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My Story

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How I became a baby.

It happened when I was 17, I was sent to live with my aunt, she was just a family friend and I always knew her as my aunt. She was a stern middle aged woman and to be honest she scared the hell out of me.

Now my parents found me a handful and so I was bundled off to her place.

When I arrived she just looked at me and said come with me. I followed her and she led me to the kitchen. She went to a cuboard and got a cane, then she said for me to undress and that she was going to cane me across my backside. She explained that I needed discipline and was going to get it.

She said that I had been sent to live with her as I had been getting into trouble and that from now on I was going to learn how to be a good boy again, that she would give me the discipline that my family could not.

She said that I was now hers and my family had said that it was up to her to decide when and if I was ready to leave. Then she said that she was going to be treating me like a baby. I was stunned and she carried on and explained what was going to happen.

She said that I would soon be dressed up in baby clothes, have a dummy in my mouth, speak only when spoken to, be spoon fed, she would wash me and take care of all my needs and lastly that I would be in nappies and she would be changing me.

I pleaded and she said that I was acting like a baby and to shut up and undress otherwise she would do it herself. Not having any choice I did as she asked and hated having to undress in front of this woman. It was shaming having to strip in front of her but strip I did. Something said that she wanted me to rebel so she could strip me herself.

When I was naked she took a hold of my wrist and I was pulled across her lap, then recieved five quick whacks of the cane which had me crying in no time. A quick lesson in what happened to naughty boys when they argued with nanny, as she said to me.

She then stood me up saying that five strokes was nothing, that I was a baby and to be quiet. I started to get dressed and she asked what did I think I was doing? She then explained that she was going to get me dressed ready for bed and leading me by the wrist she took me into her front room.

Once there she took a dummy and placed it in my mouth saying that should keep me quiet. Then she got a pack of nappys and some plastic pants and explained that whilst I was living with her I was going to wear them. That when I soiled them, or wet them to cry and she would give me a bath and change me.

I started to try to complain and she just asked if I wanted my bottom warmed again. I shook my head and she then had me lay down and nappyed me.

While she did that she explained that I was going to eat baby food and she was going to feed me a bottle a few times a day. By now I was crying and she laughed saying I would get used to it.

I was then placed on the seatee, as I had problems getting up after the nappy was put on and told to stay put. I did and she then came in with a baby's bottle. I was held in her arms and bottle fed, she explained that this was to revert me back to being a baby and would make me easier to control. When I had finished that, she wiped my mouth an said it was time little boys were in bed.

So I was half carried up the stairs and then put to bed, and left there for the night. Crying myself to sleep. The room was done out like a babys room and I lay there a long time wondering how long it would be before I could escape...

She woke me in the morning and explained that it was time a little boy had a bath and I was helped out of the bed, not used to being in nappys I half walked and half waddled to the bathroom. She had run the bath and I was quite relieved to get out of the nappy and plastic pants.

She seemed to sense that and said that it would not be long before I was back in them. She bathed me and talked to me like I was a child, I said that you cant keep me like this. At that she said that not only could she, that she was going to until she thought I was going to be good and that how long I was kept as a baby depended on me doing as I was told.


So as soon as she decided that I was clean she said that it was "nappy time" and I was taken downstairs and she had all the changing stuff laid out. I was laid down and with a dummy pushed into my mouth to keep me pacified she began to nappy me. She put on a pair of plastic pants over the top saying that when I went it would keep the wetness in.

Then half waddling I was led to the kitchen. There she sat me down and after placing a bib around my neck she spoon fed me a meal of some disgusting baby food. Then I was bottled. I had to sit there whilst she held me and bottle fed me from a babys bottle.

The afternoon consisted of my being left in front of the tv and she put on childrens cartoons saying that that was all I was going to watch. No papers, no news, just kids stuff. Every hour or so she insisted that I had another bottle.

Later that day I needed to pee and held back as long as I could, but eventually I had to go. I started to cry as I wet myself and she quickly came over and laid me down on a mat. I cried and she changed me. Being put in a nappy was bad, but being changed and having someone wipe you dry was totally shaming. But I was relieved to be dry and although I hated the nappy I also hated being wet in a nappy more.

As I lay there she said that I needed a lot of work and that it was time I learned who was in charge. With that she slapped my backside a few times making me cry and then I was put back onto the seatee to watch tv.

