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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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To force myself to get back into writing I am setting myself a challenge I am calling Authorgust. 31 days, 31 1 word prompts. I will be happy of I get through half, but here they all are. Watch this space for the stories, some connected to some of my previous work, some standalone. Anyone who feels like joining in, feel free. If I get through 3/4 I might do it again next year.

1 secret:
2 underground:
3 magical:
4 freedom:
5 tickled.
6 silence M
7 juggernaut:
8 freezing
9 future
10 swimming
11 mountain
12 moon
13 explore
14 farm
15 guilt
16 frayed
17 tent
18 falling
19 connected
20 hungry
21 dive
22 rich
23 invent
24 rhythm
25 virtual
26 endless
27 storm
28 vision
29 jungle
30 famous
31 escape

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Sally chuckled to herself as the bartender walked off. She would need to head to the changers soon herself, but Morgan had asked her to stick around and keep an eye on her babies, and who was she to deny that.

"Klor patha, mommy! Need a drink?" Courtney said as she bounced over.

"Klor patha kaduz, pa'ella, if you're going to speak it, at least do a whole phrase please. Klor patha kaduz! Skes kalador pava gris? And yes please, razzmil and rum." Courtney turned an adorable shade of pink, and Sally laughed. Most of her babies loved being talked to in a language they didn't understand, it deepened the immersion, so as a linguist and historian she was especially well suited to scratching that itch for them, it is what had got her into the community in the first place. It helped the drinks here were fantastic, the combination of sweet, tangy, and creamy in their raspberry milk reminded her of something from back home.

She spent the next few minutes babbling to the Littles around the bar, and telling small stories that they ate up, before seeing Morgan leave the changers which appeared empty from the quick glance she got before the door closed. She hated having to hide herself, and only changing during low traffic times was a pain, but she couldn't stand the thought of her babies finding out her secret and shunning her, which would definitely happen if they saw how her waste was distributed in her diaper. They just weren't ready, maybe a few more years.

Locking herself in a self change stall, she opened her diaper and began cleaning around her waste unit on her lower back, humans would probably call it a cloaca, but to her it was just were the waste tube had been in her birthing tank. Her species had long since lost their reproductive organs to disuse, having been using a form of genetic mixed cloning for a hundred generations before she was born. Perhaps that is why she had jumped into the role of mommy so eagerly? It was something she would never have gotten to experience back home as birthing tanks grew you to full maturation in approximately three cycles back home, or two earth years. Her studies as a historian told her of the times of live births and childhoods, but the war had necessitated a quicker maturation time and more genetically perfect soldiers, and eventually the whole species had adapted to it's 'easier' methods.

As she left the changers she thought on what the next few years would bring and had to stifle a laugh. Last she knew Kasaka Beldua was head of the First Contact unit and he was, to use a human phrase, a right dick. He had assigned her to 'observe some primitives that are coming close to contact' as a punishment for her brother breaking up with him. Jokes on him, she loved it here and she couldn't wait to see the look on his face, and on the face of the human governments, when it became known that their best choice for translators preferred light up shoes and going toilet in their pants. She had spent the last ten years secretly teaching the most common galactic trade language to the ABDL community, and using important bits of galactic history as bedtime stories and in her writings for their enjoyment. It should only be about five more years before he stepped off a ship, made his grand pronouncement, and was met with an excitable babbling little that he would have no clue what to do with. 

Courtney was an especially astute student, working on a history doctorate with a focus on languages herself. Perhaps when the time came she would reach out and see if she wanted to help with a group of undergrads who would just so happen to be doing field work study where she would tell the old bastard to land.

Whelp, my Kids Table universe now has a secret Sci-Fi side. I caught a bad case of the lores. 

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Tina was really getting sick of the cold, dark, and damp, and was especially peeved at being away from her husband for so long, but Riley had requested her on this mission for her fairy heritage, and she knew Robby would be just a liability here. The fungal fiends the dark druid had animated were heavily resistant to physical damage, and being composed of the super absorbent mushrooms the Dwarves used for their diapers meant that his usually devastating Mess attacks would just heal the monsters instead.

As it was their team composition still wasn't the best for this questline, but they made do. Kyle and the Dwarven elemancer Rigal hit them with ice and fire, Riley and Karen kept them buffed and topped off on changes, and Tina did her best impression of a discount Druid to briefly turn a few to their side.

The Dwarves had been desperate for their help, in more ways than one. Until the menacing mycelium master was defeated the underground dwellers were forced to rely on imported surface diapers and materials, lest he start an incursion from within their own city. Still, she hoped they found him soon, this silent, subterranean city he had claimed as his base was seeping into her brain. She was a fairy, she was supposed to be frolicking in forests and fields, not forcing fungal foes to focus fire on eachother. On top of that they were down to two or three fights left of changes, and that's if he didn't have a surprise up his sleeve.

She was cursing herself a few minutes later when they came face to face with the druid, and behind him was a massive Deep Dragon and three of the largest fungus monsters they had seen so far. The beasts roar shook the roof of the cave, and the sudden heft in her pants from the scare attack told her exactly what the villain had planned.


