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It's Revenge, Baby (one shot)

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I called it a one-shot, even though I left myself some room for a sequel. I guess that depends on how much y'all like it.
I will probably make some edits. I wrote the whole story this evening.
I hope you enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Nissa stumbled down the hallway with clumsy haste. Her hysteria did nothing to combat the disorientation. She lost a step and fell heavy against the wall, sending a picture frame and Nissa both cascading to the floor with a crash. “SHIT!!! no, no, no...” she whispered through a tense grimace. Hoping that the comotion wouldn't wake her daughter up. She was almost to the front door.

“Mom? What are you doing out of bed?” Grace asked, blinding Nissa when she flipped the lights on. “You know we have a big day tomorrow.”

“NOO!!! NO! NO! NO!” Nissa quailled as she scrambled to reach the door on all fours. “NOOOO!!!” A blood curdling scream echoed through the house when Grace caught up, and took hold of her. “GRACE!!! I’M YOUR MOTHER!!! LET ME GO!!! Get the FUCK off me!!!”

“Mom! Stop fighting. It’s for your own good!” Grace argued. As she wrestled a pill into her mothers mouth. “There we go, you will feel better real soon.”

“I don’t want them!” She screamed as she spit the pill out of her mouth. Which of course led to another wrestling match with her daughter. Nissa ended up on her back.

Despite being smaller than Nissa, Grace  found little challenge in overpowering her mother. She straddled her waist, and pinned her arms to the floor with her legs. “God damn it!!! SWALLOW IT!” Grace yelled. Forcing the pill back into her mother’s mouth, and holding it shut with both hands. Nissa writhed under her daughter’s weight. Her legs, being the only thing not secured, flailed wildly. Meeting the walls of the narrow hallway with devastation, and a crescendo of breaking glass. 

“GOD DAMN IT!!!” Grace screamed. “Stop! If you don’t calm down you’re going to have an accident. And I really don’t feel like changing a dirty fucking diaper tonight!”

“I’m not…” Nissa tried to protest more, but trailed off. Her desperate writhing had slowed to a pathetic wiggle.

“That pill is working fast, ussually you have a bit more fight in you.” Grace said with a sigh of relief.

“Nuh... no... hhgregg...” Nissa mumbled and grunted. The pill was kicking in. but the was not the only reason Nissa quit fighting so hard. She squirmed about under her daughter for a few more seconds before her toes curled up and a thunderous fart erupted from underneath the two women. Followed by another shriek from Nissa, and a newly mustered vigor to escape before the pills took full effect.

Grace was none too happy to be proven right. “GREAT!!! Just fucking great. I told you! I'm not dealing with this shit tonight. Literally. You can sleep in it. I’ll change you before we go to court in the morning.” the last thing Nissa remembered  was being hulled back to her bed, and tucked into a mess of her own design. Just as Grace was about to get back into bed herself there was a knock at the front door. “Now what!?!”

“Police! We received a call about a domestic dispute.” Grace heard them shout through the door as she made her way down the hallway that was still covered in broken glass and picture frames.

“Hi officers. I’m sorry about this. My mother was having an episode, she hasn’t been well lately.” Grace offered. “Everything is fine now.”

“Can we speak to your mother?” One of the officer’s asked. “Are you a resident of the household?”

“She won’t add much to the conversation I’m sure, but please... come in” Grace stepped aside. “Watch your step. She made quite the mess. 

“Dispatch, this is car sixty-six. We have a young lady here taking care of her mother. We’re going to check on the mother, but it looks like everything's under control here.

Grace could hear her mother’s muffled cries through the door as she took hold of the doorknob. “Great. She better not  be lucid enough to say  anything  stupid to the cops.” Grace  thought. She glanced at her watch while pulling open the door. “Six more hours you bitch. You better not ruin this for me.

“I go brrrr... and the fox said... pbbtttt...” Nissa was thankfully talking gibberish and blowing raspberries, she didn’t even notice them come in the room at first.

“As you can see... she isn’t well.” Grace said to the cops, finally catching a distracted Nissa’s attention as she moved towards the bed. “Mom, you have to stop throwing the blankets off.” Grace said with a gentle sincerity as she returned the comforter from the floor. “Uh-oh. It looks like someone needs to get changed. Good thing the police came to check on you.” Grace pretended to know nothing of her mothers soiled state. “We will get you cleaned up as soon as the nice officer’s leave.”

