Kokono Bunny Posted February 13, 2022 Posted February 13, 2022 Chapter 1: The Realm of Methrella Regina opened her window, watching the waves crash on the beach and people mill around her small town. A warm breeze entered the room and filled it with the distinctive smell of the ocean. Regina took a deep breath in... and out. "I should text Abby and the others soon. Today seems like a nice day to play outside", she thought. As she was turning on her phone to call her best friend, the young woman heard a soft knock on her door. She stepped away from the window. "Come in", she called. In stepped a small boy in blue jeans and a black shirt with a knight's helmet print in the middle. He smiled softly at his sister, flicking his dark brown-blonde hair out of his face. It was her 8-year-old brother. "Hi, Regina", he said in a soft voice. "Hey, Riley. What's up?", she asked curiously, watching as her little brother sat on her bed and laid back, staring at the ceiling. "Well, mom said you bought a game yesterday?", he asked hopefully. "I want to know if I can play it too." "Umm... yeah, I did", she said. Regina glanced at her phone and considered her options. She knew that her mom would be bugging her later on if she didn't let Riley play for a little while. Even though the siblings didn't have a bad relationship at all, their parents always pushed Regina to socialize more with her little brother. "So... can I?", Riley asked again. "Y-yeah, sure. Why not?", Regina sighed and put her phone back on the table. "I can send the guys a message in a few hours. I just hope that this doesn't take too long", she thought. The 18-year-old booted up her computer and started the game. "Sandbox Kingdoms...", Riley read, excited. "What is it about?" "It's a game where you can create your own civilizations and stuff", Regina answered. "You can make empires, kingdoms, and even small towns in different parts of the world and give them their own cultures." As a passionate fan of fantasy stories, Regina had gotten into worldbuilding since she was 14. She knew no one else who shared that hobby in her town, but through her years on the internet, she had managed to meet many online friends and writers that only made her love of worldbuilding grow bigger. And when a friend of hers showed her the game for the first time, she knew she had to buy it immediately. As the game finished loading, Riley got up from the bed and sat on her lap. Regina created a new world for Riley, and the boy started scrolling through the many options that the game offered. "This is hard to read!", he complained. "Too many big words!" As Regina had said, it seemed to be a very customizable game, having settings for the number of days in a year, the number of seasons, the world map, and so on. "So, what should I do now that the world is created?", Riley asked. "Well, you can start making civilizations for it", Regina said. "Look, this seems like a good place to start." She clicked over some plains between a range of mountains and a long river. A small flag icon appeared on top of the place. A new civilization had been founded! "Now, these different settings alter the reality of your world and its people", she said after a new window appeared on the screen. Her brother grinned and watched as his world unfolded. Regina helped and guided him, telling him where it would be good to place houses, castles, farms, and much more. Eventually, after modifying almost everything in the 'create civilization' window and creating the perfect town in Riley's eyes, the game showed them a timelapse animation of the history of the place, which Riley had decided to name "the Town of Thieves". "Town of Thieves?", Regina questioned, looking at the name. "Why did you decide to call it that way?" "It sounds cool and mysterious!", he answered happily. "It sounds kinda copycat-ish to me...", Regina teased, even though she knew her little brother wouldn't understand what she was referring to. "Shhh, it's perfect!", Riley said. After a few hours of playing and comprehending the game, Riley stretched and slid off Regina's lap. "I gotta go do my homework, sis", he smiled and headed towards the door. "But thank you, it was really fun." Riley closed the door behind him, leaving Regina alone with her computer. She looked at her phone and sent a message to her friend's group chat. "I hope they answer soon. I guess I can keep playing on my own world while they do", she thought. She saved Riley's world and opened hers. She had been playing on it since the afternoon the day before and until late at night. Her parents didn't usually check on her after 11, so she invested a few hours of her precious sleep in order to make her world perfect. She had created many civilizations of various sizes and alignments all around the world, but she had left her 'homeland' for the very end. This would be the place where she would create her main character, who would travel and set on daring quests in that world full of adventures and dangers. Once again, after completing the design of the place, the game asked her to name it. "The Realm of Methrella", she typed. She came up on the spot with that name. It didn't have a concrete meaning for now, but she'd eventually