This takes place in my RPG (Rotten Pants Guild) stories.

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Children are messy. Bathrooms are messy, especially any public ones. These two truths were something parents had to deal with in a world where disease was the biggest fear on everyone's mind. Approximately a third of parents took a look at these facts and decided that the logical solution would be to hold off on potty training until their children were out of their grubbyist ages, it didn't take that long for things to begin to change.

A year after the end of lockdown two five year old boys were recorded producing and throwing warm balls of light at each other. Three months later a six year old girl was reported to briefly animate a stuffed toy to join her in a tea party. Reports began pouring in of young children producing unexplained phenomenon that could only be called magic. After a year of research and hundreds more reports of escalating magic scientists finally hit on a commonality, only children that were delaying potty training were showing these magical abilities. Six months later scientists discovered why.

An undiscovered pea sized organ was found growing between the bladder and bowels of an untrained eight year child during a routine surgery. A flurry of research followed, showing the organ was present in everyone in a vastly reduced state. Simulations were run, and showed that the strengthening and flexing of the waste organs during and after potty training pushed on the smaller organ, tenderizing it and leaving it nowhere to grow. Once the reproductive organs got their own hits in during puberty the organ was a shriveled, rice sized or smaller, appendix hanging on to the base of the bladder for dear life. What was the purpose of this organ I hear you ask? Just like it's nearby siblings store and then expel liquid and solid waste, the newly named manala dealt with a previously unknown gaseous waste, environmental mana both breathed in and naturally occurring in foods. In it's shrunken state it only held enough to boost minor feats, things often attributed to good luck or adrenaline, as it grew it allowed for much more overt magical displays.

Twenty years on the world is a much different place. Most people choose to potty train around ten or later to allow themselves some degree of magical power, and a small portion decide to forgo it entirely, taking on the role of Mages. One such mage is Laura Kenderson, head of ANAMA, the Accredited North American Mages Academy, the young girl who's animation of a stuffed toy was one of the first reports of magic. As the longest term known face of magic use, the young boys who threw the first fireballs had been potty trained shortly afterwards, she had seen it as her duty to lead and teach the mages of this new world.

So why, you may ask, is she currently meditating in a decoy fridge of a stakeout truck disguised as a taco truck instead of teaching a class on imaginative uses of low power magic, or the effects different food have on the mana they give like pooping corn for the soul? Well, not everyone was happy with the direction the world was headed. The group wasn't named, not one they could find anyway, but they were a particularly zealous, and hypocritical, group of potty purists. Most potty purists were fine, they potty trained their children in the old ways, sometimes suggested others do the same, and went about their days. This group though kidnapped and indoctrinated untrained children to use in violent attacks to show the dangers of allowing magic to exist. Stopping this was just as much her job as teaching was.

Her three stuffed mice scurried through the vents of the warehouse, looking for any sign of the children that had gone missing recently… there, the unmistakable smell of dirty diapers coming from her constructs plastic senses, as opposed to the same smell permeating her hiding spot, she was glad this was almost over. Sending all three to the correct vent she surveyed the room and gasped. The children were locked in what their captors probably charitably thought of as cribs, but the locking top gave the true name of cages. Pacifiers strapped over their mouths and thick mittens on their hands, she guessed to stop any arcane gestures or magic words, superstitious morons. The only other thing they wore was a thick diaper, all desperately in need of a change, their soft crying only occasionally broken by a shouted "shut up in there."

Biting back a snarl she had her mice sneak through the grates and down the wall, stopping in front of one of the seven 'cribs'. The child inside instantly stopped their crying and whispered "took you long enough, babe."

"Shush honey, you're the one that masked your signature, now let's get these kids out of here." The mouse bit back, before she teleported to it's location. The kids gasped as she appeared and one of their number suddenly grew to adult size, but her soft shushing stopped any questions. She began unlocking the cages and getting the kids out as her partner began forming a gate back to the school. Three other mages came through as they finished, two leading the kids back through. 

Her partner looked over, cracked their knuckles, and loudly said "now let's give them something to cry about!"


Finally a new setting. Can you tell I like diaper normalcy lol.

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Morgan glanced at the hardly moving bathroom line and smiled to herself as she took in and released some liquid at the same time. Her six months as a bartender had her coming up with a dozen ways she could improve the small mixer she was sipping, but it was part of the sorority party experience to get trashed on cheap drinks, and since this was her first one she wasn't going to mess with tradition. 

The second part of sorority party tradition was seated next to her, a bubbly freshman pledge who was looking to do some good old college experimenting and had been pointed her way. A history major by the name of Courtney McFaden, she had an innocent look to her, especially dolled up like a little girl as part of her hazing, but from some of her flirting so far she had a bit of a  naughty side. Morgan wondered how she would react if she showed her own newfound bratty side, she also wondered how she would react when their dresses came off showing both of their padding, though hers would be thoroughly soaked. Courtney had already confided in her that the little girl getup the pledges had been told to wear for the night included diapers as well in anticipation of Morgan taking it off her later, not that Morgan hadn't already known. The dresses were big and poofy enough to hide most visual cues, but the way they walked and sat was unmistakable to her now aware mind. That and Mike and Heather, her bosses and the owners of The Kids Table, had told her about this party as how they met and got into ABDL when Heather was a pledge.

