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A Bee in her bonnet (Finale 05/05)

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This is gonna be part one of a multi chaptered story that i'm doing for one of my patrons~ if you're curious check me out here~


gonna update this once a week~  

Part 1

By: Mia


Bridget stretched her small wings as she adjusted her napsack, looking out towards the horizon at her destination. The antennae on her head twitched as the bee girl smiled, looking at the skyline of the biggest city around, Termitopia; known for its large and impressive skyscrapers that seemed to reach infinitely upwards to the sky. She had traveled far from her Hive, clear across the continent of Antinale, all for the chance to work in this wonderful city.


As she hefted her pack and made her way down the small slope towards the road leading to her goal, she smiled a bit sadly to herself. She thought back on her time in the Hive growing up, her family and how much they disapproved of her decision to leave. She wasn’t a part of the Bee Nations Army nor was she a particularly good Worker Bee, hence coming to the conclusion that she could find work elsewhere. 


Despite seeing her parent’s disapproving glances as she went to start her journey, she left them with a hug, her love and a wave. She kept her feet moving through the tears that followed. It was a very scary thing leaving the only home she knew, despite how imperfect it was but to seek a better life, it was the choice she made, that she desired. 


Seeing that skyline of a new place she had only seen in post cards and magazines however filled her with hope. Determination is the only thing on her mind, walking under the midday sun, taking a small sip from her trusty flask of cool water. The bee girl gave a happy little wiggle, her stinger bobbing a bit behind her as she saw the city coming larger and larger in front of her.


The gigantic mounds of the original inhabitants still stood, though what sprung up around them came from years and years of settlements, eventual species of bugs coming to populate and share amongst the original termite tribes. Nowadays, the city was a bustling place with all sorts of bugs from all over. Walking up to the gates she eyed the large beetles, standing as guards who held up a hand to her.


“Hold it there little traveler, we need to take a look at your papers and for you to state your business. What business do you have here in Termitopia?”


Grabbing for her napsack, the small bee started rifling through her belongings, moving her jars of nectar alongside the honey that her mother left for her.


"Aaah here we go! My papers and I plan on staying here.. I want to move in and start my new life."


The beetles looked over her paperwork, I.D. and various other documents carefully. One of them went to enter the information at a nearby console while the other smiled, giving a nod to the weary traveler.


"Just gotta get you into the system Miss, shouldn’t take very long. You're quite a long way from your Hive by the looks of things; we don't see many bees out here besides the ones in the embassy. That'll be where you go first, by the way. Better to get you situated in your new living."


Bridget smiled and nodded, listening to the guard. The other walked back handing her the papers and I.D. back, both of them were now stamped with the official seal of the city. Giving a happy little dance and swaying her little abdomen, as her kind were one to do, she took her first steps into the city.


 The hustle and bustle were evident, many bugs moving out and about the streets. Large centipedes used their many legs to construct and maintain the tall buildings, smaller ants carrying briefcases and paperwork between office buildings as just a couple sights to see.


Making her way through the streets, being careful not to knock into any busy bugs going about their business, she made her way towards the bee embassy, smiling as she saw the familiar golden hue of a hive-like building. 


Stepping inside, she smiled warmly at her fellow bees going around the place, walking up to the receptionist who slowly and methodically walked her through her first days here. The fellow bee’s monotone voice was nearly enough to put Bridget to sleep but she powered through. 


The news was good though! As it turned out, the embassy was cleared by the Queen to give the bee girl a house to live in, as well as help finding a job. 


Being handed the keys to her new home and given directions on how to get there, Bridget made her way down the street and soon found herself looking at a rather small one-story home. Taking a few steps inside, she smirked a bit at the honey motif about the place, chairs shaped like honeycombs and a hive pattern on the wall.


"Home sweet home indeed."


Setting her pack down, Bridget took a seat and smiled brightly at her new home. She took it all in, basking in her new home, ready to start her new life in the big city!


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Woo time for part 2~ I hope you all enjoy it and watch out for next week~


Bridget stirred a bit, stretching in her comfortable bed as she sat up. Yawning a bit as she started to pour herself a bowl of cereal, she poured the milk and turned the news on, watching the morning reports before she headed out for the day. The fly reporter spoke in his high-pitched voice, as they moved on to a new story.

"Yet more disappearances reported today, as the attacks by the giants rise, this reporter warns all who venture out into the wilds to remain ever vigilant and be careful out there my fellow bugs."

