littleCOWBOY Posted March 20, 2020 Posted March 20, 2020 BY : little COWBOY INTRO ENTER, stage right : the Corona Virus.I was the sous chef at Dr. John’s restaurant. Before the country fell into chaos, behind the corona virus. Through a briefing at the hospital one day, John was told New Orleans was about to be quarantined - by military force. Nobody was going to be let in or out of the city. That same morning, I woke up to a call from John. I could tell something was wrong, because he sounded scared. Dr. John was never scared. “Spark, can you hear me? Wake up... pack your bags, get your dog, and meet Melissa at my house... ASAP.” He filled me in on the impending crisis, and his plan : to get all of us up to his cabin in Mississippi, until this was all over. “The city is going to riot,” he predicted “It won’t be safe here for a while.” Melissa was John’s girlfriend. When I first met her I was convinced she was ‘Megan Gadot’. (Megan Gadot is what I imagine Megan Fox and Gal Gadot would look like after doing the ‘fusion dance’) She was just stepping out of her pink Porsche When I pulled up. “Perfect timing!” she yelled, “Hurry up! I’ll load all this into the truck. Go ahead and get the trailer hooked up and we can leave”. “GRRRR... WHAAAHHERR... WHERE… is everyone else? UGGH...” I questioned - between strained grunts, while I wrestled the loaded trailer onto the hitch. “Phooooie!!! DONE!” I declared, thoroughly out of breath. I rested my shaky arms on my hips and puffed my chest out. “Yayyy! My little travel size Superman,” Melissa let a coy giggle “Let’s go! Come boy! come on Zeus!” She ushered my pup into the car. “Good boy! You’re driving”... she threw the truck keys at me. “I want to drink wine.” “Is it just us?” a stupid question, as the truck was packed so full there was barely enough room for Melisa, Zeus, and I. “Yes sir. Why... do you not want to go to the cabin with me?” She was wearing a facetiously flirty smile, knowing full-well she was a goddess in my eyes. “Don’t worry. Everyone else is going to meet us there. We are going to get a head start so we can get the cabin ready.” SEVERAL HOURS LATER... It was getting late and nobody else had showed up, and we had no cell service there. John's cabin was, literally, in the middle of nowhere. We probably would have been more worried... but... whiskey. “Well... here’s to hoping they show up soon.” Melissa said as she emptied the last of the whiskey into our cups. “I have... other stuff...” I hesitated for a moment. Unnecessarily. “Like what?” Melissa eagerly asked, in a tone that suggested she wasn’t opposed to much. I read too much into that question... It was her first time doing cocaine. The long and short of it... she wasn’t handling it well : “Am I supposed to be this hot?” she asked anxiously, as she sloppily pulled her sweater off. The ‘undershirt’ she was wearing rode up her tight body, beside the effort. Her breasts - which I very much wanted to see - ironically stopped the highly anticipated exhibition. Even so... that much of Melissa's bare skin was tantalizing. “And... I think I have to go...” she stopped mid sentence, wearing a wry face that exhibited her apparent distress. Melissa arched her back with a ridged heave - presenting an astounding display of her bosoms' remarkable cleavage. “MELISSA!!! ARE YOU…PISSING YOUR...” I couldn’t even finish my sentence, before she interrupted me - as if I had too. It was glaringly obvious what she was doing. Rather... what she was trying not to do. “I... I... don’t know what’s… fuck, fuck FUCK!!! Oh my god no! no! NOOO!!!” She was gracelessly squirming on the tippies of her pigeon toed feet. Her legs were trembling - knees pressed tightly against one another. The piss pouring down the length of her tight blue jeans was the least of her worries though. Melissa was reaching behind herself. Desperately grabbing solid handfuls of her backsides own legendary embonpoint - attempting to quell the real problem... like that was going to stop the mess that was already filling her panties. “Are you... okay?” I finally broke the silence. “Do you...” She didn’t let me finish my sentence - even though she didn’t know what she wanted to say in her defence. “I... NO!!!” she cried, “I JUST DIDN’T KNOW…” Tears were starting to well in the corners of her dreadfully embarrassed eyes. She hunched forward reluctantly, to examine the mess she had just made. “DON’T LOOK AT MEEE... EEEWAHHH... WHYYYAHH!!!” Melissa retched with every gruesome step, as she awkwardly toddled towards the bathroom. BASED ON ACTUAL EVENTS… kind of...( Some coworkers and I are going to my owner's cabin until they turn New Orleans back on. ) Not to make light of a serious situation... My heart goes out to everyone having a hard time through this. If you need someone to talk to you can message me.See... what had happened though…It's where my mind wandered last night I am thinking about expanding the idea into a short novel... It's my first story.
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