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Hollywood Baby


This will be more of a slow burn story, it does involve MDLG, ABDL themes. This is my first story, so please keep criticism constructive. If I can improve my story writing, I am open to critique. I hope that you will enjoy this book.


 As a general warning there are a few scenes that could be triggering for some folks. There is a scene involving SA, I don’t go into great detail but it is present. There is also Negligent Homicide, again nothing terribly gruesome but it is present. If this was a movie, I would guess it would garner a PG-13 rating.




“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy”

-George Lorimer


“Rich People Don’t have problems, they have inconveniences.”

-Kevin Kwan- “Rich People Problems”


When you grow up in a wealthy family, it's much much harder to feel that what you've achieved is on your own. And it's much much harder for people to think that what you've achieved is on your own. 

-David Rubenstein


“Growing up rich must be so cool! You can do whatever you want,” “I wish my Mom and Dad were famous!” 

-General Public


Quotes like these are things I’ve heard all of my life from those who idolize being rich and famous, and while yes, it is nice growing up wanting for nothing, it’s not everything. I have experienced my own hardships, maybe not as much as those with less but hardships none the less. In this book, I will recount my experiences growing up as the child of two of Hollywood’s biggest stars, and how my life began again at eighteen. 


The passages of this book are a combination of summarized journal entries and the best of my recollection. I have tried to be as accurate as possible.


  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby Chapter 1

The first chapters of this story may be a bit short, but they will get longer as I hit my writing stride.


Chapter 1- A Princess Is Born


Some might say I was born into royalty, that I was a “princess.” I wasn’t born into true nobility, just into Hollywood Nobility. I was born as the only child of the famous acting duo of Mrs. Maria Alexander and Mr. Avery Cox. 


If you wanted your movie to be a blockbuster success, you got Avery Cox. Time Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” for three years straight. Described by the magazine as a “Modern Greek God,” his tall muscular frame swept back blonde hair and blue eyes were what he was known for. He was the actor all the women swooned over, and all of the guys wanted to be. He was frequently shirtless in promotional pictures to show off his perfect physique. If it involved shooting guns, fighting, or superpowers, he had done them all. Despite his rough and tumble exterior, he was a kind and caring man, with never an ill word for anyone.


If you wanted your movie to be an Oscar Contender, you got Maria Alexander. Classically trained at Julliard, Maria was already a well-established star on Broadway before transitioning to the screen. She was the quintessential leading lady, with beauty and grace. Her delicate, slender frame, her pale face framed by her fiery red hair, and green eyes made her look like the girl next door or the out-of-this-world unobtainable beauty. She took each role very seriously, studying the mannerisms and cultural idiosyncrasies of the character. She had won three Best Actress Oscars and been nominated for seven total. She was widely regarded as the finest living actress, and possibly one of the best of all time.


I was on the big screen from the day I was born, that’s not hyperbole, I was born on screen for one of my Mother’s Roles. When people say she is a Method Actor, this is what they mean. She never broke character throughout twenty hard hours of labor. The Doctors and Nurses all signed NDAs beforehand and signed agreements agreeing to appear on film. It was shot tastefully, no close-ups made the final edit, those were saved for my parents. I was

born on the 29th of February 2004 on the set of “Mother of the Depths.”


 I was born at a healthy 6lbs 8oz, and given the name Julie Evangeline Alexander-Cox. My Mother has told me that once I was born, she held me in her arms long after the director yelled cut, but as I have no memory of that time and no footage exists, I can neither confirm nor deny this account. If you were to watch any of her interviews or look at her press junkets, you would assume she held me all the time. 


I was constantly in her arms for those first nine months, but once the fervor of promotion for “Mother of the Depths” came to an end she decided she needed to spend some time with me at home. For the next fifteen months, she spent time at home bonding with me. Not long after my second birthday, Hollywood called and she was back to work and in and out of my life from then on. My parents had hired a Nanny, named Ann when I was born. At the start she had been there to assist my mother, and look after me if my Mother was on set or doing an interview. Now that my mother was fully returning to acting, I was in her care full-time.



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If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

TW: There is a scene containing SA in this chapter.

Chapter 2: A Princess Rises and Falls


 From the beginning I took after my Mom when it came to my looks, sharing her red hair, green eyes, freckles, and pale skin. My height came from my father’s side, by the time I was four, I was the size of most eight-year-olds. I was tall and a bit gangly as a child, not truly growing into my frame until high school.


I’m not sure if what I experienced growing up could truly be called a childhood. I was often alone with Nanny Ann in our sixteen-bedroom estate. There were people around, it wasn’t just me and Ann, but those people were always busy working. They didn’t have time to play peekaboo with a toddler, they couldn’t be bothered to kiss my boo-boos when I fell. That mostly fell to Ann, who despite being a lovely woman, was not my mother. Her affection after a time started to feel almost performative, like this is what’s expected of her in X situation. There wasn’t a true warmth behind it like a child receives from a parent they have bonded with. 


My parents were around but never stayed for long, never more than a few months. They were always on to the next role, the next interview. They would spend some time with me when they were home, but a lot was still left to Nanny Ann. My Mother would help if I needed a change. She would bathe me and put me to bed. As I got older I  was coached on how to present myself in public, and how to handle the public eye. From the time that I could walk without assistance, I was on the red carpet with my parents. At times it felt as if I was an accessory, to be shown off to the adoring masses. 


Once I could consistently form cogent sentences, I was given my first acting role. At the tender age of five, I was given the leading role of Evie Stardew in the children’s movie “Town in the Forest.” It was a box office success, people turned out to see the little tyke that was the offspring of the Alexander-Cox acting dynasty. From then on my life was spent in the spotlight and being shuttled off to my next film. As you can imagine, it is a bit difficult to attend a traditional school when one is frequently gone for long periods. So a personal tutor was hired to allow me to keep up with my studies and keep me on track for what was expected of someone my age. I learned everything between takes, and between shoot days, so in reality I never truly had an off day for myself. 


As I grew into my teenage years, Ann became less of a Nanny and more of a handler/personal assistant. She helped me with my schedule, she would tell me when I was needed on set when I needed to arrive for an interview. Do you need to get a hold of me? Call Ann. Any semblance of maternal warmth that I had gotten from Ann disappeared. She was my assistant now, not my surrogate Mom. I felt an ache where that tiny sliver of love used to be, I now well and truly felt alone. My parents were too busy, I was too busy, and there was no time for warmth and comfort. 


As my body began to develop into a more womanly figure, the media’s attention on me skyrocketed. Now that I was starting to develop, I was an object of lust. There was way more attention being paid to my appearance than ever before. I was constantly bombarded with inappropriate comments on social media sites, comments from grown men explicitly spelling out what they wanted to do to and with my body. It wasn’t just the internet though, I became the subject of tabloid fodder as well. 


I was constantly followed by paparazzi anywhere I went, and it got so bad that at the age of thirteen, I was forced to hire personal security. The security guards kept the photographers at bay, they couldn’t stop them from taking pictures, but at least they weren’t right up in my face anymore. When I turned fourteen, I finally had enough of the online harassment and deleted all of my socials. I just wanted to be left in peace, but apparently, that is not an option when you’re the “gorgeous” daughter of two of Hollywood’s biggest stars. 


With my development, I started to get more adult roles, ones that unfortunately frequently sexualized me to get butts in seats. I was still young, I was fourteen, and I didn’t know any better. Eventually, all of the online and media sexualization came to an all too common ending. At fourteen, I started “dating” my co-star Josh Mackey and we were enjoying spending time together as friends, or so I thought. We were now frequently featured in the couples section of tabloids and we became the teenage heartthrob couple that all teenagers idolized. We were frequent cover models of all of the most popular teen magazines.  


Things went on like this for about a year before things took a turn for the dark. Teenage hormones raging Josh began to pressure me more and more for sex, he said it’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do to prove they love each other. At fifteen I had yet to develop anything resembling sexual desire. I found my male co-stars to be attractive but that was it. I had no desire to explore any further beyond that. Even after a year of dating Josh, I had no sexual urge to be with him. I enjoyed just being together, and keeping each other company. The same could not be said for Josh, he was constantly harassing me for sex. When I said no, he would ask if I still loved him. Eventually, it became too much, I wanted to make him happy, and I thought I was in love. 


One night we were on a shoot, and I went to spend time with him in the house the studio had rented for him. Like usual we chatted about work for a bit, and then snuggled on his bed watching “The Notebook.” As we watched, he leaned over and started kissing me. He placed his hand on my leg and began to move it up my thigh. I was momentarily frozen, I didn’t know what to do. He took that as a cue to continue. As his hand gripped the waist of my shorts, I came back to my senses pushed him off, and told him no. Once again he asked me why I didn’t love him, and what was wrong with him. He said maybe we should break up because I’m obviously not into him. 


In a panic of losing him, and worrying about what the tabloids would say,  I reluctantly agreed to have sex with him. He smiled and told me how much he loved me, and now he was going to show me how much he loved me. Once again we began making out, his hands slowly removing my shirt as I began removing his. Very quickly we were down to just our underwear, and I blushed bright red as he removed his boxers. My face stayed crimson as I removed my bra and panties. 


He told me how beautiful I looked, and I could see he was excited. Eventually, he asked if I was ready, and in a shaky voice, I said I was. From the start, all I felt was pain. Everything I saw and read said sex was supposed to be pleasurable, why was I in pain, why is it not pleasurable for me? Very quickly I asked him to stop, telling him he was hurting me, but my cries were ignored. He continued until completion and then rolled over back onto his side of the bed. He thanked me and told me he hoped it was good for me too. 


All I could do was cry, I was in pain the entire time. After about thirty minutes of lying in a state of pain and shock, I heard light snoring coming from Josh. I was disgusted with myself and with him. How could I let him pressure me like that? I quickly slipped out of bed and redressed myself. I quietly left his house and got an Uber back to my rented house. I got home and immediately got in the shower, I felt dirty after what I had just done, I needed to be clean. 


The reality of the situation fully sunk in while I was in the shower, and I just sat in the tub with my arms around my knees and sobbed. Once again I felt alone, who could I tell, who could I trust not to leak this to the media? The police were out of the question, sitting in a police station filing a report, an easy way to get spotted and speculation would spread from there.


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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 2 posted 8/7)

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

Please drop me a comment, let me know how I'm doing!


Chapter 3: The Princess Spirals


The next day I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed, I told Ann I wasn’t feeling well and would not be going to the set today. She gave me a quizzical look, raising an eyebrow at my statement. She opened her mouth to say something, but I think another look at my face gaunt from crying all night made her think better of it. She quietly left and went to the set to inform the production team. The next day was a scheduled day off, and I continued to just stay in bed. I could barely eat. Eventually, two days later I emerged on set. There were lots of whispered comments and people quickly looked away as I passed. My face was still a mess, and it was obvious I had been crying. I quickly went to make-up, and they cleaned me up and got me ready for the shoot.


 As I walked onto the sound stage, I saw Josh talking with several of the other actors involved in this scene. As I moved closer I could hear him giving them a trumped-up version of what had occurred that night. In his version, he was a stud who left me quivering and asking for more. I tried to ignore it and keep my composure, I was a professional after all! I almost broke when one of the other teen actors snickered as I stepped onto the set and loudly coughed “Slut” into her hand. We only had a week left of shooting, and I did my best to avoid Josh that entire time. 


Finally, he cornered me two days before the end of the shooting, and asked what was wrong, where had I been, he hadn’t seen me lately. I flat-out told him what was wrong.


 “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I asked you to stop and told you I was in pain, and you didn’t stop!” 


He scoffed as if that was the dumbest reason ever to avoid him. Summoning up all of my courage, I told him I no longer wanted to see him, I never wanted to see him again. He quickly recovered from his surprise and became nasty. 


“Fine, if that’s what you want, I’m gone. Just know that if you tell anyone anything about how you supposedly ‘begged me to stop,’ I will drag your name through the tabloids as a slut and a sex-crazy whore. We all know which side the media will take. It’s so much easier to sell magazines saying a woman is a slut. Haha, have a good life babe.” 


