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Blackmail baby (private )


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Hailey was a very successful business woman who owned one of the largest restaurants chains in the world. She loved everything about her job and her lifestyle. Something was missing for hailey though she was Dom/mommy. She loved caring for someone.  She was going to adopt soon but decided she would wait for the right person. Hailey long brown hair and olive skin tone made it easy for people to fall in love with her. 

One day hailey was home alone when she heard glass break. She got up immediately to see what was going on when she found someone had broke into her house. She was expecting to put a fight with a huge burglar when she was met with a little girl with blonde hair. “ What the hell do you think your doing “ Hailey screamed grabbing the girl by her hands. This girl messed with the wrong person. 

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Christine was an attractive young blonde who was trying to fit in during her first year of college. After going around to meet with all the sororities on campus she found one that she absolutely loved and began the pledging process. It was a lot easier than the rumors she had heard about on social media and from her older cousins, most of the time she had to clean up after the older members in the house or perform some embarrassing song for entertainment. But tonight was the last step, the girls had told her if she did this she was in, no more hazing, no more pledging, she would be a full fledged member Delta Kappa Omega. All she had to do was break into one of the nicest houses in town and steal something and bring it back to the sorority. 

After spending a day choosing which house to pick Christine settled on one and waited for the cover of night. She knew that this was wrong but whoever owned this mansion could probably afford to replace a window and whatever small trinket Christine was going to take, she told herself as she picked up a rock and smashed a window so she could reach in and unlock the door. But before she could pick up an item and scurry away the house lights turned on and she heard a voice of a woman standing a few feet in front of her. "Uhh this isn't what it looks like." Christine stammered trying to come up with an excuse off the top of her head.

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Hailey sighed she picked the girl up and carried her over to the couch. She studied the little girl before she came up with something to do with her. She could clearly send this girl to jail for burglary but knew the girl wouldn’t survive. She also didn’t want the girl to get away scott free. 

“ It looks like you were trying to steal out of my house. I’m going to call the cops and have you sent to jail. Do you know who i am ? You probably never see outside every again when i’m done with you “ Hailey said trying to play hard ball. Hailey knew this girl would be her perfect little girl. “ What’s your name anyway ?”

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Christine struggled but was unable to break free from the larger woman's grasp as she dragged her through the house and forced her on to the sofa.

"No-no I wasn't nothing is missing you can check. I'll leave and you'll never see me again, the cops aren't necessary. Please don't call them" Christine stammered as she tried to call the woman down. "I-I'm Christine."

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Hailey watched as the little girl squirmed.

“ Christine i think calling the cops is alittle extreme since you didn’t take anything yet but I need something in return. You can either choose to stay here with me or you can stay in jail “ Hailey told the little girl. She knew once she got her to agree to stay she would be up in a nursery a couple minutes later. Hailey wasn’t waiting a second later because she finally had her sweet baby girl.  

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Christine nibbled her bottom lip nervously as she looked up at the woman holding her on sofa in the living room. It was just a stupid dare she didn't want to go to jail over a dare. "I'll stay please don't call the police." she says softly hanging her head.

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Hailey smiled when she heard christine sea say that. “ okay baby let’s go “ she cooed she carried christie upstairs into room that had baby written in the door in pastel letters. When hailey opened the door christine would see a elegant pastel purple nursery. Hailey walked over to a changing table and laid christine on it placing a strap over her tummy. “ Mommy so happy you decided to stay it would of have been sad to send you to jail. Now you can be happy baby girl for mommy “ Hailey cooed going over to the closet to pick something for christine to wear. hailey sighed she would have to go shopping for her tomorrow.  

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"Baby what do you mean?" Christine asked nervously as she as grabbed by the stranger and dragged through the house until she was looking at a soft purple room that looked like a nursery except that everything was overgrown to fit an adult. "You have to be joking, did the sorority put you up to this?  I'm not  a baby" Christine said squirming on the table as she watched the woman look for potential outfits for her.

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When christine said sorority hailey sighed she didn’t know christine was apart of it. she finally found a pink night gown  and walked over to the baby on changing table. She also pulled out a pink pull up. 

