sighed quietly; she realized she would stay in the peed-in diaper for a longer time. However, the diaper didn’t feel wet at all. It was a bit warm and heavy only. She finished the bottle and passed it to Ashley, “Thanks, mom.”

“You are welcome, princess. Mommy will show you the apartment and pictures of our family. You will meet them later,” she led Victoria through the living room, workroom, bedroom and bathroom until she returned to the living room and took a photo from the shelf.

“Look, Victoria. This is your daddy, your uncle, aunt and cousins,” she showed a family photo to the little girl. However, Victoria was in the picture, too.

“Who is this?” Victoria looked at herself before the change, “is it my grandma?”

“Exactly, but she has passed away,” Ashley felt a big relief when she found out that Victoria’s memories had been erased thoroughly.

“Oh, I don’t have any grandma then,” Victoria was about to cry, but she controlled herself, a toddler wouldn’t take it seriously.

“Of course you have; Dad’s mommy is alive, but she lives far away and comes to us rarely.”

“I’d like to meet her,” Victoria’s reaction was definitely adult, but she didn’t realize it.

“I think she will arrive on Christmas day,” Ashley replied, “mommy has to cook lunch now. Could you go too your room and play?”

“Okay, mom,” Victoria’s reaction was adult again; she nodded and left for the nursery. Meanwhile she forgot about the wet diaper between her legs. In the nursery, she browsed everything, but the toys were not interesting. She grabbed a fairy tale book from the shelf and started reading. To her surprise, she liked it.



Part 3:

While Victoria was reading the fairy tale, her tiny bladder filled up again. Even if it was not full, it sent the urge signal, and the muscles reacted instantly. She felt her diaper getting warm and heavier, but still not wet. On the other hand, she was surprised by the often wettings. She had peed hardly an hour ago.

“Victoria, lunch time,” Ashley announced seconds later, “come, sweetheart.”

When Victoria entered the kitchen, the smell hit her nostrils, and she realized she was hungry. She walked over to the table and crawled onto a chair with a booster seat. Her bowl with soup and a small spoon were sitting in front of her.

“Would you like to eat on your own or should mommy feed you?” Ashley asked her and tied a bib around her neck.

“I’m a big girl and can eat on my own,” this time Victoria’s mind found the correct words and she reacted like a toddler. Victoria was a bit amused by it; she grabbed the spoon and started eating. She was able to eat without making a mess, and the bib stayed clean.

The next course was chicken with rice. The chicken was cut into small pieces, and Victoria again was able to eat on her own, using the same spoon. These motoric skills were preserved.

“Thanks, mommy,” Victoria crawled down from the chair when she drank the juice from baby bottle and headed back towards her nursery to read the next fairy tale.

The food made her guts move, and her bowels growled a bit. The bowel movement sent an urge signal to her mind and started another reflex. Her sphincters relaxed, and she instinctively bent her knees and pushed. The back of her diaper expanded when it was filled by mushy poop and the smell spread from her seconds later.

Victoria was shocked. A messy diaper was quite different. Unlike her urine, the poop smeared on her bottom. She also was taken aback by the spontaneous pushing. As soon as she felt the urge, she pushed without any control. The shock was too big, and tears appeared in her eyes.

“Don’t cry, sweetheart. Mommy will clean you and change this smelly diapee,” Ashley immediately noticed what happened and understood Victoria’s reaction. The adult mind had to cope with toddler body, and that was quite a difficult task. She took Victoria in her arms.

Victoria instinctively cuddled to Ashley and put her small head on her shoulder. For an unknown reason she calmed down and got a pleasant feeling. Ashley carried her to the changing table, pulled down her tights, untaped the messy diaper and started cleaning her crotch.

After the diaper change, Ashley put Victoria on the floor and stroked her hair, “well, we should go shopping now. Would you like to walk, or should mommy drive you in the stroller?”

“Stroller, please. What will we shop?”

“Groceries mostly. Mommy can buy some yoghurt and fruits for you, too.”

Ashley lifted Victoria and sat her into the stroller, took a baby bottle with juice and two spare diapers and put them into the stroller bag, grabbed a shopping bag and headed towards the exit, pushing the stroller.

Victoria relaxed in the stroller and almost closed her eyes. It was a new feeling, and it was somehow pleasant. They left the house and encountered a neighbor. Helen was a nice old lady, and she knew about Victoria’s change. Ashley also asked her not to mention Victoria’s past and notified her of the memory erase.

"Welcome, Victoria; I’m Helen and I’m your neighbor,” Helen smiled at the little girl. Victoria smiled back. She didn’t remember Helen.

“Nice to meet you, Auntie Helen,” she answered, the answer was definitely adult. Helen smiled again; she wasn’t surprised by the reaction and realized Victoria’s mind was adult.

“Oh, you are a smart and polite little girl, Victoria,” she grinned and left. Ashley stepped forward and proceeded towards the grocery shop.

Victoria was amused by Helen’s reaction; she got the message that Helen recognized her adult mind state. Her mood improved when she imagined the upcoming encounters and talks with adults. On the other hand, she realized she would talk with children, too. It could be harder.

However, her mood dropped minutes later when she felt an urge to pee, and the diaper got warm and bulkier. The strap between her legs pressed the wet diaper against her crotch, and it was a bit unpleasant. She almost asked Ashley to free her, but she realized her role. She was a toddler and should be strapped in the stroller.

The shop was another new experience when Victoria was sitting in the stroller and could watch her mom and ask her for fruits and chocolates.

“Yeah, sweetheart. Mommy will buy it for you,” Ashley nodded, “but you can’t eat it up all at once; your tummy would hurt.”

When they left the shop, Victoria peed in her diaper again. It was quite annoying for her. She realized she would spend most of her time in a wet diaper. Another idea hit her; the diaper changes would be a big workload for her mom. If she got toilet trained, she would feel better.

“Let’s check your diapee,” Ashley smiled at Victoria when they returned home and she unstrapped the little girl from the stroller, “you are almost soaked. Mommy will change you.”

“Mommy, don’t you mind the diaper changes? It is unpleasant for you though. If I got toilet trained, it would be better for both of us.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Mommy loves you even if your diaper smells and she doesn’t mind it at all. I’m not sure when you will get potty trained. Get used to the diapers.”

Victoria was taken aback. Her adult mind didn’t understand the attitude. Most mothers wanted their children potty trained to get rid of the diapers. Why was Ashley different? There was some mystery behind it, and Victoria decided to find it out.

She suddenly heard the door opening, and a man peeked into the nursery.

“Sweetheart, this is your daddy,” Ashley explained to Victoria.

“Welcome, my little girl,” Jason walked over to Victoria and took her in his arms.

“Hi, daddy,” Victoria reacted and cuddled to him just like she did it earlier to Ashley. She somehow felt it was natural. However, an idea hit her mind. Was she here for the first time? Where was she until now? It was another mystery.

For now, she was playing all the spectacle about being a smart toddler. After all, the life didn’t seem to be bad except for the damn diapers.

“Love, I’m hungry,” Jason announced.

“Wait a little and play with our little Victoria until I make dinner,” Ashley left for the kitchen and Victoria was alone with Jason.

“Daddy will change into his home wear and play with you, sweetheart,” Jason smiled and put Victoria on the floor.

“Okay, daddy,” she smiled back and headed towards her nursery to grab the book. She started reading when Jason patted her shoulder.

“Hey, sweetheart; you are a very smart girl. I couldn’t read at your age,” he grinned when he realized what was going on.

“Yeah, daddy. I am a smart girl and I’m proud about it,” she grinned back,

“However, you are our little girl and …” he stopped before he told her the truth.

Victoria shrugged. She guessed that Jason knew more, but she didn’t want to start asking too early.