The rest of the day just consisted of being sat down watching tv, her feeding me and giving me a few more bottles.

Later that evening she said it was time I was bathed and put to bed. I lay there in the bed and I found it hard to fall asleep, the bulk of the nappy keeping me awake. I wanted to take it off but knew that I would be in trouble if I did.

Finally I fell asleep and was woken up by her early the next day.


Bath time she said and helped me out of the bed and then took the nappy off, I noticed that she checked to see if I was wet. Naked she led me to the bathroom and I had to suffer the humiliation of being bathed like a child again. Then she dryed me off and still naked she took my arm and led me downstairs to the front room. Her special changing room as she jokingly called it.

She had some nappys laid out and a few pairs of plastic pants just in case I needed changing during the day. She explained that after I was in the nappy she would find me a romper suit and pointed to a few one piece suits on the table.

I blushed looking at them, they were in all bright colours and some even had cartoon animals on. I could see the cane laid out on the table and she saw me looking at it and said that so long as I was a good little boy and did as nanny said I would not have a sore bottom.

Soon I was laid down and looked away as the talc was powdered on me and a nappy pined together around me, she pushed down my penis as she folded the nappy and then the plastic pants went on. For some reason I hated them even more than the nappy. Finally I was put into a romper suit and my dummy was placed back into my mouth.

I could see how childish, no babyish I looked in a wall mirror and ashamed I found myself starting to cry and I was picked up and she began to hug me, saying that it was all going to be alright. When I stopped crying she said a bottle would help and she left me sitting down on the seatee whilst she went to get that.

I started to plead to be let into proper clothes, she said that they were proper clothes, that I was a baby and with that a dummy was pushed into my mouth and she said for me to be a good baby an be quiet.

After a feed I was led out to the kitchen and sat down at the table.There I saw a plate of baby food. She insisted on feeding me and the one time I tryed to feed myself she slapped my hand away from the spoon saying that it was her job and I would be spanked if I tried that again.

I felt the urge to poop and blushed. My aunt seemed to know and sat there by me encouraging me saying that good babys did not hold back. She said that eventually I would just learn to go without even thinking and call for her.

Then it happened and I sobbed as she laid me down and quickly took off the romper suit lifted my legs to get the nappy and pants off. She wiped me down and cleaned me up. I looked away unable to watch and finally she said all done.

I looked down at my naked body, the lower part all now white with talc. I blushed again and she dryed my eyes saying I was a good little boy. Then it happened, why I dont know but I got an erection. :huh:

It looked strange standing up covered in talc and I wished it would go down. I started to try to cover myself and nanny said for me to leave it alone. She looked at it and said well I cant put a nappy on you like that.

She said that she was going to take care of all my needs and if she caught me ever playing with it, I could watch out. With that she produced a wet wipe and holding it in one hand she took a hold of my erection and said nanny will get rid of this for you. Unable to watch I looked away as she used her hand on me, she said that I was adjusting to the new life and erections would happen to happy little boys!

I moaned and realised that I was enjoying this and with that I came into the wetwipe. Then she quickly wiped it clean saying now we can get our boy into his nappy.


Soon I was all dressed and felt strangely happy. She produced a teddy bear and I found myself curled up with teddy watching cartoons resting against my nanny and sucking on my dummy. Nanny kept me well supplied with milk and when the cartoons had finished she held me close as she read me a story.

Later I had an afternoon nap, nanny had to go out and so I was put to bed for a few hours. She said she would sort out a babysitter for me later. She said I was to be good and to stay in the bed, as I wanted to be good for her I did as she wanted and fell asleep holding my teddy.

When I awoke I realised that I had wet my nappy. It felt uncomfortable and it was a long wait until I heard the door open. When she came it she could see I was upset and her checking my nappy confirmed what had happened.

She said she would sort that out and left to get the nappies. She came back in and placed the mat down and once she was ready helped me out of the bed and onto the mat. Quickly I was stripped washed down, powdered and a new nappy was taken out of the packaging.

I held teddy close and wondered why I felt so safe holding a childs bear, why I felt like such a baby and started to cry. There there she said adding that it was all better now and I was a dry little boy. She hugged me and asked if I wanted to watch some tv.

I nodded and watched as she put the nappy on me. Soon I was all dressed up in my romper and holding teddy I was led down to watch tv. Soon I cuddled up to her my bottle making me feel good as she fed me.