I started to spiral after that, things took a turn for the worse for me. I was so deep in my shame and stress that I looked for easy coping mechanisms. When one of my fellow acting friends offered me a shot of Vodka, I accepted and didn’t stop at just one. Alcohol was the first of my vices, I started drinking heavily to numb the pain of what I had been through. If I blacked out, I wouldn’t have to think about it.


Now the tabloids featured pictures of me wasted and accidentally flashing the cameras, gone were the sweet pictures of the cute couple. I started going to illegal dance parties held in warehouses. It was there that I was introduced to Molly and then cocaine. I loved the way cocaine made me feel, it was like a burst of energy that let me keep partying all night long. I quickly developed a habit, of needing to take several hits to get me through the day. Due to the excessive use of cocaine and lack of proper nutrition, I became incredibly skinny to the point that you could see my bones if I stretched a certain way. 


The tabloids loved me, and the internet and popular media loved to make fun of me. Nine months later, my Mother sent me a message asking me to join her on set for her new movie that was filming in Tokyo. I had been a bit obsessed with Magical Girls when I was younger, and to a certain degree still was. I immediately said yes! She sent our jet for me, and I flew out to see her the next day. She greeted me warmly and helped me settle in. Something seemed a bit off about her, but I just chalked it up to not having seen her for a while. She took me out to Shibuya and Harajuku and all of the touristy destinations a Magical Girl enthusiast would love. 


When we got back to the house she was staying in I noticed that there were more cars in the driveway than before we left. I started to get a bit worried, was this a setup? Did they think I had a problem? I had it under control. I was surprised to see my father was there as well as a woman who introduced herself as Dr. Hana Ito, the director of the Yokohama Rehabilitation Center. 


My parents asked me to sit down with them, and they calmly explained why Dr. Ito was in our living room. They told me that this was an intervention and that they were concerned about my destructive behavior. They had heard through the Hollywood grapevine what had happened to me and were so sorry for what I had been through. They apologized for not realizing what had happend sooner. They expressed that they didn’t believe I was well and that I needed proper psychiatric care.


I immediately became defensive, accusing them of only caring about their public image. When they attempted to assure me that it had nothing to do with public image, I switched to denial. Everyone in Hollywood did drugs, everyone drank, and I was just being social I didn’t have a problem. Dr. Ito calmly explained that even if that was true, I was being forcibly admitted, as I was a minor and my parents were the ones admitting me. She told me that I could either come willingly or be taken by force. As she said this, two burly Japanese Orderlies stepped into the room cutting off my escape route. Seeing that I wasn’t getting out of this, I hung my head and agreed to go along quietly.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 3 posted 8/10)

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

Please drop me a comment, let me know how I'm doing!


Chapter 4: A Princess Gets Help



On February 19th, 2020, I was admitted into the rehabilitation center. It was a big change and a lot to take in. The first day was mainly just me getting settled into my room, and being given a tour of the facility. Luckily most of the staff spoke passable English, as this rehab center played host to troubled youth of some of the wealthiest people in the world. With such a multicultural patient base translators were employed by the facility, but English being one of the most used languages in the world was pretty common among the staff. 


The first week I was confined to the medical center, as I became sick from withdrawal symptoms. I was carefully monitored by the medical staff to make sure everything went smoothly. I experienced aches, pains, and nausea as the drugs were purged from my body. I barely ate, it was hard to keep anything down. Finally eight days later on February 27th, I completed my detox and the withdrawal symptoms subsided. 


As I woke up in the medical center on the eighth day, I was greeted with a tray loaded with breakfast foods. The tray contained generous portions of steamed rice, grilled fish, Tsukemono, Natto, Miso soup, and Tamagoyaki. Above this tray was the pale smiling face of a gorgeous Japanese girl who looked to be about my age.


 The way she was dressed, it seemed like she would be more at home in a morgue or funeral home than in a rehabilitation clinic. She wore a full-length black dress, with sheer long sleeves. She wore a black belt just below her chest to accentuate her figure and large heavy black boots. Her dark black hair, which fell below her shoulders, framed her pale face perfectly and was accentuated with a dark rouge lipstick thickly applied. 


She introduced herself as Yuki Ito. When I started to ask about her last name, she confirmed that she was indeed related to Dr. Ito, being her youngest daughter at 16 years of age. She sat the tray on my lap, having loaded up on food in the hopes that my appetite had come back now that I was out of withdrawal. As I smelled all of the delicious food in front of me, my stomach indeed began to rumble. The issue however was that the only utensil available was chopsticks, and I was very bad with chopsticks, usually just switching to a fork within five minutes. 


I looked to Yuki asking if any other cutlery was available. She seemed surprised that I didn’t know how to use chopsticks effectively, but offered to teach me. She gently placed the chopsticks in my hand and instructed me where to place my fingers. She gently grabbed my hands as she guided me toward the fish. The moment she touched my hand, I felt a tingling almost like I had been shocked. I looked into her eyes as she guided my hand, and felt butterflies in my stomach. For the first time, I had a crush on someone. After a few guided bites, I started to get the hang of using chopsticks and removed her hand to allow me to feed myself. I was hungry, but there was way too much food for me to finish by myself, so I offered the rest to Yuki. 


As we ate, we began chatting, learning a little bit about each other. She of course recognized me from my movies, and asked a ton of questions about what it was like to be a famous actress, what was it like being rich? I answered these questions as diplomatically as I could, not wanting to trauma dump on her first thing. I just told her it was interesting getting to play characters and meet new people. We continued chatting for another hour before I was summoned to my first one-on-one therapy session. I had only ever seen therapy sessions as portrayed in movies, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. 


The therapist's office was nice and inviting, with neutral-colored walls. She had a couch for patients to sit on, but not the stereotypical leather couch where you lie on your back as the therapist sits in a chair and takes notes. It was just a regular cloth couch with a blanket draped on top. There were also tatami floor mats for people who preferred not to sit on the couch. My therapist introduced herself as Dr. Himari Soto. I think she could tell I was nervous, or maybe everyone was nervous during their first therapy session, so she’s used to it. She briefly explained the purpose of our sessions and their part in my recovery. As it was our first session, we didn’t get too deep but established a good baseline for how I was feeling about everything. 


After my session was art, art is a good catharsis for stress and a window into how people are feeling. The rest of my schedule included lunch, group therapy, free time, dinner, and then bed. I quickly settled into the routine of the center, and it felt good to be in a routine again, to have structure. I had decided on day one that I was going to embrace this chance to get clean, so I went into each day intending to get better. 


I spent my sixteenth birthday in rehab, not exactly how I had pictured my sweet sixteen when I was growing up. The staff and the residents threw me a small party, with a store bough cake and candles. It may not have been fancy, but it felt nice. I was so high on my birthday last year, that I don’t even remember it. I just remember the headlines the next day, featuring a picture of me vomiting into a sewer grate, a bottle of vodka in my hand.


The memory of how I spent my previous birthday was a motivator for me to complete the program on time, and not linger any longer than I had to. The program was a ninety-day program, after completion, I would be assigned a Sponsor to ensure that I remained clean and sober. At least that was how it was supposed to happen.


As anyone reading this likely knows, the world was caught in the grip of a Pandemic in 2020. COVID-19 spread rapidly throughout the world, causing chaos as people tried to understand this new virus and its effects. Masks were already commonplace in Japan, so the adjustment to mask-wearing was negligible. Even in the rehab center, staff all wore masks, and patients frequently wore masks as well whenever they felt unwell. 


Quickly shelter-in-place orders followed, which again being in an isolated rehab center wasn’t a big shift for us. Then on April 3rd, Japan enacted a travel ban for fifty countries including the United States, so this meant I was essentially stuck in Japan. I was told that my parents had returned to the United States right before the travel bans went into effect, as the shooting had shut down. They hadn’t left in an attempt to abandon me, they just didn’t properly anticipate the travel ban, thinking Ann would bring me home once treatment was through.


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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 4 posted 8/14)

Okay, so what I see here is someone retelling what is essentially their backstory.  I'm not entirely sure where you plan to go from here, but I imagine the meat of the real story is upcoming.  

Granted, this is a complex backstory, one that has nuance, one that almost seems necessary to lead into wherever you're going, and it's a believable one.  What I would suggest to you is that, in future stories, not necessarily this one (again because it seems highly germane to your upcoming plot), you develop the character's backstory for your personal use, then weave little bits and pieces of that backstory into the body of the story.  This enables the reader to simultaneously enjoy the action of the actual story while also building the character as the story goes along, to generate emotional responses from the audience as you wish them to feel - reviled by the character's behavior or empathetic to their plight, all reinforced by bits and pieces of their history that feed into the narrative.  

As of right now, you're doing a good job of building us a complex character through telling her backstory, and by all means, I encourage you to continue.  I just wanted to point out that, in other situations, dropping the history of the main character before the story you want to tell starts is not always the ideal path for a storyteller. 

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2 hours ago, WBDaddy said:

Okay, so what I see here is someone retelling what is essentially their backstory.  I'm not entirely sure where you plan to go from here, but I imagine the meat of the real story is upcoming.  

Granted, this is a complex backstory, one that has nuance, one that almost seems necessary to lead into wherever you're going, and it's a believable one.  What I would suggest to you is that, in future stories, not necessarily this one (again because it seems highly germane to your upcoming plot), you develop the character's backstory for your personal use, then weave little bits and pieces of that backstory into the body of the story.  This enables the reader to simultaneously enjoy the action of the actual story while also building the character as the story goes along, to generate emotional responses from the audience as you wish them to feel - reviled by the character's behavior or empathetic to their plight, all reinforced by bits and pieces of their history that feed into the narrative.  

As of right now, you're doing a good job of building us a complex character through telling her backstory, and by all means, I encourage you to continue.  I just wanted to point out that, in other situations, dropping the history of the main character before the story you want to tell starts is not always the ideal path for a storyteller. 

Thank you very much for your thoughtful and insightful comments. I will do my best to incorporate your advice into future writings. 

I appreciate the praise, and that the character and situation feels believable. I wrote this as basically a autobiography of the character, so she's telling her life story, and seminal events that led her to where she is today. 


This is the first feed back I have received so far, so I truly do appreciate you taking the time to not only read my story, but to provide insight as well. 

46 minutes ago, Little Dino said:

This is the first feed back I have received so far, so I truly do appreciate you taking the time to not only read my story, but to provide insight as well. 

Don't freak about feedback/lack thereof.  Until diapers get involved, a lot of folk around here aren't interested enough to comment.  They read, but they don't say anything until the babying part happens.  I've been around this site for 18 years, and anyone who has ever had me comment on their stuff will tell you:

1) I don't comment at all if it's a hot mess.

2) If I do comment, it's because I'm rooting for you to get better as a writer OR I already find your writing to be of exceptional quality right out the gate, which is rare ( @MinnesotaWriter and @Personalias check this box)

3) Sometimes my comments come off as bashing, but I don't mean them to be.  Usually it's because I'm amped up to see something awesome happen that doesn't because the author decided to just gloss over it.  Sadly, one author quit the forum entirely over such a happening, and I was sad that happened, and I said as much to the writer, even though they ragequit the forum over it. That said, if anything I say makes you uncomfortable, just say so, and I'll stop commenting. 

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14 minutes ago, WBDaddy said:

Don't freak about feedback/lack thereof.  Until diapers get involved, a lot of folk around here aren't interested enough to comment.  They read, but they don't say anything until the babying part happens.  I've been around this site for 18 years, and anyone who has ever had me comment on their stuff will tell you:

1) I don't comment at all if it's a hot mess.

2) If I do comment, it's because I'm rooting for you to get better as a writer OR I already find your writing to be of exceptional quality right out the gate, which is rare ( @MinnesotaWriter checks this box)

3) Sometimes my comments come off as bashing, but I don't mean them to be.  Usually it's because I'm amped up to see something awesome happen that doesn't because the author decided to just gloss over it.  Sadly, one author quit the forum entirely over such a happening, and I was sad that happened, and I said as much to the writer, even though they ragequit the forum over it. That said, if anything I say makes you uncomfortable, just say so, and I'll stop commenting. 

I'm familiar with you, I've been lurking around this board for nearly as long as you've been active.


I was actually quite happy with your comment. I am by no means a professional writer, and this being my first story, I am open to all good hearted and constructive criticism. 