give it one that fit with the narrative of the world as a whole. Once the realm had been finished, she clicked on the long-awaited 'character creation' tab and started creating her avatar. She somewhat resembled her real-life self, nothing too fancy. "Huh?" As she was going through the final details, she noticed that the height settings were apparently jammed. Her character seemed to be as tall as a 10-year-old, and it didn't change at all even if she modified the settings. "Well, we might as well stick with that" A notification sound came out of her phone. It was Abby. "Great! They are free", Regina thought. She saved the game and logged off her computer. She got dressed into her sport clothes and went downstairs. "Mom! Dad! I'm going out to play volleyball with my friends!", she said in a loud voice. "Sure, Reg. Take care!", her mom answered from the kitchen. Almost half an hour passed after Regina had left her home when little Riley sneaked into her sister's room. He had left one of his action figures there a few days ago, but had forgotten to ask Regina for it. As he began looking for it, the computer suddenly turned on, revealing Regina's personal world in the game. He giggled slightly and got on her seat, tampering with her world mischievously, before pausing and undoing it all. "Let's try something from here", he decided, going into the 'daily life' tab, and changing a small but significant detail of the world. Riley quickly saved his progress and turned off Regina's computer. He stayed a few minutes there looking for his figure. Once he had found it, he ran off to his room. "I'm home!" Regina arrived an hour before the sunset. Tired because of all the time she had played, she went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. At dinner she noticed that her brother kept looking away from her, giggling occasionally. She shrugged it off, finishing her food quickly and going upstairs to her room. The young woman fell asleep, staring at the white ceiling. A soft flicker of blue light appeared on her computer and her world turned on at the 'character creation' tab. It was empty. As the screen changed to green for a second, Regina vanished from her bed. 1
Kokono Bunny Posted February 13, 2022 Author Posted February 13, 2022 Chapter 2: Inside the game Regina woke to a steady knocking sound on the door. She groaned and opened her eyes, only to find herself in an unknown room. The walls, a deep royal purple with gold leaf framing the room. The furniture, wooden and shiny, as if it was brand new. The bed, a large queen size with a plain rose red quilt on it. None of this was hers. While she was getting up from the bed, she also felt something quite strange between her legs. She lifted up her nightgown, only to reveal a white, fluffy diaper. The worst part; it wasn't dry. Regina stared in shock at her diaper. Where was she? Why did she have a diaper on? Why was it wet? These questions raced through Regina's mind. This wasn't right, none of it. She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the knock on the door once again. At first, she was hesitant but decided to approach the door. It was then when she noticed yet another thing... The doorknob was slightly below her eye level. Before opening the door, she gave some quick glances around the whole room to get some quick height comparisons. There was another knock, more insistent, and she opened the door, finding a familiar face. It was her best friend, Abby, but what was odder than her sudden arrival, was the way she was dressed. She had her auburn gold hair in a ponytail, as usual, but her outfit looked like something you would only find in fantasy movies or games; a pure, white dress with lots of golden ornaments and a strange light coming from it. Regina looked at Abby. She remembered being fairly taller than Abby, but now her friend towered over her. "A-Abby, what are you doing here?!", Regina squeaked The other girl giggled and patted her friend's head, making Regina glow crimson. "To change you, silly," she said gently, scooping up her friend. "Wait, what do you mean by that?", Regina said fearfully, now in Abby's arms. Abby frowned slightly. "Why so nervous?", she asked softly, going over to the, until then unnoticed, changing table. It was slightly scaled up for Regina's current size. She laid Regina down, took off her nightgown, and changed her into a fresh diaper. She dressed the shocked girl in a purple dress, with gold at the edges of it (almost like the things children wear in the real world for dress-up), and set her on the ground. "Better?", she asked. Regina didn't respond as she was far too shocked to even process what was going on right now. She looked up at Abby with a scared look on her face. Abby kneeled down to her friend's height. "What's wrong? You're not your usual self", she pointed out. "Why am I wearing a diaper?", Regina asked, now almost on the verge of tears. "Because you have troubles at staying dry while asleep", Abby stated, raising an eyebrow. "You know it's natural, every teen does it," Abby says, then smirks. "Even your little brother will someday go through that", she said. "N-natural? What do you mean?", Regina said, still too shocked to notice she