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diapered in jail


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“It’s the new security policy. No potty breaks make it easier to keep you under constant surveillance and, well, it will be much harder for you to escape if we make you dependent on diapers,” explained the guard.

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Good. Now, while I explain you the ground rules, I want you to drink down this bottle. *Hands her a 0,75 l bottle full of some sort of orange colored juice*

I want it gone by when I’m finished talking.

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No tampering with your diaper or with the back-zipped purple jumpsuit you’re wearing. If you do it, you’ll end up in padded mittens.

The diaper is absorbent enough to catch all you can do in 12 hours and, trust me, we will make sure you use it.

So, you will be changed twice a day.

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The guard goes on explaining the rules about the general aspects of life in jail, which are more or less common sense: 

the chores ally is expected to do and the way her electronic bracelet will tell what to do and allow her to open the doors that she’s authorized to open at any given time.

Then she goes on to explain “diaper training”.

”There’s a miniature simplified ecograph in the elastic belt of your jumpsuit. That will monitor how full is your bladder. When the belt vibrates, you have 10 seconds to start peeing. If you don’t, you get a warning. If you get more than 3 warnings per week, you end up into a special ward of the jail where you will learn to pee on command the hard way.”

As a general rule, you should try to pee as soon as you feel the slightest urge, even before you get the vibration warning. This way, you’re more likely to avoid the warnings.

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Now, your first chore: dishwashing.

Standing and getting your hands under the running water is considered a great help in learning to pee into a diaper, so you should be grateful.

Let’s go to the kitchen, and you will get used to the waddling and crinkling while you walk.

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The guard leads Ally to the kitchen.

“Ally, she’s Sonia, a senior inmate who will show you the ropes.” 

The guard leaves.

Sonia studies you briefly: “all right, you wash and I dry. And, every 20 minutes, we need 5 minutes of pause to drink some more of the juice. Did they give you the yellow or the orange one?”

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Listen, kid, if you want to get in trouble, it’s very easy. Just hold your bladder like you normally do and, within tonight, you will end up in the medical ward. There, they will do very unpleasant things to you.

Now, let’s do the dishes.

The juice is a muscle relaxant and diuretic.

But if they gave you the orange one, that has also laxatives in it

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Sonia sighs: “I know it’s dumb, but trying to resist is not a good idea. I have been here for 6 months and now I’m barely aware of when I wet my diaper. Usually, I’m voiding even before the vibration starts.”

At the beginning, it might be hard to pee yourself on purpose, but it’s just a matter of habit. You will learn to go in any position.

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I know, all of this is stupid and, in the long run, becomes also extremely boring. It’s not even about safety: it’s just your first day and they place you in the kitchen, where you can find all the knives you may want.

But, there are worse place to stay in jail. Here it’s not crowded and we are two per cell. Food is another issue, you will find out, but the quality of the food itself is much better than in most other places.

I don’t know who arranged all this and I stopped to care. But, my advice is to give it a chance and think that the alternative could be much worse.

The diapers themselves are of good quality: after the first phew seconds you have wet them, you barely feel the moisture inside. They tend to swell a lot and become heavy, and messing them is a total different stuff, but they do their job and never leak.

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