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My Big Fat Greek Baby (Private with Grumvakk)

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Anya was happily sitting in her aisle seat, waiting for the plane to take off. She was finally getting a vacation from her demanding job, getting to spend a whole month on the sunny beaches of Greece! She couldn't wait to get to her hotel and lay down on a nice, luxurious bed, before going for a dip in the warm water. She was so busy day dreaming, however, that she didn't notice when a man came, hiping to get into his seat that she was blocking. She gasped a bit when she felt his hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look down at the sweet little man. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, dear." She cooed and got up, allowing him to get in next to her. He was stuck in the middle seat, even though the window seat was empty! For Anya, this was no problem. She was absolutely thrilled to be flying alongside of such a polite boy. She noticed that the boy was a bit jittery, and his eyes were wide. "Is everything alright dear? Is this your very first flight?" She hadn't yet come to the realisation that this was an adult! "Relax, my dear, I'm sure this will go alright." She stated in a soft, motherly tone. She herself hadn't ever been blessed with children, or even a husband, but she had always loved children, and this boy next to her was, in her mind, a child. So, she figured she would try to talk him though the time to hopefully make him feel better. "What brings you on this flight, dear?" She asked, reaching over and putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You're all by yourself? No parents or anything?" She asked with a concerned frown. "It's an awfully long trip for a boy your age... Are you visiting family?" She questioned. While she had a very nice designer bag there under her seat, she noticed that he had a scruffy backpack. Immediately she grew more concerned- what was with the family? Would they seriously let a little boy travel alone without any proper luggage?


Andrew had just graduated college, after 4 years of classes and internships he needed a small vacation. With his parents having died a few years prior he saved up as much money as he could from his small jobs for enough money for a 4 day vacation in Greece. He had always been fascinated with Greek culture and history so it was a good vacation for him. He made his way into the plane and looked for his seat and saw it was in between two seat, it wasn’t that big of a problem, being as small as he was he could fit into it comfortably but his size has caused problems in the form of teasing from other people his age. As he addressed the woman in the seat next to his he climbed into the seat and looked up at the woman as she started to talk and ask questions. “Y…y…yes I’m by myself, I can take care of myself, ma’am. Thank you.” He said as he buckled the seat belt in the his seat and he reached down for his backpack, this was the only bag he had besides an old suitcase that he checked in. He pulled out his phone and a set of headphone and went to put them on before noticing the battery in his headphones were dead. “Ugh, great, now what?”


Anya watched the boy with fascination as he buckled up, and took out his phone. When she noticed him trying to get his headphones to work, and failing, she frowned. "Oh, you poor thing." She said softly. "Not to worry." She proclaimed, and grabbed a pair of earbuds out from her bag. "Here, we can share." She said and smiled brightly. "I'll put a movie on my screen for us." She browsed through the selection of movies, humming softly. "Well, how about we watch this?" She said happily, choosing a child-friendly cartoon movie. Just as she was about to press play, however, the plane started to take off. She paused and turned to him, noticing how stiff he grew. "Oh, hey..." she frowned and reached a hand out to squeeze his shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." She whispered. "How old are you, anyway sweetie? What are you doing here on your own?"


Andrew looked up as the woman next to him offer hi one of her earbuds and he took it slowly. He knew it wasn’t wise to take things from strangers but she seemed nice enough so he trusted her. As he adjusted the Arbus in his ear the plane started to roll and lift off. As it did he tensed up a little as he had a bad experience with plane when he was younger. He looked up at the woman as she tried to calm him and he looked at the woman as she asked her questions. “I’m 23 maam, and I bought my own ticket.” He said as a flight attendant came over to them and looked at the woman telling her she needs to secure him on her lap as they require it for mothers with small children. He blushed a deep red but before he could respond the attendant she moved pass to the next passenger. “Ugh, I hate this small body. Everyone thinks I’m a child.”


