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Brother and sister lost in strange land (open rp)


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A brother and sister  where on a ship bound for vacation  a major storm hit and they where lost at sea  during the storm  the two where bashed and banged around  the life-raft they fled to had tons of food and water  Kurt was  a small 8 Yr old   blue eyes  speaks English  tried to shelter his sister from most harm  and doing so is banged up  . there Life boat beaches on there shore  of a  land they do not know or know  what the people there speak  as the raft can act as shelter kurt  made sure it was far enuf on land to not go anywhere and he and his sister wait  for some one to find them .


((( note sister may be played by first person to jump in, 2  kurt and his sister will not know what any one  is saying to them at first , 3 who ever wants to be the caretakers  in this rp may control  where we are and  everything  i am just setting the plot not the full seen so more may join as it alows depending how it plays out )))

(thanks for checking  this out  and thanks to all who join i hope this is a fun idea)

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(( Well Dlatwood  if that is your wish go for it Kurt and who wants to be the sister are human  kids and most likely passed though a portal to what ever land they are now in  feel free to jump in and set the seen as right now  Kurt and sister are stranded on a beach with 3 days of food and water left ))

Kurt looks around for usefull items and  food as  there is only 3 days of food if used as on the  packages , kurt finds a sharp shell he can use as a knife and  puts tape on one end to make a handle  and keeps looking  nothing he sees is like anthing of any place he has bin befor  and has no idea why . What he dose know is  he and his sister needs help 

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was currently flying over head looking around the island for some things she needed for her daily living, when she saw a young boy and girl both stranded on the beach and upon looking closer could tell they were not gonna make it here alone. So she carefully lands a bit from them and walks up as she was more than about 3x the boys height she leans down and taps his shoulder. "Are you guys alright i havent seen your kind before what are you?"

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Kurt was spooked  by the arivle of something he has never seen befor  he did not know is it was freindly or not and could not understand a word it said.

Kurt steps back and says "what are you, i do not understand you" in his panic Kurt wets himself

nothing like this happened  where he came from and he has no connection  to the pokemon  so he has no idea what  is going on

after a moment of watching the new Person kurt  trys to calm down and think it did not try and hurt him it came out of no wear  if it want to hurt him it would have bin easy

Kurt says slowly " I am lost " making hand gestures  trying to convey  what happend "we need food our ship wrecked " making more frantic gestures  hopeing this thing could get what he was geting at

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the first thing the connection tells is in pain  stepping  back confused for a moment  then says " what are you " he then thinks "i must be in another world mine has nothing like this"


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"I am angela the latias but you can call me angel or angela, how you need food and shelter and such from what you said right?" As she bends down picking up the rations of food you have left, and shook her head. "How were you expected to survive iff this? It's basically crackers and berries"

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Kurt says " theres meat in the cans  the  hard colored stuff is hard candy its  sugar  with flavor and peanut paste  we have  enough for tree days thats it , the raft can be used but if a big wave comes it will drag it away , but none of what we have will last and the raft is cloth so it will rip over time  we only have the cloths on us "

kurt smells of pee his cloths are all ripped and bandages can be seen though holes

the med-kit in the raft is half empty filled mostly by empty rappers  his sister still asleep unaware of anything since they hit land

( note any one can take and name sister role)

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Nods at his obvious statements and smiles. "Well im not too far away and well i could wash those but i do got some diapers you can wear while i do is that ok here put everything in your raft and ill carry your sister alright?" as she smiles happlily waiting for his answer and to do what she asked.

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Kurt look at her confused  not knowing what his injury's have done says "ok , but diapers  .................. is that all you have ?" Kurt puts  what hes gathered  in the raft  thinks on something that was bothering him  then says it " whats here can be eaten  the stuff in this place looks weird some of the crabs look really weird  so i left them alone and  i was not sure on  the fish i got one and let it go looked funny  now it if i go near the water it acts like it a dog"

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*snaps her fingers* the raft and your sister begun to float as I smile "Sorry its all i got in your size until i make clothes your size sweetie come along you dont want to get lost now do you?" as she walks towards the large forest like area and waits for him "Its not like you will wear them all the time unless you choose its just so i can wash your clothing dont want to be in clothes you had an accident in do you?"

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after the 20 minute walk she sits everything down and motions you inside as she put your sister in a room to rest and helps undress you and start a bath. "Can you clean yourself or want my help sweetie?" as the lady took all his clothing and left a diaper from the room with him for when she came back.

