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Jacob and Flora’s Risky Day Out

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Just one of a few short stories I’m writing about random situations that pop into my head. Hope you enjoy!


“This is what you wanted remember” Flora said as she stopped at the red lights as she looked over at her boyfriend Jacob, sensing his nerves. They were a young couple but had been together for around 4 years and since meeting their kinky interests became stronger and stronger. Ever since Jacob revealed his abdl and sissy urges to his girlfriend, they had been indulging more and more and crescendoed into today.

Jacob was dressed in his white Nike air force trainers, a pair of navy leggings, a baggy pale pink hoodie and a white cap. His semi-long brunette hair (something he had been growing out on Flora’s orders) flowed out from the back of his cap and his clean shaven face gave the impression of a feminine looking person, but if anyone looked close enough they’d probably realise he was in fact a man.

What people may not notice was that he was wearing an ABU BunnyHopps nappy underneath his leggings. This wouldn’t be the first time Jacob went out in public padded, but it would be the first time he was out in public in girls clothes. This was the main reason for his nerves.

“I know, I’m just nervous” Jacob responded.

“You really don’t need to be. You just look like a shy young woman, I promise. But remember, you are in a nappy for a reason” Flora said as she pulled into the car park of their local train station. “Let’s just enjoy our little journey to the cinema okay? But I’m in charge okay?”.

“Okay” Jacob said as he took off his seatbelt.

“Good girl” Flora replied.

Flora took Jacob’s hand and led him onto the platform. He was very self conscious and kept pulling down his hoodie to make sure his bum wasn’t showing as his nappy was bulging underneath his leggings and if anyone looked he was sure they could tell. After a 10 minute wait their train arrived and they sat down on a table seat in a relatively quiet carriage.

“Thirsty?” Flora asked as she took off her backpack and pulled out a pink reusable bottle and held it out for Jacob to take.

“No I’m okay thanks” Jacob replied looking at Flora.

“Jacob baby remember I’m in charge? I want you to drink and stay hydrated” Flora insisted. Jacob conceded and took the bottle, undoing the lid and slurped the apple juice until it was two-thirds empty.

“Good girl, I’m guessing you are hungry too. I’ve made your favourite - a ham and cheese roll. Here you go” Flora added as she undid the tin foil and passed the bread roll to Jacob. After a few minutes he had finished his food and he resumed staring blankly out the window.

After a 20 minute journey they arrived at the small town where they had organised a cinema trip to go and see the new Captain Marvel movie. They exited the train station and crossed the road towards the entertainment complex.

“Jacob I’ve got a little surprise for you. Not only are we going to the cinema I’ve also booked us to go ten pin bowling before!” Flora said as she tickled his palm while holding his hand.

“That’ll be fun! Flora I’m a bit scared of people seeing my nappy” Jacob’s sheepishly replied.

“Jacob we’ve been through this. Your leggings actually hide your nappy pretty well it just looks like you have a big bum. You know most girls would kill to have a bum as big as yours right?” Flora joked. Jacob just smiled and accepted her explanation, he did trust her.

They arrived at the bowling alley and soon they were directed towards their lane. The lane to the right was empty but the lane to their left was occupied by two mums with their kids. Jacob had guessed they were between the ages of 8 and 10.

“Ready Jacob?” I’ve put you to go first, may the best girl win!” Flora exclaimed as she swotted his bum, making a crinkly thud sound. Jacob turned red and gave her a stern look, with her just winking in reply.

Jacob picked up a bowling ball and he slowly walked up to the lane and chucked the ball, trying his best not to bend over and reveal his nappied bum to the two mums in the lane next to them. As he walked away to look up at the screen and check how many pins he’d knocked over he saw the names Flora had entered into the machine. He saw the names ‘Flora’ and ‘Princess’.

“Flora why didn’t you put my name in?” Jacob asked 

“I did! You are my princess so I thought it would be appropriate” Flora said as she pecked his cheek and grabbed a bowling ball.

The competition was fierce and with only 3 sets left to go Jacob and Flora were neck and neck. As Jacob stood and watched his girlfriend launch a bowl down the alley he felt his bladder twinge and knew the inevitable was coming. He felt a small bit of excitement but mostly embarrassment at the thought of what was coming next. He remembered the rules and saw Flora walk back towards him.

“Flora, I need to go to the potty” he said.

“Okay princess. Is it a number one or a number two?” Flora whispered.

“Number one. I need to do a wee wee” Jacob said, adhering to the rule Flora set which was to talk in a toddler ish vocabulary when needing the toilet.

“What you are going to do is pick up a bowling ball and stand at the top of the lane. I then want you to stand with your legs apart and soak your nappy. When you turn back around and walk towards me I want you to lift your hoodie and visibly feel the front of your nappy so those ladies next to us see okay?” Flora explained.

“Okay” Jacob agreed. He then carried out Flora’s plan to a tee, completely flooding his nappy with ease before bowling the ball. As he turned around he lifted his hoodie with one hand and grabbing the front of his nappy with the other. He kept eye contact with Flora but could see the two women to his right stare at him. Once he reached Flora he knew what he had to do next.

“I’ve just wet myself mummy” he said loudly.

“Oh dear, let me check your nappy” Flora said as she pulled down the top of his leggings releasing his wet nappy as she felt the front and back. “Oh dear it looks like you are a bit soggy, but once we are done here I’ll change you okay” Flora replied loudly, catching the attention of the two women in the lane next door who had shocked looks on their face.

Both continued the game until Flora was declared the winner by a matter of a few pins. They left the bowling alley and headed towards the cinema.

“Well done Jacob I’m proud of you, wasn’t that exciting!” Flora said as they entered the Odeon cinema.

“It was, do you think the women saw?” Jacob replied.