When she finished I asked if I could get dressed. She smiled saying that I was dressed and that little boys need their dummy for comfort with that the dummy was popped into my mouth ending all arguement.

A meal of baby food followed and before I knew it, it was time for this little boy to be put in his nappy for bed. When it was time for me to sleep I started to complain, that last spark of resistance. Nanny will get the cane she said.

The threat worked and I started to cry, then nanny held me close. She rocked me in her arms and I said that I would be a good boy for her. Nanny said that she knew that but she was going to punish me to remind me that I was just a little boy and that she was in charge.

With that I was placed over her lap and she began to spank me, it did not hurt much through the thick nappy but I wailed all the same. Then she said I needed to be calmed down and soon a bottle of warm milk was put into my mouth, nanny said that when I had drunk all that I could go to bed and it would help me to get a good nights sleep.


I felt tired and soon I was taken to my bed, teddy put in my arms and tucked in for the night.

A happy baby boy.

The next few days were a period of adjustment. But I was amazed at how soon I found that I could just use my nappy and a cry would get me changed. The next morning when I woke up and found that I had wet myself I felt ashamed, but said that this was good, that I was a good baby and she gave me lots of praise saying that I was adjusting well.

Then I found that even when I spoke which was not often due to having my dummy in a lot I sounded babyish, I found that I cryed quite a lot and was easily comforted by my aunt. Each day was the same the routine comforting and although at times I dreamed of escape, she reminded me daily that I was in her charge and she would decide when and if I was ready to leave again.

The routine of being changed, fed and rocked to sleep began to wear me down. Not to mention the odd spanking when ever I tried to act adult. The worst spanking came on about the forth day when I tried to resist a bath.

I tried to resist her and as she took off my nappy I said I wanted to be out of nappys, although it came out "don't wanna nappy" and she tutted saying that I was a boy and needed a bath.

"Can bath myself" I said and realised that I sounded babyish, she smiled saying that that was her job, that little boys needed to be cleaned. And so I was bathed. When she got me out I said "wanna get dressed like grown up" and she shook her head saying that I could wear the nappy or nothing.

She reached for the cane saying bend over and she soon had me bent over the bath, then she said that she had to curb my rebelious behaviour once an for all and I was going to get a caning I would never forget.

I cried and struggled and she held me down whilst she caned my backside, finally she decided that the bath was not good enough and I was led cryin to a bedroom where she carried on until I was a blubbering wreck. All resistance beaten out of me.

Then led back to the bathroom she said that as I was naughty I was going to be left naked in the playpen. And so naked I was dumped in the pen in her front room, ashamed and feeling sorry for my self. She made sure that I kept my dummy and she tided up whilst I sat there.

Finally she came with a bottle and asked if I was going to be a good baby and I nodded saying yes nanny. I blushed as I said sounding babyish and she lifted me out and sat me down by her holding the bottle up as I rested against her, wearing just a bib she had placed around my neck.

I rested there and blushed as I found myself getting a hard on. She smiled saying that I enjoyed being hers and that resisting was pointless. She explained that even if I ran away everyone would know I was just a baby. Then she reached for the wet wipes and said that I was going to get a treat and with that she brought me off by hand.

Then after a week she said that today was going to be a special day. That she had to go back to work and so I was going to be babysat. I blushed and as she gave me my morning bath she said for me to stay put and I could meet my new babysitter.

She had mentioned a few times before about getting a sitter for me and now it was finally happening. The bathroom door opened and I could see that my sitter was a large woman called Jo. She immediately came over and started to bath me.

Her and my aunt chatted and then my aunt left, left me there naked in the bath with a large woman talking to me like a child and bathing me.

Soon she said was all ready and it was time for a feed, with that she dryed me and ignored the nappies saying I could be dressed later. I was led downstairs and she sat me down on the seatee saying that she had nursed quite a few young men and I was going to enjoy this.

With that she began to unbutton her top and explained that I was going to be breast fed!!! I was laid down and soon my head was pressed against her large breast.

Before long I was suckling like a baby and found I was loving all the attention and fuss being made of me and knew that I was going to like being there special baby boy... :rolleyes:

And so I was fed, I lay against her gurgling and suckling cotent and happy.

That was now six months ago and I have adjusted to my new life as a baby.

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