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As you say, the structure is autobiographical, which is probably not a good fit for any fetish site.  Given that there are so many other stories running side by side with yours, sustaining reader interest can be a real challenge for any story following the slow burn approach.  Personally, I would set a hook by doing something like starting the tale in the middle, and looking back in bits and pieces both to explain where we are as well as where we are going.  This allows you to bring the fetish object into the story at or close to the beginning, which makes it a lot easier to capture and hold the reader's attention.

WBDaddy is right about not letting lack of feedback upset you.  Guests cannot leave comments, and my analysis over the last ten months indicates that 80% plus of the traffic here is from guests. 

One tool that you might consider using is the tags.  These can give readers a sense of where the story is heading even when it is a slow burn.    

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43 minutes ago, Babypants said:

As you say, the structure is autobiographical, which is probably not a good fit for any fetish site.  Given that there are so many other stories running side by side with yours, sustaining reader interest can be a real challenge for any story following the slow burn approach.  Personally, I would set a hook by doing something like starting the tale in the middle, and looking back in bits and pieces both to explain where we are as well as where we are going.  This allows you to bring the fetish object into the story at or close to the beginning, which makes it a lot easier to capture and hold the reader's attention.

WBDaddy is right about not letting lack of feedback upset you.  Guests cannot leave comments, and my analysis over the last ten months indicates that 80% plus of the traffic here is from guests. 

One tool that you might consider using is the tags.  These can give readers a sense of where the story is heading even when it is a slow burn.    

Thank you very much for your insights and suggestions! I appreciate it. 


If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

Please drop me a comment, let me know how I'm doing!


Chapter Five: A Princesses’ New Life

My parents were rich enough that they could have arranged for a way for me to get around the travel ban, but they were also aware of the negative publicity that would come from a rich couple skirting regulations meant for everyone. My parents ensured I had plenty of money in my account for anything I might need, and stayed in contact through email and text. Dr. Ito was very kind and understanding of my unique circumstances and allowed me a few minutes of phone time each day. 


Most of the other patients had already completed their 90 days by the time the travel ban hit, and due to the virus, no new patients had been accepted. With there being no other patients in the center, Yuki and I began to spend a lot of our free time together. When there’s only other staff and your Mom to talk to, spending time with someone your age is preferable to pretty much everything else. In our free time, Yuki started teaching me Japanese. She was very good at conversing in English but still had to stop and search for the correct translation sometimes. 


Over the last month of my stay, I had picked up a few everyday phrases commonly used by Japanese people. I still had a lot to learn, but Yuki was a good teacher. She was patient, kind, and encouraging whenever I became frustrated. We became close, she taught me Japanese and I regaled her with stories of my Hollywood life.


 As we got to the final week of my ninety days, I began to wonder what was going to happen, I hadn’t heard anything about who I would be staying with once I was discharged. When I asked Dr. Ito where I would go once my treatment was complete, she stated that I would come to stay with her and Yuki. Her husband had passed away two years ago in a car accident, Yuki had begun dressing in heavy black and Goth makeup after his death. Her other two children were married with families of their own, so they had extra space since it was just her and Yuki now. She explained it to me as a way for her to act as my sponsor, since I would have difficulty finding anyone with my parents and PA gone. I liked Dr. Ito, she had been good to me, and besides, this gave me a good excuse to spend more time with Yuki. I happily agreed with this plan. 


A week later, the clinic was closed temporarily and turned into a treatment center for COVID patients as the Hospitals were overflowing. I gathered what little I had brought with me, and joined Dr. Ito and Yuki in the car. We made the hour's drive to the Ito Household. It was a very nice two-story house in a more affluent part of Tokyo. I was given a quick tour of the house by Yuki, and shown to my room. 


My room, it turned out was right across from hers, it was her eldest sister’s room she explained. Her sister would help watch her when our mother was busy, so having a room where she could get to her quickly helped. Her sister’s room could not have been in stark contrast to her own. Whereas Yuki’s room was full of dark colors, mostly in varying shades of black, her sister Suzuka’s room was as girly and pink as could be. 


Stuffed animals were piled on the bed and in a corner of the room opposite of the bed. She explained to me that her sister had always been a very “girly girl,” and shortly before leaving for University, her sister was very much into the Kawaii fashion style and Harajuku street fashion. Seeing that I was still in the clothing provided by the clinic, she offered me her sister's clothes. Turns out we were of a similar size and build, so her stuff should fit me without much issue. 


Giving me privacy to allow me to change, Yuki made her way downstairs to help her mother with lunch. It was time to explore her sister’s closet! I didn’t have a ton of knowledge on the particulars of the fashion styles, but after a quick Google search on my phone, I got the gist of it. I picked through the closet, laying out a few pieces that caught my eye. After about 30 minutes of browsing, I decided I had a complete look. I was satisfied with what I had chosen, my final look consisted of a black tank top, orange canvas pants with a studded belt, a black choker, and a short jean jacket to complete the look. I grabbed a few necklaces to complete the look. 


Giving myself a quick twirl in the mirror, I was pretty satisfied with the way I looked. I had put a few pounds back on at the clinic, but I was still very slim, so the clothes were a bit baggy on me. As I was giving myself one last look over, Yuki yelled to me that lunch was ready. The mention of food made my stomach rumble, so I quickly made my way downstairs. I was complimented on my outfit by Dr.Ito and we all sat down for lunch. After lunch, Yuki and I continued my Japanese lessons. 


The days in isolation pretty much fell into a similar pattern, and days started to blend together. Yuki and I continued to spend most of our time together, whether it was learning Japanese, watching movies, or just talking about our lives. We were together a lot and after six months of knowing Yuki, the butterflies in my stomach that formed when she first touched my hand in the medical ward, had only intensified. She usually kept a fairly stoic face, and she wasn’t always the easiest to read, but I hoped that she felt the same way. 


It was during a rainy day at the beginning of August that I got my answer. We were working on more Japanese phrases and by this time my Japanese was halfway decent. Near the end of the lesson, we both reached for the same pencil and our hands touched. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I touched her hand, and despite her best efforts to remain neutral, I could tell it was affecting Yuki too. Our hands still lay on top of each other, in a breathy whisper, I heard her say 


“Sugoku Kanojo ni Kisushitaidesu.” 


I needed no further invitation and immediately pressed my lips to hers. There was a brief moment of surprise on her face, but she quickly returned the affection. After another 30 seconds, we separated, staring into each other’s eyes. I confessed that I had feelings for her, and had since we first met. I explained she was the first and only person I had ever felt anything resembling attraction to. She confessed that she also had developed feelings for me. She thought I was cute when we first met, but assumed that even if I was interested in girls, I would be way out of her league. 


With the lockdown and us being so close to each other and spending most of our time together, her feelings only got stronger until finally, they came spilling out when our hands touched. We discussed our feelings and decided we wanted to give being a couple a shot, and so we became girlfriends. 


The Japanese people have a mixed attitude towards homosexuality, and we were uncertain if we should tell her mother about our relationship. She was of an older generation, and there was a chance she would look upon our relationship unfavorably. We decided to keep it hidden. Not much changed in our day-to-day lives with the advent of this new relationship. The lockdown was still in effect, so there wasn’t any place for us to go. We still spent most of our time together, only now we held hands or kissed when her mother wasn’t watching.


 We would sneak into each other’s rooms and snuggle on the bed together, falling asleep in each other’s arms. All went according to plan until her mother walked in on us kissing on the couch when we believed she was sleeping. We sat there in the embarrassment of being caught, and worrying what her reaction would be, after all, we still had to live with the woman. To our great relief and shock, she just smiled at us and hugged us both. She told us that we didn’t have to hide, that she already knew. Seeing the expressions of surprise on our faces, all she could do was chuckle. She stated you would have to be blind to miss the way we look at each other, she was just glad we finally got around to it. With her Mother’s acceptance, we no longer had to sneak around to hide our relationship. 


Once again our days in lockdown fell into a routine of days stuck in the house. Yuki was now in her words giving me two Japanese lessons per day. The one during the day worked on phrasing, and other language bits, and the night lessons where she taught me about Japanese girls and what they enjoy. We were happy, and I decided I wanted to express that happiness outward as well as internally. 


I started wearing more bright pastels, transitioning from the edgier Harajuku Street Fashion to the cute and bright Kawaii Style. I couldn’t get enough of the cute, almost childlike style of the fashion movement. I just looked so adorable! Yuki was still very much Goth, but she found my childish fashion style cute. She even started on occasion jokingly calling me her little sister. Whenever she did that, I would lean into the role. I would carry a stuffed animal around with me and refer to her as Onēsan. Her mother thought it was adorable. 


This was our life for another six months before the world gradually started to reopen again. We began to explore more of the city now that things were opening up. She took me to all of her favorite spots and introduced me to a few of her friends. More and more when we were home, Yuki and I fell into our Onēsan and Imōto roles. It was fun having Yuki look after me, and make sure I was taking care of myself. More and more, I found myself getting into my role, and finding the headspace of a little girl. By now my Japanese was close to fluent, so it wasn’t too difficult to play the role of a young Japanese girl. Her mother even started addressing us as if we were sisters, using the term Chōjo for Yuki, and Jijo for me. I was happy. 

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 5 posted 8/18)

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

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Chapter 6: A Princess in Distress


I had stayed in contact with my parents during the lockdown, telling them about Yuki and that we were dating. They were happy for me and Yuki, and insisted on Facetime calls with Yuki and me so they could meet “their future daughter-in-law!” They quickly fell in love with Yuki just as I had, and were overjoyed that she made me so happy. My parents informed me that Hollywood studios would be resuming filming soon, so it would be back to work for all of us. 


In October of 2021, my Mother arrived back in Tokyo to resume filming on her latest project. My Father was in Nevada filming a Western. Dr. Ito graciously invited my mother over for dinner and offered her a place to stay after she arrived back in town. My mother graciously accepted it would be a few days before her Studio Rented house would be ready. It was a new experience spending so much time with my Mother, especially out of character. We chatted about Hollywood gossip, and about acting. She complimented my fashion choices and told me she thought I looked adorable. The few days spent in the Ito household allowed her to get to know Yuki too, and she quickly embraced Yuki as her daughter. It was a happy couple of days, things were feeling like they were getting back to normal, possibly better than normal since I was getting to spend so much time with my Mom. 


On the fourth day after arriving in Japan, my Mother received a distressing phone call. I couldn’t tell what was being said, but I could see she was upset. After five minutes she hung up the phone, and upon disconnecting immediately broke down in tears. I rushed to her, asking her what was wrong, what happened. Through her sobs, she told me that my Father had been involved in an on-set accident while attempting a stunt. 


The prop department gave his co-star a gun that was loaded with blanks, or so they said. During the scene, the gun went off, and your father was shot and passed away right there on set. To say I was shocked, would be an understatement. How could this be? My Dad was a superhero, a super soldier, how could he die? I had never experienced death, especially not in someone so close, I didn’t have a frame of reference for how to process everything. I just hugged my mother tightly and sobbed right along with her. 


My mother and I chartered a jet out of Tokyo immediately, needing to get back to take care of my father’s estate. I was in shock and didn’t say much of anything for a while. I just sat on the floor blankly staring into the space in front of me. After giving me space for the first hour, I felt Yuki wrap her arms around me and cuddle into me. She didn’t say anything, she just held me close. Just feeling her warmth and reassurance soothed me a bit, and I started to come out of my stupor. After just cuddling like that for fifteen minutes, she finally spoke. 


“Do you want me to come with you?”


I just leaned into her and nodded yes, just letting myself be held by her. Shortly after, our car arrived to take us to the private airport. Very kindly, Dr. Ito had assisted my mother in getting a bag packed for myself and Yuki so we would have something to wear upon arriving in Los Angeles.


Yuki and my Mother both slept on the flight, but sleep wouldn’t find me. I always did have trouble falling asleep in moving vehicles as I grew up, I suppose I didn’t as a baby, but all babies fall asleep in the car eventually. Eight hours later we finally arrived at a private airport in Los Angeles. 


As we exited the jet I caught a brief glimpse of myself and was not thrilled with what I saw. You could see the tiredness on my face, my eyes were dull and lifeless, and there were large bags under my eyes. Having glanced out the plane windows as we taxied in, I saw that of course someone had leaked our arrival to the Paparazzi, and after seeing my face, I was in even less of a mood to face them. Luckily we had a private hangar that was shut off to the paparazzi, the limos had dark tinted windows. We thanked the pilot and immediately got into the limos just in case a sneaky photographer had gotten around security. 


