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Lab Accident (priv with Rosie-bee)


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Hugo was in his lab. He watched and the chemical compound was complete. This was going to be the latest stress relief medication in the world. In a small dose can ease the most high stressed situations. He set it down in the bottle on the counter. He needed to get ready for his new assistant that just got hired. She was going to help with the testing.


Hugo got some chemical on his clothes. He headed to the backroom to change into his backup uniform. He heard the door open ti the lab. “I am in the back. You must be my new assistant. Make yourself at home. I am eager to have you here.” Said Hugo.


He heard and crash. He entered the lab to see his expertment was gone and the glass was broken on the ground. “What happen?” Asked Hugo

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Juliette was here for on the first day of the job. She was excited to start as a lab assistant! The blonde girl was dressed in modest clothing and got to the lab, her hair pulled back. Entering the lab, Juliette waved her hand to the empty and nodded when she heard him. “Of course, thank you so much for accepting me for this job!” She told him happily, looking at the different glasses. There was one that caught her attention. 


Walking over to it, Juliette leaned over to stare at the pretty colour. Though, she sneezed, moving her hand up and knocking over the glass! A panicked look on her face came on when Hugo entered the room, stepping back from the broken glass. Her eyes started to water, “I’m so sorry!” She apologized immediately, “I sneezed and-and I bumped into it!”

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Hugo stared at her. “You need to go to the back shower and get a new set if scrubs on.” Hugo said but the medication already started to get absorbed by her skin. It mainly got absorbed near her lower abdomen. The medication paralyzed her bladder and bowels muscles possible permanently. The chemicals was in her blood system as well. This mean slowly it is getting into her brain. Hugo was so focus in the mess not to see that Juliette’s pants were soaked.

Hugo got biozard gear and cleaned up the mess. He tried to stay calm but he knew he would have to start over. “Julie, we need to keep you under observation. That mean you will have to stay either here or with me at my home and keep be posted on effects.” Said Hugo. The mess was cleaned up. “I need you to clean and organize the beakers.” Said Hugo

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