Anya stared in shock as the boy declared himself to be 23! "You?" She asked curiously. "Twenty three?" She lifted his chin and examined his baby face. Before he could respond, she took the liberty of snatching his passport and looking it over, amazed to find out that he was telling the truth! "Well I'll be..." she whispered. The attendant, however, was eyeing them like a hawk, waiting for them to comply. "Come on." Anya finally said. "We don't want to start any trouble, do we? It'll only be for a few minutes. And besides, it might help since you look so frightened." She smiled and patted her lap. "Climb on, dear." 


Andrew reached for his passport as she snatched it up and looked it over. “Hey that’s…” he stopped talking as he noticed the attendant and some other passengers looking and he sighed unbuckling and climbing up onto the woman’s lap, after which he reached for the passport again. “Can I have it back please?” He asked the woman as the cartoons on her screen started automatically and he looked at the screen, even though he was an adult he still enjoyed cartoons and he became engrossed with the show in front of him laughing a bit.


She carefully tucked the passport into her bag while the boy was distracted. He seemed to innocent to just be allowed to travel alone, without supervision! Adult or not, this boy needed some sort of motherly figure to keep him from getting into trouble while in a foreign country! And who better than her? She figured maybe she could even bribe him to follow along, given that she had quite the nice hotel room, right on the beach no less. That was for later, though. For now, she just held him there as the plane rumbled and jetted off into the sky. She held him tight, too, not willing to risk him tumbling out into the aisle. 


Andrew watched the cartoon movie for the next three hours and having been given a small cup of juice, to drink by the attendant, of course the woman he was sitting on had to order for him as the attendant wouldn’t even look at him other then to coo. Eventually becoming drowsy as the sun started to set outside the plane. The plane left late in the afternoon and would fly through the night to Greece. He rubbed his eyes a bit as the plane was at cruising speed he start to wiggle to get up and go to the bathroom. But as he tried to move he found the woman’s arms around him tight. “Um, excuse me, Miss? I need to get up please.”


When he looked to see if his seat mate was listening to him, however, he found her deep asleep, laying there and squeezing him nice and tight. She wasn't a light sleeper, either, so his wiggling and whining didn't seem to do a thing to wake her! In response to his pleading, she let out a soft snore, and leaned back into the seat cushion as the next movie turned on automatically. It was the only thing the poor thing had to distract him from his growing issue. 


Andrew looked at the sleeping woman and realized the predicament he was in, her hands and arms were like a steel trap with him not being able to loosen her grip. He whimpered a little and wiggle more trying to get her awake until he heard the cartoon music and sounds in the earbud and he turned to the screen deciding it was a nice distraction at least from the growing pain in his blatter. He whimpered once again and squirmed more until he eventually fell asleep. He woke up to the sounds of footsteps around the aisle and the smell of breakfast food. He looked around and groaned at the light shining in his eyes as he also felt a wet spot on his shorts and he looked up to the woman he was sitting on as she sipped a drink watching a news show on the screen.


Anya hummed and sipped at her coffee, until she noticed that the little boy was awake. "Oh, good morning dear!" She said and smiled. She hadn't yet noticed that he had a little accident, and so she just handed him his tray of breakfast while humming cheerfully. Although they were at the altitude where the boy could sit where he pleased, she still held him on her lap. She liked it this way. It gave her an odd, happy feeling she hadn't ever experienced. 


Andrew blushed a bit and looked at the tray of breakfast, just eggs and some cut up sausage along with a small cup of milk. He slowly ate the food not wanting to move much as to give away that he had wet himself. He looked at the screen and watched the news with her until the same attendant comes over and asks the woman if he was was finished with the tray and he shook his head but the attendant ignored him…again.


Anya thankfully spoke up for the boy. "He's still working on it, thank you." She said softly, sending the attendant away. It was an unexpected turn of events... It seemed Anya knew what he wanted, and was even listening to him. To a limited extent, of course, but it was more than what others did for him. It was just too bad that the tender moment seemed to be ruined when Anya suddenly looked down, and gasped. "Oh, Andrew!" She exclaimed, a bit louder than intended. "You had an accident!" 


