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Tutoring Troubles (priv with Mummyalexi)


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Cassie was asleep in her bed, beer bottles were empty on the bed. Last night, Cassie threw a party. Her parents were rich and got her a small house to stay in as she went to the college. She did not know her parents heard about her relaxed and partying life style. Cassie still got okay grade. Cassie awoke to her cellphone going off. It was her parents and they stated they hired a live in tutor. She would have to obey or she will lose her money load.

Cassie started to clean the three bedroom home. She finished after a hour and had two bags of trash by the door. She heard the knocking on the door. She answered it. “You are the tutor?” Asked Cassie. She lead her to one of the empty rooms.

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Toni was in her final year of college and had been tutoring on the side for a while as she was always top of her class and on track to pass with honors. She had been contacted by Cassie's parents they were concerned she wasn't taking her classes seriously and hoped Toni could tutor and guide her to improve her grades. after some convincing she took the job.

Toni pulled up in the drive way of a very lovely looking house smiling she walked up to the door with a few bags and knocked when it was answered she smiled at Cassie.

"Hi Cassie, yes I'm Toni your tutor its great to meet you" she says as she walks into the house

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“Yeah, sure. This is your room. I am not sure why they hired you, but whatever.” Said Cassie. “Nice to meet your Tori. I have an online class today.” Said Cassie with a yawn. She went to the fridge and got herself an energy drink. She power chugged the drink. She started to wake up. The house was still dirty. 

Cassie’s mom sent Toni a mobile deposit of 10,000 for the semester. She texted her that she was in charge.  Cassie’s mom then texted Cassie that Toni was in charge and if she did it listen or gives Toni a hard time then Cassie loses her inheritance and she would be cut off.

Cassie started to work on her class. She rubbed her forehead as she was still hungover. She finished her class with getting a 75 in the assignment. She closed her laptop and started to fall asleep on the couch.

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Toni went about unpacking allowing Cassie to go about her day as normal she wanted to get to know Cassies normal routine so she could start suggesting ways to improve. it didnt take long for her to notice how dirty and untidy the house really was this was going to change. Toni couldn't stand mess of any kind. she believed in perfection.

Toni came downstairs to find Cassie half asleep on the sofa it was clear this girl needed help. she had a look at her assignment it was just about a pass. "come on lets get you to bed" she says holding out her hand


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“What….” Said Cassie. She rubbed her eyes “Yeah, I could use a nap. Thanks. I got it.” Said Cassie. She stood up and stumbled into her room. She went to her bed and passed out. Cassie’s room was dirty, she had a huge pile of dirty clothes. The energy drink went through her. She was so tired her body relaxed and she urinated herself in her sleep.

Cassie awoke a hour later. She rubbed her head. Cassie stripped out of her clothes then stripped her bed. Cassie deceived to do laundry. She completely forgot about Tori. She exited the bedroom naked carrying her stuff to start her laundry. 

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Toni was watching tv in the lounge when she heard Cassie coming downstairs. Once Cassie reached the bottom of the stairs Toni was shocked to see she was naked and carrying what was obviously the sheets of her bed. Toni got up and walked over to were Cassie was, as she got nearer she was hit with the unmistakable smell of urine she had down a lot of babysitting in the past and knew Cassie must of wet the bed.

"Cassie care to explain yourself" she says in a stern voice as she stands infront of cassie


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Cassie jumped seeing her. She forgot that Tori was staying with her. “Umm…. Yeah, I should haven’t power chugged an energy drink while hung over. One time thing.” Said Cassie turning bright red. She rushed passed and loaded the washer before she went to take a shower. She was so embarrassed by everything. 

Cassie got herself cleaned up. She showered before she wrapped herself in a large robe. Cassie went to check her laundry. Cassie got herself dressed for the day. “Sorry about that.” Said Cassie. “So you are here for again, watch me…. Oh yeah, tutoring me. “ said Cassie

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Toni decided to let Cassie deal with the wet bed this time but she wasn't going to let it go. Once Cassie had showered and was dressed Toni decided they needed a chat. "Your right I was employed to tutor you but your parents did give me a bit more control and did say I could punish you for bad behavior." she paused to let that sink in as she walked nearer. 

"I do think you need a punishment for wetting the bed don't you?" she asks 

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“Wait what?” Asked Cassie in fear. “Punishment, what punishment? That is the first time I wet the bed in years,” lied Cassie. She took a step back until her back was against wall. “Look, I promise it will not happen again. Can we get started on my school work.” Said Cassie trying to change the subject

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Toni sat down on the sofa and pats her lap. "ok I believe you ill give you one chance anymore bed wetting or day time accidents and ill have to put you in pull ups just like I would anyone else." she says smiling at Cassie. 

"I'm glad you want to get on with your education but first we do need to deal with your punishment now be a good girl and come and lay over my lap." she pauses. "you have till the count of 3." she says 

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“Serious, I do not need pull ups. I can make it to the potty, I mean bathroom. I mean bathroom.” Said Cassie nervously. Cassie stayed where she was. Cassie hated that Toni was suggesting she would be treated like a toddler.

”You can not be serious. I do not need a spanking.” Said Cassie. Cassie was nervous ask Tori counted down she was worried as she wondered what would happen once she got to three. Cassie got on Tori’s lap and was ready for this to be over.