Eating the rest of her cereal, she downed the milk setting it into the sink as the young bee donned her new uniform. It had been a few days after moving in, her home looking a bit more…well… like home~ From the honeycomb chairs and stools at the bar to the sweet-smelling warmth of the wax logs burning out in her fireplace.

As she headed out the door into the increasingly familiar town, she smiled and waved to the few familiar faces she knew, Mis hornet who she met on her first day. She seemed a bit angry, but that was just the way she seemed with a fuse as short as her stinger.

After waving to the beetle family who helped her move all of her furniture into the house she made her way to her job. Reaching the small tavern the adventurous bee smiled and started to check the nearby board.

The town had a sort of, adventuring guild where bugs that didn’t have “proper” jobs could get some work. Those that didn't own a bar or officer so to speak. It worked out for Bridget, living her life in a hive made her pine for adventures. As she saw the board in question her eyes nearly bugged out. Calling out to the three flea barkeeps each tending the bar, one cleaning a glass, one reading a paper, and the last one idly munching on some nuts.

"Oi, you guys Is this one for real? They are gonna pay that much… it's a lot of zeroes."

The three of them laughed, nearly in unison, chortling as they nod.

"AYE Lass why don't give it a read as to why, it's a mighty important business."

Taking the piece of paper she noted the task as her eyes widened a bit. She looked towards the price once more and it all made sense. It was a missive from the governor of the town itself, offering a nearly obscene amount for a reward to solve the mystery of the missing townsfolk. With what scant clues they have to go by it’ll be no easy feat, But the bee girl was more than sure she could handle it.

With a smirk she ripped the paper down from the board and made her way to the town hall, stepping through the door she spied a moth sitting behind the desk, its wings opened showing the beautiful gray and yellow markings, as Mia walked up the boy held up a finger. Holding his other hand to his ear.

“Yes Ma’am I understand your concerns. Yes ma’am we are doing all we can in this current situation. The mayor just sent out the notice today for an adventurer to take a look, we are just waiting for a response. I promise you as soon as we do we will let the whole town know.”

Looking up from the phone call he noticed the paper in her hand and grinned, giving a bit of a thumb up, as he went back to the call.

"It looks like we have a hook. I'd better take care of them. We will let the townsfolk know when things are finalized."

As he clicked off the call, the young man smiled a bit at the girl before him, noting her adventure gear and leaning back.

"I'm gonna assume you are here for the notice… the rewards enticed you I bet."

Giving a simple nod, Bridget read over the paper again. As she spoke to the secretary, getting ideas of what exactly she was meant to do.

"Well, what we need is someone to go to the last known location, and look for any clues that might have happened to them, we sent them off to a nearby cave it was close to giant territory, and we fear for the worst… we don’t need you to stay long just try to find some paraphernalia from them a bag or something so we know where they’re going.”

Giving a nod she took the map and started to head out, Bridget made her way out of the city, waving to the guards, as she started heading off. Back in the town, the mayor walked into the square clearing his throat. The grasshopper smiled as he noted the people already standing and waiting to hear his speech.

“My dear friends, we have found our hero, she is currently out trying to find our dear lost friends and family, we will all soon be blessed with our families and friends returning to us!”

With cheers and calls, the Mayor smiled, turning and walking back into the town hall with a wave. He smirked a bit, walking into his office and putting up his legs, making some music with them.

“Blessed indeed… we will see just how blessed my friend can make us, after all.”

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bee in her bonnet 3

By: Mia

Bridget made her way down the path following the instructions, she had not been to this route before as she made her way towards the disappearances, the day was young and she was ready to spend the whole time searching for…


She blinked and looked down at her feet. There was a pack, an adventurer pack she noted. Digging through she grabbed a photo and smirked a bit.

One of the adventurers she was sent to find! And as she smiled examining the pack her fingers hit something… the bee girl smiled even brighter as she noted the string leading away from the bag.

"Well well well, looks like my kidnapper left a nice little trail. Far be it from me to take some easy money~”

She fluttered her wings and wiggled her stinger gently doing her little dance as she made her way to the mouth of a cave, the string twinging  a bit as she looked down dropping the pack. Bridget grinned a bit remembering how hard it was learning her way around the hive as a child. Having an anchor to the outside world would definitely help in the long run.

Stepping through the mouth of the cave, she was immediately hit with a wave of moist air. The damp smells in the cave mixed with the warmth of the inside of the place, Bridget looked around inside, noting the walls seemed less… moist than she would have thought. Stepping up and placing a hand on it, she noted the sticky residue coating the hard stone walls.

