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Kurt was just brought in  from the hospital they let him get a few toys  from his house but as he no long had any living relatives and was much to young to  on his own was taken to the orphanage , all his family owned was his but if he did not get a family fast he would lose it all so   stated he would accept any one who wanted him instead of loosing  all he owned  though  it was not a lot   he is hoping to get a few things give his new family some stuff and maybe get a few toys  with  the  minimum they would let him keep after stuff sells .

the car crash that took his family also left him banged up though he got away with only a few injury's though it kept him in the hospital for a few weeks  and  he is annoyed his bladder has bin giving him trouble at night though he has bin taking it easy

so he enters the building dreading where they will put him and  when of if he would find famly

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Kurt tries to smile  but his heavy heart  proved to much and  it was easy to tell he was trying but he was struggling inside  a few bruise still seen  and  a bandage on his belly could be noticed though the white shirt they had him wear he says " hi i just got hear  my name is Kurt you may heard of my mess from the news  a few weeks back ,.... i hate drunks ................... sorry Mam " for all he had bin though the fires in his eyes still burned bright  he says " at lest i have some of my extra gundams  they said not to bring anything  i do not mind loosing  only a few more days of sorting  alowed left so i am tired  they are boxing what i want to keep  and  if i am lucky  whoever wants me will help me deside what to do with whats left  otherwise they are selling it and all the money go,s in trust ..... thinkig oh sorry mam you probly did not want to know all of that "

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kurt  " any wear is better then places like diss"

his small bag of toys are extras  and  ones that are baged up of gundams

He thinks for a moment  then says " if i am lucky unufff to not have to stay here  i might as well make  another kid happy as i figured i lose these  here on the way out ill give them to this place so some one elce not as lucky  has something to play with "

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Kurt says i guss i can be a kid once more i thought i would have to manage  my famlys stuff  we are not rich but  we have  all we needed  i know i am not that big  but i do want to keep some stuff  of my dads in storage  may be ten years befor i get to use it but his rifle  collection and other weapons are cool  but i figure i have them  locked up some where safe and paied for "

KUrt  mutters " NUTS"  grabs something out  one of his bags and says " be right back " and takes off befor a responce can be made  he comes back looking emberased

he says well " you found me befor they did dinner  so wear to from hear " he gathers his stuff up   he trys to not take help  but can be clealy be seen hurting

the staff at some point gives Akiza his meds and stats if  given them and told to take he will but  if it says as needed  he will not take it unless made to

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Akiza raised an eyebrow before seeing him quickly return “Everything okay dear here let me help you get your stuff to the car.” Putting the boys meds in her pocket “Do you need to take any of your meds before we leave?”

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Kurt says "not less it says so  , though  might need stop for pullups they only gave me  a few" ( while he said this his face gos flat red   for a moment)" they said it should clear up after a while "

though  not a student of subtly the drs  hinted that his bladder trouble may go away or get worce only time will tell

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Kurt says " just did , just theres only a few left and ....................................................................................................I bin going alot more then i like"

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once all his stuff in and buckled in says " what do you mean , i am sure this will pass  they said things are just bused"

the faces he made while geting in easly tells Akiza  three major things  its worce then the boy thinks  , hes in alot of pain and not saying it , and lasty he is going to be stuborn about any medication or anything he thinks is not necessary. his parents where probly  the type  diapers are for babys and medacation is for the weak.


while she filled out the forms the background on the parents was the mom was a nurse and the dad was a Sargent in the army . most likely good folks but  soldiers  seem to have odd veiws on certan things .


((note  ex parents opinions based off my real parents  and my rl father was a army Sargent and  folos the" pain is weakness leaving the body"  line , Witch i find to be BS))

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Kurt's face went flush the red and a a scow went across his face he know what he wants to do  but is it right , his past would say diapers are never a option but his past is dead in many ways  and a line his dad said  ate at him " disability and injury change the game  all around you and you yourself must change to meet those challenges"

so was he in that position? and what about when he had to go back to school though the note from the dr was mostly bed rest for the next few weeks then reassess.

so would he be ok in a few weeks or still have to keep chill  ether way  none of it was in his hands any more   .

Kurt fianly speeks softly" i can change the pullups  not sure on the diapers  though bending eather way hurts right now ,..... and  the Drs where not varry forthcoming with answers to me "

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Kurt reaches in a bag and takes out a envelope and says " this is some stuff i was going to have to give  to a lawyer  to have  held onto till i found a famly now its not nessory  theres a check not sure how much from what was left in my famlys accounts  minus whats in my account  they got me a card and a state id we change my last name  ill have to get a new one  back to whats in the envolope  keys to my old house i am spose to have everything i want out  in 2 months  and they will sell it  unless you like it more though bo be honest  its small my birthcertfic and other leagls are in there , my toys and stuff like that are in one storage locker  the  things i kept of my dads  that they would not let me hold onto unless my new care give alowed are in  another locker witch the keys are ther as well and for the record i am to small for most of the firearms  and the locker is paid for and inshured  for the next 10 years as i am not that old so  they can stay there if you want  its  in a gun locker  at a shooting range  they will  make sure the weapons do not seaze for me and if you want to use any of them we can take a few out but my dad had 20 rifles and 8 pistols  and i like to keep them"

((Note  you deside  on money things i just helping set plot :P ))

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Kurt "no they can just stay locked up then they are  in a safe  away from you any way   i has to agree if they get taken out any ways  and  i wills not hab things that hold so much history just got rid of is why i spent so much have them  put in stroage for so long  and i do not get refunds  on it  " 

as he jerked in ange he  pulled something  his bladder let lose and tears rolled down his face  but  he made no noise his anger out waighted his pain  he took a small brass ket from envonlope  befor  reaching to give her the rest and says voice stressed with pain " since you do you not like them you do not need a key to them heres the other stuff"

one thing he had done was kept the papers for the weapons in his stuff and  had it  none could be removed  from storage  till he was 18 and  none could be sold the caregiver could request with Kurt's permission to take a few out but at most 4  he had a judge agree  and sign off so that  any one who adopted he could not get rid of them but  all so respect wishes if they did not like weapons that  they may  be kept locked up till 18.  he was not good with law or aduilt stuff what he was good at was questions .

he went though ,.how can i keep this what can i do to make sure  this stays mine and i can have once i am a adult ?. he did not understand half of what he was told but he had  one adult  who  asked and got answers for all his questions and helped him  do what he thought was best while doing what Kurt wanted .

now hurting and upset Kurt says " i now need to change and  this is all i has say i will do alot   but the weapons and thats what they are will stay locked up till im 18 and  you may do what you want with reast of the estate  i already had a judge and layers and the place there stored to be setup and paied for for 10 years as i said   my freinds dad  made sure  what i wanted got done ..........so let this topic drop now  cuss there staying locked up then  and  grrrr. my belly  ..... i um am realy wet  and i am not hungry any more "


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Akiza just frowned knowing she would have to give the boy his meds later “No it isn’t dear if it’s bothering you that much.” She said taking him to the bathroom and took him and started to undo his pants 

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