Noticing the slightly younger girl stealing furtive glances at the bathroom line as well, Morgan got a naughty idea in her head. "Dare ya to use that diaper instead."

Courtney's head whipped around so fast they almost hit, a blush creeping up her cheeks, "Am I that obvious?"

"Only if you know what to look for. Come on, I am enjoying our time together, and it would be a shame to break it up for you to go stand in that long line. Besides, I dared you."

"I don't know, these feel so much thinner than my usual diapers." It took a second for her brain to catch up to her mouth and she stammered, "wait, um, I mean…" Morgan's smile grew and she gave her a pointed look, "Um, I have a little problem with, at night, not every night, not even most nights but just in case, I mean um, I'm a bedwetter." The poor girls face was practically glowing red by the time she blurted that out. "I've never worn while awake before, but I know these cheap store brand ones haven't worked for me since I was sixteen. There is a little local place with much better quality I go to."

Morgan smirked at her, "I know it," she took hold of her hand and subtly pressed it against her own padded crotch as she let go, causing Courtney to gasp, "and believe me, there is nothing more freeing than looking at a bunch of other girls desperate to go while you can just go and carry on with your life. Just go, and then I will change you into something a bit better, maybe you want to change me too?"

"OK, that was actually super fucking hot." Courtney was biting her lip, either in arousal or desperation Morgan couldn't tell, maybe both, "OK, umm," she waited a second and looked down as though she could see her own padding through her dress, "how do you just go?"

"Hmm, yah it can be hard the first few times. What if I" and without warning her hands lashed out and pressed on her bladder, the little gasp and moan told her that her plan had worked perfectly. After about a minute Courtney not so subtly checked herself. "No leaks? Good," she tossed back the rest of her drink, "now come dance with me." 

"Wait, dance?" Courtney hissed, "what about that change?"

"We aren't leaking, so that can wait a bit. Come on," she shot a pointed look at the bathroom line again, "enjoy the freedom of our padding a bit longer. I want you dripping wet in more ways than one when we get to your room." Courtney let out a little squeal at that, but chugged her own drink and followed her onto the dance floor.


Another one set in my A Seat at the Kids Table world, a few years earlier.

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The weekly sleepover had finally calmed down a bit, and they were watching Titanic and drinking beer for the thousandth time when Lia out of nowhere asked "you know what the best thing about dating an artist in the morning is?"

Alice, remembering where her best friends head had been all night glowered and said "if this is another sex joke you will regret it."

Her resulting smirk was all the answer she needed, "He can cock and doodle me."

"There wasn't even mention of a chicken!"

"Rooster, morning, Ack!" Any further explanation was interrupted by a pillow to the face and a flying tackle tickle. The assault lasted for about a minute before Lia cried out through her laughter "wait, stop, your going to make me piss my pants." Causing Alice to draw back immediately. After a second of getting her giggles back under control Lia looked at Alice confused and asked "why did you stop?"

"You said you were going to," Alice started, before remembering this was her incontinent best friend who had never known when she had to piss in her life, "Oh you fucking brat." She renewed her tickling attack.

"I can't believe you fucking fell for that!" Lia howeled, kicking her feet in the air, and showing her diaper up her skirt which was indeed wet, "best friends for sixteen years, and you somehow forget I'm still in diapers."

"Yah, well," Alice pulled back again and leaned against the couch, "it was sort of on my mind anyway."

"Hey, woah, that's a grump face, no grumps during sleepovers."

"Sorry, it's just, I was fooling around with Sara the other day and I didn't stop when she said that, totally killed the mood."

Lia snorted, reaching for her beer, "like the prissy bitch doesn't wake up soaked like everybody else. I don't know what you see in her."

"And I don't get your obsession with penis, sort of part of being a lesbian."

"I don't mean physically, most of the school agrees she's hot as fuck, I mean she's had a stick lodged up her ass since potty training. We were pretty tight back in elementary school, but once I gave up on training at thirteen she completely wrote me off."

Alice sighed, "pretty sure she just wrote me off too."

Lia downed the rest of her beer, "Hey, none of that, fun night remember. Besides, you have that Telendri exchange student you've been gushing about coming in a few weeks. Better to end your whole friends with benefits thing with miss priss so you can focus on that epic romance you've been planning. Now," she patted her rump, "pretty sure I did more than wet during your attack there, so I'm going to go change. Why don't you put your night one on a bit early, grab us a few more drinks, and pop in one of your lesbian romantic comedies for ideas." Alice took a deep breath, chugged the rest of her own beer, and nodded before launching in for another quick tickle.

Takes place shortly before the start of my Cultural Differences in a World of Nighttime Incontinence, a world were everyone is a bedwetter and 7% of the population have some form of daytime Incontinence like Lia.