“I am your little girl,” she answered when she realized she was peeing in her diaper, “that peed in her diaper just now,” she suddenly laughed about her last words.

“It happens to little girls though,” he laughed back, “daddy can change you if you want to.”

Victoria shook her head; the diaper didn’t feel wet, and it wasn’t too heavy. An actual toddler wouldn’t mind it. She also hesitated if a man should change her. However, she realized she was a toddler that could be changed by everyone adult or even an older sibling.

“Not necessary, daddy. Mommy changed me shortly ago.”

They talked for awhile until Ashley called them to dinner. Victoria didn’t control herself and talked like an adult.


Part 4:

“Mommy, can I ask you an important question?” Victoria turned to Ashley; she was lying on the changing table and getting a diaper change.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” Ashley answered, but she got quite worried about the question. Did Victoria find out something she was not supposed to?

A few minutes ago, Victoria awoke in her crib, and Ashley kissed her forehead, “Good morning, princess. How did you sleep?”

“Thanks, mommy. I slept well,” Victoria smiled. Her diaper was soaked, and Ashley carried her to the changing table.

“Mommy, something is wrong with me. I am an adult person, but my body is that of a little girl. How is it possible? Can an adult mind be implemented into a toddler body or can be an adult body changed into toddler one? Don’t tell me I was created in a laboratory.”

“No, sweetheart,” Ashley smiled at Victoria, “as far as I know no living creatures can be created in a laboratory. However, adult bodies can be changed.”

“Does it mean I was an adult and my body was changed?”

“Yes, it happened, Victoria. However, don’t ask me who you were. It is a big secret. Now you are my little girl, and I’d like you stayed like that.”

“Okay, mommy, but why did you do it?”

“Sweetheart, I desperately wanted children, but I’m barren. Instead of adopting a child, I used the service of a research center. If you want to, I can provide you with that information; but promise me to stay my little girl. It is very important for me.”

Victoria was taken aback. She felt like she was in a fairy tale. She was an adult in toddler body, and her mom wanted her to stay like that. That also meant Ashley was not her biological mother; anyway, Victoria realized she shouldn’t say it. That would hurt Ashley.

Being a little girl with an adult mind was an interesting idea. It even looked fun if not for the diapers.

Ashley finished the diaper change and helped Victoria get dressed. They walked toward the kitchen for breakfast.

“Mommy,” Victoria turned to Ashley before she started eating,” do I understand right? You would like to have a little girl that stays like that.”

“Yeah, sweetheart, this is my dream.”

“Do you want to change her diapers, dress and undress her and feed her?”

“Right,” Ashley blushed. Victoria’s adult mind revealed her secret dreams. After all, she had been a mother before, and Ashley remembered her early childhood.

“Does it mean I’d never grow up?” Victoria realized the unpleasant consequences, “what will happen when you get old and can’t take care of me anymore?”

A cold chill ran down Ashley’s spine when she realized what she had done. However, an idea hit her instantly.

“What if one of your cousins takes care of you? They will grow up though.”

“Well, that sounds good, mom. When will we meet them? I’ve seen the picture, but we could pay them a visit or invite them.”

“I will arrange it, but let’s eat now. Should mommy feed you or will you eat on your own?”

“If it makes you happy, feed me, mom,” Victoria smiled at Ashley and opened her mouth obediently and kept smiling until the last bite. As Ashley gave her the baby bottle, Victoria sucked in the nipple and closed her eyes. She somehow found it pleasant.

The warm diaper changed her mood instantly. She sighed heavily for a short moment. When she crawled down from the chair and took about three steps, she felt her bowels growling and realized what would follow. This time, no tears appeared in her eyes, but she turned to Ashley.

“No problem, sweetheart. Mommy will change you in a jiffy. Hurry up to your room,” Ashley followed Victoria and helped her onto the changing table. She cleaned her crotch and put a clean diaper on her. Victoria calmed down.

“Mommy, can you show me the research please? I’d like to find out what happened to me. I promise I won’t ask you about my identity. I will be your little girl even if I’d like to get rid of the diapers.”

Suddenly, Victoria noticed the sad look on Ashley’s face and remembered her earlier words, “Mommy, do you like my diapers?”

“Sorry, sweetheart,” Ashley blushed deep red.

“Okay then. I’ll try to get used to them,” Victoria sighed. It was not too pleasant, but she still wanted to play her little girl role.

Ashley led Victoria to the computer and showed her the sites related to the Happy Family affair and the regression machine. Victoria sat down on a booster seat and browsed the sites thoroughly.

She stared wide-eyed at the regression machine idea and the way it had been abused. She also found articles on Happy Children daycare and the Double R project affair. While reading, she peed in her diaper, but she was too distracted by reading to even notice it.

Reading about the last research, she realized that somebody had been willing to undergo the regression and become the little girl that was just reading the article. What was the reason? Who would want to change into a toddler and stay the toddler forever? That person wanted her mommy to be happy; it looked like an act of pure love.

Maybe the person also hoped for a better life. Victoria realized that a toddler’s life was not bad, after all, even if her adult mind needed some adult activity.

“Mommy, I have read everything,” Victoria entered the kitchen; Ashley was cooking lunch, “I think that somebody very close to you underwent the regression out of love. It is okay, mom. I will be your beloved daughter. I don’t want to know who I was before the regression, and it doesn’t matter at all. However, I’d like to arrange my life. My mind is adult, and I’d like to have some adult activities, at least in private. Otherwise, I will be your little girl and enjoy your care.”

“Of course, sweetheart. Our library and computer is available for you.”

“Thanks. I’d like to contact the Happy Children daycare and possibly spend some time there.”

“Why not. You will find soulmates there. Their fates are similar except for the way and reason  they were regressed for. However, they live a happy life in the daycare.”

Victoria felt her diaper getting warm and dropping between her legs. It was still a bit disturbing, but she tried to play her role.

“Mommy, your little girl peed in her diaper and needs to be changed,” she looked at Ashley and smiled. Despite the unpleasant feeling, she wanted Ashley to be a happy mother.

“Come along, princess,” Ashley headed towards the nursery. Victoria crawled onto the changing table and spread her legs like any other happy toddler would do.

Ashley smiled widely, pulled down Victoria’s pants, untaped the soggy diaper, cleaned Victoria’s crotch and put a clean diaper on her.

“All done,” she rearranged Victoria’s pants and returned to the kitchen. Victoria jumped down and followed her. All of sudden, she felt better and did her best to get used to her diapers.


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Part 5:

Several days passed and Victoria got used to the diapers a little. She didn’t have any slight sign of control; she felt the urge and peed or pooped immediately. Wet diapers were tolerable, but she still didn’t like them.

Her life was settling slowly. She did her best to be the cute toddler at the table and on the changing table. Ashley fed her and changed her diapers, but she talked with the adult minded girl and even could leave the apartment to go shopping without any worries. Victoria sometimes wanted to go with mom, but she mostly stayed at home and was sitting at the computer. Her mind needed information to fill up the gaps in her memories. Nevertheless, she didn’t try to investigate her past just like she had promised to Ashley.

She contacted the Happy Children daycare and chatted with Ellen and Mike a lot. They were a little surprised by her fate and would like to know more. Victoria promised them a visit where they could discuss it in more detail. She also considered a longer stay at the daycare centre.

On the upcoming weekend, Ashley planned a visit to her brother and his family. Victoria was enthusiastic about it, but she wasn’t sure about her role there.

“Mommy, should I be the cute toddler at my uncle’s, or can I show my adult mind?” she asked Ashley on Friday evening.

“Sweetheart, it is difficult to give you a proper advice. Uncle Harry and Auntie Eileen will accept you independently of your behavior, but I’m not sure about the children. The little Susie would like to have a little cousin rather than an adult mind in toddler body. She is looking forward to meeting you and spending the weekend with you.”