“yes a baby you proved that you can’t take care of your self. I will re raise into the perfect little girl for mommy. From here on out you will be treated like a two years baby girl “ Hailey cooed taking off all christine clothes. 

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Christine blushed so hard that her cheeks matched the of the night gown and pullup in the woman's hands as she walked back over to the changing table. "Wait-wait I'm not a baby I don't need diapers" Christine whined as her yoga pants, t shirt, bra and panties are stripped off her. 

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“ sssshhh baby mommy knows it’s late and your tired “ Hailey cooed to christine. She slid the pull up on her before placing the night gown over her. She smiled when christine looked like a fussy baby on the changing table. She went over and grabbed a pacifier and slipped it into to christine mouth before hailey lifted her off the changing table. She carried her over to the rocking chair and started rocking and patting her bottom. “ You will feel much better once you get some sleep “

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Christine continued to argue but it was no use the pull up was easily slid into place and the night gown was pulled down over her long blonde hair. "I'm not tired- I'm not a bab-ummpph" she tried say before a brightly covered pacifier was forced into her mouth stopping her from complaining. Trapped in the woman's lap Christine squirmed and fidgeted until her eyes began to flutter close as the woman rocked her to sleep.

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Hailey was happy that christine finally fell asleep. she laid the girl in the crib tucking her in for the night. While christine was sleeping hailey called the sorority to find more about christine. She didn’t find much out but the sorority agreed to kick christine out of it for not completing  the mission leaving her with no place to go. Hailey smiled at that and went to bed. In the morning hailey got dressed and made a nice breakfast for her new baby. She was happy to say that christine was finally her baby even though she didn’t act like it yet. 

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When Christine woke up in the morning all her hopes that last night was a bad dream were quickly smashed when she woke up in an oversized crib wearing the nighty gown and pullup the woman had put her in the night before, thankfully the later was still dry. But feeling a growing pressure in her bladder Christine sat up and said "Hello? Um can you let me out of this thing? I have to go to the bathroom."




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Hailey heard christine call out to her asking to use the bathroom. she walked into the nursery smiling. “ Well good morning baby “ hailey cooed going to christine she lifted her out the crib and carried her over to the changing table. she laid her on the changing table and checked her diaper. “ I have dry wittle baby but that will change soon “ she cooed waiting for christine to let go in the pull up. 

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Christine blushed as she heard Hailey walk into the nursery, "Good Morning" she grumbled as she was lifted out of the crib and carried over to the changing table. Feeling the woman's hand press against the front of her pull up Christine squirmed as her need to pee got worse. "This isn't fair I don't need diap-*Gasp*" before she could finish her thought her full bladder gave out and she began to pee.

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Hailey smiled as christine began to wet the diaper.  Once she was done hailey removed the wet padding cleaning christian up before putting a diaper on her. She went i’ve told the closet and got a yellow sundress with flowers on it for christine she placed the fees on her. “ Don’t you look very adorable “ hailey cooed taking christine of the changing table she carried her downstairs and sat her in the high chair. “ Mommy made you some pancakes and bacon “ she cooed bringing the plate over to christine. 

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Christine squirmed as she felt the padding grow warm and wet beneath her, as the pee flowed out of her bladder. Finally after what seemed like an eternity her bladder emptied and the woman untaped the swollen diaper and cleaned her up before placing a new diaper underneath her. Squirming as the bright dress was pulled down over the top of her. After getting lead into the kitchen Christine watched hungrily as the food got set down in front of her. "Mmm this looks delicious"

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  • 2 years later...

Your story has definitely caught my attention. I'm curious to know how it all unfolds for Hailey and the little girl with blonde hair. Sounds like a thrilling encounter!
By the way, while browsing online, I stumbled upon a helpful resource about protecting yourself from blackmail. It might come in handy considering the situation Hailey finds herself in. You can check it out at https://digitalinvestigation.com/blackmail/
Anyway, I'm new to this forum and excited to join the discussions. Looking forward to hearing more about your story and connecting with fellow members.

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