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Morgan was unnerved, and what worried her was why. Cars trundled past outside, forks clinked against plates, the low murmur of conversation flowed around her, all in all the familiar cacophony of a moderately busy restaurant she was familiar with from work. But the lack of one sound made it seem as silent as a vault in her mind. The ever-present soft crinkle that had permeated her life for the past six months was missing.

She had decided to go full time over the last semester, and her increased presence in the community meant she had been surrounded by subtle and not so subtle crinkles for most of a year. But now here she was, back in panties while visiting her parents. She had already narrowly avoided catastrophe when she unthinkingly let go for a second while making coffee this morning like she usually did, quick thinking had her 'clumsily' misjudge her pour and spill water down her front. She was lucky she hadn't figured out bedwetting yet, or she would have had to sneak them in bed. Was she getting too into this? Was this something she really wanted for her life, or was this just a horny college fad? Most of the people she had met through this new part of her life were amazing, but could she handle coming out to her regular friends, her family, if she decided this was really how she wanted to live her life?

She looked at the Mac and cheese side she had impulsively ordered with her steak like it held the secrets of the universe, before taking a bit of both on her fork. It tasted good.


Shorter than the previous ones, but it feels right to have no dialog in a short about silence. Once again in my Kids Table Universe. These shorts are really helping me flesh out my settings outside the main entries and I like that. 

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*In on a huge man in blue armor wielding a warhammer*

I'm a vanguard Paladin, taking the fight to the forces of darkness. Raaah"

*Pan out as he smashes a sickly looking bird demon with more on the way. He talks to the camera as he fights."

"And when I'm out here fighting evil I don't have time to skip off to some silly potty every time I have to go. Out here when you say 'oh shit', well…"

*a massive roar sounds out across the battlefield, pan to a massive scaley, horned monster, towering over the other demons. Paladin and his men rush forward.*

"That's why I requisition Juggernaut Diapers."

*pan down and x-ray his lower armor to show the steel grey padding around his waist and those of his soldiers.*

"Unbreakable as my armor, but soft as a feather, Juggernauts are built to stand up to the kind of fear us front liners go through every day." 

*the boss's sword swings down towards him, but a subtle blue glow surrounds his small squad and deflects it.*

"Juggernauts linked defense boost means they have my back as well as my backside."

*a package of Juggernaut Diapers falls covering the screen. Pan out to Paladin sitting on it in his tent*

"Juggernaut, for a diaper as unstoppable as you are."


Little different style this time, going for a commercial. Not any particular universe, but would fit in RPG pretty easily.

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Site was down when I posted this elsewhere but the Freezing prompt can take a flying leap, like I am off a Tallneck in Horizon FW. My only idea was depressing and I'm not doing that today, plus the new Paradox Pokemon made me want to play some Horizon today. The kidnapping dickheads from prompt 3 forcing some cryomancers to start some shit for anyone wondering, could be interesting, but I have had too good of a day to get into the mind of kidnapping dickbags.

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By 2037 the effect of groundwater on the Earth's tilt was becoming a major concern for governments and scientists worldwide. In an effort to curb water use many places skyrocketed the price of water, and as wallets tightened people tried many different things to curb their own water usage. It started with protests in North America, the government wants us to stink so we will make a stink in their faces was the idea. Hundreds of unwashed people marched on their state, local, and even national capitals, and it was during these protests that the second part of the plan hit. A charge to use public bathrooms, citing how much water even a low volume flush wastes. This incensed the protestors even more, some found discreet places to relieve themselves, or even pay the fee, but many decided to increase the stink they were making by making their stinks in their pants. 

Those at home faced the same dilemma as the protesters, and soon diaper sales shot through the roof. Potty training quickly became a thing of the past as parents could hardly afford to pay for their own toileting needs. Sensing the change on the winds Pampers and the other big manufacturers began producing larger and larger diapers, even partnering with ABDL brands they had previously shunned while they got their production lines up and running. To combat the price of bathing, group bathing became much more common, with some tubs increasing in size to accommodate up to three adults comfortably, the removal of the toilet in many homes giving them plenty of space.

By 2073 the world is as much changed as it's people are changed often. 21 year old Karen Miles was scrubbing her boyfriends sister, Samantha Kalvin's hair when she felt herself begin peeing. "Oops, sorry. Let me finish before you dunk." Karen thought she would have potty trained easily in the old world, even now she could tell when she was peeing seventy percent of the time, and most times had up to a minute's warning before she pooped. Honestly, it was Sam's fault they had needed a bath anyway. The slightly older girl had miscounted how many diapers she had left, and had decided to wear panties to save some, and worse tight jeans over them. In Karen's opinion panties were fine, but jeans were rough even over diapers, really hindering any garments ability to expand in the seat. Sam apparently thought diapers and jeans were interchangeable, as she had casually pooped hers while they had been playing a new VR game they had been bonding over, then waiting about half an hour to tell her. She should have known her diapers had better scent protection than that.

Just as Samantha finished rinsing her hair her boyfriend, Mark Kalvin, walked in to change, starting at the two women in the bath. "Hey hon, I thought today was a night bath day?"