“They definitely saw your nappy, they looked so shocked!” Flora teased as Jacob went red.

Flora collected their tickets from the automatic kiosk and they were scanned through to the main lobby. Jacob looked around and saw lots of girls and women, with some in Captain Marvel costumes. He couldn’t see more than five men, which meant he could blend in a bit. However, he was more self-conscious than ever was his nappy was now bigger and saggier than before thanks to his wetting in the bowling alley.

“Popcorn or ice cream?” Flora asked.

“Popcorn please!” Jacob replied.

They both went to the counter and Flora ordered a large popcorn and coke for Jacob and a coffee for herself. She paid and then made their way to the screen where the film was being played. Flora has chosen seats in the back row.

“Before you eat any of that popcorn I want you to drink all of that okay?” Flora ordered. Jacob nodded and began slurping the coke until it was completely empty. As a result his stomach felt bloated.

“Well done, here’s your popcorn” Flora said as she passed it to him and he began munching.

Jacob watched as the cinema filled up until it was full. Next to him was a teenage girl dressed in a full Captain Marvel costume and her mother sat next to her. As the trailers began to play, Flora nudged Jacob and passed him something. He couldn’t see because it was dark but as it was placed in his hands he knew what it was.

“Flora do I really have to?” Jacob asked.

“Yes, please put that in right now” Flora ordered.

Jacob knew the consequences if he didn’t oblige so he reluctantly placed the pink dummy in his mouth and tentatively began sucking. He kept his eyes on the screen but quickly glanced at the teenager sat next to him, who confusingly stared back at him. He went red and quickly placed his eyes back on the screen.

Around 30 minutes into the film he began to develop a tummy ache and soon it had developed into an ache he was all too familiar with. He took out the dummy and leaned towards Flora.

“My tummy feels funny” he whispered.

“Oh that will be the laxatives I put in your bread rolll earlier” Flora quietly said with an evil grin on her face. “You aren’t allowed to go yet though, I’ll nudge you and then you need to tell me what you need to do okay?”. Jacob nodded and continued watching the film.

Another 20 minutes passed and the pain in his stomach became unbearable and to deal with it he sucked on his dummy intensely. Mercifully he felt a nudge from Flora and he quickly took out his dummy and leaned in again.

“Flora, I need to go to the potty” he said, just like he did at the bowling alley.

“What do you need to do princess?” Flora whispered.

“I really really have to do a poo poo” Jacob replied.

“Oh dear. Well I want you to put your dummy back in, lift your bottom off your seat and fill that nappy okay? Then you need to tell me what you’ve done” Flora explained.

“Okay” Jacob replied.

He put his dummy back in and grabbed the arm rests of his seat. Without hesitation he began pushing and a hot load exploded out of his bum with a crackle and it hit the back of his nappy. The poo was followed by a much softer sludge and a new stream of wee. After a few seconds he felt he was empty and with one final grunt he finished, and sat back down on his mess with a squelch. He once again leaned into Flora.

“I’ve just done a poo poo, my nappy is messy” Jacob said in a babyish tone.

“Phew I can smell as much. I’ll change you once the film is over okay princess?” Flora explained. He nodded and put his dummy back in.

As the film came to a close he was acutely aware the whole cinema now smelled like faeces. He looked back at the girl next to him and he scrunched her nose and gave him a dirty look. He was so embarrassed but also so turned on at the same time.

The film finally ended and the lights were turned back on. As they did Flora took his dummy out and put it back in her bag. “Stand up for me princess” Flora ordered.

Jacob stood up and once he was on his feet he felt Flora cup the bottom of his nappy, confirming that there was a huge mess in the back of his nappy. It was still hot and cling onto his bum cheeks.

“You’ve had a big accident princess, let’s go and get your nappy changed before we head home” Flora said, getting some weird looks by neighbouring cinema-goers.

Jacob stayed quiet as they followed everyone out of the cinema.

“Mum I think that girl shat herself during the film. She fucking stank out the whole place” the girl sat next to Jacob said as they re-entered the lobby.

“I know I think they had a nappy on, and I also think it’s a boy” the girls mother whispered. 

Jacob was so embarrassed once again and it didn’t look like Flora had heard the conversation, she was too focused on directing them both to a toilet. She clocked the toilet signs across the lobby and walked Jacob across weaving between people. At this point Jacob was clearly waddling due to the huge load in his nappy.

She guided him to the disabled toilet and she locked the door behind them. “Let’s get you changed you absolutely reek!” Flora said as she patted on the changing bench. He jumped up and further smudged the mess in his nappy.

“Here we go. Smelly princess!” she teased as she pulled down his leggings and began to undo the straps on his nappy.

After a few minutes Jacob was cleaned up and strapped into a new nappy, a Rearz Safari. This nappy was noticeably more padded than the previous nappy and it was plainly obvious he had a nappy on. However shockingly, Flora put the blue leggings in her bag and pulled out an alternative piece of clothing.

“Stand up and let me get you into this” Flora said as she held out a white pleated skirt.

“Umm okay, will that fit over my nappy?” Jacob asked tentatively.

“Yes it will. Trust me okay?” Flora asked as he held up a leg and she pushed it up his legs and over the nappy. Jacob looked in the mirror and saw it did not reveal his nappy, but if he sat down he was sure people would see.

“Let’s catch the train home okay? You’ve been a very good girl today” Flora said as she kissed him.

He felt all warm inside and they both made their way back to the train station. As Jacob sat in his seat on the train, he pushed his skirt down over his legs to keep his nappy hidden. Flora noticed and tapped his knees, encouraging him to open his legs. Jacob did what she wanted and opened his legs, and by the look the man gave him sat opposite to him on the train, his nappy was on full show. And he loved it.

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This story nicely captures everything that you do not want someone in the ABDL community to do in public.  Well done.

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