Gripping her weapons tightly she gave the string a gentle tug. Bridget made her way following it carefully, passing by certain bulges in the walls of deep silky webbing. She grimaced a bit seeing a few grotesque appendages popping out.

From deeper inside the cave, the bee girl could swear she heard something, it sounded almost like humming? As she held the string tightly, she made her way closer and closer to the noise.

And then, it stopped suddenly. She was left in silence, aside from a soft skittering, looking around Bridget grimaces a bit, she didn’t like what she was hearing suddenly.  She soon reached a chamber, stopping just short of making her way, looking inside she gasped, the room was built like something out of a house, though everything had an odd sheen about it. I was kind of an off pink color, and that wasn't all.

The furniture in the room seemed a bit off… definitely nothing like what an adult would use, scattered around the room seemed to be large nursery furniture. A large table sat in the corner across from a large crib, they were a shiny pearlescent white, walking up and into the room, she took a closer look, they were definitely made from the same sticky stuff that was around the walls.

Suddenly feeling a presence behind her Bridget turned and felt an odd sensation in her hand  looking down, she noted that the string she had been holding was moving, and fast, looking up towards the doorway she saw the pack it was attached to flying straight towards…


Hitting the girl squarely in the chest it knocked the wind out of the bee, launching her up and into the wall, as her body started to fall off of it and right onto the large changing table, she groaned  a bit, trying her hardest to get up, though she felt herself hold fast to the top of the table. Hearing a soft laugh from all around her, the bee girl looked around.

“Ahuhuhu~ My My my it seems i’ve found a baby bee to sate my interests~ hopefully you'll be more amenable than they were. Though if not I must be honest, I’ve never eaten a  bee before I’m sure you taste as sweet as honey~….”

Bridget squeaked as  she looked for the source of the voice, looking up to the ceiling she blanched, hanging from the ceiling were large what appeared to be sacks, standing on one, was a lithe body of a woman, her black exoskeleton shining as she looked down, her hands folded below her chin as she started to slide down from the sacks, standing next to the table. Her red eyes blinked at the girl taking her all in, as she smiled and licked her lips softly.

“Such a sweet little one…. Don't worry auntie will take good care of you.”

She smiled brightly, and set about spinning something with her back legs. Bridget growled a bit trying to reach an arm out to grp her weapon, but in one deft motion  the spider gave a firm swat to her bottom, using her sharp fingers to cut her clothing away, leaving the bee girl completely naked.

Feeling the warmth in the cave on her skin, Bridget looked up at the spider as she wrapped the adventurer's clothes up, as her legs held out the thing she had been spinning causing the bee girl to blush brightly.

“Is that a fucking diaper?!”

The thing in question was indeed a diaper it was smooth and faintly iridescent, all a pale, pastel pearly pink, with substantial extra bulk that makes proper walking difficult at best, and creates an exaggerated wiggle of the bottom, the spider woman, quickly as she could lifted the girls legs laying the very thick web diaper underneath her. Not wasting time with powder this time as she pulled it up, taping it around the bee’s waist as the girl felt her hips lift off the table.

“Ahuhuhu~ now my dear sweet little ba-beee… let us see if I’ll have to teach that mayor of yours a lesson about sending me tributes…”

Bridget’s eyes focused on her words a bit as she felt herself being lifted off the table, she flapped her wings fast in an attempt to escape, only to find them pinned by the sticky residue she was just laying on. The spider continued.

“I think first… my newest little skitterling, you need to get something into that tummy.”

Starting to make her way towards a highchair, Bridget soon found herself settled into it and strapped down, the spider woman lowered one of the sacs from the ceiling, giving a gentle smile to the trapped “baby” . Dinner time was about to get messy.


Here's part 3~ i hope you all enjoy :3 and do let me know any tips or tricks i can use to get better~

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  • 2 weeks later...
Part 4

Bridget grimaced a bit, as she wiggled in the highchair, the tight webbing made her arms stick to the insides, as she watched the spider lady dig through a nearby cabinet. The clinking of glasses and silverware caught her attention, and she looked over just in time to see the woman holding two goblet-sized jars of what could only be described as muck.

"Ahuhuhu my dear little bee we are going to get you nice and properly fed~ oh yes we are!”

Hearing the pop of the top coming off, the seal now broken, the spider woman held up the bowl with a pleasant grin, her eyes scrunched up by the expression on her face, as she lifted the spoon

“Now...open wide for Auntie, sweetheart.”

Closing her lips even tighter, Bridget looked defiantly at the spoon as it came closer, causing the spider to sigh softly giving her own coy grin, lowering the bowl and looking directly into the bee’s eyes.