"Yah, it was supposed to be," she glared at her future sister in law, "miss mess here decided to change some plans."

"I offered to just have a mutual change!" Sam exclaimed.

Karen just sighed, no way she was dealing with a change that smeared halfway down the changees leg, she herself had been in her standard summer sports bra and diaper, her night diaper even, because no way was she paying the laundry rate more than she had to. "Whatever brat, hop out, you're clean. I want to fuck your brother senseless before washing him while this water is hot." She shooed her, before calling out "and put on a diaper, I have a spare pack of Pampers in our size in my closet."

"I'm just going to throw on some panties and go outside. No jeans, promise." Was the response and she grumbled as Mark stripped off his loaded diaper and stepped into the bath.

As he started to stroke her just right she said "I swear, I get she prefers panties, I'm not gunna kink shame, but sometimes it seems she likes making a mess too."

Mark laughed, "Yah, that might be a kink too. Mom used to complain all the time about how much laundry she made." He kissed her as his stroking got faster and her breath hitched, "she won't be staying with us long, so don't worry too much."

The door slammed open just as his mouth was lowering to her nethers, "Hey, where do you guys want to go to lunch?"

"God's dammit!"

"OK, maybe worry a little bit."


Another new Diaper Normality setting? Umm, I don't have a problem. You do.

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"Well sis, what now?" Robby asked, turning to Riley, only to notice his sister was casually shucking herself out of her heavy armor and holding, was that a seashell bra?

"OK, folks, here's the plan," she started before her longtime girlfriend and the party Caretaker Karen snuck up behind her and whispered something in her ear. His sister blushed, saying back "Well, I do need a change, pretty sure you do too," Karen nodded, and Robby wondered if he needed a change too, he would have to have Tina check as those two seemed wrapped up in each other "and we did want to try it, would be rude to do that on the way back with a new party member… OK, Robby, Tina, new plan slash addition to the old plan. Karen and I both need a change so while we do that we are going to go try sex on the beach, not the drink. Feel free to do the same, and when you are done, or even if you don't because you're both stinky, change each other into those Mermaid diapers I crafted yesterday." This exchange surprised Robby, as a Babearian  and a Fairy he and his wife were pretty casual talking about their sex life, but his sister usually needed a few drinks in her to be this open about it, still he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.

Both couples met back up an hour and a half later slightly disappointed. Sex on the beach wasn't that great, the ground shifted under you making it hard to keep hitting just the right spot, and sand got in places sand was definitely not supposed to go. They had all had to go rinse off in the water to avoid getting sand in their diapers which would have led to a hell of a rash. "OK, that was a thing. Glad I tried it, but never again." Riley summed up as they met, all three women now clad in only their mermaid diapers and some form of tropical themed bra, Riley in the classic clam shell, Tina embracing her forest fairy with coconuts, and Karen going for the truly bizarre choice of conch shells, while Robby wore his diaper and a shark tooth necklace. How all these counted as armor and actually provided decent bonuses he had no idea, but he wasn't going to question that. "OK, on to our actual quest here, finding a mermaid party member. These diapers allow us to breath water and increase our swim speed, and I made enough we should be good for three hours out and three back, even expecting at least 1 heavy Scare encounter. I think that's it, any questions? OK, let's dive in."

Underwater was beautiful, even most of the monsters coming in a wide array of colors. It was a bit odd fighting with a spear, but he and Riley had to switch to them as their normal weapons didn't work well under water. They found the mermaid village after an hour and a half, and were told of a mermaid warrior who had gone off to fight a shark mafia nearby, jackpot. Another half hour of swimming and they came upon the sharks lair, unfortunately all the sharks were able to use Scare attacks and they were starting to run lower on the diapers than they liked. Rescuing the in over her head mermaid quickly, they made their way back to the mermaid village to regroup eventually deciding to stay the night as the village had plenty of water breathing diapers. They would all agree sex underwater was much more enjoyable, though a little floaty.

Not much to say here, pretty basic and in my RPG universe.

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Kyle relaxed his bladder as their group stopped to take in the vista before them, probably not the only one doing so. Judging from the soft grunting coming from his wife, some were doing a bit more. This would seem odd to most people, but Kyle and his friends considered it better than the alternative. The three couples had been hiking buddies for about a decade now, and had initially just got used to going in front of each other, but their first truly cold hike had revealed some problems when Susan got minor frostbite on her crotch from falling over from her squat. Luckily it had been on the first day, and it was only four hours back to civilization and another half to the hospital. The pain had made it difficult to tell when she needed to pee, and the hospital had suggested diapers. The fact she took the news so well should have been a sign to the others, but none of them had even heard of ABDL before, though she would tell her partner within a week. When she suggested they all wear them their next cold hike a year later they had all grudgingly agreed, and quickly found it was much better than struggling to remove all those layers and freezing your bits off.

"Ok," Eddy said as he looked at the map, still slightly bowed legs the only hint of the load in his seat, "looks like we have about an hour before we reach a good place to camp for the night, and it's about that long until dark. Everybody done being a potty pants?" The light chuckle that ran through the group was answer enough and they continued their ascent.