The limos took us directly to our house so that we could rest and clean up a bit before visiting with the estate attorney. As we entered the house we were greeted by all of the staff, condolences were shared, and praise was given. Ann was there, of course, she hugged me and whispered kind words to me. Even though I knew her job was no longer to be my Nanny, it still felt nice to be comforted by her, it reminded me a bit of when I was younger. I just rested my head on her shoulder for a moment, before letting go.


 I introduced Yuki to everyone and took Yuki on a tour of the house. She was definitely in awe of the sheer size of our estate, with Tokyo being so crowded, she was a bit thrown off by how empty the area around our estate was and how quiet it was. After the tour was over, she insisted we take a nap, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. To encourage me to nap, she decided to lay with me and cuddle me while I napped, and possibly fall asleep herself. 


I grabbed a pair of cute pajamas from my suitcase and Yuki grabbed a black nightgown.  I hadn’t been home in a few years, and even when I had been home, it wasn’t for long. This led to never getting around to buying new bedding, so my bedding was still that of a much younger girl, not an eighteen-year-old woman. I blushed a bit at my Queen-size bed featuring Tangled bedding with an image of Rapunzel. Yuki didn’t say a word or react in any way, she was used to me dressing in the more childish cutesy manner of Kawaii Fashion anyway. The bedding was just par for the course in her eyes. We got under the covers and started to snuggle with each other, Yuki holding me as the little spoon and comforting me while encouraging me to sleep. I was so comfortable and warm being held like that by Yuki, it made me feel safe and loved. I very quickly drifted off to sleep. 


In my dream I was standing on the red carpet with my Father and Mother, we were doing the standard walk, letting the photographers get their pictures, etc. As we approached the reporters for our red-carpet interview, I noticed that the reporter was no longer holding a microphone but a pistol. As we approached her, she aimed it and fired, striking my father in the chest. He immediately crumpled to the ground, bleeding out at my feet. 


As I stood there in shock, the reporter pointed the gun at me. I was frozen, I couldn’t move, I was too afraid. As I stood frozen to the spot with fear, I felt a warm sensation in my underwear. In my fear, I was wetting myself on the red carpet, with hundreds of photographers taking pictures of the scene. As my bladder finished emptying, the reporter pulled the trigger. Just before the bullet could strike me, I woke up with a start, drenched in a cold sweat. 

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 6 posted 8/22)

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

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Chapter 7: A Princesses’ Shame


My abrupt awakening startled Yuki, who had been asleep beside me. As I woke up and regained my senses, I realized that the moisture I had felt upon waking wasn’t a cold sweat at all. It was quite warm. With a sinking sense of dread, I realized that for the first time in fourteen years, I had wet the bed.


As Yuki came to her senses, I heard a faint “nanda kore” as she too realized that the bed was now soaked. I looked over at her confused face, now looking at me questioningly, and burst into tears. She quickly embraced me, making shushing noises, and rubbing my back. She assured me that it was alright, she was not upset, she was just surprised. She reassured me that it was likely just a one-time occurrence brought on by extreme stress both emotional and physical. After all, we had just taken a red-eye flight for nine hours and landed seventeen hours behind where we started. My sobs turned to sniffles, as I was comforted by her words. She always knew just what to say to make me feel better. As we got out of bed Yuki encouraged me to go take a shower, and that she would take care of the bedding. 


I stepped into the bathroom, started the shower, and made sure it would be hot. As the shower warmed, I peeled the wet clothes from my body and threw them in the hamper. I had a brief moment of embarrassment, as I thought about the house staff member who would have to come to gather my pee-soaked laundry and bedding. I quickly squashed my embarrassment, telling myself that this was what they were paid for and that they didn’t care one way or the other as long as they got paid. With that in mind, I stepped into the scalding hot shower to wash last night off my skin. 


Once I had sufficiently scalded the pee off my skin, I stepped out into the fog cloud that was now my bathroom and made my way into the attached walk-in closet. Opening my suitcase, I picked out the cutest outfit I could find. Wetting the bed and being comforted by Yuki had made me feel small, and I decided I wanted to dress the part. Looking through my clothing, I settled on pastel pink knee-high socks with little pink bows at the knee, a pastel pink skirt coming just above my knee, featuring a pattern of cute and colorful hearts smiling and winking. Completing the pink explosion, I chose a long-sleeved pink turtleneck made out of breathable stretch fabric, and finally, the piece de resistance, a cute little halter top featuring the Sanrio character Cinamaroll. I pulled my hair back in a cute pink bow and admired myself in the mirror. 


Stepping out of the bathroom, the temperature change gave me a brief chill as I exited the humid air of the bathroom into the drier and colder air of my bedroom. Just as I exited the bathroom, Yuki returned to the room. She took a look at my cute outfit and smiled softly. 


“Don’t you look adorable today Imōto?”


 I smiled at her compliment, embracing her with a quick thank you for helping me earlier. She reassured me she didn’t mind helping, and that she would always be there to help me when I needed her. I looked over to my bed, the bedding stripped off and the mattress scrubbed of any stains. The staff certainly works fast, I had forgotten just how efficient they were. Yuki gave me a quick reassuring hug and kiss and encouraged me to put it out of my mind, reassuring me that it was just a freak occurrence. I smiled at her, and hoped she was right, that this accident was only a one-time thing brought on by the stress of not sleeping, dealing with my father’s death, and the long trip home. With that Yuki released her hug and went to take a shower of her own. 


I walked downstairs for breakfast, keeping an eye on the staff as I passed, looking for any askew glances in my direction that would hint at amusement or disgust with my morning situation. I saw none, the staff remained professional and went about their business. As I entered the kitchen I was greeted by our Chef Hannah.


 Hannah had been our Chef for as long as I could remember, her large frame full of affection and warmth, with smile lines permanently displayed on her face. She gave me a quick hug that somehow managed to say welcome home and I’m sorry for your loss and then went right back to preparing breakfast.  


Seated at a small table by the window was my mother, a beautiful nightgown hanging off her frame as she sipped her morning coffee and read the newspaper. She looked just as beautiful as usual, like she wasn’t even affected by my Father’s death. I don’t know how she keeps it together like that, I felt like I looked like a wreck even after applying makeup. I sat down across from her and was quickly brought a cup of coffee, two sugars, and one cream, just how I liked it. With a smile and a thank you, I gingerly took a sip. My mother lowered the paper, folding it in half, and gave me a warm smile. 


We sat there in silence for a minute, looking out the window, and enjoying the beautiful morning. My mother broke our silent reverie with the information that the cleaning staff had informed her of my accident last night. I blushed bright red at the mention of the cleaning staff and my accident. She got up and gave me a big hug, telling me how sorry she was that I had to deal with that this morning. It felt good to be comforted by my Mom, it had been a long time since we had had a chance to sit like this. 


Yuki entered the kitchen giving me a quick peck on the cheek, and remarking once again how cute her Imōto looked this morning. My Mother got a curious look on her face, noticing for the first time how I was dressed today. Giving a questioning look to me and Yuki at the word Imōto. Seeing her confusion I informed her that Imōto meant little sister in Japanese. She gave a warm smile at us, and commented on how cute I looked, saying that if she didn’t know any better, and I wasn’t five foot eight, she would think I was a cute five-year-old girl. I blushed at her compliment, thanking her. With that, she offered her seat to Yuki and went to get dressed for the day. Hannah served us a big stack of pancakes with blueberry compote and we eagerly dug in.

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

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Chapter 8: A Princess Makes Arrangements 


Once we had finished our breakfast, I heard a light chuckle coming from Yuki. I gave her a curious look as if to say “What’s so funny?” She quickly unlocked her phone camera flipping to the front camera and showing me my syrup-covered face. I was so shocked to see how much syrup had done on my face instead of my mouth. I blushed profusely, thinking I really did look like a little girl now with syrup smeared all over my face. As I contemplated this thought, I was brought out of my thoughts by the surprise sensation of Yuki using a wet napkin to clean up my face. When she was done, I thanked my Onēsan for taking care of me. 


With breakfast finished, we thanked Hannah for the delicious pancakes and made our way into the entertainment room. Cuddling together on the couch we looked for something to watch settling on Doraemon, one of my favorite Japanese cartoons. We just lay together on the couch for a while, with Yuki stroking my hair as we watched. Right as I began to drift off from the comfort, my Mom entered the room. It was time for us to meet with the funeral director, and get everything set for Dad’s funeral. 


Piling into our black Cadillac SUV with dark tint on the windows, we started making our way to the funeral home. Of course, a few paparazzi vultures were hanging outside the gate to our estate, hoping to get a good picture of the grief-stricken widow and her daughter. With the heavy tinted glass separating the cab from the driver's seat and the tinted rear windows, they were unsuccessful. 


Once we arrived at the funeral home, more vultures were waiting outside the gates. Luckily the funeral home was prepared and had erected obstructions so that we might enter unseen and undisturbed. We were shown into a comfortable sitting area to wait for the Funeral Director. I didn’t want to be here or deal with this, so I sat leaning against Yuki and spaced out. I was brought back to reality as the Funeral Director arrived, and I started to pay more attention. He asked questions about Dad, what he was like, how he died, what kind of funeral service we wanted, burial or cremation, where we wanted the service held, what we wanted on the tombstone, etc. 


As my mother began speaking with the Funeral Director about my Dad, I couldn’t help but tune back out, and get lost in memories of my father. He may not have been around much, but I do have some fond memories of him from when I was little. We would make little “movies” together where he had to act out a script that I wrote. They were often silly and nonsensical, but he did it anyway. He would put on outrageous costumes and allow me to “do his makeup” for the shoot. It always made me happy “directing” Daddy. As I leaned on Yuki’s shoulder, I smiled at the fond memory. The meeting lasted for another hour before it was finally time to go. 


I thought we would be going back home, but instead, we went shopping for what we would be wearing to the funeral. We met with my Mother’s favorite designer Aurora Sterling at her studio. I had done this type of thing before, but all of it was new to Yuki, so she was a bit thrown off when they asked her to take off her dress so they could measure her. I assured her that it was ok, that this is how it always went and she reluctantly relented. Measurements were taken, with no comment still in a slightly emaciated state thankfully, and we were brought into Aurora's office. 


She quickly looked over our current and recent fashion choices to attempt to create the best look for each of us. For my Mom, she chose a long slinky black dress that denoted her mourning, but still showed off her incredible figure. For Yuki, she picked a design featuring a black dress with mesh sleeves that looked almost Victorian in its design. Finally, for me, she selected a cute Gothic Lolita dress design featuring alternating black layered skirts with a white border around the bottom of each skirt. I had to admit, despite this being a terrible reason for it, I loved the dress. 


As we left, she informed us that final fittings would be on Thursday so any necessary adjustments could be made by the Funeral on Saturday. We went back home, and at this point, I was exhausted so I decided to take a nap. Two hours later I was awoken from my nap by Yuki to let me know dinner was ready. As I removed the covers, I was happy to see that there had not been a repeat of last night and the bed was dry. Yuki hugged me and praised me like a child for keeping me dry, I should have hated it, but a part of me loved the praise, it made me feel warm inside. Holding hands, Yuki and I entered the main dining room taking seats next to each other and my Mother who sat at the head of the table. We were served a delicious dinner featuring Hannah’s take on Gordon Ramsey’s Beef Wellington. I have had the real thing, and this was just as good. The rest of the evening was uneventful, Yuki and I watched a movie and then went to bed. 

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 7&8 posted 8/29)

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If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

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Chapter 9: A Princess in Mourning


The week went by in a flash, with a weird duality of things moving in slow motion while time around us sped by. I was very happy that I hadn’t had another accident in my sleep all week, Yuki was right, it must have been a one-time thing. Finally, it was Saturday, the day of the funeral and visitation.


 The visitation was held at Angel’s Point Park not far from the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels, where the ceremony would be held. I kept it together for most of the visitation, thanking people for coming and thanking them for their condolences. Once the last of the mourners began to head for the door, I finally allowed myself to walk up to my Father’s coffin, to see him one last time. 