“Okay, mom. I will do my best to be your cute little girl. It is a big challenge for me, the very first attempt to play this role,” Victoria grinned. She was really curious about her own acting abilities; she should stay the toddler for almost two days.

On Saturday after breakfast, Victoria got impatient. She suddenly couldn’t wait to get acquainted with her cousins. Ashley packed a big diaper package, baby bottle, spare clothes and stroller for Victoria and helped her into the car seat. Ashely’s husband Jack started the engine and drove off while Ashley was sitting on the back seat next to Victoria.

Harry lived in a nearby town; the journey took about two hours. Victoria was a bit bored and wanted to spend the time talking about her cousins.

“Mommy, tell me more about my cousins. I’d like to know about them before we arrive.”

“Okay, let’s start with Susie. She is a smart girl, and I think you will be able to talk with her about topics you wouldn’t expect from a toddler. She even can read. On the other hand, she still wears diapers and refuses potty training. To be honest, I think she likes the toddler life including her diapers. Her mommy has tried out everything possible, but without any sign of success.”

“Well, it sounds interesting. I’m looking forward to talking with her. Maybe I will find out more,” Victoria grinned, “what about the others?”

“Annie is a nice girl and a good pupil; she is diligent and helps her mommy a lot. She even changes Susie’s diapers. On the other hand, she is a bedwetter and needs diaper for bed. Charlie is a big boy. He is 12 already and he also loves his sisters deeply. I must say Harry and Eileen can be proud of their children.”

“Nice, mom,” Victoria smiled when she suddenly felt her bowels growling. A mass of mushy poop filled the back of her diaper; her bladder voided itself at the same time. It was a very unpleasant feeling when she was strapped down to the car seat and had to sit in the full diaper. The belts held her tightly and the poop smeared all across her behind.

“Mommy …” she looked at Ashley, but Ashley immediately got the message.

“Sorry, sweetheart. Try to endure it until we arrive at Harry’s. Changing a messy diaper here in the car is quite a challenge. In fifteen minutes, we will be there.”

“Okay, mom. I am your cute and stinky toddler,” Victoria nodded even if the fifteen minutes seemed to be the longest ones in her life.

“Welcome, sis,” Harry opened the door and walked over to Ashley.

“Thanks, Harry. Let me introduce the little Victoria,” Ashley opened the car door and helped Victoria get off, “We urgently need to go to the bathroom,” she added.

“Okay, you know the way,” Harry smiled, “I will help Jack with unloading.”

Ashley and Victoria entered the house, and Susie was the first one that ran over to them. Victoria instantly noticed the thick package between her legs; Susie had to waddle.

“Victoria!” Susie hugged her cousin tightly; Victoria smiled and hugged her back.

“Wait, Susie, Victoria needs a clean diaper,” Ashley interjected, “after that, you can play.”

“Auntie Ashley, can you change my diaper, too?” Susie made puppy eyes at Ashley.

“Of course, princess, come with us,” Ashley was not surprised by Susie’s request; she often had changed her before.

“Susie, wait a little,” Ashley lifted Victoria onto the changing table, “can you bring me a clean diaper please? Ask uncle Jack.”

“Yeah, auntie. I’m back in a jiffy,” she turned away and set off. She was able to run even with her legs held apart by the thick package.

When Ashley pulled down Victoria’s tights, untaped the diaper and cleaned her crotch thoroughly, Susie returned, holding a clean diaper in her little hand “here you are, auntie.”

“Thanks, Susie,” Ashley powdered and diapered Victoria, pulled up her tights and helped her down from the changing table.

“Your turn, Susie,” she lifted her niece in her arms and put her onto the changing table. Susie smiled widely, closed her eyes and spread her legs. Victoria was taken aback by Susie’s behavior and decided to ask her about it as soon as possible.

Ashley undressed Susie and noticed a thick package of cloth diapers. They were soaked.

“Auntie, you find clean diapers in the top drawer beneath the changing table,” Susie explained to Ashley.

“Why do you wear cloth diapers, Susie?” Ashley was surprised.

“Mommy told me they are environment-friendly,” Susan shrugged. Her words definitely didn’t match her supposed mind level.

Ashley put two folded cloth diapers on Susan’s crotch and buttoned the rubber pants. The diapers held Susan’s legs even more apart than before. Despite the apparent discomfort, Susan jumped down from the changing table and took Victoria at hand.

“Come with me, Vickie. I’ll show you my room and we can play if you want to,” she literally dragged Victoria from the bathroom and headed upstairs.

Susan’s room was a beautiful nursery with a crib, a small table with two chairs, a cabinet, another changing table and shelves. Victoria was taken aback by a lot of books on a shelf. There were a few toys in the room, but they were neatly tidied up and looked almost unused. The only exception was a teddy bear sitting on Susie’s bed. Victoria remembered Ashley’s words about Susie’s abilities. The biggest surprise was a game console.

“Would you like to talk first or should we play a game?” Susie let go of Victoria’s hand and looked at her closely.

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Part 6:

Victoria was taken aback by Susie. Her behavior didn’t match her supposed age. Playing console games was quite a challenge for a three-year-old toddler, and her question about talking also sounded mature.

“I think we can talk a little first. Susie, I’m surprised by your behavior. You look more mature than a little girl.”

“Victoria, if you think I’ve been regressed, you are wrong. I’m an actual toddler, but my mommy and my big bro have taught me a lot, and I like learning. I know that you have been regressed. I even know who you are before the regression, but I’ve promised mom and aunt Ashley not to reveal it.”

“I don’t expect you to reveal it, and to be honest, I don’t want to know it. Anyway, I feel a loving relationship.”

“Yeah, Victoria,” Susie hugged her, and Victoria returned the hug and felt the strong emotions. She also realized that talking with Susan wouldn’t need any special acting abilities.

Susie broke the hug and switched on the game console. To Victoria’s utter surprise, she apparently could read. They sat down and started playing an RPG in the cooperative mode.

After about half an hour Susie paused the game, and Victoria noticed her fidgeting.

“Wait a little, I have to pee,” Susie announced, and her fidgeting stopped seconds later. Victoria looked at her cousin wide eyed.

“Hey, Susie, you peed in your diaper on purpose. Why do you wear diapers then? I can’t control my pee and need diapers, but you do not.”

“Don’t tell my mom, Victoria,“ Susie made puppy eyes at her cousin.

“No, Susie, I won’t tell anything but tell me please. I don’t understand you,” Victoria was taken aback.

“Diapers are comfortable, and I don’t have to stop playing and ask mom for a potty whenever I have to pee or poop. When diapers are full, mommy will change me. The diaper change also is a very pleasant experience.”

“What about your mom? She has got an extra workload with the diapers.”

“No problem, Vicki. Daddy, Charlie and even Annie helps her with the changes.”

“Don’t they mind it?”

“Sometimes, they do, but I always smile at them and make my puppy eyes. I love the role of a little girl a lot.”

“Susie, you will grow up and can’t wear diapers forever. I probably won’t grow up, but you will.”

“Yeah; my mom does her best to potty train me and she decided to use cloth diapers that are not as comfortable as the disposable ones, but I love the cloth diapers even more; I feel even more like a little girl.”

Victoria listened to Susie in utter shock. How could Susie love her diapers and diaper changes? However, she realized that Ashley didn’t mind diaper changes and even loved them. Ashley wished for a little girl she could take care of. A crazy idea hit Victoria. She could try to enjoy the care, too.

“Let’s go back to the game,” Susie grabbed the game controller again, and they continued. Victoria’s diaper was wet, too, but she ignored it.