was asking basically the same thing all over. She rolled her eyes. "This is a very strange joke, Reg. We end up, for whatever natural reason, losing our toilet training, so we have to redo it", she replied, putting stress on the word 'natural', and standing back up to her towering height. "But then...", Regina started. "Why aren't you wearing one?" "Because I'm older than you", she reminded her. "Look, this is not a very funny joke. I'm going to go to my quarters. Tell me if you need me after breakfast. I'll be waiting outside the dining hall." She left the room quickly, vanishing from sight. Regina looked down, slightly frustrated because Abby thought she was joking. She got out of her room. The halls looked as if they were the ones of a castle. It was then when she realized.... she had no idea where the dining hall was. She looked around and spotted a small, balding man who was wearing what seemed to be a blue and white chainmail vest, and who looked to be in his late forties. Regina went over to him, tugging on his sleeve. The man turned sharply. "Hey kid, stop bothering me! What do you wa-", he stopped as soon as he saw Regina's face and covered his mouth. "I-I am terribly sorry, Your Majesty. I didn't realize it was you." "Umm... sorry?", Regina looked around, not fully comprehending who he was referring to. "I apologize, princess Regina. I didn't notice it was you", he babbled. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Regina didn't quite get it still. She thought it was some kind of silly joke that he wanted to pull on her, although he seemed really troubled by the circumstance. "Well...", Regina said. "Can you show me where the dining hall is, please?" "Of course, Your Majesty", the man nodded. "You might want to take my hand, it might get very busy soon", he explained. The person, whom Regina assumed to be a politician, led her to the dining hall: a huge room with a long T shaped table, with servants flying in and out of the room, carrying food and setting it down on the tables. At the top of the table, there were 4 thrones, the middle two larger, while the thrones on the far sides were smaller, more child-sized. "What is all of this?", Regina thought as she looked at the thrones, being drawn to the throne on the far left. Then it hit Regina. She did know this place. She had designed it all by herself on her computer... but it couldn't be. Had she been transported inside the game into the Realm of Methrella? How? "Grr....." A growling sound interrupted her thoughts. It was coming from her belly. The politician chuckled as the girl blushed deeply. "The breakfast will soon be served, Your Majesty" he said, gesturing to the flying people, who had wings made of a fiery light. They wore simple leather clothes, all with a golden M on their chests. Regina let go of the man's hand and turned to him. "What's your name?", she asked quietly. "Quinn, Your Majesty", the man said. "Alright, Quinn. Thank you for guiding me all the way here." "My pleasure. I am sorry for all the inconveniences", Quinn said and bid her farewell with a reverence. As Regina sat down on the throne Quinn had led her up to, a side door opened. Two people came and sat in the center thrones. One, a man with jet black hair, wearing a robe of a strange silvery substance. The other one, a brown-haired woman, wearing a similar styled dress, except blue and silver. Regina stifled a gasp. They were her real parents. First Abby, and now her parents. Did that mean... that Riley had been transported into the game as well? 1
Kokono Bunny Posted February 20, 2022 Author Posted February 20, 2022 Chapter 3: Adjusting to this world From time to time Regina glanced at her parents, who were calmly eating their food. Could it be that they were not aware of the current situation? Would they not be able to recall their memories from the real world? Regina's eyes pranced around her parents' faces and garments, until they stopped at the still-empty throne on the far right. "Um... Mom? Dad?", she spoke in a soft voice after finishing her breakfast. "Where is Riley?" A few seconds without response passed, before her father turned his face to her, putting his fork down. "We already told you three days ago", he replied. His voice was indifferent, lacking the warmth with which he spoke to her usually. "Riley is returning from an event today. You will meet him when you go back to take today's lessons." "L-lessons?", Regina asked. "You mean, like school?" Her mother raised an eyebrow. A servant delivered a goblet of a strange gold liquid, which she rose to his lips and drank deeply, before putting it down to her right. "I don't understand your question, Regina", her father said, drinking from another goblet himself. "Hurry up. Your chambermaid should be waiting outside the hall to continue with your daily lessons. Don't be late again. We will not tolerate yet another absence after what happened last time." "'Last time'?", Regina thought. "What is that supposed to mean?" Whatever that was, Regina knew there was no use on talking back to her parents. For all she knew, the Regina of that would could have been a slacker or a troublemaker. Talking back would mean getting in more unneccesary trouble