“Ma’am. My name is Officer Davis. Are you okay otherwise?” the older of the two cops said as he approached the bed. “Nissa?!? Is that you?” he said, surprised.

“You know each other?” Grace asked nervously. Turning her attention away from her mother, to Officer Davis. His gaze was fixed on Nissa’s exposed diaper. Eyes filled with pity. 

“I... umm... We went out on a few dates a while ago. I thought everything was going fine, then one day she quit responding. I always wondered what happened. I figured it was me... but...” his gaze fell back to his ex-lover’s pitiful state. “Hello Nissa, It’s Mark. Do you remember me?” Nissa’s distant apathetic stare turned to one of fear and shame. Even this loaded she knew she should be embarrassed to be seen in such a state by the man she loved. “What happened to her?”

“She had a nervous breakdown a few weeks ago. My older sister and her got in a big fight, and she just snapped. She started taking pills, and drinking a lot more. By the time I realized how bad off she was, it was too late. I tried to control it, and take away her pills. She ended up going to score more, and got in a wreck. She almost died.” Grace made a conscious effort to not sound excited. “The doctors are not sure if she’ll make a full recovery. We are actually going to court tomorrow, so I can legally be in charge of her estate until she’s better.”

“No…” Nissa squeaked. trying to make sense of what her daughter was saying. She definitely knew nothing about Grace taking control of her estate. Partly because that isn’t how any of this happened at all - but, mostly because Grace had been force feeding her insane amounts of valium for weeks, and  she hadn’t finished a complete thought in days. Not through the drug fueled stupor she was prey to anyway. “Not...” Nissa squeaked again, before mustering the strength to yell. “NO!!! I... I don’t... she... she do it. SHE DIDID IT!!! SHE... ShEeeWWW…”

Nissa was obviously about to rat her out. “Thank god I didn’t change her diaper.” Grace thought. “Who knows what she would have managed to say if she didn’t start bouncing around in a pile of her own shit, and getting so grossed out. “We should probably go, before she gets too worked up.” Grace proposed. Hoping they saw enough to be satisfied.

“Of course. Of course. I’m so sorry Grace.” Officer Davis thankfully agreed, and turned to leave with his partner. “I know it’s late, but if you have a moment I’d like to talk outside quickly.   

“Sure! Let’s go talk now. I’ll change her diapers after that. I’ll be right behind you.” Grace was relieved to know they’d soon be gone.

“Nooo...” Nissa moaned as the two men left the room. Nissa’s defeated, pleading eyes met her daughter’s minatious stare as the two men’s footsteps retreated down the hall.

Grace heard the front door close, as she leaned in close to her mother, and whispered. “That was close. You almost did it.” She kissed Nissa’s forehead. “Almost... We’ll have to give you an extra pill tomorrow, so you don’t say anything stupid in front of the judge.”

“Stupid what... like...?” Nissa struggled to form a sentence. The drugs were really getting under her now.

“Stupid like: ‘...I’m a prisoner in my own home... Grace did this to me. she has been drugging me for weeks so she can gain control of my estate…’ You know, just stuff like that.” Grace said bitterly. “You really shouldn’t have threatened to take away my trust fund, and cut me off.” Grace continued as she made her way to the door. Poking her head back into the room before she locked Nissa in her room. “Oh yeah. You should probably just go to bed. If it wasn’t clear I will definitely not be coming back to change you tonight. Maybe next time you want to throw a fit like this you’ll think about sleeping in that nasty thing all night before you do.”

They were in her art gallery, shortly after the judge ruled in Grace’s favor. What was left of it, anyway. Nissa couldn’t believe this was happening. It was an all day affair, as Grace sold her mother’s collection, that she spent a lifetime curating. Grace was selling for pennies on the dollar. She wanted to scream every time someone walked out of the venue with one of her treasured pieces. Grace’s threat of doubling up on medication today however was not passed in vain. It took everything Nissa had to hold her head up. Not that she wanted to watch her life’s work get sold for pennies on the dollar.

The sun was going down. She was still snuggly strapped into the adult sized stroller that she had become all too acquainted with these past couple weeks. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and she groaned in despair as the last piece was ripped away. Her favorite painting, to add insult to injury. She managed to try to find some solace in the fact that it couldn't possibly get any worse. She thought anyway.