Another half an hour later, Eileen appeared and brought two baby bottles of juice and a couple of snacks. The girls paused the game again, ate and drank. While drinking, Victoria felt her diaper getting warm and heavy. It was soaked already.

“Susie, I think I need a diaper change already.”

“Okay, let’s go and ask somebody,” Susie stood up and headed towards the hall, “ I also might need a change.”

“Hey, sis. Victoria is my cousin, too,” Charlie grinned at Susie when they encountered him, “you have appropriated her for yourself as soon as she arrived. We would like to talk with her as well.”

“Sorry, Charlie, it’s my fault probably. She attracted me because of her age, but you are right. When we get changed, we can talk all together,” Victoria smiled at him.

“No problem, up to the bathroom. Victoria is our guest, so she will go first,” Charlie pointed at the bathroom door. Victoria crawled onto the changing table, but she was a bit surprised. She was used to be changed by Ashley or occasionally by Jack, but Charlie’s offer was new for her.


 Ashley, Jack, Harry and Eileen were sitting in the living room, drinking coffee and talking about Victoria.

“She does her best to make me happy,” Ashley sighed, “but she probably is not as happy as I am. Diapers are the source of her bad mood sometimes. I wish she would like her little girl role.”

“Be patient. I’m sure that Susie convinces her. Did you see their first encounter?” Eileen grinned, “the little mischievous girl has got some magic. She likes her diapers and doesn’t want to potty train at all. She also likes all the little girl things like stroller or baby bottle. On the other hand, she is smart and intelligent. I’m sure they have matched together since the first moment.”

“Maybe Charlie and Ann will be jealous,” Harry added.

“Oh, Victoria will cope with it easily. Don’t forget her mind is adult,” Ashley interjected, “I think that everything will be settled until lunch.”


“Hey, Vickie. Close your eyes, relax, spread your legs and enjoy the cleaning and diaper change,” Susie encouraged Victoria when she noticed her sour face, “it is very pleasant though.”

“Yeah, I will be gentle,” Charlie smiled at Victoria, pulled down her tights, untaped the diaper and cleaned her crotch slowly. Victoria tried to relax, and she suddenly felt better. Charlie’s care was pleasant indeed; he didn’t hurry up and his touches were gentle.

“Maybe you are right, Susie,” Victoria opened her eyes and smiled at her cousin.

“Is it because I’m changing your diaper?” Charlie grinned at Victoria.

“No idea, but it’s quite possible,” Victoria shrugged and jumped down from the changing table when Charlie finished.

Susie crawled up and spread her legs in anticipation. She smiled at Charlie and Victoria and closed her eyes. Charlie changed her diaper as gently and slowly as he did it for Victoria.

“Vickie, tell us how you feel in your new role?” Charlie asked her when he led her to his and Ann’s room.

“Do you mean the little girl? It is a bit odd, but I have to admit it is basically pleasant except for the diapers, but,” she hesitated, “they can’t be that bad after all.”

“Your mind is adult, Victoria. Isn’t it boring to live in a toddler body?” Ann asked her another question.

“No, it is not. My mom offered me books and computer, and I also have found a community Happy Children where more regressed children live.”

“That is a very good option, but your mom will miss you when you live there,” Charlie objected.

“Oh no. It is a daycare, so I won’t live there. I can go there occasionally, or my mom can go with me and work there. In this way, we will stay together.”

“A good idea, but we also want to have a little cousin,” Charlie and Ann replied unisono.

Seconds later all four children hugged each other in a big hugpile.

“Lunch time,” Eileen’s voice sounded from the kitchen, and they hurried up there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 7:

The table in the kitchen was laid already, and there were two highchairs next to each other there. Victoria and Susan headed towards them. Victoria was slightly surprised by the highchair, but she realized her role. At home, she was sitting on a booster, but the highchair also looked comfortable. Eileen and Ashley lifted the girls and helped them sit down. Susan also got a bib. Victoria didn’t need any, And Ashley also didn’t offer it to her.

“Hey, girls, would you like to eat on your own or should we feed you?” Eileen turned to both toddlers.

“Mommy, feed me please,” Susan made puppy eyes at her mom.

“Mommy, would you mind if Charlie would feed me?” Victoria grinned; Charlie stared at her in utter surprise.

“He took good care of me before lunch,” Victoria explained.

“I don’t mind it,” Ashley grinned; anyway, she was taken aback be Victoria’s decision either, “you seem to have become friends already.”

“Okay, cousin,” Charlie walked over to the highchair and took his plate with him. He apparently was used to feeding his little sister; he was able to eat his own portion and feed Victoria quickly.

Victoria kept opening her mouth obediently and enjoyed Charlie’s care. When he finished, he passed her a baby bottle of juice. Susan was holding another one already and sucking in the nipple.

While drinking, Victoria felt her diaper getting warm, but she ignored it. After all, she expected it. She finished the bottle and put it onto the table and looked at Susan. Susan stopped drinking and pushed. The smell spread across the room. Two minutes later, she relaxed and finished her bottle. Eileen didn’t seem to be surprised; she lifted Susan from the highchair and put her onto the floor. Susan immediately headed out of the kitchen.

As Ashley lifted Victoria for the highchair, Victoria followed Susan. She caught her up in the nursery.

“Hey, Susie; don’t you want to be changed?”

“No, why? My parents and Charlie will finish lunch, do the dishes, and my diaper change can wait until then. Why should I disturb them? After all, this is the purpose of a diaper, don’t you think?”

“A smelly diaper is unpleasant though!”

“It isn’t that bad, Vic. After all, I’m a little girl,” Susan grinned, “What about you? Won’t you poop after lunch?”

“No idea,” Victoria shrugged, “I pooped after breakfast, but I don’t know if I’ll poop again.”

“It is simple, Vic. You only have to push after every meal. I do it regularly. My tummy gets full, and it is uncomfortable.”

“What? Did you poop on purpose and directly at the table?”

“Yeah. Did you hear any complaints? Mommy or Charlie will come later to change my diaper. They still think I can’t control it. Let’s go back to the game until then.”

Victoria was amused by Susie’s explanation and couldn’t resist the temptation to laugh. As she laughed aloud, she pushed involuntarily, and the back of her diaper expanded, too.

“Hey, Vic; you pooped in your diaper, too. Now we are even,” Susan sat down and grabbed her game controller. Victoria hesitated, but she walked over to the table and joined Susan. As she sat down, the poop smeared across her crotch. She shrugged, grabbed her game controller, and Susan restarted the game.

“What are you doing here?” Ann entered the nursery about half an hour later and noticed the smell, “can I join you?”

“Sorry, sis; we don’t have more controllers,” Susan shrugged, “we can move to your room and play some table game instead.”

“Okay, but what about the smell? Your diapers have to be changed.”

“Why?” Susan shrugged again, “the change can wait though.”

“I’d prefer not to smell the poop,” Ann objected, “mom or Charlie can change you.”

“Time to diaper changes, girls,” Eileen entered the nursery and noticed the smell, “I think you both are in need of a clean diaper,” both girls nodded. Eileen turned back and headed towards the bathroom, and the girls followed her.

Victoria didn’t wait and crawled onto the changing table. This time, she spread her legs and waited. She remembered her last experience with Charlie. As Eileen started cleaning her crotch, she suddenly closed her eyes and smiled.

“What’s going on?” Eileen was surprised by her behavior. According to Ashley, Victoria considered diaper changes necessary evil. Her smile revealed a change.

“Susie, what did you tell Victoria?” Eileen guessed what happened.

“Why are you asking me, mom?” Susie shrugged, but a grin appeared on her face, “we talked about diapers only. Before lunch, Charlie changed her diaper, and I told her it was pleasant.”

