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The dragon hatchling and his mommy

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It was a nice calm and cool winter day in drago city in the middle of September school was closed because of the snowfall and kids couldn't be much happier, in a 2 story red brick house on the edge of town live a young 8 year old nightfury dragon named ry and his mommy. Currently ry was asleep in his bedroom wearing adorable paw patrol footie PJs well also sucking his thumb in his bed unaware of anything around him.

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The large polar bear approached her adopted son and smiled down at him. She found the idea perfectly ridiculous that these children couldn't go to school in the snow- but then again the dragons didn't have her luxurious coat. She was, nonetheless, glad that she got to see her boy. It was rare these days... He always wanted to be out playing with his dragon friends, in their dragon homes. She felt glad to have a day with just them two! She approached the bed of the little creature and looked down at him, placing a furry hand on his back and giving it a gentle rub. She was perhaps a bit overprotective of her son... But she couldn't help it! She couldn't have any cubs of her own, so she would cling to this dragon with all of her life. She had raised him from an egg and everything! 

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Ry smiled as he opened his bright aqua eye and stared at her" good morning mommy" ry said with a cute smile as he waited to be picked up and given his early morning diaper change, for the young dragon it was a normal part of the day where he would often need a change no matter what time of day it was and he knew given how overprotective his mom was it made even more sense the two had a special bond that couldn't be broken by anything.

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"Good morning dear." She whispered and picked the scaly little thing up in her strong grip. Yes, she thought, eight was certainly old for diapers, but not unheard of... the boy never complained of being teased at school, nor did he seem too upset by it on his own... And besides, it kept him dependent on her, and she needed that. The thought of losing her only baby often gave her worse nightmares than her baby had! She glanced down at him and felt his toosh- he hadn't just wet that night... It was evidently a mess night. She carefully slipped on a pair of gloves to keep her fur from getting messy, and began to change him. "Did you hear you won't have to go to school today?" She excitedly explained as she lifted his ankles up to take off the dirty thing. 

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"yep I sure did mommy and I'm super excited that means we can have fun at the house today play some games watch movies All of the amazing stuff" ry said giggling as his PJs were removed exposing his paw patrol diaper, " so mommy what's my new diaper gonna be" ry asked her curiously as he sucked on his thumb not caring if he was to old for that.

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She kissed him on his forehead between his big eyes, not reprimanding him for his thumb sucking. Maybe if they were in public she might gently hand him something else like a pacifier, but not at home, in the safety of his own room. She wiped his bottom- thanking the gods again that she was given a son without any fur on his butt- and Powdered him up. "Hmmm... I'm not sure, dear. Do you think you'd like another Paw Patrol, or maybe a Bluey?" She asked and smiled softly at him, awaiting a response. She completely indulged him, she knew, but she didn't mind. And besides, he wasn't some spoiled brat. He was a good boy!

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"I'm thinking bluey this time mommy so what's on the agenda today and I'm guessing your gonna dress me like always" ry said giggling as he knew that his mommy was very particular she was the one to dress him no matter what time it was, when it came to school ry was one of the smartest in class and a top athlete as he had been on varsity for wrestling and had even won the trophy though all that mattered to him was making his mommy proud.

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Anya smiled and put the new diaper on him. She was glad the stores selled special ones with tail holes, it made them fit far better. She carefully taped on the straps and went to the closet. She considered getting him a daytime outfit... but what was the point? It was his day off, so there was no need for a collared shirt or anything like that. So, she grabbed a onesie and carefully helped him into it. "There we are... comfy cozy my little lizard?" She cooed and gave him a little pat on his butt. She expected great things of her son, this was true. She only sometimes wondered if she expected too much! Sometimes she wanted to just keep him home and have him need her for all of his daily tasks... But it was likely he wouldn't be as happy if confined to their house. And she loved seeing that smile!

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"thanks mommy this is super comfy" ry said as he hugged Anya snuggling into her as he waited to be put in his high chair for breakfast and for his mommy to feed him like she usually does, it also helped that ry didn't mind that he was still fed like a baby in his opinion it was fun and perfect for a hatchling like him.