“Y'know little bee~ ...this is not how big girls act, you know. Weren’t you trying to convince me you aren’t a baby? But I'll tell you what...let’s make you a deal. If you can eat up all your nummies by yourself, I’ll believe you’re able to get by without Auntie taking care of you.”

She smiled kindly, fully aware of how useless that gesture was going to be. Watching as the bee reached and grabbed the spoon, Bailey begrudgingly brought the spoon into the jar with a loud squelch. Her eyes on the spider who had decided to sip a small cup of tea, bringing the goopy mess up Bridget grimaced as she started to open her mouth, only to feel her arm move on its own bringing the spoon much faster than she intended.

The result was felt rather immediately, as the sloppy food smeared on her cheek. A trail of green mush dropped down onto her chest, she pouted as she dug the spoon in again, making sure to move it, though this time, every time she started to bring the spoon up it seemed to be pulled out of her hand, growling a bit at this she glared at the innocent looking spider. Who sat there, smiling, but not speaking, she returned the spoon, each time, the very soul of patience, waiting for the bee to admit defeat.

“That’s IT fine… I don’t know what you’re doing but this little game is unwinnable! And I’ll have you know that I am- mmph!”

As she was speaking, Bridget soon felt the rubber spoon enter her mouth delivering a lumpy green mush, as it deposited onto the bee girl’s tongue, the slop sliding along leaving a… less than savory aftertaste, causing her to make quite the unpleasant face. Seeing the spider still sipping her tea, the bee watched in horror as one of her arms flicked and strands of webbing appeared to be holding the spoon bringing it in for yet another go.

“Ahh, my dear, you’ll learn soon just how persuasive I can be, Be that as it may~, you failed our little test, and oh I couldn’t be happier~ As soon as we are done with your num nums, we can get you laid down for a nice nap before the rest of our day.”

Hearing this, The bee looked up in surprise, only for another spoonful to be brought into its place, and this went on. For what felt like hours to poor Bridget, the webbed diaper felt warm on her waist, the sticky webbing holding fast to her skin. As she soon felt the spider’s hand underneath her armpits. Feeling the constricting webbing give way, she was lifted up, and into the spider’s arms.

“Ahuhuhu~ my dear little bee~ let’s get you a nice warm bottle~”

Walking over to a nearby refrigerator, she reached inside pulling a large baby bottle out, the pink cap holding an amber nipple. She took a seat in a pearlescent webbing of a rocking chair smiling down at the bee in her arms.

“Now… you’ll open up for Aunty, won’t you? Ahuhuhu”

Looking again to her surroundings, and then up above, to the alarmingly still wriggling sacks, opening her mouth and feeling the bottle teat start to fill her mouth, the cool liquid coming through and onto her tongue, she realized had a bit of a sweet flavor, the fangs on the spider shown in her grin as the bee blushed nursing as best she could, feeling the diaper she had on warm, the scene above her casting that wriggling of fear into her gut.

Once the bottle was emptied, the young bee found herself lifted up into the spider's lap, many of the small hands patting her on the back, feeling the air shift in her tummy, Bridget suddenly let out a loud belch, her antennae moving down to hide her embarrassment.

The spider clapped for joy, smiling brightly down at the young bee in her arms, she walked over to the crib, laying her down on the sticky surface, as the bee felt herself stuck fast trying as she might to lift her head, a small mobile was wound, and as the small tinkling of the instruments started to play, she soon found herself looking up at small sacks, not unlike those hanging higher above the cot, closing her eyes tightly she soon drifted off into a soft sleep, wondering and fearing what embarrassing things were in store for her going forward.


A special thanks to all my patrons with a very special thanks to those in my Bib-liotaph tier and above! : , Bunbunmatty, Squiggle Lynx Girl, Tuxey  and Bees!

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Bee In Her Bonnet



Bridget couldn't help but blush as she looked up at the bright blue sky. Being in the cave and stuck in the spider's webbing made her long to get out of the place.. though admittedly she wanted it in any way other than how she got.


"Ahuhuhu, it's such a lovely warm day out, my dear. I'm glad Mommy got you into some comfy clothes for such a warm day."


The bee grimaced a bit hearing the spider's words. In her current position, she couldn't see her outfit fully but she remembered waking up from the nap and being dressed in the horrid thing.


The adventurous little bee found themselves staring at her doting new ‘Mommy’ holding a pearlescent silky looking sundress, complete with frills and a bouncy petticoat. She was squeezed into it, her diaper being changed from the soaked naptime one into a fresh webbing diaper, along with some booties freshly spun as she watched.