They had done great work, if you didn’t know any better, you would think he was sleeping. Seeing him lying there, cold and lifeless, is when everything crashed down on me. I would never see him again, never hear his laugh, never see his smile, my Daddy was gone. I broke down right there in front of the coffin, sobbing uncontrollably. My Mother and Yuki attempted to comfort me, but all I could do was cry, sobbing Daddy don’t go, over and over. My mother held me close and rubbed circles on my back, rocking with me back and forth. Eventually, I was able to calm down enough to get back to my feet and move out of the car. I intentionally made sure not to look back at the coffin, because I was afraid I would break down again if I did. 


We were taken to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels where the service was to be held. I sat quietly in the front row, staring into space. My Mother’s makeup artist had quickly redone my makeup to hide blemishes from my breakdown. It was a beautiful ceremony, with lots of kind words and stories about my Dad. I did what was expected of me and Eulogized my Father, putting on my figurative actor’s hat to will myself to keep it together. I successfully kept my composure and read the Eulogy that I had prepared with the help of my Mother’s publicist. 


With my Eulogy complete, it was my Mother’s turn. She gave a beautiful Eulogy, also co-written by her publicist, but at the end to everyone’s surprise she announced that she was taking an indefinite leave from acting. She told the gathered crowd of Friends, Family, Staff, and Reporters, that her husband’s death had given her perspective on how precious life was and how short the time we have together is. She wanted to spend time with her daughter, quality time, not time interrupted by casting agents, or directors calling her. She didn’t have the will to act anymore, but she hoped to one day find it again.


The reception was long, but the food was fantastic, with Gordon Ramsey himself cooking for the event. I went through the reception in a haze, my thoughts on my Father, but also my Mother’s decision. It made me happy, we had more than enough money, so she didn’t “need” to work. I was looking forward to getting to spend more time with her. Finally, the reception ended and we were able to go back home. I was exhausted from the day, but I didn’t go to sleep right away. Instead, my Mother, Yuki, and I watched old home movies of my Father, the ones that I had “directed.” I hadn’t seen them in a long time, and it was good to laugh.


 As I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t help but think about my Father. I decided to look at tributes to him on my phone so that I could have good dreams of him while I slept. Most of the articles I found were kind tributes and talked about his career, but I unfortunately clicked on TMZ. The site opened bombarding me with images of myself breaking down during the visitation and an article link that promised exclusive information about my Father’s accident. I don’t know why, but I clicked on it. What I saw horrified me, contained within the articles were photos from the set of my father being shot, and then lying in a pool of his blood. I immediately closed the window and turned off my phone’s screen, setting it on the nightstand. 


I couldn’t get those images out of my head, the look of surprise on his face, the pure confusion over what was happening to him. It kept running in a loop inside my head till eventually exhaustion pulled me down into sleep. 


That night I had a dream about my Dad. In my dream, I was a little girl again, “directing” my Daddy in one of our movies. In the dream I was playing the bad guy, pointing a toy gun at him. Aiming I squeezed what I believed to be the toy's trigger, but instead of a click, there was a loud bang as a bullet hit my father in the chest. I just stood and stared for a moment, as he lay on his back on the grass, blood pooling underneath him. 


As he lay there and shut his eyes, I ran over and kneeled beside him, screaming Daddy wake up, it was just pretend, Daddy, wake up! As I kneeled there crying, the sprinklers sprung to life around us, drenching me in water. Now I was soaked and crying for my Daddy. I woke up the next morning, with no memory of this dream. What I did remember was the previous feeling of waking up in a wet bed, it was easy to remember, as I was feeling it yet again. I lifted my covers and stared in horror at the wet sheets beneath me. All I could do was start to cry.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 9 posted 9/2)

I'm so in love with this story ! It's really well written, with a slow regression, step by step, to babyhood. The slow regressions' story are the best ! You're really an artist Little Dino.

I hope that Yuki and the mommy of this cutie will quickly find a pacifier to soothe and calm down our princess Julie after her second accident.

This bedwetting is clearly a call for love and attention after her Daddy's death. It's a very good thing that her mom wants to spent time with her daughter. A certain little girl will need her Mommy back to endure this mourning, and returns slowly, but happily to babyhood, far away for her grown-ups problems. 

And she's a lucky one, with Yuki, our princess got two Mommies to take care of her !

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If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

Please drop me a comment, let me know how I'm doing!


Chapter 10: A Princess in Pain


My crying of course woke Yuki who was sleeping next to me. As she began to come back to consciousness, the wetness underneath her began to register. She didn’t say a word, not even moving to get out of bed, she just hugged me. I just put my head onto her chest and sobbed. Why was this happening to me? I had never been a bedwetter, and eighteen-year-olds aren’t supposed to wet their bed. Yuki just held me making soft shushing noises, rocking with me. As she rocked me, she whispered words of reassurance.


“It’s ok, Julie-chan. No need to cry, Onēsan’s got you.”


Her words were comforting and made me feel safe and loved. After I calmed down we got out of bed and Yuki stripped the sheets. I stood there just watching her in my pee-soaked pajamas feeling like a little girl as my thumb instinctively made its way into my mouth. Without even being conscious of it, I had started to suck on my thumb. I hadn’t even noticed until Yuki turned around and gave me a warm smile but a slightly quizzical expression. She approached me and removed my thumb from my mouth. I looked quizzically at my slobbery thumb, and couldn’t help but blush a deep crimson as I wiped my thumb on my shorts. She kissed me on the cheek and called me Kawaii.


 After the bed was stripped and the sheets taken to the laundry room, she returned to the room to find me still standing in the same place, my thumb back in my mouth as I stared at the yellow stain on the mattress. I was so spaced out, that I didn’t even realize she’d returned until I heard the click of her phone’s camera shutter. She quickly led me into the bathroom, starting the shower for me. Helping me remove my soaked pajamas she ushered me into the shower to wash up. While I showered, Yuki looked through the clothes in my closet and the clothes we brought with us and picked out an outfit for me.


 As I stepped out into my closet, I saw my outfit laid out on the bench. She had chosen some cute frill pink panties with bunnies, some white tights featuring cute stuffed animal patterns, and plaid pink with bows printed on the feet of the tights. There was a cute pink long t-shirt with ruffles on the sleeves and a bunny hugging a strawberry on the front. To complete the look, she had selected a pink skirt which was half plaid and half straight pink featuring red hearts down the length. I blushed a bit at just how childish the outfit was, but I was still feeling kinda small after the bed this morning so I let Yuki dress me with no complaints. 




She brushed my hair for me, then pulling it back, she placed a large white bow in my hair with long dangling strands. With this she pronounced me dressed for the day, asking me to give her a little twirl so she could see my outfit, taking pictures as I did so. After that, she went to grab her quick shower. I waited for her to finish and get dressed before I went downstairs for breakfast. As we walked into the kitchen there was a collective “awww” from my Mom and Hannah the chef. My mother walked over to me giving me a big hug.


“Don’t you look just adorable today?”


I just blushed and mumbled a thank you as I was released from her embrace. Breakfast was uneventful besides the fact that my Mom couldn’t stop staring at me and smiling. After breakfast, Yuki and I adjourned to the entertainment room to watch some television. I scrolled through the channels, not finding much interest until the channel flipped to Dora the Explorer. I couldn’t help being caught in the nostalgia trip of watching Dora and putting the remote down. 


Snuggling up with Yuki I got caught up in the adventures of Dora and Boots. Once again without conscious effort, my thumb returned to my mouth as we watched. Yuki just stroked my hair and watched with me. Dora wasn’t particularly popular in Japan, so she wasn’t familiar. We finished Dora and started watching My Little Pony when I started to feel the need to go to the bathroom. I decided it wasn’t that bad, it could wait.


 After two episodes I was starting to get uncomfortable and squirm in my seat. I had to go now but I didn’t want to miss the show! Yuki snuggled up against me and, of course, took notice of this and the way I would subtly hold my crotch from time to time. She took the remote from the table and pressed pause, which elicited a whine from me as it was just getting to the good part! She looked at me seriously, if not a bit quizzically, and asked me what was wrong.


I of course denied there was anything wrong, I wanted to finish the episode. She looked me in the eyes as I continued to squirm.


“Julie, sweetie, do you need to go potty?”


I thought about denying it, but the serious look on her face made me think that maybe I should tell the truth. I nodded in the affirmative that I did indeed need the potty. With a smile, she grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch.


“Thank You for telling me the truth. Come on, let’s take you to the potty little girl.”


I just followed behind her meekly, blushing bright red. Why had I waited so long, and why had I been so reluctant to pause the show and take care of the need? Lost in thought as I was, it didn’t even register to me that we had arrived in the bathroom until Yuki put her hands on my shoulder and said my name.


“Earth to Julie! Come in Julie! Do you need help with the potty?”


When I didn’t immediately answer, she unzipped my skirt pulled down my tights and my panties and sat me on the toilet. Almost immediately my bladder released, and the sound of the stream hitting water could soon be heard. When I was finished, she helped me wipe and stood me back up. Pulling my panties and tights up, she zipped up my skirt, giving me a big hug.


“Great job, I am so proud of you! You made it to the potty on time! Don’t forget to wash your hands!”


Being praised for completing a bodily function in its designed receptacle, made me blush hard, but I enjoyed the praise. My hands washed, I started to make my way out of the bathroom before Yuki stopped me, calling my name from behind me.”


“Not so fast little girl, what did you forget to do?”


I stopped short, trying to think of what I could have forgotten. I couldn’t think of anything, but looking at her expectant face I knew that wasn’t the answer.


“Thank you for helping me, Onēsan?” I asked quizzically. 


“You’re very welcome, but that’s not what you forgot.”


I look at her as she starts to point to the potty. Then it finally dawned on me, I had forgotten to flush and put the lid down. Once again blushing from embarrassment, I quickly pushed the handle down and lowered the lid. She nodded, finally satisfied. I made my way back to the entertainment room, while she took care of her own needs. 


I couldn’t help reflecting on what had just happened. Sure Yuki and I had played around jokingly calling ourselves big sister and little sister, but that had never involved the events that just occurred. This time had been different. Sitting there watching cartoons with Yuki, it was like I had been transported back to when I was a little girl and used to watch Dora the Explorer and My Little Pony regularly. I had felt like a little girl, not just an adult watching children’s cartoons. Wrapped up in Yuki’s arms, I felt safe, I felt loved. 


Yuki returned a few minutes later, smiling at me as I looked at her from the couch. We resumed our previous snuggle positions, and Yuki started the episode again. I tried to focus on the episode, but I was too deep in thought to pay much attention. I was just turning it over and over again in my head. I had never felt like that before, sure I liked cute things and dressing cute, and I enjoyed coloring and collecting stuffed animals, but before I had just felt like an adult doing childish things.


 I had been conscious of my choice to wear cute outfits that looked almost like they should be worn by a little girl. This time, however, it was like a part of my brain that had been locked away by time and age, had burst forth from its prison and wrested control of my brain. Then Yuki took me to the bathroom like I was a little girl just graduated to big girl panties, it had felt odd but not wrong. I enjoyed Yuki guiding me, helping me, and praising me. Even when she scolded me, I felt a warmth inside, a feeling of caring for my well-being and making sure I did what was expected. I so desperately wanted to ask Yuki about this, but would she think I was weird for acting that way, for enjoying it? As the episode ended, Yuki turned to me and said the dreaded words that all people in a relationship fear.


“We need to talk.” 




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Chapter 11: A Princess Learns Something New


Looking into my eyes, Yuki said those soul-crushing words.


“Julie, we need to talk.”


I immediately broke down and started apologizing profusely for being so weird that I had to have her help take me to and sit me on the toilet. I promised to do better, and not let it happen again, I just couldn’t lose her. 


She just pulled me into a tight hug and began shushing me, as we rocked back and forth embracing each other. I started to calm down in her warm embrace, crying reduced to sniffles. Breaking the hug, Yuki grabbed a tissue out of the box on the side table and instructed me to blow. Not wanting her to be upset with me, I did as I was told. She grabbed a second tissue and wiped my face next. Once she was satisfied, she cupped my face in her hands, locked eyes with me, and kissed my forehead.


