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Missed opportunity


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    Yesterday I had an early morning dental appointment, so I couldn't poop in my diaper like I usually do, since I wouldn't have time to enjoy it in my diaper, then do the clean-up.  So I had to make a donation to the porcelain throne.  I dropped this super-big load, almost making the toiled overflow.  I could scarcely believe I could have that much in me. I thought about how heavenly it would have felt to enjoy that big load in my diaper.

    Today I had the house all to myself, So I diapered myself up, put on my little pink sissy dress and pink patent leather little girl shoes, climbed into my adult crib and started drinking my bottle of warm formula.  Soon after I had the urge to poop, so I grunted a little, then let go with a good healthy push.  Two little marbles!  That's all the poop I could coax out of me!  My diaper felt no different than if I hadn't pooped at all.  All that preparation for nothing.  Nothing more discouraging  than being a constipated DL.  Better luck next time, tomorrow's another day.





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