With that, she found herself shimmering in the pink pram barely fitting in as her legs stuck out of the front. As she was pushed along a trail, under the warm sun, the bee wriggled and squirmed with a webbed pacifier stuck into her mouth, being told that little ones as small as her should be seen and not heard.


Grumbling as she felt the bright sun shining down on her, she widened her eyes as she suddenly started to hear more voices around her. The tops of buildings came into view as the pram was pushed into the nearby town. That's when the cooing started, Bridget watching as different bugs, a few she recognized, came up to the pram and cooed at her. She noted the balloons and banners around; there was apparently some form of festival going on.


"Oh goodness what an adorable baby bee! How old is she?"


The motherly pill bug reached a hand in, patting Bridget's bonneted head as she grumbled more, the spider responding.


"She is quite a little handful that's for sure but they all are at this age, ahuhuhu~ She's almost 1, the poor little thing thought she was so big too."


After that embarrassing display, Bridget felt herself being pushed once again, seeing the buildings move. Before long she felt the cool air conditioning and soon found herself staring up at a rather ornate ceiling.


“Yes dearie, I’m here to see the mayor. Is he in?”


Bridget’s antennae twitched a bit as she heard a familiar voice answer; it was the voice of the moth boy from before, though he sounded different, his voice seemed to be shaking.. was he scared?


“Y-Yes Miss of course, for you he’ll clear his schedule.. go right on in.”


With the pram pushed back into the familiar room of the mayor’s office, Bridgette could hear he was talking somewhat angrily with someone. Twitching her antennae a bit, she listened closer.


“I understand that they are upset about their lost loved ones, at this point there was nothing I could do. The sacrifices were sent accordingly.. they will be for the greater good of the town, I can assure you and they’ll be returned to us as a bountiful harvest this ye-”


He stopped suddenly, presumably seeing his new guest enter the room, the door closing as he spoke hoarsely into the phone. 


“Take care of it, something’s come up. Don’t call me for a little while.”


Hearing the click of the phone hitting the receiver, the Mayor turned directly to the spider, his voice shaking a bit, though he remained stoic sounding, stealing a glance at the bee adventurer he just sent off the day before.


“What the hell are you doing here? We had the agreement that you were not to enter the town! Do you want to cause an uproar?!”  


Bridgette felt the pram seize up as it was locked. She saw her ‘Auntie’ walk to the desk, standing at her full height towering over him. She spoke calmly and cooly, though with an air in her voice that his tone was not appreciated.


“You seem to have forgotten your place in this arrangement my dear hopper. I am the one in control here; you’ve sent me many fine morsels to keep me satiated but this last one is delectable on a whole new level. We are altering the deal.

Speaking this, the spider grinned as she cracked her knuckles, now staring right into the Mayor’s eyes, gazing right into his soul.


“You are to still supply me with food but not with more of your people. Your hunters are to leave a portion of their catches by my dwelling. Furthermore, I am allowed trips into town with my little one here. I will need supplies and things for her as well just as any baby would need. If you do this, I will protect your town as I always have.. do we have a deal?”


The grasshopper looked between the two, a bit shaken but now smirked at the bee before nodding.


“I.. do believe that can be more than arranged.”


With a giggle and a smile, the spider turned to the bee, leaning down into the pram to her. Looking into the bee’s eyes, not noting the fear in the captive woman’s eyes as she chittered happily.


“You hear that my beautiful little bay-bee? You are gonna be mommy’s baby girl for quite a long time, ahuhuhu~”


In the next coming months, the town would become known far and wide for their multitude of harvests. The crops as well as the different general goods sent out continued to be the best available and eventually they included all sorts of pinks and silks, adding to their income while leading to large economical booms.


Through it all sat Bridget, in a pram, a highchair, a stroller, a chest carrier; whatever else the spider woman spun up for her. She lived the rest of her adventuring days being the baby of the most famous seamstress in all the lands and despite her situation..


..she was happy.


I wanna give a big thank you for you all reading this story~ if you liked it I have a patreon here! https://www.patreon.com/Miakitty I am also open for commissions~ my prices are 5 cents a word~ if you would like a story, be it one like these or something shorter please feel free to contact me on my twitter here~ https://twitter.com/Miakitty1990 or my furaffinity~ here https://www.furaffinity.net/user/miacat1990


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  • Mia Mida changed the title to A Bee in her bonnet (Finale 05/05)

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