Nissa pushed a hot mess into the seat of her, already soaking wet, diaper, as her daughter happily accepted 1000 dollars for a painting Nissa payes 40,000 dollars for last year. 

Surely now this was the worst it could get. She tried to get her daughters attention, so she could at least get changed out of this dirty diaper. 

Despite Graces cruel punishment last night, she was usually pretty good about not letting Nissa sit in her own filth too long. She fought the drugs best she could, to little effect. She managed a pathetic cry, as she limply reached her weak arms towards Grace. Unfortunately something else caught her attention first. 

Grace opened the front door to the gallery and Nissa heard her best friend Rachel’s voice. She hadn’t seen her in weeks. She desperately didn’t want Rachel to see her like this. Nissa was much worse for wear than the last time she remembered seeing Rachel. It was shortly after this terribly embarrassing exhibition started. She was sure Rachel was going to rescue her. Surely her best friend wouldn't let this happen to her. She knew Grace was about to get cut off. She was smart. She should be able to figure out what is really going on.

Like all other shimmering lights of hope in Nissa’s life lately - this one too was struck down in it’s infancy. 

“Gracie! I’m sorry I didn’t make it sooner. But I had a day from hell. I can’t even.” Nissa watched in horror as her salvation embraced the cause of all her misfortune with open arms. There was still more salt for her wounds though. Seconds ago she couldn’t have imagined how it could get worse. But it did.

Rachel, and Grace’s platonic embrace tip-toed across a line in the sand. Nissa watched in absolute horror as her best friend made out with her teenage daughter.

“Rachel...” Grace blushed as she pulled away from her mother's friend. “I haven’t told my mom about us yet.”

“Oh. right. Your ‘mom’.” Rachel sang in a tone rank of sarcastic disgust. “You can start calling her your baby any day now. I think we both know little Nissa here isn’t going to be making a full recovery. My husband hasn’t yet. And he’s been shitting himself and babbling like a baby for months.” Rachel finally addressed a now maniacally distraught Nissa. On the inside - she was distraught on the inside. To any bystander she was perfectly content sitting in her stroller, wearing a dirty diaper, drooling like a baby. “Isn’t that right? We can call you our baby, huh? I think we can.” Rachel laughed as she walked across the room to Nissa’s stroller. “Oh god! We sure can!” Rachel huffed through a scrunched up face. “Did someone have an accident, huh?” Rachel teased. “Yes she did! Yes she did!” She booped Nissa on the nose. “Yes she did make a stinky. Yes she did.”  

“Ugh! I should probably change her then.” Grace groaned. “She already has a diaper rash. I made her sleep in a stinky diaper after last night.”

Nissa couldn’t believe that something so terrible could make her best friend laugh even harder. “Uh oh... Does someone have a diaper rash? We better get the baby cleaned up soon then.” Rachel was still using baby talk any time she addressed Nissa. “I’ll take care of her, we need to talk anyway. Plus the contractor will be here any minute anyway. We need to do a lot of work here if we want to open up before Jazz Fest. Your mom has the worst taste in decorating.” Rachel turned back to Nissa, voice and all. “Isn’t that right little baby? Yes, yes it is. Were gonna turn your gallery into a rock venue.” Rachel continued to mock her friend, as she unbuckled her from the stroller. “Let’s be honest babe. All that ‘art’ you’ve been collecting was ca-ca anyway. Yes it was. It was poo-poo huh? It belongs in your diaper doesn’t it.” That made Rachel laugh harder than she had yet.

“Here’s her diaper bag. Thanks Rachel. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Grace praised as she handed off the diaper bag.

“Well now that everything is settled in court, you don’t have to worry about that. Now we can sell the Baby’s house, and you two can move in with me and baby Tony.” Rachel again turned to her ‘friend’. “Don’t worry baby. I have a brand new nursery built just for you.” Nissa finally managed an emotional response for the first time all day. Albeit, if it was only a distant, deeply mortified stare. with a dash of almost every other terrible feeling thrown in for good measure.   

“Why…” Nissa managed a subdued cry of anguish, despite screaming with all her might. on the inside. She was a prisoner in her own body. Incapable of doing anything but awkwardly wiggle, and watch from the prison that was her eyes, as one of her closest friends in the world ridiculed her as she changed her diaper. 