The first one that isn't diaper normalcy. Don't expect many of those.

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Riley sighed as the rescued princess explained the Moonfolks plans while Riley changed her. Yes. Moonfolk. Of course the final dungeon would be on the moon, well, final dungeon of the main story at least. Honestly she guessed it was fitting, the bandits who had kidnapped the mayor's daughter that started her questing had worshiped some moon god she had never heard of, so it seemed things were coming full circle.

Apparently the Moonfolk looked down on surface worlders as childish, and planned to hit the planet with a regression beam before swooping in and taking over. They had kidnapped the twin princesses a decade ago to test their beam on, and while Princess Margaret had successfully fooled them and kept her mind, Princess Sally, well, she was fascinatedly playing with her toes and dodging Karen's attempts to change her absolutely wrecked diaper… honestly it looked kinda fun, but Riley would prefer to be able to keep her mind and keep adventuring with her friends. According to Margaret the most adventuring they had been allowed to do on the moon was taking their dollhouse outside.

Riley pondered their predicament, a few weeks ago rumors had started to circulate about the missing princesses being sighted, and the king and queen were awaiting news, but bringing the women back to the castle was just what the Moonfolk wanted. The princesses had been brought back to be rescued as a distraction that would allow Moonfolk to sneak in while everyone was celebrating and plant resonators to spread the beams effect from the capital. They weren't ready for a full assault on the moon either, apparently all Moonfolk were potty trained and they would be unable to buy or loot diapers in their size there except in the old base the princesses had been held in. They would need to stock up on as many diapers as they needed before going up, might even pay to pick Alistair back up as his potty training wouldn't be a detriment up there. With Alistair back on the team Karen could placate the royals for a while, and while she would love to have Robby with her, he tended to need the most changes out of all of them and they needed someone to stay behind and make sure no one discovered the princesses. She would have to think carefully about who else to bring.

More RPG goodness. I hope you folks are having fun reading these, please leave some feedback and criticism.

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Courtney softly sighed in relief as she flooded her diaper while carefully taking a charcoal rubbing of the engraving. Her fellow classmates would probably be jealous of her if they knew, heck probably everyone on site, the nearest bathroom was a fifteen minute walk from the edge of the dig site to avoid contamination, but her diaper and plastic pants meant she could stay on site and explore more than anyone else. And here it was paying dividends, buried in a building more than a half hour from the nearest bathroom during the hottest, driest month of the year, in the middle of the desert, nearly perfectly preserved writing on a wall near what might have once been a shrine.


Taking a chug of her water she heard chatter a ways off from outside. She quickly finished the part of the rubbing she was on, before poking her head out to see who it was. To her delight it was her professor walking with the head of the dig, Dr. Mark Clay. "Professor! Doctor! I have some intact writing over here." They carefully made their way over to her, and congratulated her on her find, already discussing which team members to redirect to the area. 


Professor Mikkens leaned in to her and quietly said, "why don't you finish that rubbing and head back to start translating. I'm sure you could use a break as well." Courtney blushed, seeing the Professor at The Kids Table a few months had been a surprise, but they mostly just quietly acknowledged their shared undergarment choice and went on their way.


Just before she finished Dr. Clay approached her, "You did good today kid, a find like this gets your name in the papers, instead of just the 'students from' section. I hope you understand how rare that is for a first dig. I look forward to seeing your translation for this." All she could do was nod like a bobble head, and hope she didn't look ridiculous. This man had been one of her childhood heroes.


Years later she would be on another dig with him and the professor and her exploration would lead to a discovery that would change the world, but for now this was a good start.


More Kids Table content. Courtney is really becoming a main character though this, she was originally just a random name with little thought to her character to man the bar so Morgan could go change. Her arc has little to do with the restaurant itself, though waitressing is paying for this schooling, but she is now much more important to the world at large.

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Karina sighed softly as she browsed the shelves of the market. The shop proudly proclaimed they had one of them newfangled toilets, signs overhead pointing the way and two separate rooms each with a symbol telling you what it was. Why in tarnation they need two of em, the door locked din'it? And ain't nothin looked restful about them rooms neither. No couches, and only one chair, which was the most uncomfortable looking contraption she had ever darn seen. Made of porcelain for some reason, which must get right cold in a room heated by a single candle, with a big ol hole in the seat ya looked like you could damn near fall into. In that hole was a buncha water for you to piss into, and then send gallons of it, gallons for the few cups you just added, flying down into the labyrinthine pipes they had dug up all under the city. That water would have been right useful for her farm in the dry season, but no, diapers were too 'immature' for these city folk. She'd tell you what was immature, the three ladies outside the dress marked room dancing the damn riverdance like their lives depended on it while she hadn't seen anyone go in the men folks one in five minutes. "Y'all ladies know diapers are in isle three and there's a changer at the end," she politely said as she passed, two of them looked at her like she had three heads, but the middle one rushed off. Smart girl. She was running a bit low herself, so she leisurely followed, she weren't anywhere near soaked herself and could hold off on a change until she got home, unlike the poor girl who had thrown money to the diaper isle attendant and was now squatting and filling the new padding around her waist with an almost orgasmic sigh of relief. Plucking a few packs from the shelf she tipped her hat at the still pooping girl, who mouthed a thank you.