“I’m not upset with you, you didn’t do anything wrong. As this is the first time I’ve ever seen you truly “slip” I thought now would probably be a good time to talk.”


I gave her a confused look when she used the term “slip,” I hadn’t fallen. I think I would remember if I had. I tried to ask a question, but she put her finger to my lip, silencing me.


“Please save all questions till the end of the presentation” she giggled at herself a little. 


For the next several minutes she described something called “Age Regression” to me. I was told that Age Regression is when a person reverts to a younger state of mind, usually adopting the behaviors, speech patterns, and activities of this younger “headspace.” She explained that Age Regression is often a coping mechanism that often occurs as a response to stress, trauma, or a desire for comfort and safety. She explained that it can often be therapeutic for the age regressor, to help process emotions, trauma, and stress.


 She explained the roles of the people involved in such a relationship, the Mommy, the Daddy, the Caregiver, and the Little, Middle, or Big. She explained to me earlier that her best guess was that she had observed me slip into a headspace of about five years old. I loved girly things and cartoons, and I could use the potty by myself, but sometimes I might need a little reminder when I’m having too much fun. Soaking in the explanation, that did very much sound like how I had acted just a short time ago. I had never heard of Age Regression, so how come Yuki seemed to know all about it? 


“How do you know so much about this Yuki, are you an age regressor?” I was genuinely curious now.


She just shook her head, 


“Did you forget that my Mom is a Psychologist? She has all sorts of reference guides and books lying around the house. I took an interest in what Mom did, and so I started reading them myself, intending to follow her into Psychology. These studies are where I came across age regression for the first time. It sounded cute if not an unconventional way to help someone heal from trauma.”


It all started to fall into place for me, how neatly I ticked those boxes. I had experienced trauma, sexual and emotional. I had been under extreme stress due to my trauma and the demands of Hollywood on young actresses. It had been fun to dress up in cute clothes and let Yuki act as my older sister. Then today, I had truly reverted to the mindset of a five-year-old version of myself. I surmised this was my mind escaping having to think about my Father’s death and the horrible video I saw of the accident. I didn’t want to have to deal with that hurt anymore. Pain evident on my face, I just looked back at Yuki, very much wanting to forget again. 


“So what now, what does that mean for us, our relationship?”


She smiled at me, giving me a big hug. 


“This just means I’m going to have to take extra special care of you now. I love you Julie, and I would never let anything happen to you.”


I started crying again, but this time they were tears of relief, of joy. I felt myself letting go again, and my adult mind started to drift.


“So does that mean you’re going to be my “Mommy” and I’ll be your Little?”


With another warm smile, she took a moment to choose her words carefully.


“That will be up to you. Do you want me to take care of you, and encourage your headspace? If you say yes, it will be a learning experience for both of us. As I have never been in this type of relationship before, I don’t know for sure that either of us would enjoy this dynamic.”


I thought about how I had felt in those moments, letting Yuki take charge. I considered how the most important things when I entered that headspace had only been cartoons and Yuki, not my need to go to the bathroom, that could wait. Thinking back on the last couple of years, it seemed like we were headed this way all along. Starting from when I started staying with the Ito Family. I started wearing her sister’s clothes out of necessity, but quickly it was the only way I wanted to dress. As time went on, the looks got younger and younger, and I became happy. 


These last years have been some of the best of my life.  I had fallen in love for the first time, and fully trusted someone with all of myself for the first time. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Yuki, cuddled up on the couch and watching our favorite shows. All I knew was that I loved Yuki and Yuki loved me and took care of me, and had been for a while now. I thought back to those home movies, how happy I had been, and the joy evident in those videos, I wanted that back. I wanted to be a little girl again. So with a shy nod, I decided I wanted Yuki to be my Mommy. 


Yuki just smiled and gave me a warm hug.


“Then I will do my best to be your caregiver, your Mommy, and you’ll do your best to just let go and be my little girl. I will do my best to treat you the age you display, and your rules for that age will mirror what a traditional five-year-old would follow.”


I snuggled into her, content with the decision I had made. The next episode of My Little Pony had started, and I didn’t want to miss it.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 11 posted 9/9)

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0


Chapter 12: A Princess’ Regression


The next morning, I was once again greeted by cold wet sheets. I rolled over gently shaking Yuki’s shoulder. Remembering our conversation from yesterday, I tried to get into the role of the little girl.


“Mommy, I had an accident!”


She began to stir slowly, turning her eyes up to my frowning face. She sat up to hug me, and with a finger gently wiped the tears that appeared in my eyes.


“Shhh shhh, it’s ok honey. Go get cleaned up, and Mommy will take care of the bedding.”


I just nodded in understanding, afraid I might start crying if I tried to speak. I got into the steaming shower and cleaned the pee off my body. Once I had become sufficiently pruney in the hot water, I turned it off and stepped out. As I entered my room, towel wrapped around my body, I saw Yuki speaking quietly to the maid, and handing her several bills, though I couldn’t tell the denomination from that distance. 


They both noticed that I was standing at the bathroom door, and the maid hurried off quickly on whatever mission Yuki had sent her on. Yuki with a warm smile walked over, took my hand, and led me into the closet. Today she dressed me in a matching ruffle panty and bra set with a cute tulip pattern. Next came a cute purple t-shirt with a rainbow and clouds and a Unicorn in the middle. Finally, she had me step into a matching purple suspender mini skirt, quickly zipping the back up for me. Some white lace ruffle socks completed the look, and Yuki pronounced me good to go. I waited in the room for her to get dressed for the day, I wasn’t looking forward to what was coming in just a few short minutes. 


At breakfast, we would be explaining our new dynamic to my Mom, so she wouldn’t be confused or concerned about seeing her daughter run around acting like a small child. Yuki soon returned, and I was snapped out of my thoughts as she offered me her hand. Taking her hand, we headed to breakfast together. 


My Mom was seated in her usual chair, sipping coffee while reading the paper, just like every morning since we had arrived home. Hearing our footsteps she looked up from the paper.


“Good Morning you two. Julie, don't you look just adorable, that outfit reminds me of something you would have worn when you were five. Yuki, you’re looking as dark and brooding as usual” She smiled wolfishly at Yuki.


With quick good mornings, we took our seats at the table as Hannah served up breakfast. Breakfast was a pretty quiet affair, with just snippets of idle chatter from my Mom. She inquired about our sleep and our plans for the day. We gave short but polite responses, but we had no plans. Once the plates were cleared from the table, it was time for the uncomfortable conversation. I squeezed Yuki’s hand, looking for one final reassurance. She gave me a nod of confirmation, and I took a big breath.


“Mom, there’s something Yuki and I need to tell you.”


My Mom put down her paper, folding it neatly and placing it on the table. She didn’t say anything, just looking at me inquisitively. With one last deep shaky breath, I steeled myself and started. Over the next several minutes I explained everything about Age Play that Yuki had taught me yesterday, trying to articulate how it had made me feel, why I felt this way, and what triggered this. 


To her credit, my Mom did not interrupt me, she let me get everything out listening patiently. Once I finished my word salad of an explanation, my Mom didn’t say a word, she just walked to me and gave me a big hug. It was a long warm hug, it felt nice. We released each other, and my Mom quickly embraced Yuki in a long warm hug. I noticed that a few tears were running down her cheeks. 


“Thank you for sharing that with me dear. I know that couldn’t have been easy. I had no idea you were hurting so badly. I’m sorry I was so busy when you were growing up Julie, it is truly one of the biggest regrets in my life. If acting like a little girl helps you heal, then I am more than happy to support it. I will do my best to treat you like a little girl.” 


I gave her another hug.


“Thanks, Mom”


My Mom just smiled.


“Of course honey, I love you, and I love Yuki, how could I not support something that makes you both happy.”


Yuki and I spent the rest of the morning taking care of some online shopping. We would need the things appropriate for small children. We went a little crazy with the shopping. We ordered a play place for the backyard, we bought lots of dolls and other toys meant for young girls. We bought coloring books and other craft supplies. We found websites dedicated to Age Play clothing, purchasing numerous outfits for me to try. 


While scrolling through one of the websites, we came across a link to a section called ABDL. I had no clue what ABDL stood for, so I decided to find out. I clicked on the link, curious to know all about this new relationship dynamic that I had agreed to. The first thing after the link was a couple paragraphs explaining ABDL what it was, and how it related to Age Play. It was cute, the clothes were adorable and even the diapers were cute with adorable baby patterns. Yuki raised her eyebrow looking at me with curiosity.


“Is that something you’re interested in trying Julie? Most five-year-olds don’t wear diapers.”


While I had to admit the clothing was cute, I wasn’t so sure about the idea of sitting in a used diaper full of my waste for any period of time. I clicked off of the page, moving on.


“I don’t know, it was cute. Maybe we can try it sometime in the future.”


With that the topic was dropped, I looked through a few more sites as Yuki tapped away on her phone. Soon enough it was lunchtime, and after a lunch of chicken fingers and fries, we went to the entertainment room to watch more cartoons. Quickly my thumb found my mouth, and I was completely absorbed in the episode of Paw Patrol on the TV.

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If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0



Chapter 13: A Princess’ New Beginning


We spent the rest of the afternoon watching cartoons until it was time for dinner. Hana had made some homemade macaroni and cheese cutting up some hot dogs to mix in. It was yummy, and I spent most of dinner excitedly recounting to Hannah and my Mother, the episodes of Paw Patrol we had just watched. I had a few mishaps during dinner where the food didn’t quite make it to my mouth, but it was still a very yummy dinner. Yuki grabbed a wet wipe from the cabinets, and proceeded to wipe my face, despite me squirming back and forth trying to avoid the wipe. 


My Mother just watched this all in silence, smiling to herself as she watched Me and Yuki. After dinner, Yuki took me upstairs and drew a bath for me. As we entered the en suite bathroom, I noticed a few things that hadn’t been there this morning. There was a large bottle of bubble bath, a mesh bag full of foam bath toys, and some squirty toys sitting on the edge of the tub waiting for us. Big me would have put two and two together and realized that this is probably why Yuki had given the maid money, so she could go buy them for us. However, little me just saw bubble baths and bath toys and got super excited. 


“Yuk…..Mommy, can I play with the toys now?” I was still getting used to calling her Mommy.


She had just started the faucet, making sure the temperature was just right. She smiled at me.


“In just a minute baby, Mommy needs to get your bubbles ready first!”


I hopped back and forth one foot to another as I impatiently waited for the bath to be ready, I really wanted to play with my new toys. After another minute Mommy pronounced that the batch was ready. I excitedly started trying to step in, only to be stopped by Mommy.


“Silly girl, I know you’re excited to play with your toys, but you can’t take a bath with your clothes on!”


I looked down at myself, cheeks flushing red. I was so excited, I forgot to get undressed. Mommy quickly helped me remedy this complication in my plan and helped me into the tub. She quickly dumped the toys into the tub with me, and I got right down to business. Mr Duck and Mr Frog were racing to see who could swim faster! As I played, Mommy took a washcloth and gently washed me. I mostly paid no attention to her, until she told me to stand up. I did as I was told, and she used the washcloth to clean my lower half. When she was done she had me sit back down and put my hair under the faucet. She gently rubbed in some shampoo, making sure to massage it into my scalp. 


“Close your eyes, honey.” 


I looked at her questioningly.


“Why Mommy?”


She just gave me a warm smile.


“So the shampoo doesn’t get in your eyes and make them all ouchie!”


Not wanting an ouchie, I quickly shut them tight as Mommy poured water over my head rinsing out the shampoo. She poured water over my head three or four times before pronouncing my hair rinsed and it was safe to reopen my eyes. She let me play for a couple more minutes, before telling me it was time to get out and start getting ready for bed. I whined and complained, but eventually acquiesced. 


As Mommy helped me out she grabbed another item I had never seen before, a Disney’s Tangled towel. Once I was all dry, Mommy led me to the closet to get me ready for bed. As we stepped into the closet, I was greeted by a shocking sight. Sitting on the shelf at the back of the closet was a brand new pack of Girl’s Goodnites. I turned to Mommy, who seemed to be gauging my reaction. 


“Why are there diapers in my closet? I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl. No need diapers!”


Stomping my foot, I stared at Mommy. I was angry, I didn’t need diapers, I was a big girl.