now. Regina stood up and sighed before exiting the dining hall. As expected, her friend was waiting for her right beside the door. Abby smiled at her and scooped Regina swiftly, taking her back to her room. Once they arrived there, Abby set Regina down on the ground carefully. "Ready for your lessons?", Abby asked the princess happily. "I guess...", the girl replied plainly. "Are you upset about something?" "I'm not upset", Regina said. "I'm just... very confused." "Aw, girl, it's fine", Abby smiled and opened the door for Regina to enter the room. "If there's something that can't leave your mind and you want to talk about it, know that I'm here to listen, okay?" "Sure, Abby...", Regina sighed, knowing that Abby wouldn't probably understand that the Regina that she was with wasn't the one she always knew. Both girls entered the room and Abby closed the door. "Do you need a change?", she asked, scooping the small girl back up and taking her over to the changing table. Regina blushed as she was put on the table and her diaper was being checked. The thought of being wet hadn't crossed her mind yet until now. Was she? Or was she not? She wasn't able to tell. "I don't know", she admitted in a soft voice. "Well, it seems you are", she said gently, taking off the diaper and putting on a new one. Then, she dressed Regina into a red and white onesie. Regina blushed again when she saw the clothing that Abby had chosen for her. It didn't feel bad at all. In fact, it was pretty comfy... but it was still a onesie, something made for little kids and babies, and having a diaper beneath it didn't help her case at all. "Is this the only kind of clothing that I have?", she looked at Abby with a pouty look on her face. Abby laughed and shook her head. "I just thought you might prefer this since you're so cute", she teased. "Not funny", Regina pouted again and crossed her arms. "Do you want to wear something else?", Abby offered. Regina nodded quickly. Abby picked up her friend, and opened the princess' extensive walking wardrobe. They walked over to a section full of pyjamas and onesies. Regina sighed, as most of the clothing was very similar to the onesie that Abby had chosen. The pyjamas weren't any better, with most of them having very childish designs. Was this really her wardrobe? "Hey, don't be like that", she chided. "You picked out the clothes", she reminded her, even though Regina had obviously no memories of buying them. "Did I, really?", Regina asked. She couldn't figure out why the Regina from this world had chosen such embarrassing and childish clothes. "Fine, then... I'll keep this onesie." As they exited the wardrobe, the girls heard a knock on the door. "Oh, he's here", Abby said and put Regina on her bed. "Be a good girl and wait here, Reg." The chambermaid walked up to the door and opened it. Through it came a young man, almost as tall as Abby, but whose face still showed an innocent and naïve look. As Regina noticed who her new guest was, she blushed once again, trying to hide her clothes behind a fluffy pillow on her bed. "Hey, sis", he greeted Regina, putting his backpack down near the door. "Why are you covering yourself like that?" "She's been acting a little weird since she woke up today, Riley, don't mind her too much", Abby told him. "Can you please help me with the table?" "Sure thing, Abby." Riley and Abby picked up a long wooden table and set it near the edge of Regina's bed. Meanwhile, Regina just looked at her little brother... well, if that's how she could still call him now. She wondered how old was Riley supposed to be in this world. He looked like he could be 14... or even 16. Yet another overwhelming thing to add to the list after being trapped in this world for one day. After setting the table in place, Riley got some books out of his backpack and sat on the edge of the bed. "Come on, Reg. Please greet your little brother and sit beside him. We're about to start with the lessons", Abby said. Reluctant, Regina put the pillow aside, revealing her cute and childish clothing, and sheepishly crawled up to Riley's side. "H-hi, Riley", she said, still not knowing how to properly adress him now. "Hey, sis. It's nice to be back home. I had missed you a lot", he said, ruffling his sister's hair. Regina blushed. "Alright, kids", Abby grinned and handed Regina her own books. "You can keep chattering about other stuff later. Let's start with your lessons." That day, they had to catch up with all the topics they didn't see while Riley was away. As the classes progressed and the day decayed, she was now 100% convinced: this was the world she had created in-game. All the history, the geography, the politics... even the magic, everything she was being taught was exactly what she had designed and come up for her world. A newfound fascination to explore her creation from the inside bloomed into Regina. She had put so much work into it... and now, she would be able to experience with her own eyes all of those wonderful places she had created! However, a second thing bloomed into her: fear. After doing everything she wanted to do there, how would she go back home? How would she return to the real world?
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