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Kurts cloths are destroyed  and a bad sign most of the holes  have blood tinting them  once his shirt and pants where off  bandages  little the boys frame  all tinted red and with to much tape on the places hard to reach  pices of the ship can be found on his back and  once  the bandages removed a few holes are deep  one on his bell is the worst  missing most organs he did manage to damage the bladder witch would explain his lack of control  looking at him closer she can see cuts on his head  most have bin cared for in a way they can be treated easy but  had she not found him  when she did infections would have set in  on  the woulds  as poorly as he was able to treat himself thatdespite 3 days food  he may  have helped his sister last but he would have bin real lucky to make  a week  even with food with out care .

Kurt says " i may need help  normly i could do it but   i do not know how well  i was able to take care of the boo boos i got from the storm "

he glared at the diaper but thought "if i have to "

His beach shoes   streachy and water proof  ment to be used while  at sea are the only  thing he had not destroyed

a bag his sister had  had alot of her stuff in it  a weeks worth of cloths   shirts skirts   all soaked in sea water needing washed  but all safe   and  a few of her dolls and toys

it seems Kurt tried to save her and her stuff  suffering the most

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*body glows for a bit before a soothing pulse washed over you drastically healing your wounds* "I can heal the wounds but I can do anything for anything injured like organs how is that?" Lifts him in the water as she gently cleans him up, once done she dries him off and diapers him. "Well you look tired how about a nap and I'll have food ready when your up ok?"

(Reminder anyone can play the sister and name her)

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Kurt says " please do not take this wrong ways but  seems like we are in dream land " the only thing on kurt left hurting was his belly . after a moment went to were  she wanted him to lay still amazed about all the wounds no scars nothing and says "i do not understand alot going on  but I will make best of it as i do not see being able go home"

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Smiles gently pinching his cheek to assure him it's real as she lifts him up carrying him to the room with his sister and pulls out a cute lil footie onesie helping him in it, where she lays him down in the crib with her. "You must be tired lil one get some rest your fine here with me."

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Kurt is anoyed  but says nothing hes in a strange world  with strange things around him  the customs  and things of his old world gone  there is shelter and food so it is not all bad and he was healed for the most part but the pain in his belly bothered him  he got to thinking" what she said i cant heal the organs  and he still hurt  more on his belly hurt and his bladder has let go twice now  ....... nooooo it could not be ...... mabe .....no ..... grrrr  it has to be ... he damaged somthing more  the bladder maybe ........ possable  witch means nooooo . the diaper  .... oh well  take it one day at a time i am alive " he thought   

he lays down and says  " otay but  i may need checked my belly hurts still and i thought you said there was some things you cant heal so unless i hurt my insides i sould not hurt after whats you did ?"

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"Thats right sweetie i healed your body but i cant do anything about organs or such" as she gently rubs his belly and sings to lul him to sleep maybe some sleep was all he needed after all but she was being kind and careful when carrying him.

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Kurt drifted to sleep easily  shortly after  he was relaxed his bladder let lose  once  he went  into deep sleep  his dreams were  of the storm and how it all played out  there was a odd glow that night  and the ship had recived no information of any storms  so when it hit they were unprepared

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Gently kissed them both and heads downstairs preparing dinner for the kiddos smiling as she finished the monitor she had nearby alerted her to the kids waking up and she heads up to check on them. "Did you have a good nap sweetie? looks like someone needs their diaper changed"

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Kurt looks down and frown  he thinks , man  i hope this is not the case moving forward  then says " looks so , um are there others like me and my sister  on this world "

though he doubted they spoke  the same he did  he was sure  what was allowing Angela to talk to them was ether magic or telepathy and  had no idea if she could hear his thoughts but did not care  as he generally tried to speek his mind witch got him into alot of trouble as  humans  do not like it

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Kurt says " ok  you can"  his mind lighted even if he needed diapers  no humans means no one knows  what  his kind needs  or is  expected  to do at his age so  less likely to be made fun of  he gos and  lays where she wants waiting to be changed and says"  humans like me and my sister eat meat and plants  all kinds of diffrent stuff   i like stuff thats spicy and other stuff thats sweet , i have no idea what food is like here so  do not mind me  if i find it odd  it is not every day you go to a diffrent world were you are  one of a few of your kind there "

his thoughts ran a bit  on how different would the food be  her reaction to the rations  was   harsh   he like  crackers and peanutbutter

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