Well, her supplies should be all packed up by the attendants, her fixed plow should be done about now, the diapers were really the last essential she needed. After paying she made her way to her cart, petting down old Bessie before getting in and starting for home. Despite pooping halfway through the hour ride home, and the slight whiff she got during their embrace when she returned indicating her wife was in a similar state, they leisurely put away all the supplies before heading to her changing room. Now this room was restful, filled with warm firelight from the merrily crackling fireplace she made her way over to the comfortable changing table, polished teak covered by a plush vinyl cushion and filled with the supplies they would need. Washcloths sat in a bin of water just far enough off from the fire to be pleasantly warm as her wife wiped her bottom, before pleasant smelling cream and cornstarch was applied to her nethers to prevent rash. Their diaper bin was designed to shoot the used garment into the bin around back that the garbage man picked up once a week, keeping the smell of their business from stinking up the room. After returning the favor she and her wife lounged on the couch in the room, listening to the wind pick up outside as the predicted snow storm started up, safe and warm on their cozy farm.

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Someone's messy in Mr. Body's nursery. As a caretaker it's your job to figure out who. To make matters worse your already fussy charges get even fussier when you try to put them in someone else's diapers. Did Professor Plum poop his Pampers in the pantry? Or does Mrs. Scarlet have a stinky SDK in the study? Ask your fellow caretakers who checked who to find who's guilty of a poo in Cluedo-do.

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The boss fight had been a tough affair with multiple phases, but you were finally out of the dungeon. As soon as that sweet Overworld music started you quickly set your tent up before any random encounter could try and take the rest of your party's limited resources. The sky goes dark, and as the last notes of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star fade out and you emerge from your tent the usual words in the sky appear. "Your HP and MP are filled… but so is your diaper."


Proud I have only missed 2 of these so far.

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Kendra was falling. Falling and peeing at the same time. Damn she loved that feeling. On her first jump she had been humiliated when she wet herself as soon as she felt gravity suddenly disappear, and she was glad they jumped over empty fields so there was likely noone underneath to get inadvertently rained on. On her second jump a friend suggested she wear diapers jokingly, but it seemed like a brilliant idea to her. She had loved it. Warm wetness flooded her pants as soon as she stepped out of the plane again, and it was an amazing contrast to the cold wind whipping past her as she plummeted earthwards. Once her parachute was deployed she had a hard time stopping herself from rubbing one out mid fall, but she had just enough self control to wait until she was back in her car. Today she had more discreet plans. She activated her parachute, and as it jerked her back pressed the tiny button on her watch that turned the waterproof egg in her diaper on it's lowest setting. She came to a beautiful view of the sun rising over the mountains, warm wetness in her pants and cold wind whipping past her as she gave gravity the finger. Who knows, maybe gravity liked getting fingered too.

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The first known case was Amanda Hendricks, a senior news anchor who suddenly and without warning flooded her pants on national tv. Most people felt sorry for the poor woman and moved on, until the other reports started flooding in. It was soon calculated that five percent of the global population was what came to be known as Connected. Their bladder and bowels quantumly tied to some other Connected somewhere in the world, when one voided themselves the other did as well.

Some tried to find their quantum partner, but it was nearly impossible, finding one person among millions who you can match your toileting up to? So eventually the Connected resigned themselves to diapers. It was after this whole fuss had died down that scientists began finding out the other effects of being connected, increased memory and intelligence, apparently the brains were linked as well, Connected children would often become bilingual, seemingly plucking the other language from their counterparts head. Connected were nearly immune to heart attack, the heart beats stabilizing each other in times of crisis was scientists best guess. Connected gained respect as they rocketed ahead in their fields, working as scientists to solve humanity's problems, working as actors and musicians to give stunning performances, even just working in offices, spotting little paperwork discrepancies noone else did, Connected were often the best for the job. It helped they had to take less bathroom breaks. 

As they gained in popularity many normal people began wearing diapers as well, wishing they were Connected too. It was worst among young kids, as even Connected young children couldn't really understand what was going on, and many a normal child would go home complaining that "Jimmy said he is so smart because he wasn't potty trained, why'd you have to potty train me?"

Twenty years on, and roughly a quarter of the population wears diapers regularly, and some day very soon many of them will be grateful for it. Unbeknownst to anyone, two particle accelerators broke down at the exact same time on opposite sides of the planet, causing the Connection in the first place. They are both still merrily chugging along, the Connected on both teams unaware how close they are to their genesis. A fluke series of accidents in both places will lead to simultaneous power outages in three days. Or are they accidents? Perhaps the locations are just Connected too.

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The creature spawned hungry. He slithered away from his satiated progenitor, hunting for a target that would satisfy his hunger. The progenitor seemed to have chosen a very good environment for their purposes. The pray gorging themselves on large amounts of food layed out in great troughs. He would not need to compete with his siblings for targets. He chose a target making their way for the door, skulking from shadow to shadow. The prey was starting to sit in their mechanical conveyance when he struck, sliding down their undersection clothing and sinking his fangs through his flared attachment flaps and injecting his calming venom into the unfortunate creature. Soon he was satiated.