“There we go. What’s that look for?” Rachel noticed the spark in Nissa’s eyes. “I was starting to wonder if you could even comprehend what’s happening. God knows Tony can’t anymore.” Rachel turned back to grace. “Don’t worry Gracie dear, the first couple weeks were hard for Tony too. But he either gave up, or all those pills I fed him fried his brain for good.”

“Good. Give her a whole bottle.” Grace jested. “Fry that brain, if it makes her behave. I know what my mom meant when she said she can’t wait till I have a baby and get a dose of my own medicine.”

Nissa’s eyes shifted between the two. Obviously more confused than ever. “Do you get it yet Nissa?” Rachel asked. “No? That’s okay. It’s a lot for your little baby brain, I know.” She sprinkled nissa’s naked body with baby powder. “Come on, use those last couple big girl brain cells Nissa. Do you think it’s a coincidence that Tony fell violently ill after I found out he cheated on me?” Nissa’s eyes grew wider, most of the other emotions had left them. They were completely full of the fear now. “There you go... I think you’re starting to get it. You want to know a secret I never told you though?” Rachel stuck the last tab down. strapping Nissa’s fresh diaper securely around her hips. “I never told you that I know who he was cheating on me with now.” Nissa’s eyes grew even wider. “That’s right. Imagine my surprise when Grace shows up to my house the night you two got in a fight, and she tells me that my best friend was having an affair with my husband.”

“You didn’t think I knew about that did you mom? To be fair, you weren't very careful.” Grace chimed in. 

“After a few drinks, I may have let it slip that Tony’s condition wasn’t... how do I say... natural. It barely took any convincing to talk your daughter into doing the same to you. I didn’t even need to take her to the bedroom to make her decide that.”

Grace was blushing again. “It didn’t hurt, though. I’d say I’m sorry mo... baby girl... but I think this new life is gonna be better for everyone.”

“Grace. You don’t have to lie. Sure, you and I are going to have a great time. You’re rich now too, and I have a beautiful 19 year old girlfriend.” Rachel interrupted, and then pointed to Nissa. “Her and Tony however are gonna be living a nightmare.” Rachel’s attention once again shifted back to Nissa. “Yes you are! Who’s gonna live in  a nightmare? You are! Yes you are!” Her and Grace laughed. “At least Tony will keep you company now. He might not be as fun as you remember, I think his ‘equipment’ quit working last month. But that’s okay, because babies don’t have sex.

“Speaking of... when was that contractor supposed to be here?” Grace flashed a coy smile, and winked at Rachel.

“I’ll text him, and tell him to take his time. I was hoping you’d say that. All this revenge has made me super horny! Come over here my little lamb.” Rachel stood up to embrace Gracie, who was eagerly skipping across the room. 

“First things first.” Grace knelt down to her mother’s side, and popped a pill in her mouth before taking Rachels hand. Nissa sobbed as she watched her ‘best friend’ once again embrace her daughter. With a lot less clothes this time. It had been a while since she had the thought that this was all a terrible dream. But she so very desperately wanted to wake up right now. The gods greeted her prayers with the exact opposite. Nissa was left on the floor while her daughter, and ‘best friend’ enjoyed each other's bodies. 

Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse... Nissa felt a familiar warmth spreading across her crotch. “I really need to stop thinking that.” she thought. “This is just great. I just got changed. There’s no chance they’re going to change me anytime soon.” Nissa already knew enough about her new life to know that much, but that didn’t stop her. She threw as much of a fit that her weak body could throw. She kicked and cried, but her pleas were drowned out by the sounds of ecstasy erupting on the couch next to her. Nissa had one last moment of reflection - truly. Nissa caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirrored ceiling of ‘her’ gallery, and started crying even harder. “I really am a baby.” It was all she could do - cry until someone changed her diaper. She closed her eyes and tried to cry herself to sleep. She was rarely wearing diapers in her dreams.

“MOM!” Nissa opened her eyes. Just in time to see the nipple of a big pacifier being pushed into her face. “You’re really killing the mood.” Grace swatted her padded butt. “Now shut up. And be a good baby. I don’t want to see that binky come out of your mouth the rest of the night.”

“She better get used to it. She isn’t going to be happy that binkies and diapers are just the start of her punishment.” Rachel scoffed. “But I don’t think she’d be very happy if she knew the rest either.”

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