She calmly explained to me that she had asked the maid to pick up this package of XL Girls Goodnites at the store today. 


“You’ve been waking up wet every morning sweety, so I got you a little bit of protection to keep the bed clean and dry. They’re not diapers, they’re disposable nighttime underwear, lots of kids wear them, but it doesn’t make you a baby. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in a nice dry bed?”


I thought about it, and that did sound better. I was still reluctant though, only babies wore those. Finally, I gave up and agreed to wear one. Mommy opened up the pack and removed the first brief, spreading it and opening it up. Coming over to me, she held the Goodnite open instructing me to step in. I did as I was told and allowed her to slide the Goodnite up my legs and over my butt. 


It was a strange sensation, the Goodnites around my waste. It was a lot thicker than my regular panties, a lot more crinkly too. As I poked at it, examining the flower designs on the front, Mommy got my PJs.


“Arms Up!”


She pulled the nightshirt over my head, letting it fall to my waist.


“Step In”


She held out my sleep shorts, and I stepped into the leg holes. Pulling up my shorts, she gave me a little pat on the rear end as a way of encouraging me to head towards the bed. Walking in the Goodnite was an odd sensation, not used to the bulk between my legs, I waddled just a little getting to bed. I crawled into bed, surprised when Yuki did not join me under the covers. 


I glanced over at the clock on the bed stand. It was only 8:30, why did I have to go to bed so early? Before the question left my lips, Mommy was tucking me into bed. She then showed me two books and asked which one I wanted her to read. I chose “Bedtime For Yeti,” Mommy read me the story of Yeti and his quest to find his favorite stuffed toy. Yeti was convinced he couldn’t sleep without him, so he set off to find him. I enjoyed the story, and as Mommy finished the last pages, I closed my eyes and just listened to her voice. Soon enough, I was fast asleep, thumb firmly in my mouth.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 13 posted 9/16

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0


Chapter 14: A Princess Left Behind


I woke up early the next morning, Mommy sleeping peacefully beside me. Something felt different this morning, it took me a moment to realize that the sheets were dry! I hadn’t wet the bed! I began to move a bit, and that’s when I was reminded of the padding between my legs. Quickly I feel the Goodnite and it's bigger than it was last night, and it was cold. I had wet my Goodnite. Mommy heard me stirring and rolled over to look at me.


“Good Morning baby, how did you sleep?”


She felt the sheets beside me, finding them dry.


“Well the Goodnite seems to have worked, it’s a good thing you were wearing one, or your sheets would have been soaked.”


I just pouted, I thought I had woken up dry. Mommy began checking her phone and gave a startled gasp.


I was scared. 


“What’s wrong Mommy?”


She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. Now I was even more scared.


“My tourist visa expires in five days, I have to return to Japan or face deportation and possibly barring future entry.”


I absorbed this shocking news like a bullet to the heart. Mommy was leaving me! I broke down and big heavy sobs, telling her she couldn’t leave me, don’t go. She stroked my hair and held me close as I cried it out. After I had cried myself out, I fell back asleep in Mommy’s arms. I had exhausted myself from crying and didn’t even feel her remove my sodden Goodnite and replace it with a dry replacement.


 I woke up again about an hour later, looking around and not seeing Mommy next to me. Getting out of bed, I decided to get dressed and then go find Mommy. Since Mommy wasn’t around to make me pretty, I just slipped on a pair of sweatpants and my Unicorn shirt from the previous day. Walking into the kitchen, I found her sitting with my Mother, discussing her Visa situation. I had forgotten about that in my sleep haze, and I became depressed all over again. Mommy finally noticed me standing in the doorway looking so sad, and came over and gave me a big hug. 


“Don’t be sad baby, we just have to make the most of the time we have before I have to go back. Once I am safely back in Japan, we can work on a way for us to be together again. We’ll only be apart for just a little while.”


The big girl in me understood that, but the emotional little girl in me couldn’t accept any time away from my Mommy. Not feeling the strength to respond, I just nodded. I ate breakfast as my Mother and Mommy continued talking. Once I was finished, Mommy asked if I wanted to go watch cartoons, to which I only gave a half-hearted shrug. I didn’t feel like doing anything, what was the point, she was leaving. 


She did her best to cheer me up, but not even my favorite cartoons held my interest this morning. I watched in mute silence at the brightly animated antics of Sky and the other Paw Patrol puppies in a daze. All I could think about was that the person I had spent nearly every day with for the past two years would soon have to leave. So caught up in my thoughts, that I barely even registered my bladder’s early calls for relief. Yuki sat with me and cuddled with me, but said nothing. She knew that I would have to work through this in my head and come to accept reality. 


An hour later my bladder’s cries for relief had become quite insistent. I squirmed a little in discomfort, feeling the padding between my legs and realizing for the first time that I was wearing another Goodnite. I frowned, when had that happened? Did Mommy change me when I fell asleep again? Did she think I would have another accident in such a short amount of time? As I mulled these thoughts around, Mommy noticed me starting to squirm and grab at my crotch. 


“Julie baby, do you need to go potty?” Looking at her, I shook my head no. Getting up to go potty would mean I would have to stop snuggling with her, and I didn’t want that. Pausing the cartoon, she looked me directly in the eyes.


“Are you sure? It looks to me like you’re doing the potty dance in your seat.  Are you sure you don’t have to go potty? No lying little girl.”


I was conflicted, I wanted to keep snuggling but I didn’t want to lie to Mommy. My focus was taken away from my bladder, and my body chose for me. I felt my Goodnite swelling and growing warm as my bladder sighed in relief. An audible hiss could be heard as my bladder continued to empty itself into my Goodnite. Mommy gave me a look of surprise as she became aware of the hissing sound, she had not expected me to still be wearing my Goodnite, much less use my Goodnite. I just sat there as my bladder continued to relieve itself when suddenly I began feeling wetness around the legs of my pants. I was leaking! I just looked down at my crotch in stunned disbelief as I felt myself finish, and burst into tears.


As I sat there crying, a saturated Goodnite leaking into my pants, Mommy just held me, patting me on the back and whispering reassuring words. As I listened to her sweet comforting words, I felt myself become even smaller, starting to feel like the baby she kept referring to me as. I wanted out of my wet diaper, I wanted a new dry diaper. Looking up from Mommy’s shoulder, I pointed to my wet pants.


“Mommy, diapee wet. I is Icky, wan new diapee!”


With only a moment’s hesitation, I was led to my room. Once in the room, I stood watching, thumb in mouth, as Mommy grabbed a towel from the bathroom, laying it on the floor in front of me. She instructed me to lay down on the towel, and being a good girl, I did as I was told. As I lay on the towel, Mommy grabbed a new Goodnite, wipes, and baby powder. Kneeling next to me, she quickly removed my pants, putting them to the side. Ripping open the sides of my Goodnite, she put it to the side and gave me a quick wipe down. Placing the wipes in the Goodnite, she quickly balled it up. 


I just watched all of this in calm contemplation, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. Stretching out the new Goodnite, she placed it to the side as she sprinkled some baby powder on her hand and rubbed it onto my crotch. She pulled the Goodnite up my legs, instructing me to lift my bum as she brought the padded underwear up around my waist. Getting up from her knees, she took the used Goodnite and threw it in the bathroom trash. Grabbing my pants, she placed those in the hamper.  She grabbed a cute pink frilly nightgown from the closet and helped me off the floor.


“Arms up baby” I happily complied. She removed my pajama top and slid the dress over my head. Smoothing out the skirt, she stepped back to look at her handy work. I stood in place twirling the twirly skirt. 


“You look so cute, baby! Now, baby, I have an important question for you, and I want you to answer honestly. There’s no wrong answer, just tell me the first thing you think of. Ok?”


I gave her a worried look, was I in trouble? I slowly nodded, not knowing why I was in trouble.


“Baby, can you tell me how old you are?” 


Is that all she wanted? That was easy! I held up two fingers smiling brightly at Mommy.


“I dis many, '' Mommy smiled as I lisped around my thumb.


“What a smart girl you are! I am so proud of you!” 


I beamed at her praise. Looking at the clock, Mommy pronounced that it was time for my nap. I of course was in no mood for a nap, why should I nap when I can play or watch cartoons? As I was about to protest, a loud yawn escaped my lips, betraying me to Mommy. 


“Come on, into bed little one.”


 I reluctantly crawled into bed and let Mommy tuck me in. She kissed me on the forehead and turned off the lights. Despite not wanting a nap, I fell asleep rather quickly. What felt like just a moment later, Mommy was shaking me to wake up.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 14 posted 9/22


If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0

Chapter 15: A Princess and Her Mommy


“Rise and Shine baby girl.” 


She removed the covers, lifting the hem of my nightgown and feeling my Goodnite. I felt her stick two fingers inside the leakguards. Removing them, she stated that I was only a little wet, but we should still change me into something dry. She maneuvered me over to the towel once again. This time, however, I saw her reaching not for a Goodnite, but a large folded plastic rectangle. She set the object next to me and unfolded it, it was tabbed Adult Brief for Incontinence. I lay there sucking on my thumb, observing this with a calm detachment. Mommy noticed me sucking my thumb again and grabbed an object off the dresser. She quickly removed my thumb from my mouth. Just as I began to whine, she quickly replaced it with a rubber bulb connected to a plastic shield. 


“Suck on your Paci honey, we don’t know what nasty germs are on that thumb of yours.”


I sucked on it eagerly, feeling the same sense of comfort that my thumb had given me. She then moved back to my diaper, tearing the sides of my Goodnite and removing it from under me. She once again gave me a quick couple of wipes, making sure I wouldn’t get a rash. She grabbed the diaper sitting next to her and instructed me to lift my bum. I did as told, and she slid the diaper underneath me. When she told me I could put my bum down, I felt the comfy padding of the diaper on my bum. Mommy quickly sprinkled some baby powder on my diaper area and brought the front of the diaper between my legs. She then secured the two tapes on each side of the diaper, making sure it was nice and snug around my waist. She examined the leak guards to make sure I wouldn’t leak and pronounced me done. As she got up to throw away my Goodnite, I rolled over onto my stomach, watching her as she walked away. 


When she came back, she was holding something behind her back, a big smile on her face. 


“Mommy got you a surprise, for being such a good little girl. Do you want to see your surprise?”


I got to my knees and shook my head vigorously, I loved surprises! 


“Ok baby, close your eyes, and don’t open them until Mommy says. No peeking!”


 I immediately clamped my hands over my eyes. Very quickly Mommy gave the all-clear, and I removed my hands from my face. As I did, I saw what Mommy had been hiding behind her back. It was an adorable Tanuki plushie, with big brown rings around its eyes and a leaf on its forehead. I squealed with delight, making grabby hands for the plushie. She smiled at me and handed it over. 


“The stuffie needs a name for the protection magic to work, what is your stuffie’s name?” 


I looked at Mommy amazed, my plushie was magic. I thought for a moment and decided I would call her Taki. I hugged Taki the Tanuki tightly, excited to have a new friend to play with. Mommy led Taki and me downstairs back to the entertainment room. Paw Patrol had been replaced with Doc McStuffins, and I ran to the couch so I could watch. Mommy came and sat next to me and snuggled me as I babbled excitedly around my pacifier to Taki. I was telling her all about the show, and who the characters were. I told her all about Mommy, and how nice she was. Mommy just looked at me with a smile as I continued talking to my friend.

Tanuki Plush

After one episode of Doc McStuffins, Mommy went into the kitchen and left me glued to the television screen. She came back with a tray full of some small finger foods, vegetables, crackers, and cheese. She handed the tray to me, and I removed my pacifier and I started grabbing it from the plate without taking my eyes off the screen. The tray was made for eating dinner on the couch, so there was a cupholder, and Mommy placed a sippy cup full of Apple Juice in the cupholder.


 It didn’t occur to me that we didn’t have these things before my nap, and to inquire as to their procurement, I was too invested in the show. That was grown-up stuff anyway, nothing for me to worry about. When I ate all the food, and my sippy cup was empty, Mommy took everything into the kitchen and returned with the sippy cup full of Apple Juice again. Handing it to me, I drank eagerly, never taking my eyes off the screen. 