Karen groaned at how full she was as she opened her minivan. Perhaps a buffet had been the wrong place to celebrate that promotion, but she had always loved the variety of options. She panicked briefly as she saw some strange white creature lunge at her, but calmed as her brain realized what it was. It was just her diaper, how could she have forgotten it. It was a good thing it had decided to find her on it's own. She would have made such a mess had she emptied her bladder and bowels like she was in just her pants. She didn't notice the three white, snake like entities crawl from out the leg holes of her shorts and out of her van, into the waiting parking lot.

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Honestly Veronica did not see how the common folks managed it. A specific room in their houses for the expelling of waste? What if they needed to go while on the other side of the building? It may be up to a half hour of walking, and who could hold for that long? And it needed to be hooked up to some underground pipeline of waste from all over the city? No no no darling, that must stink something fierce. No, much more sanitary to keep herself and her staff in diapers. She remembered, when she was a child, daddy briefly attempting to get the nannies to do something called 'potty training' her, but honestly it was them that needed training. Didn't they know it was impossible to have to get up and go rooms away to use some cold, hard chair to do her business, when she could keep playing and do her business in her pants like always? They had even expected her to pull her own pants down and back up, as if she knew how to do that, honestly. Someone else dressed you, that was just how the world worked. No thank you, the common folks could keep their underground pipes and rooms that smelled of other people's business, she would keep her cozy little changing room that smelled of only the best quality diaper powder. Speaking of, dinner had been quite some time ago, and her seat was feeling a bit bulky. Hopefully one of the maids would check her soon. As it was, the 32 year old heiress went back to her coloring, her butterfly was almost done.

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"Eureka!" Miles exclaimed.

"That's for when you first discover something, boss. Not when it's finally done." The man whose name was unfortunately Jeff, not Igor, said.

"Well, what's that one? It's Alive doesn't really fit the situation."

"Think it's usually along the lines of 'They said it couldn't be done. But I've shown them. I'll show them all.' Or some such."

"And I will. I will show them all. Tomorrow at the expo. Filthy little germ goblins, a thing of the past. No more leaks. No more blowouts. The children of the world will wear my Gel and know true comfort and cleanness."

Professor Miles Grady was a bit of an eccentric, but the man knew what he was doing. Five months ago his sister had begged him to babysit his three month old nephew, and the poor quality of the child's absorbent undergarment, and his own lack of experience or knowledge of the same, had led to a massive mess that traumatized the germaphobic man, setting him on the course to make the comfiest, most leak proof diaper ever. Hitting upon an as yet undiscovered, but cheap and easy to make, solution that seemed to fully absorb then dissolve any human waste in a matter of days, he began to form a covering for it. Soon he had a plush line covering, that would still allow his Gel to seep through and devour any waste before returning to dormancy.

Two years later every diaper company in the world was using Professor Grady's Absorball in place of their previous filler, but soon problems began to arise. Children raised the the Absorball filled garments had no desire to sit on some hard surface to relieve themselves, when instead they could continue to use the cloudlike garments they had used their entire lives. Even arguments of being able to escape feeling of wetness or strong odors fell on confused ears as Absorball had made those a thing of the past. 

Adults began trying them for themselves, just to see what the fuss was about, and could hardly force themselves to return to their usual, thin, uncomfortable undergarments and sitting on cold, hard porcelain.

Within ten years most of the world was in Professor Grady's Absorball Garments, the heavenly feeling too good to pass up, and the fact that one could last all day, and would be usable again in three, meaning they were affordable to all. 


Not as happy with this one to be honest, have done a lot like this so far.

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Tina smirked as her blade passed through the hulking ogre, and Raid Leader glistened into being over her head. Sure it was only a Tier 1 Raid, but she had only been playing for a month and a half with this small group from her Computer Science class, but a four hour dungeon and an hour boss fight was nothing to sneeze at. Checking her HUD she was pleased with the level up gains, and the cool new headpiece that dropped. She was less pleased with the blinking warning light that let her know that her GamerPants were nearing capacity and she had pooped at some point. Probably when the beast had knocked her into a wall at around ⅓ health.

"Ok team, let's get to a Rest Area and then those of us that need to can change." She called out, before heading to where she remembered seeing the familiar tents as they had approached the boss. It was a good half hour away, and her HUD switched to let her know she was leaking halfway through. Damn neural link only letting you feel what was in game. Devs had been trying for years, but they still couldn't accurately read the impulses of a human bladder from just the brainwave patterns.

That's where GamerPants came in. The machines could easily read how much you had filled the absorbent, wifi connected garments, so it was a simple matter to add it to the HUD of all games. It was a small price to pay, she thought as she changed into dry Pants, in the real world she was a broke college student, just trying to make her way. But in the virtual world she could be anything she wanted. And that was worth a change in Pants every now and then.

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