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Anya carried him to the kitchen and sat him in the highchair. She had to get a special one made for his size, as he was such a big boy. She even buckled him in, just in case. She then fixed him his usual breakfast of crepes, eggs, fruit, (all cut up into tiny pieces) and a bottle of milk- milk which she had spent a painstaking amount of time and effort getting herself to produce. After going to the doctors for several months, she was able to produce milk at will. And of course, she loved getting to give her baby all of the nutrients he needed, from her own life force, so she found it to be worth it. 

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Ry smiled as he took the bottle and sucked on it for a minute before he set it down and let Anya feed him his breakfast "you know mommy can I have chocolate milk next time pretty please", ry asked as he ate every bite that was fed to him by her as he knew he had to otherwise his mom would get mad and he didn't want that at all no way.

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Anya glanced at him, considering getting upset at him for asking for her to alter her milk... But he was just a baby to her, and in her mind, there was no way he understood how laborious it was, so she let it slide. Especially after seeing him finish every bite! She smiled softly. "We'll see, okay?" She relented and scooped him up out of his seat. She lofted him up and laid him carefully over her shoulder, giving his back a good few pats between his wings. "Come on now, show mommy your big boy burp." She coaxed. 

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Ry let out quite the loud burp that could be heard throughout the entire house showing rys impressive lungs another thing ry was good at was singing " alright mommy what are we doing next", ry asked her as he nuzzled into his mommy knowing she likely wanted to go shopping to pick up more diapers and what not.

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She thought about what she could do with him... It would be a bit cold out for such a small, fragile little thing... She wouldn't want him to catch a cold! So, she carried her little angel to the living room and sat on the couch, holding him on her lap and gently rubbing his head. "Today is a special day." She whispered. "We're just going to stay inside, and you're going to do whatever you want, hm? We can play games, watch your favourite shows- anything you want!" She of course fried to speak loudly enough to drown out the laughing of the kids outside throwing snowballs and sledding and other fun (but dangerous, in her opinion) things like that. 

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"ok mommy can we watch the backyardigans I love that show, ry said smiling at her as he kissed her on the cheek for a young boy ry loved to show his mommy affection in the biggest way.

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Anya smiled and nuzzled him with her warm, furry face. "You're such a good boy." She whispered and turned the television on for him. She skipped past all of the grown up channels and put on the show that the boy requested. "There we are... Good boy." She whispered. "Can mommy do anything else for you, sweetheart?"

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Anya shook her head and stroked the boy's head scales gently as he watched the show. She was glad he was still so easily sucked into the innocent world of imagination. She hoped it would last forever. As he continued to watch, She carefully unbuttoned her shirt just enough to expose her first nipples. "Are you hungry, dear?" 

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"I actually am mommy believe it or not" ry said as he felt himself being picked up and his mouth on his mommy's breast where he began to suckle like the hatchling he is as his teeth retracted so as not to hurt her.

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She held him there and smiled softly, squeezing him ever so gently against her. He was so polite and sweet... She was glad to have him there, so close to her! She allowed the boy to suck as long as he wanted. When he did finally pull away, she buttoned her shirt back up and began to rub his back to make sure no air built up and caused him discomfort. 

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Ry burped a bit with some drool coming down his mouth " mommy can we go to the candy store today I heard they are doing a 75 percent off their candy for the first 200 customers", ry said to her curiously smiling at her.

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Anya glanced down at him and thought about this offer. As much as she didn't want him to freeze his scales off... He just looked so excited! She sighed and smiled. "Yes... I suppose we can do that." She agreed. "But I'll need to carry you and keep you warm." She warned. 

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"thanks mommy your the best can you help me get dressed in my winter clothes and which of the three cars are we taking today" ry asked, despite not being near the city Anya made 30 billion a year meaning they were quite rich though ry did feel his stomach grumble as his tail hiked up he squeezed his claws and realesed a big mess into his waiting diaper.

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Anya smiled and nodded, carrying her stinky little lizard into his room. She grabbed his big snow pants and his parka, placing them on over his onesie. She then put his soft socks on, and his big snow boots. She didn't mention that he was messy. She always made him come to her when he did this during the day time. She even made him go all day at school like that if he didn't go to the office and call her to come. "Are we ready to go, now, my dear?"

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"yes mommy but can I have a diaper change first I had a poopy accident in my pants mommy and you can pick what diaper I wear pretty please" ry said to her giggling, knowing his mommy always wanted him to ask her directly for a change it was a regular routine with them.

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