After a few more episodes, Mommy told me that I had watched enough TV and we were turning it off. Not wanting to stop watching, I started whining, but Mommy was not swayed and the television was turned off. She helped me off the couch and directed me to some toys I hadn’t noticed before. They were all brightly colored, shiny, and new, and I couldn’t wait to play with them. I quickly forgot about my displeasure at being denied more TV, and Taki in hand I rushed over to the toys. 


There was a barn full of wooden animals and a coloring book and crayons, there was a busy board, full of different things to press, touch and pull. As I started to play, I was once again presented with a sippy cup full of Apple Juice, which I eagerly accepted. I was having lots of fun playing with my toys, and Mommy refilled my sippy cup whenever I asked, this was the best! It didn’t take long for all of that apple juice to catch up with me, and I started to feel a tingly feeling. 


The tingly feeling became a sort of ache, that I couldn’t ignore. I pushed a little bit trying to get rid of the tingling feeling, this did the trick, as I pushed I felt better and my diaper grew warm and squishy. I continued playing with my toys and talking to Taki, a little while later the tingly feeling came back, this time I remembered what to do and my diaper was soon warm and even squishier than before. 


I was busy playing Doctor with my stuffie when Mommy came over and pulled back the waistband of my diaper. She then quickly stuck her fingers into the leg bands of the diaper, feeling the wetness of my diaper. She left, and quickly returned with the towel from my room, as well as the supplies needed to change me. Mommy told me to lay on the towel, but I was busy, I didn’t want to so I ignored her and kept talking to Taki. Mommy called my name again, but again I was too busy to answer her. She then said my name a 3rd time, but this time a bit louder and with more firmness in her voice, this time I paid attention. 


She instructed me to lie on the towel so she could change me. The firmness in her voice let me know not to push my luck, so I crawled over to the towel and lay on my back as instructed. Mommy made quick work of my diaper change, and I was about to go back to my toys when Mommy told me to stand up instead. She led me to a small stool in the corner of the room and told me I had to sit on the naughty stool for five minutes. I started to cry, I didn’t want to sit on the naughty stool, I wanted to play. I tried to say sorry, but Mommy stayed firm and sat me in the corner. 


Five minutes felt like five hours, as I sat facing the corner sniffling greedily sucking on my pacifier. I couldn’t stop my thoughts from racing. I made Mommy mad, now she won’t want to come back from Japan. Mommy will be happy to not have to deal with a brat like me, who can’t even be a big girl. Finally, Mommy said I could get up. I turned around to look at her, tears of fear forming in my eyes. I quickly ran over to her and gave her a big hug.


“Me sowwy Momma. Me be good girl, pwease no leave Juwie!” 


She returned my hug and wiped the tears from my eyes. Looking at me in the eyes, she put her hand under my chin.


“Mommy’s not mad baby, Mommy just needed you to understand what you did was wrong. You should always listen to Mommy. Mommy will not stop loving her baby girl, just because she was a little naughty. So dry those tears please, and let me see that beautiful smile of yours!”


Running the back of my hand against my snotty nose, I looked at her and gave her the biggest smile I could manage. She gave me another big hug and told me I could go play with my toys again.


By the time dinner rolled around, my diaper was once again soaked. The apple juice was doing a number on my bladder, and it seemed like I had to pee every ten minutes. Mommy had left me playing while she went to start packing her stuff for her return trip to Japan. When she came down she could see without even checking the inside that my diaper was soaked. Once again she laid down the towel and placed the changing supplies next to it. This time when she called my name, I went to her right away, I didn’t want to sit on the naughty stool again. 


She unfastened the tapes of my diaper, telling me to lift my bum. As I lifted my bum, she removed the wet diaper and quickly wiped down my diaper area, placing the used wipes into the wet diaper. She unfolded my new diaper, and once again I was instructed to lift my bum. She placed the soft padding underneath me and brought my bum down onto the diaper. She quickly applied rash cream and baby powder to keep my skin nice and healthy. She brought the front of the diaper between my legs and quickly applied all four tapes to the landing zone of my diaper. Once she ensured it was snugly fastened, and the leak guards were properly in place, she rolled up my wet diaper and told me to wash my hands for dinner. 


For dinner, Hannah made a meal, especially for me! It was a plate of Dino Chicken Nuggets and Macaroni and Cheese! I clapped my hands excitedly and started to go for the chicken nuggets before Mommy stopped me. 


“Just a moment little one, we need to make sure your cute shirt is nice and protected in case you spill!” 


Bib now securely around my neck, I grabbed the first nugget, dunking it in the ketchup on the side of the plate and completely ignoring the cutlery next to my plate. Grabbing my next nugget, I dipped that one in ketchup too. As I started to bring the nugget to my mouth, I was distracted by the motion out of the corner of my eye. Looking over in the direction of the movement, I watched Mommy bringing her fork to her lips. She turned and smiled at me, and watched in faint amusement as in my distracted nature I hadn’t even noticed the ketchup about to fall off of the nugget and onto my bib. I didn’t even notice until my nugget wasn’t as ketchupy as I was expecting. I just blushed at the fact that I’d proven Mommy right about needing a bib. The rest of dinner was uneventful, but my face was a cheesy ketchupy mess by the end, much to Mommy’s amusement. She smiled at me as she took a wet wipe to my face, managing to wipe my face clean even as I squirmed away from the wipe. 


After dinner, it was bath time, so Mommy guided me upstairs to my en suite bathroom to start the bath. Making sure the temperature was just right, she made sure to add in the bubble bath. I watched as the bubbles grew and became a big blanket of bubbles. Once the bath was ready, Mommy helped me out of my clothes and un-taped my diaper which was only slightly wet. Holding my hand as I stepped in, I quickly sat down, eager to play with the bubbles. As I began to busy myself with the bubbles, Mommy got my bath toys and dumped them into the water. Sitting on the lid of the toilet, she just watched me play in the tub for the first ten minutes. 


After ten minutes, she came to the side of the tub and started washing me as I ignored her and kept playing. She took a washcloth to every part of my body, even my bum, as she instructed me to stand up. She then rinsed and shampooed my hair, covering my eyes as she poured a cup of warm water into my hair to rinse out the shampoo. She did this three more times until she was sure that all the shampoo was out of my hair. She wasn’t done with me yet, much to my chagrin. She massaged some conditioner into my scalp and then told me she was done for now and I could go back to playing. About ten minutes later, she again told me to shut my eyes and placed a hand over my eyes as she washed out the conditioner. Once she was done, she announced bath time was over, I wasn’t thrilled with this announcement, though the water had started to go lukewarm.


Helping me out of the tub, she quickly released the stopper and grabbed my towel. She quickly helped me dry off, before leading me back into the bedroom and putting me into a clean diaper. She helped me into my pajamas and told me I had to go to bed in one hour, but we could cuddle and watch cartoons until then. It felt like we had only been snuggling for five minutes when she announced it was bedtime. I whined, complained, and pleaded that I wasn’t sleepy, but she was having none of it. She took me into the living room where my Mother was reading a book, and instructed me to kiss her goodnight. I did as I was told, giving her a hug and a kiss and wishing her a good night. Mommy led me upstairs and tucked me into bed, once again not getting under the covers with me. Mommy placed my pacifier into my mouth and grabbed a book to read to me. She was halfway through “Goodnight Moon" when I fell sound asleep.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 15 posted 9/26

If you're enjoying my story, and you don't want to wait, the full story is available on my Ko-Fi page. If you just want to support my writing, or a writer in general please consider donating. If you enjoy my writing style, and my story I would be open to commissions in the future, which will also be available through my Ko-Fi. https://ko-fi.com/s/f41015b1a0



Chapter 16: A Princess’ Plan


Sometime later, I awoke suddenly. Looking around I saw the room was still dark and Yuki was fast asleep next to me. I then felt the diaper around my waist, finding it wet. Feeling big again, I hated the fact that I needed diapers at night. A sudden cramp in my stomach informed me as to why I had woken up, I needed to poop. Feeling big, and having no desire to use my diaper, I quietly slipped out of bed to the bathroom. Removing my diaper, I sat on the toilet for the first time all day and did my business. I was awake now, and feeling a bit hungry so I went downstairs for a midnight snack. 


I was surprised to find my mother sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea, reading the same novel she had been reading earlier. She heard me enter and looked up from her book. 


“Can’t sleep dear?” 


I just shook my head no, and headed for the fridge. I grabbed the jelly to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sandwich acquired, I sat down at the table across from my Mom. 


“So dear, are you big Julie or baby Julie right now?” I finished the bite of my sandwich before speaking. 


“I’m big Julie.” She smiled at this and read for a few moments more before addressing me again. 


“Have you been enjoying being little again? How are you feeling about everything?” I took a moment of introspection before I answered, I wanted to make sure my thoughts were in proper order. 


“Being little has been nice, having Yuki look after me and just playing with toys has been amazing. I wasn’t planning to be so little today, but something about the thought of Yuki leaving pushed me further down inside myself. I love her Mom. I want to spend my life with her both as her wife and now as her little girl. I don’t want to lose her Mom, I don’t know what I would do without her.”


My Mother smiled at me sadly but with a look of knowing. She then made a suggestion so simple, that I kicked myself for not thinking about it earlier.


“So ask her to marry you. After you’re married she can apply for permanent resident status, and she won’t have to leave ever again, unless it's for vacation. I spoke to my attorney today about how the whole thing would work, and he told me that Yuki will have to return to Japan for the next twenty-one days or so as the paperwork he filed today for her visa application won’t be processed until then. He also informed me that once you and Yuki become engaged, you have 90 days from the time of her return to the United States to be married for the engagement visa not to expire.”


She smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back, she’d thought of everything. Then a troubling thought crossed my mind.


“Mom, I don’t have a ring to propose with! I can’t go to a regular jeweler. The press would see and ask questions, and Yuki would want to come along and I wouldn’t be able to surprise her that way!” 


She smiled at my panicked expression, and calmly informed me she had considered that as well. Tomorrow morning, her personal jeweler would be stopping by to ostensibly show her some new pieces, but was really there so I would have an excuse to look at rings without alerting Yuki to any ulterior motive. This was perfect! I gave my Mom a big hug, thanking her profusely. As I started to leave the kitchen, Mom noticed the lack of padding in my shorts.


“Where’s your diaper sweety?” I grimaced at this question, stopping in my tracks. A rosy flush rose to my cheeks.


“I woke up needing a poo, and it was already wet so I took it off.” Looking at my embarrassed face, my Mom filled in the blank. 


“You don’t know how to put one on do you?” 


Blushing hard again, I just shook my head no. She took me by the hand and led me to my bedroom. Quietly she led me into the en suite bathroom, and quickly diapered me. Softly she whispered goodnight and patted my diapered butt, gently pushing me toward the bed with Yuki still sound asleep.  


I woke up the next morning in a damp diaper, I had wet again, but not a lot. I rolled over and looked at Yuki. She had been scrolling her phone waiting for me to wake up, when she saw me stir she turned to me and smiled.


“Good Morning little one, did you have a good ni ni?” 


She lightly kissed the top of my head, smiling at me just like any doting mother would smile at their toddler. I couldn’t help but smile at her, especially with what I had planned for tonight.


“Good Morning Yuki, how are you this morning?” Her face registered a quick look of surprise that was then replaced with a warm smile and a hug.


“Feeling big today?” 


I just nodded my head, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before heading into the en suite for a shower. The hot shower felt marvelous, even if the baths had been fun nothing beat a good hot shower. After finishing my shower, I decided I was going to dress more “vanilla” today, more of what was expected of someone of my age and my status. Stepping out to the bathroom, I swapped places with Yuki as she quickly complimented my outfit. Once Yuki was dressed, we went downstair to join my Mother for breakfast. 


As usual, my mother was sitting at the table in the breakfast nook, reading the morning paper. She looked up as we came in, and greeted us with a warm smile. Breakfast was uneventful, we chatted about plans for the day, Yuki’s flight, how soon she could be back, and finally about her plans to have her Jewler to the house in about 30 more minutes. She invited us to join her looking at his selection to see if there was anything that caught our fancy.

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  • Little Dino changed the title to Hollywood Baby (Chapter 16 posted 10/1

I like that Yuki can still be big, with her being a celebrity it would be difficult to explain the whole little thing to the general public. Picking out the engagement ring should be exciting!

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