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Brother and sister lost in strange land (open rp)


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Kurt says " i guss  she( points to angela) healed any injurys we had for the most part  " cuting him self off from saying anything about his belly and  what was though he hurt the bladder and hopeing his sister did not notice the diaper

lets angela move him with no fuss and sits there a moment then says " sis this land is weird  she said we are the first of our kind she has seen so i have bin just going with whats happing  since there is no humans  no one to judge us and any  others like her  well we are not the same so they have no idea what we are spose to be like  , i plan on leting things happen and go from there  not like we can get home or have anything to go back to "

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Mina looks at her brother and nods. She squims lightly. The light movement along with sitting in the chair made her noticing the diaper around her waist. She picks up the bottle and looks at her brother again. "Nobody like us lives here" 

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Kurt says "i have  only seen weird things here  sis  i can tell you  i  am not sure what we could eat here on my own though i still wounder what the wird crabs taste like "

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"You know those crabs are pokemon too mister i will not have you talking about eating others of my species now drink your bottle" the lady clearly took quite the offense to his comment and was not very happy with him as she glared at him, seems the lil boy had spoken in a way he shouldnt have and will now need to make it up, or try and let her cool off.

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Kurt says "thats my point if left on my own i would have ate  it , but are there things that are meat we can eat normal things not  what you call pokemon ,i am sorry if i made you mad but nothing in the world we come from are anything like you  the best we have are dogs and cats and there  no wear anything like whats here and i have not seen  but the small strech of this place other then the beach witch i was looking around  was less then  a hr befor you found me "

Krts mind raced hopeing he could  help his sister make sense of all this as well as give his new caretaker a sense of how little they know of her land

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"They have crabys here too" Mina looked over at her new caregiver. Nodding hearing the small lecture given to her brother showing she understood as well. She eyed the bottle. She picked it up. She curiously starts drinking from it.

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Kurt grabs the bottle starts to  drink then sets it down  with a disgusted look on his face as he hates bitter stuff

then says " thank you for everything just take us time to get use to this place "

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Kurt grabs the bottle starts to  drink then says " bitter and sour not a fan i will  try them  might  eat it but dependently  do not like  , well sis i said  i would get us though the storm and we may land in another country we might not know  did not think it would be another world"

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