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Fun Play time with my Girlfriend


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Me and my girlfriend who also loves to wear diapers decided to have a playdate where we both go to our little side and play like babies in her apartment, we played hide and seek, played with toys, played Mario Party 7 on my GameCube that I brought and a whole bunch of other super fun stuff she also set up a cooler with bottles and snacks in it. Well after a few hours and our diapers (we were both in Cushies) were wet and were playing Mario Party and I can smell a dirty diaper, well she messed her diaper so I say "did you make a dirty diapee?" she responds yes and soon I have the feeling of needing to go #2 so I go and load my diaper we then eat a bunch of the snacks and then she hands me a bottle and we drink well she put some fiber powder in it and after another hour we both load our diapers up again, they have pretty big bulges and are sagging down. She gets up and says she's going to get new diapers when I tell her that "babies don't know how to change dirty diapees" she goes along with it and for another half hour we play until we decide we need to be changed.

We crawl into the kitchen and she gets her phone and decides to call a mutual friend Stephanie, Stephanie is a girl I met when my family had a seasonal spot at a campground and due to a car accident she has to wear diapers all the time because she is urinary incontinent but ever since I known her she just uses her diapers for both functions and I've known her since were both 6. My girlfriend calls her and when she picks up we both say "Mommy we need diapee changes!" then my girlfriend puts her phone down next to the back of her diaper and she farts and then messes again, Stephanie likes playing mommy when she's over so we invite her over sometimes. Steph comes over and we are laying in her bedroom on the floor and before she opens the door she says "Wew I smell a couple ripey diapees" she comes in and decides not to change us at first, no the first thing mommy Steph needs to do is to make sure the babies are fed first so she has us crawl out to the living room and she sits down on the couch and unbuttons her shirt and bra and has us breast feed from her, next she needs to make sure that the babies diapers are not going to waste and has us lay on the floor, she pulls out two magic wands and uses them on us, when we orgasm then she decides to change us and decides to double us up in two Rearz Safari diapers.


This was one of best times I've had being little, probably because the virus lockdown had me board, but this little escape from everything was amazing. 

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11 hours ago, Joey_AB_DL said:

Wow, such a lucky couple to have found each other and time to play.  Add in a caregiver and it seems like heaven. Thanks for sharing. 


My girlfriend is someone I knew from high school and we ended up working in the same casino just different parts, when we started dating I was afraid to come out as a DL until I noticed a crinkling sound on a few of our dates, turns out she loved wearing diapers too and was trying to get me to notice them, after our fifth date we went back to her place and she showed me the wet Cushies she was wearing and asked if I was ok with her liking diapers I told her that I would let her know on our next date. After the next date we went back to my place and I asked to change her and told her to close her eyes she did and I put one of my Dino Elites on her then her extra Cushies over that and told her that I liked wearing diapers too 

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  • 7 months later...

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