“Okay then,” Eileen finished diapering Victoria and lifted Susan onto the table. Victoria stayed with them and watched Susan’s diaper change. Susan spread her legs, closed her eyes and smiled widely.

“Auntie Eileen, why does Susie wear cloth diapers?” Victoria asked Eileen. Susan had told her about them earlier, but Victoria was curious if Eileen would reveal her true intentions, “it is a big workload to wash them over and over, and they are not that comfortable.”

“Vic, they are environment friendly though. Washing them is not a big deal; the washing machine does it for me,” Eileen answered, “and Susie doesn’t complain, does she?”

“Not at all, mommy,” Susan replied, “they are soft and pleasant. You should try them out,” she turned to Victoria.

“I don’t know,” Victoria hesitated; the thick padding between Susan’s legs didn’t look attractive, but Susan didn’t protest at all. She even liked it. Victoria got curious.

“Hey, Annie is waiting for us already,” Susan broke her chain of thoughts and dragged her to Ann’s and Charlie’s room. The game and two booster seats were ready. Susan and Victoria crawled onto the seats.

“Well, let’s start,” Charlie took the die and did the first roll. Ten minutes later, everyone dove into the game and forgot about their surroundings.


“Well, Victoria didn’t have any problem to get along with her cousins.” Eileen smiled at Ashley. They were sitting at the kitchen table and sipping their coffee.

“I’m not surprised. Charlie, Ann and even Susan are quite smart, and they have found common interests,” Ashley nodded.

“However, she changed her attitude to her diapers,” Eileen added, “I’d guess Susan convinced her to like the diapers; she admitted having talked with Victoria about diapers.”

“Oh, I’m afraid Susan won’t potty train soon. If Victoria likes her diapers, Susan will get support in her effort to stay in diapers,” Ashley grinned, “we will have two forever toddlers.”

“I switched to the cloth diapers to make it less comfortable, but I was wrong; she likes them even more,” Eileen sighed, “she apparently is smarter than I thought, but there is something else in her behavior. She likes to stay little. Unfortunately, she will grow up. Will she wear diapers at school?”

“To be honest, I don’t dare to guess,” Ashley shrugged, “Victoria won’t grow up and Susan might want to stay with her.”

“Let’s wait, ladies,” Harry objected, “this is the very first day they are together.”

“Right,” Ashley and Eileen nodded.


I think Victoria if she comes into contact with other regressed adults could be affected, she might want to grow up again or at least not be stuck. Besides, someone could let her identity slip and it would be a shock for her to know that she is her mother's mother. 

I wonder why in this society, not all old people use the regression machine to go back to being 20 years old 😄

  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, Dirty Boy said:

I think Victoria if she comes into contact with other regressed adults could be affected, she might want to grow up again or at least not be stuck. Besides, someone could let her identity slip and it would be a shock for her to know that she is her mother's mother. 

I wonder why in this society, not all old people use the regression machine to go back to being 20 years old 😄

Thanks for the interesting ideas. However, the regression experiments have just started at the time of my story, and not everyone knows about them. There also can be flaws and mistakes at the regression process.

As for Victoria's shock, it can but need not happen. She would be unhappy if she learned about her past, not about the identity itself.

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14 minutes ago, didba59 said:

Thanks for the interesting ideas. However, the regression experiments have just started at the time of my story, and not everyone knows about them. There also can be flaws and mistakes at the regression process.

As for Victoria's shock, it can but need not happen. She would be unhappy if she learned about her past, not about the identity itself.

I find the idea that she is blocked in growth and must remain a child forever cruel, Victoria's daughter in my opinion is a terrible person and very selfish, she took advantage of her mother's incredible generosity. She should be given the opportunity to grow up like other children. I do not understand how the machine works if the regression is then blocked by default at the chosen age or you can select that the child can also grow normally then. Having retained her adult mind, Victoria may eventually become frustrated and unhappy with this and ask to be allowed to grow up again, perhaps seeing other children like her cousin grow up and move away from her, while she remains stuck as a child.

I would be tempted to say start over too, for example my brother and his wife do not have children, since i am not satisfied with my life (to use a euphemism), it would be nice to want to start a new one as a child, but with the intelligence of an 'adult, but without the memories, but I would like to have the possibility of growing up, going to school, becoming a teenager, etc..

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1 hour ago, Dirty Boy said:

Victoria's daughter in my opinion is a terrible person and very selfish, she took advantage of her mother's incredible generosity.

Ashley can be an unhappy woman, and she might not think over all consequences. At the moment, she doesn't see the future. Maybe, she changes her opinion later (?)

Victoria also can accept her condition in different ways. The regressed adults in Happy Children have accepted their condition (see the Happy Family story. I also wrote another short sequel and can publish it sometimes).

1 hour ago, Dirty Boy said:

I do not understand how the machine works if the regression is then blocked by default at the chosen age or you can select that the child can also grow normally then. 

The machine can work in different ways; however, I haven't used a feature enabling the regressed ones to grow up. In Double R project, it is used to regress adults and re-regress them to obedient zombie-like soldiers. Generally, the regression is blocked at a chosen age.

In either way, you have provided me with more ideas to continue the story, thanks :)

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Part 8:

“Vic, I envy you,” Susan smiled at her cousin. They were snuggling together in Susan’s bed. Victoria had a thick cloth diaper package between her legs.

The afternoon had passed quickly, and Eileen called them to dinner. Both toddlers asked to be fed again. After dinner, Susan and Victoria took a warm bath together, and Victoria asked for cloth diapers. She got curious about them. Ashley was taken aback, but her heart jumped.

The cloth diapers made Victoria waddle, and Susan grinned at her, “now we both are proper diaper mates.” They headed towards the nursery and lay down. Ashley covered them and switched off the light. Susan waited until Ashley closed the door.

“What do you envy me?” Victoria didn’t get the message instantly.

“You will never grow up and stay a little girl and wear diapers. I wouldn’t like to grow up, but I will. Eventually, I will get rid of my diapers.”

“Susie, my condition is not as good as you think. My mom likes the little girl, but she won’t be here forever. I will never grow up and will need somebody to take care of me. I can’t live alone.”

“Right,” Susan sighed, “but I like being a little girl that much.”

“Maybe we will find a solution later. Try to think of it,” Victoria hugged Susan tightly.

“I … will,” Susan yawned, her eyes closed seconds later. Victoria also was tired and fell asleep almost instantly.

In the middle of the night, Victoria woke up when she felt Susan fidgeting. There was silence all around, and the room was dimly lit by the small night lamp

“Hey, what’s going on?” she asked Susan.

“Sorry, Vic, I have to pee,” Susan relaxed, and the fidgeting stopped seconds later.

“Susie, you really control your pee even at nights,” Victoria shook her head. Her diaper was wet and heavy.

“Yeah, I do, but it is comfortable not to get up, isn’t it?” Susan shrugged, “I’m not sure if I should ask mom for a change; I’ve peed a lot.”

They heard sounds from the hall and got up. Victoria realized that the diaper package was softer and didn’t keep her legs as apart as before; walking was more comfortable.

In the hall, they encountered Ann as she emerged from the bathroom. She was waddling; and Victoria noticed the thick diaper package between her legs. Eileen appeared in the doorframe seconds later.

“Mom, can you change our diapers?” Susan asked Eileen.

“Okay, sweetheart,” Eileen gestured at Susan, but Ann shook her head.

”Mom, go sleep , and I’ll do it,” she turned back and returned to the bathroom. Susan and Victoria followed her.

Victoria was amused when a diapered girl was changing their diapers. Ann was able to change them quickly, and all three returned to their beds. Victoria didn’t want to talk with Ann in the night, but she decided to ask her later.

In the morning, Victoria hurried up to Ann’s and Charlie’s room. Susan was still asleep. Charlie was awake already, but Ann was asleep, too. The noises from the kitchen revealed that somebody was making breakfast.