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Toni starts the count down refusing to argue with Cassie till she had done as she was told once Cassie had lowered herself over Toni's lap she gently rubs Cassie's bottom. "Good girl for doing as I told you but from now on when I tell you do something I expect you to do it straight away" she pauses and gives Cassie's covered bottom two hard smacks. "do I make myself clear"

she then expertly slides Cassie's pants down her legs followed closely by her panties leaving her bottom exposed and ready for her spanking. "I will give you one more chance to prove to me you can make it to the potty, but if you cant I will be putting you back in pull ups till you earn your big girl panties back." she says and then starts spanking Cassie's bottom

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Cassie winced as she was swatted and told to be faster next time. LCassie but her lip as she wanted to cuss her out. She let out a little whimper as her pants were lowered as was her panties. “Hey,” was all she could say before Torie spanked her. She held in the tears and was silent for the first few hits. She sobbed a little near the end. Cassie stood up and fixed her panties and pants.

”Serious, you did not need to do that.” Sniffed Cassie as she wiped her eyes clean of tears. Cassie hated to cry. Cassie went to her room and locked the door. She let the tears flow then. She was sore and embarrassed. After a few minutes she left her room. She decided to get a snack. She was not in the mood to study now.

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Deciding to leave Cassie alone for a bit, Toni went online and did some online shopping, she ordered a hole load of supplies was going to need to help her look after Cassie she paid the extra for same day delivery.

When she heard Cassie come downstairs and into the kitchen Toni walked in. "Im sorry i needed to spank you but you had been a bad girl, now i want you to say sorry for wetting your bed" 

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“You are fucking joking.” Said Cassie rubbing her eyes. She glared at Tori. “You aren’t, are you.” Said Cassie. “You were hired to help get my grades up not to babysit me.” Said Cassie. “I am sorry that I accidentally wet the bed.” Said Cassie in a sassy tone. She was upset and tired of Tori already.

Cassie decided to drop it. She got out her essay for her writing class. She was majoring in Writing and English. She was wanting to be a novelist.

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"well I was hired to tutor you, but your parents did give me complete control over you saying i could decide whether you got your inheritance or not so I will have to give it a think if your a good girl or not" She says looking at her. 


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“Okay. Fine.” Said Cassie. She did not want to argue as she need the inheritance to survive in the world. “I will be a good girl.” Said Cassie. She went back to work on her schoolwork. She was finishing her essay. She was pleased with the paper. “Do you want to order a pizza.” Said Cassie.


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"I'm glad to hear your prepared to be a good girl. You can prove it to me later." she said smiling Toni watched Tv as Cassie worked on her Essay. At one point a delivery man knocked on the door and Toni got up to answer happily she then took the boxes up to Cassie's bedroom ready for later.

Once Cassie was finished with the Essay Toni took it and started reading it correcting it. "We can have pizza what's your favourite topping?"

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“I will take jalapeños, pineapple, and ham.” Said Cassie giving Tori her card so she could order the food. She decided to take a break and put on a movie. She already finished the rest of her homework and was ready to relax. After a while, she got bored and started to play a video game.

Cassie played until the food arrived. She got herself a soda and some paper plates. “So what are the rules for me to be a good girl.” Asked Cassie with a mouth full of pizza.

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Toni smiles as Cassie asks her what the rules with a mouth full of pizza. "well little one starting at bedtime tonight your going back in pull ups until you can prove to me you can keep yourself dry. bedtime will be when I decide, its clear to me your going to need a bib.! " she says as she takes a bit of the pizza.

"I've babysat lots so have lots of experience with naughty girls" she says 

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“I do not need a bib.” Said Cassie blushing. “I do not need pull ups either.” Said Cassie. “You are my tutor not a babysitter.” Said Cassie. “I am not a naughty girl.” Said Cassie. Cassie finished eating. She wiped her face and took care of her mess. “I am going to shower and get ready for bed.” Said Cassie. She took herself bathroom and started to shower. She would need to call her mom later on.

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Toni didn't argue with Cassie she let her go off and shower. While Cassie was in the shower Toni got one of the bags and went into Cassies bedroom to wait for Cassie to come out the shower. She laid out a pull up so it was clearly visible she wanted Cassie to realize Toni was in charge.

"ive had enough of your attitude and just so you know i am in charge of you completely till your mommy gets home" she says 

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Cassie finished showering and cleaning up. She wrapped herself around with a robe and exited the bathroom. Steam escaped and Cassie felt better. She entered her room to see Tori. “What?” She was about to ask before Tori spoke. “Wait.” Said Cassie. “How can my mommy return. She does not live her. It was just me and now you living here. Look I am sorry you think I have an attitude, but you literally seen me for one day. I had one accident and you think I am two.” Said Cassie.

“Look, I am sorry. I will wear the pull ups to bed to prove I do not need.” Said Cassie. She grabbed and put them on before getting pjs and going into the closet to get dressed. “There.” Said Cassie revealing that she was indeed wearing the pull up under her pjs. “Now how about we start fresh tomorrow.”

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Toni listened to Cassie and then decided to give her a chance. "ok ill let you prove to me tonight you can keep dry and if you manage it we can act like this never happened. But if you wake up wet you agree to live by my rules do we have a deal?" she says smiling holding out her hand.

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“Deal. Now I am going to bed.” Said Cassie. Cassie shocked her hand. She shooed Tori out. She went to her bed and took a sip of her water as she took her night meds. She got into her bed and curled up. She was soon asleep thanks to the night meds. 

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