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He tried to cover himself up but she had already gotten the pictures. "Why are you doing this to me Amy? Please dont sent those to people. I dont want to be a diaper wearing guy." He paused for a moment. "Wait no one will know its me because I am short and weak now." He said looking up at her. 

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"because you look so cute I want some pictures of you being cute." she says then smirks, and then shows him one of the pictures it looks like you not the small and weak you but the normal you in the same pose and outfit your in now.  and then one of you looking just like you do now.  "ooh they will know if I want them too.  but for now I don't so no one will see them."  she says and pauses. "what's so bad about wearing diapers anyways?"

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"you should be"  I nod, "ooh, look at that the wetness indicator has gone off."   I smirk.  "see those extra patterns, they appear when it gets wet. but unless you just flooded your diaper they probably don't need to be changed just yet."

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"so you did, hehe.  and you seem to be getting better with that.  so that's a good boy." she nods. "Keep this up and I'll show you a secret.  for now how about we get you dressed, I'm sure you don't want to be in just  a tshirt and diaper all day."

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"I umm like secrets, but cant I please be bigger?" he asked as she giggled basically ignoring him as she walked to a closet. He stood there in a sagging Thomas pull-up and white t-shirt. He looked like an elementary school kid struggling to not wet the bed. 

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"why do you want to be bigger so badly?  what's so great about it?"  I ask as I pull out a baby onsie in your size, and a fresh diaper and come over.  "Now lay down on the changing pad here and I'll get you cleaned up and dressed."

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He looked as she walked over with something that looked like a baby would wear and an over sized pampers diaper with a smiling elmo on it. "What? I thought I was in pull-ups not real diapers and how are these things so big? And I am supposed to be big not little like this. You are small and you made me smaller than you!"

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"well your progressing to diapers. since you keep peeing them with out even trying to go to the bathroom"  She laughs.  "but tell you what you let me change you into this with out trouble and I'll make you bigger."

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"yea really, you'll no longer be shorter then me, if you make it easy on me to change you. and then I'll show you my secret too." she grins throwing that in, she still has a plan and is interested in seeing where this will go, he does seem to be fighting things a lot less.

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"Well okay, but maybe I like being shorter than you." He said lying down hoping to be taller soon. He felt his heart beating as he got a little nervous as she started to take off his shirt revealing his very boyish looking body. Without his muscles which she stripped from him he looked even younger than 18. 

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"Well if you like it, then you can stay like that." she laughs, "I knew you'd come around."  and once you lay down I take off your pull ups, and clean you off,  before I open up the diaper put baby power over it and then side it under you and tape it on.  then I have you sit up up while I pull the onsie on you like a shirt, before having you lay down again and pull the flaps down and button it up.  "There,  hows that feel?"

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"Wait no I was kidding." He said as she quickly got him dressed up like a baby. The diaper was comfy but felt big on him, had she shrunken him a little more? He looked up at her. 

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He looked into her eyes feeling relieved to be bigger. He smiled, “I’m bigger!” He said. He then realized he was still tiny compared to other high schoolers or even middle schoolers.  

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