“Come along,” he whispered and gestured at Victoria, she followed him to the bathroom and crawled onto the changing table.

“Would you like to have cloth diapers again, or do you prefer the disposables?” he asked her while cleaning her crotch.

“I don’t know. The cloth diapers are a bit strange, but soft and comfortable indeed,” she shrugged, “why does Annie wear cloth diapers at night? Does she like them just like Susie does?”

“No, Vic, but she pees a lot, and she leaked with disposables. Mom must change her in the middle of the night anyway; she is soaked.”

“Oh, poor girl. Hopefully she stops bedwetting soon.”

“No idea, Vic. Susie likes her diapers, and Ann also was a late runner. I’m afraid that neither of them gets rid of the diapers. At least, Ann doesn’t need them at daytime.”

“What about Susie?” Victoria wanted to know what Charlie knew about her sister’s condition.

“Susie? She is a little diaper lover if you know what it means,” Charlie grinned,” I guess she would wear diapers at school if mom allowed it. I’m afraid she will be able to arrange it against mom’s will and wishes.”

“What do you mean, Charlie?” Victoria got curious.

“She might pretend a disease,” he grinned. At that moment, Ann entered the bathroom. The diaper package between her legs was dropping.

Charlie finished diapering Victoria, and Ann lay down on the changing table. Victoria hurried up to the nursery to get dressed. Susan just opened her eyes.

“Morning, Vic,” she sat up, yawned and hurried up to the bathroom. She returned along with Charlie that helped her get dressed.

“Susie, I have an idea,” Victoria turned to her cousin, “did you hear about Happy Children daycare?”

“No, Vic, what is it?”

“This is the place where the regression started. Its name was Happy Family, and a group of criminals developed the regression machine and used it to regress adults and sell them as babies to adoptive families. However, their activity was stopped, and the villa turned into a daycare for the regressed ones. Its name was changed to Happy Children.”

“Wow, that sounds interesting. I’ve never heard of it, but I’d like to go there and meet more regressed children,” Susan got enthusiastic.

“Ask mom. I think she will allow it,” Victoria replied.

“Hey, hopefully you don’t think of regression,” Charlie grinned.

You never know," Susan grinned. She hadn't thought about it, but Charlie's remark had settled in her mind.

After breakfast, Susan smiled at Eileen, “mommy could I go to auntie Ashley the next weekend?”

“If she doesn’t mind to have two toddlers to care for,” Eileen shrugged.

“No problem for me,” Ashley reacted instantly, “she can go tonight and stay with us as long as she wants to. Susie, won’t you miss mom?”

“No, I won’t if I will be with my cousin,” Susan replied without any sign of hesitation. She was enthusiastic by the idea, “Vic told me about the Happy Children. Can I go there, mom?”

“Why not if you find it fun,” Eileen shrugged.

“I’ve read about the daycare, and the regressed children live and work there,” Victoria added, “they will never grow up, but they have found a way to cope with it.”

“Well, this is interesting for you,” Eileen nodded, “but won’t your mom miss you?”

“No, auntie, I don’t want to live there, but I can stay for the day and come home in the afternoon just like the other children.”

“Okay, this is possible,” Ashley and Eileen nodded.

“Okay, agreed,” Susan grinned, and the familiar smell spread across the kitchen. Eileen lifted her from the highchair and put her on the floor. Susan instantly ran away to her nursery.

“Okay, mommy. I will have my cousin with me tonight,” Victoria added, “it will be great!”

As Ashley lifted Victoria from the highchair and the little girl followed Susan, Ashley shook her head.

“I wouldn’t believe the two will become friends that quickly. Eileen, you can expect a forever toddler. If Susan meets the regressed children, she will want to stay a toddler like them.”

“I’m afraid you are right,” Eileen sighed, “but I don’t know how to convince her to grow up. Let me know about the visit.”

“Of course, I will,” Ashley nodded.


Maybe this visit will convince Ashley to raise Victoria again in the future.

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Part 9:

“Morning, Susie,” Victoria stretched her limbs; she was lying in her crib along with Susan and snuggling to her just like the last Sunday. It was Wednesday morning, and Susie had spent two days at Ashley’s already.

“Morning, Vic. How did you sleep?” Susie smiled at her cousin.

“I slept well, and you didn’t wake me up this night.”

“Yeah. I did my best not to move when I had to pee. If I had to go to the bathroom, I’d have awakened you though. The diaper was much more comfortable.”

“I don’t know if it is good to use diapers if you don’t have to; anyway, it is somehow comfortable,” Victoria shrugged. Her diaper was heavy and soaked, “let’s go and ask for a change now.”

“Wait a sec. I’ll pee in my diaper. and we can go,” Susie reacted and closed her eyes for about a minute, “Let’s go.”

Victoria got up and headed towards the door; Susan followed her slowly.

“Vic, I miss the wonderful feeling of cloth diapers,” she sighed while walking, “these disposables are different; I can pee and don’t feel it at all.”

“Isn’t it good?” Victoria wondered. She had gotten used to the diapers, but she still preferred the disposables. The cloth diapers made her feel like a little girl.

“The soft pillow between my legs is better; I like the little girl feeling,” Susie shrugged. Victoria sighed heavily. Susie would grow up, but she didn’t want it. Victoria wanted to grow up, but she probably wouldn’t.

“Hey, girls. Today I’ll drive you to the Happy Children daycare. I’ve arranged it with the staff. You can stay there until afternoon, and I can have my work meeting meanwhile,” Ashley announced after the diaper changes and breakfast.

“Wow, I’m looking forward, mommy,” Victoria got curious and impatient.

“Thanks, auntie Ashley,” Susan was enthusiastic about the upcoming experience.

Ashley helped the girls into their car seats and drove off. Half an hour later, she parked her car near the villa and lifted Susan and Victoria from the car seats; they instantly headed towards the entrance gate.

“Welcome to Happy Children,” Mike emerged from the villa and smiled at the girls, “we will have an actual toddler here. It is fun. My name is Mike.”

“Nice to meet you Mike,” Victoria introduced herself, “My name is Victoria, and I’m the first one that was regressed willingly.”

“Hi, Mike,” Susan added, “I’m Susie and I’m Vic’s cousin.”

“My name is Ashley, and we talked together, Mike,” Ashley followed the girls.

“Let’s go inside, girls. Mrs. Compton, you can go now. We will take care of the girls,” Mike answered.

“Okay, I will return in the afternoon. Hopefully the girls will behave,” Ashley turned back and left.

“Let me show you our daycare,” Mike led Victoria and Susan inside, “there are playrooms and workrooms here. First of all, do you need a diaper change?”

“Not necessary yet,” Victoria shook her head. Her diaper was almost dry.

“Me neither,” Susan shook her head. She felt a slight urge to poop after breakfast, but she was too curious to see the daycare before getting the change.

“This is my friend Ellen,” Mike led them to the working room where she was working at the computer.

“Nice to meet you, girls,” Ellen smiled at them, “what would you like to do now?”

“Can I play for awhile?” Susan suddenly wanted to have her little girl time.

“I’d like to talk with you about your work and future,” Victoria turned to Mike.

“The playroom is over there,” Ellen pointed at the door on her left, “and you will find our little Esther. She has her little girl period just now, and you can play together.”

“Thanks, Ellen,” Susie set off and ran towards the door. She spotted Esther sitting on the floor and playing with a dollhouse.

“Hi, Esther, my name is Victoria. Can I play with you?”

“Me Esther,” the little girl nodded, “play with me. This is my doll Mary,” she held a doll in her hand.