Andrew froze in shock as she spoke and noticed the accident he had while he slept. Out of pure embarrassment he started to cry and hide his face sniffling nonstop. As he started another woman across the aisle looked over and asked Anya if her little one had an accident and then asked where her diaper bag was. Andrew just cried fully embarrassed and not being able to control his emotions currently.


Anya brought the boy close to her chest. "O-Oh he's not-" She sputtered. "Well you see-" She quickly tried to think of a way to fix the situation without making the situation even worse. "He hasn't had an accident in ages." She finally lied. "I didn't think I would need to bring one." She whispered to the woman. The woman was kind enough to offer her a diaper and some wipes, and graciously Anya took them and thanked her, before carrying the full grown man to the tiny airplane restroom to get him changed. 


Andrew was still in tear hugging onto Anya, not really paying attention as she carried him into the restroom. He finally looked up as he saw her wiping down the fold out diaper changing surface. He squirmed slightly but whined when the wet underwear rubbed against his skin. He whimpered looking up at her. “Wh…Wh…what are you doing? Why are we in here?”


Anya smiled down at him. "Don't worry sweetheart. I'll have you changed in no time, and you won't have to worry about any sort of rash." She said cheerfully, and undressed him from the waist down. She acted as though what she was doing was perfectly normal! And what was worse- Andrew really only had two options, with one involving wearing a baby diaper, and one involving walking back down that aisle with soaking wet pants in front of everyone!


Andrew sniffled and cried more as the woman changed him and he hugged onto her as she walked back to their seats. He hid his face embarrassed not wanting anyone to see it as he could barely control his emotions right now due to embarrassment and anger at himself.


She sat him in his seat and wiped his eyes. "Sh... Oh, don't cry..." she reassured him, giving him a concerned frown. "You're alright, dear. This is nothing to worry about." She whispered. He just looked so small there... Sitting in his seat, wearing just a diaper with no covering, crying and looking up at her with a terrified expression... "I'm right here, darling. You don't worry for a moment." She reassured him and smiled softly. "Here." She whispered and helped him get his airplane issued blanket over his lap. "There now... You'll be nice and warm for the rest of the flight, and there'll be no risk of leaks. Alright, Andrew?" 


Andrew sniffled and nodded as the blanket was laid over him and he started to doze off due to the comfy blanket and the motion of the plane as the woman leaned over to Anya asking if he was ok and if she needed anything else. Saying that babies always have a hard time on flights.

  • 3 weeks later...

She smiled and nodded. "I'm perfectly alright dear. Thank you so much." She cooed softly to the woman, before turning to Andrew and wiping his eyes before gently stroking his hair. "There we are... You'll be okay now."


Andrew fell asleep on Anya’s lap, he woke up a few hours later as the plane started to descend and land. He rubbed his eyes wondering if it was all a dream until he looked up seeing her and feeling the padding under his butt. He teared up a bit but not wanting to cause another scene he tried to keep it in.


Anya looked over when she noticed he was awake. "Oh hello, Andrew." She said with a gentle smile. She only paused when she saw that he was all teary eyed! Her eyes widened a bit and she leaned down. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" She asked quickly. 


Andrew sniffled and looked up at her whispering in her ear. “Can I get out of this please? Its embarrassing…” He asked as the plane lands on the ground and pulls up to the airport and some people start to get their bags down from the bins and the woman who’s been helping Anya asks if she needs anything else before they part ways.


Anya squeezed his hand gently. "We'll talk about it as soon as we get off of the plane, okay?" She promised and helped him unbuckle. She then turned to the woman, thanked her for all of her help, and parted ways. She carried both her luggage and his, all while leaving one hand open so he could hold while they went down the aisle. 

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