Susie noticed the thick diaper package between Esther’s legs and her heart jumped; she realized she would be changed into cloth diapers. The smell revealed that Esther had messed her diaper. Her own bladder was almost full and the pressure in her guts was growing slowly.

“What’s the name of this doll?” she took another doll from the dollhouse.

“She Annie,” Esther replied, and they started playing. When Susan’s bladder filled up, she plainly relaxed her muscles and peed in her diaper. Nevertheless, Esther noticed it.

“Susie, you made pee-pee?” she looked at Susan.

“Yeah. You have made poo-poo,” Susie replied, “will we ask for a change?”

“No, let’s play more,” Esther shook her head and continued playing.

When Susie’s guts pressure got uncomfortable, she plainly pushed and filled the back of her diaper.

“Esther; let’s ask for a change now. I’m also thirsty,” Susie stood up.

Esther stood up as well and took Susie by the hand and led her to the kitchen.

“Alice, we stinky?” she asked a middle-aged woman that was sitting and drinking her coffee.

“No problem, sweetheart,” Alice stood up and headed towards the bathroom.


“Okay, Vic; we can go to the backyard and take place on a bench in the park. It is a quiet place to talk together,” Mike stepped forward and Victoria followed him. Victoria spotted the beautiful park and she suddenly wanted to spend more time at the daycare.

“Mike, tell me more about you if you don’t mind it. How did you handle your regression? How can you work here as if you were an adult?” Victoria asked Mike when they sat down on a bench beneath a tree. Birds were singing above their heads.

“It is a long story,” Mike explained to her what happened to him; Victoria listened carefully.

“Now you need diapers, but your mind is adult, right? I’m in the same condition. How do you cope with it?” Victoria got curious.

“As for diapers, it was unpleasant at first, but I got used to them. Ellen and I live here, and we often change each other ‘s diapers. It is more pleasant in this way.”

“What about your adult activities? How can you live alone? Are you considered adult?”

“Yeah, Vic. That has been a long-term run, but Ellen and I have managed to get back our adult identities based on our former ones. Our parents helped us with assistance of a family lawyer.”

“Does it mean I could get back my adult identity?”

“Yeah, you can. Do you know this identity?”

“No, Mike. I got regressed willingly, and nobody told me about my original identity. There could be a good reason why they refuse to tell me it.”

“In this case, you are a toddler forever. Unless you want to live alone, you don’t need your identity back.”

“My mom wanted a toddler to take care of. I probably shouldn’t change it; at least not just now.”

“Maybe you could ask her to progress a little bit later,” Mike shrugged.

Victoria suddenly realized she had peed and pooped in her diaper and remembered Mike’s words.

“Mike, I need a clean diaper. Will you change me please?” she got curious about it. When her cousin Charlie changed her earlier, it also was more pleasant.

“No problem; let’s go. We can continue our talk afterwards,” Mike stood up, “by the way, I also need a change. I’ve peed in my diaper a lot,” he grinned and stepped forward.

  • 2 weeks later...

Part 10:

Susan stopped dead in her tracks In the bathroom doorframe; Esther led her there. She suddenly felt like she was in heaven. The wall on her left was framed by several changing tables and a big pile of cloth diapers was sitting on a nearby table. The pail for dirty diapers was empty, and the washing machine was running. A bathtub with two shower heads was placed at the back wall.

“Wow,” she exclaimed and crawled onto the first changing table. Esther was too small, and she had to wait for Alice.

“Me wanna play; hurry up please,” Esther asked Alice.

“No problem, miss Alice. Change her first; I can wait,” Susan relaxed, closed her eyes and spread her legs in anticipation.

Alice hurried up, but she had to clean Esther’s diaper area thoroughly; Esther kept fidgeting and Alice had to hold her tight and even scold her, “Hold still or I will spank your bottom.”

Esther was finally rediapered and ran away towards the playroom. Susan was waiting patiently, and Alice was surprised by her behavior.

“Sweetheart, what’s your name? I haven’t met you yet,” Alice asked Susie while pulling down her tight and untapping the diaper.

“I am Susie, miss Alice, and my auntie took me to a visit here. I was curious about this daycare. My cousin Vicky is talking with Mike just now.”

“Haven’t you been regressed?”

“No, miss, but Vicky has. She did it willingly. My aunt wished for a child, and she couldn’t have her own.”

“Susie, are you really a toddler? You speak almost like an adult,” Alice shook her head.

“I have older siblings, and I’ve learned a lot from my mom and from them. I am three.”

“Why are you curious about this daycare, Susie?”

“Can I tell you a secret? Don’t tell anyone,” Susan looked at Alice.

“I swear, sweetheart; I won’t tell anyone,” Alice got curious about the secret.

“I wish I could stay as little as I am now. The regressed children will stay like that.

“Really, Susie? It is not fun. What about your mommy? If you didn’t grow up, she had to take care of you. What if she died?”

“Miss Alice, it is not possible though. I will grow up. On the other hand, my cousin Vicky won’t grow up and she possibly wants it.”

“Susie, you don’t mind the lengthy diaper change?” Alice realized she slowed down while talking with Susan, “Esther kept fidgeting and wanted to play again.”

“Don’t hurry, miss Alice, it is a pleasant experience for me,” Susan admitted another secret.

“Okay,” Alice grinned; she cleaned Susan’s dirty crotch and grabbed two cloth diapers, “we use cloth diapers here. Don’t you mind it?”

“Nope, miss Alice; go ahead and put this soft pillow onto me,” Susan closed her eyes again. As she was diapered and dressed, she jumped won and headed towards the playroom, “thanks, miss Alice.”

Alice shook her head and headed back to finish her coffee, when Victoria and Mike entered the room.

“Do you need clean diapers?” she asked them.

“Yeah, miss Alice,” Mike replied, “but we will handle it on our own, won’t we?” He turned to Victoria.

Victoria was taken aback at first; Mike promised to change her, but should she repay him the favor? She realized she should do it and nodded.

“Okay then,” Alice left.

“Lady is first,” Mike smiled and pushed a button to lower the nearest changing table, “lie down, Vicky. Will you undress on your own or should I help you?”

“I should manage it,” Victoria smiled and pulled down her tights; it was simple. She lay down and waited.

Mike untaped the diaper and started cleaning her crotch. Victoria relaxed; it was even more strange than the former experience with Charlie. Mike was as little as she was, but he apparently was skilled.

The cloth diapers made her sigh a little, but she had experienced them earlier and wasn’t too surprised.

“Your turn, Vicky,” Mike finished diapering her, waited until she pulled up her tights, pulled down his pants and lay down on the changing table.

Victoria hesitated for a moment, but she started the diaper change quickly; she also was skilled. Of course, she had changed diapers of her daughter and didn’t forget the skills.

“Vicky, you are as skilled as I am. You probably babysat in your former life.”

“Probably, yes,” Victoria nodded; she realized her skills. She cleaned Mike’s crotch and put two cloth diapers on him. As she finished, Ellen appeared in the doorframe.

“Hey, you two. You seem to have fun with diaper changes. Would you mind doing another change?” she grinned at Mike.

“Not at all. Vicky can train her skills,” Mike grinned back, “she also is skilled; she had to babysat in her former life.”

“Okay then,” Ellen jumped onto the lowered changing table and spread her legs instantly. The reek of urine spread across the bathroom; her diaper was soaked.

Victoria smiled, pulled down Ellen’s tights and unbuttoned the rubber pants. As she spotted Ellen’s little vagina, an old memory appeared in her mind. She changed diapers of a little girl long ago. Who was it? Was she babysitting then? Was it her own daughter. Unfortunately, Victoria couldn’t recall more details.

After the diaper change, Ellen returned to her work and Mike with Victoria went to the park again to finish their talk.

“An idea hit me,” Mike turned to Victoria, “if you had your adult identity back, you could live alone, but you still would stay the little girl. Your mom wouldn’t worry about your fate when she would become unable to take care of you.”

“Yeah, Mike; this is a wonderful idea. I will discuss it with mom,” Victoria nodded, “I even could work here.”

“Why not? Do you have any idea about your former work?”

“Sorry, Mike. My memories were erased; anyway, my knowledge and skills were not probably. We could test them. In either case, I can work with computers.”

“Let’s try it then,” Mike led Victoria to his working room, and she sat down and started browsing different sites.

Laws and accounting didn’t catch her attention. She moved to languages and history but failed at them as well. However, healthcare caught her attention instantly and she browsed the detailed sites. Surgery or dentistry was unfamiliar to her and so was pharmacy. However, psychology and psychiatry caught her attention instantly, and she recalled a wide knowledge.

“Mike, I guess I was a psychologist or even psychiatrist in my former life,” she turned to him.

“That’s fine, you can work here in that case and provide an online service like help lines.”

“Yeah, I even can help the regressed children here at the daycare. Some of them might need it,” Victoria nodded.

At that moment, Alice appeared and called them to lunch. Susan and Victoria were able to eat on their own easily, Esther had to be fed by Alice.

After lunch, they went to bed for their afternoon nap. Victoria yawned, and her eyes closed almost instantly. Her dreams were quite pleasant; she hoped to convince Ashley.

Susan also yawned, stretched her little limbs, peed in her diaper and fell asleep; smile appeared on her face.

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Susan opened her eyes first, she stretched her limbs and looked around. Victoria was still asleep, and Esther opened her eyes.

“Hi, Susie, how did you nap?” her speech was quite different.

“I napped well, but what happened to you, Esther. You look like an adult.”

“Yeah, I’m in my adult period now. Don’t you know about it?”

“No, can you explain me?” Susan didn’t know the details.

“Later, I have to hurry up to the bathroom. I have to pee badly.”

“Why? You have a diaper on though,” Susan shrugged, “my bladder is full either and I will pee in my diaper. It is more comfortable.”

“Are you serious? I don’t use my diaper while in the adult period,” Esther stood up and ran towards the bathroom.

Susan shrugged, relaxed her bladder muscles, got up slowly and followed Esther. Her diaper was heavy and soaked. In the bathroom, Alice was just changing a little boy. Esther was sitting on a potty; she had removed her diaper already. Susan crawled onto the nearest changing table and spread her legs and waited. Alice wasn’t surprised anymore. She took her time to clean Susan’s crotch and put two clean diapers on her.

As Alice left, Esther stood up, put on her pants and emptied the potty into a sink. Susan jumped down from the changing table.

“Susie, would you like to see my work here? I’m in my adult period and have some work ahead,” Esther asked Susan.

“Why not? Show me. We were playing before lunch, and now I can watch you at your work,” Susan smiled.

Esther led her to the workroom and booted her computer to do her accountancy work. Susan could read the words and numbers, but she didn’t understand them.

“What are you doing, Esther?”

“Susie, it is important for the daycare. I have to record every shopping and payment,” Esther tried to explain accountancy to Susie as simple as possible.

Although she didn’t understand what was going on, Susan was fascinated by Esther and the computer. She sat down and kept watching her.


Victoria awakened a little later; Susan and Esther had left already. She realized her diaper was soaked, got up and hurried to find Mike to get changed. In the hall, she encountered Ellen.

“Ellen, did you see Mike?”

“I think he is busy in the park just now. What do you need? A diaper change? I can do it and also need a clean diaper. Let’s go to the bathroom.”

“Okay,” Victoria followed Ellen.

“Lie down, a guest is first,” Ellen smiled and waited until Victoria pulled down her tights and crawled onto the changing table.

“Ellen, how is the life here? I talked with Mike before lunch, but I‘d like to know your opinion, too,” Victoria asked Ellen while Ellen was cleaning her.

“My mommy is divorced, and I am the only child. I’d be alone at home,” Ellen sighed slightly, “but life is very pleasant here. Mike and I live here and take care of each other. It is quite strange, but I’ve gotten used to it. We live almost like an adult couple except for sex, of course. It is impossible in our condition.”

Victoria sighed; she would accept that kind of life but would break Ashley’s heart with it. However, she could spend the daytime at the daycare at least.

Ellen finished diapering Victoria and jumped onto the changing table. Victoria repaid the favor, and they headed towards the workroom. Ellen showed Victoria her journalist work.

“Ellen, I could work here as a psychologist. We talked about it with Mike. Would it be possible?”

“Why not? Some regressed children might need help. You also could run a hotline,” Ellen nodded.

“Exactly. You can read thoughts, Ellen,” Victoria smiled.

Later in the afternoon, Ashley returned, and Victoria instantly started the talk.

“Mommy, I talked with Mike and Ellen, and I could work here. You also could return to work, and we still would be together. I wouldn’t like to live here. The life would be like any other toddler’s one when I spent workdays at the daycare.”

“What would you like to do, sweetheart?” Ashley was surprised at first, but she realized Victoria had her point. However, she was curious about the work.

“Mommy, I was a psychologist or psychiatrist in my former life and could help the regressed children here,” Victoria replied instantly.

Ashley felt a cold chill running down her spine; Victoria was very close to revealing her identity. However, the idea was not bad.

“I think we can arrange it, Vicky. By the way, where is Susie?”

“She played with Esther in the morning, but Esther is working just now, and Susie keeps watching her. We can look for them,” Victoria peeked into the workroom.

After changing their diapers, Ashley drove the girls home. Susan sighed when she was changed into a disposable, but she didn’t protest.

“Auntie Ashley, can I ask you about the daycare?” Susan asked Ashley when they arrived at home, “It’s been a lot of fun there. Could I and Vicky go to the daycare together?”

“Susie, you have to ask your mommy. We will call her and tell her about your idea,” Ashley reacted, “she asked me to report about your visit anyway.”

Eileen was quite amused when Ashley told her about Susan’s request. On the other hand, she realized she could go back to work. Susan should go to the kindergarten anyway, and the Happy Children was the best choice.

“Well, Ash, we can arrange it in that way. Susie will go to the Happy Children along with Vicky,” she added.

“Thanks, mommy; thanks auntie,” Susan and Victoria were enthusiastic and hugged each other.

------------------- Two years later -------------------------

“Morning, auntie Eileen, morning, Susie,” Victoria was about to get in Eileen’s car. Ashley lifted her and put her into the car seat next to Susan.

Both girls have grown up, but Susie was taller than Victoria already. The regression program worked as expected. Victoria grew up a little and she looked like a four-years old toddler. Nevertheless, her bladder and bowels control were not restored.

Susan, on the other hand, was taller and heavier than her siblings at her age. She successfully pretended to lack bladder control and still needed diapers. Her bladder was much bigger, and she needed three cloth diapers and a change after every wetting. The thick padding between her legs made her waddle, but she liked it. She also occasionally messed her diaper and faked her disappointment about it.

“Morning, Vicky. How did you sleep?” Susan smiled at her cousin.

“Thanks, well. What about you?”

“So did I but I’ve leaked in the morning,” Susan grinned. She did it on purpose.

“I can’t wait to sit down to my computer and check my mails on the hotline,” Victoria changed the topic. She didn’t want to discuss diapers.

“I can’t wait to learn,” Susan replied, “Mike is a wonderful teacher. He could homeschool me.”

“I know. He is really good,” Victoria was amused; she knew why Susan wanted to homeschool with Mike.

Susan kept silent and relaxed her bladder muscles. The long stream of pee soaked the three diapers.

Ten minutes later, Eileen parked the car and helped Susan and Victoria get off. Their next day at Happy Children was about to begin.

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