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Head Cheerleader Turned School Laughing Stock (open for one little girl)


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The paper read,

Aww, what's a matter, little girl? All kids your age have a little bit of baby fat! Meet me by the flagpole ASAP, Babykins. ~Merlin

Nobody was looking at you, it was the perfect time to make a break for it. There was a very strange feeling in your abdomen, but nothing else mattered right now, things had to be sorted out. Here and now!

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I ran to the flagpole with the feeling in my abdomen getting worse the more that I ran. I got to the flagpole and there he was, the kid from earlier. I stood there with my mouth hung right open, ready to say something, to cry, to scream, but I couldn't get anything out other than a dull stare. I couldn't do it! I had to stay there but, I couldn't say a thing, I had to think it through.

So i just stood there with my mouth hanging wide open

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"My my my... you look different. What happened to that beautiful figure you were so proud to strut around?" His face then morphed plainly before your eyes, "Ahhhh, speechless I see... the transformation is finally making strides!" His haggard voice was no longer there, It sounded somewhat pleasant now. And his skin was a lot smoother now, with hints of acne left In his complexion. His back was now only mildly slouched and his clothes even became a nice hoodie and jeans. He looked completely normal now, like any other high schooler. He smiled and his  still yellowy teeth emerged in a grin behind his lips. 

"Looks like you're starting to spiral into your rightful form now baby doll." His eyes traced down to the girls feet. At this same time, Kitty would notice that the pressure in her abdomen was beginning to clear up. "Uh-oh!" said Merlin in a sing-song tune "look what big bad Kitty did!"

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He grinned with amusement, "You know what the best part is? My magic doesn't effect you mentally! You're just acting the part all by yourself." He leans down and tilts your chin up, "I'll tell you what... I like making deals. If you look daddy in the eye, tell him what you just did, and beg for him to clean it up for you, then it will be done. Go on... I wanna hear you say it..."

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"You sure did! Now I'll clean you up just as I promised!" I snap my fingers then chuckle maniacally. You notice the puddle that soaked your cheerleading skirt and the grass below you was doing something strange. It was starting to rise and pool its way up your thighs, defying all physics. The same warmth you just felt pouring down your legs moments ago was relived excruciatingly and mysteriously in reverse.

The moment the first stream vanished under the hem of your cheer skirt, you could feel an even stranger and almost nostalgic feeling, pushing your legs apart slowly but surely. It was all happening so fast and in such rapid succession that you could barely guess what such a feeling could be originating from.

"You see Kitty..." His complexion only gets brighter and his muscle mass increases slightly. "I cleaned it up for you. Now at least you can say you never peed your pants." He chuckled.

It was all starting to make sense... Merlin was becoming more attractive and charming, the more Kitty was humiliated and brought down a peg.

"I'm sure you get it now.. even a dumb little baby could understand it by now... Tata for now KittyKat! Good luck hiding your new clothes.."

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I immediately tried feeling whatever was pushing my legs apart, it confirmed my worst fear, a diaper.

I stood there dumbfounded and tried to take it off but couldn't figure out how. I looked at him as he walked away and tried running after him but I could only do an awkward waddle-run thing to try and catch up to him.

"WAIT! PLEASE! I CAN'T GO HOME LIKE THIS!" I called after him

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"Oh won't you? If I were you, I'd get home as soon as you can before the buses all leave. It'll be harder to hide a diaper that wet, especially on the interstate. See you tomorrow Little Miss Fluffy Bottoms!" He cooed before dissolving into mist. Faintly you can hear the buses exhaust firing up out front. They'd be leaving any minute. Do you risk the bus or take the walk on the busy interstate?

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I get on the bus trying to hide my diaper with my backpack, it works slightly but eagle eyed kids notice the diaper. I see Ashley on the bus and sit down next to her, the diaper makes a light squish noise as I sit down and one of the kids yells out loudly

"KITTY'S WEARING A DIAPER" everyone looks in my direction and I try to hide myself but it's no use. Everyone points and laughs and stares and teases and I'm just sitting there next to Ashley almost crying as kids chant out "KITTY IS A PEE PANTS!" over and over and over. I just want it all to stop. I cover my head with the back of my uniform and try to hide away

The bus starts moving and I see the freshmen from earlier staring at me from outside the bus. I might as well have had a pacifier in my mouth I thought as the bus drove down the road

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One girl from the cheerleading team piped up, "Oh I get it! You gained all that wait because you can't exercise with a sopping wet diaper like that huh, is that it Kitty?" the squad laughs along with the bus.

"Shut up! All of you just shut up!" Ashley yelled. 

The bus got really quiet since Ashley raising her voice was such a rarity it was practically law. Although while it felt like Ashley was doing that in defense of Kitty, she seemed just as mad at the diaper clad girl as she was with everyone else in the bus.

That was until everyone started murmuring and some girls whispered while looking towards the front of the bus.. 

"Omg is that the new kid?"

"He's so cool."

"And talk about dreamy..." 

Then... on walked the most terrifying thing Kitty could have imagined. It was Merlin.. the transformation was complete it seemed. He strode onto the bus with a girl in each rippling muscly arm. Everyone seemed to instantly adore him and pat him on the back on his way down the aisle. He then simply looked at you... and gave a final finger snap. A piece of paper once again twirled into your hands. But before he went to the far back of the bus, he couldn't help but stare at Ashley, like a wolf might gaze at the moon. But, yet just like the moon somehow, she never looked back. It was like she was immune to his charm somehow.

"Hey there little lady..." He cooed at Ashley, who simply rose an unenthused eyebrow, "Here's my number, don't spend it all in one night, you hear?" 

She rolled her eyes and took the slip of paper with his number on it saying, "Yeah don't count on it buddy..." 

He simply coughed and kept moving. The folded paper in your hand then fidgeted, distracting from the bizarre situation unfolding before you.

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Enjoy your new lisp? Or is that a spoiler? Well how's this for a spoiler: Come Midnight tonight, you will have undergone your full transformation. After that, you'll be stuck seeing life from the lowest point of the totem pole, looking up at me, right where you used to be. Maybe you'll even go back down a few schooling levels.. AAAAAALL the way back to daycare. I'll make sure to have one of your old squad members babysit you every once and a while. Enjoy your last day of having an ego... Stinky Kitty.

 It was only then that you felt a pressure in your gut like a bowling ball was dropped on it. Ashley had already gotten up and walked off the bus since this was her stop right down the road from your house. Despite the short distance, the torrent in your tummy was not about to play the waiting game with her. Now with her best friend gone all she could hope was that nobody was watching her. The focus it took for you to hold it back was almost paralyzing...

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I tried holding it and waiting until I got to my stop I propped my backpack up and tried to get into a comfortable position. There was no way I could without drawing too much attention, so I just sat there in pain and waited.

It felt like an eternity until I reached my stop, I got out of my seat and as soon as I stood up I let out a large fart and I began to fill my diaper, I pulled down my skirt and ran out of the bus as everyone began to laugh, I stared at Merlin with a terrified look in my eye as well as a look of anger. What has he done I thought

Midnight comes and I am still in the same diaper as I could not figure out how to change out of it, nor did I have more diapers to change into. I now have an irritating itch that I just want to scratch as I arrive at Merlin’s home

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Merlin chuckled his charming sinister laugh and laid back in his seat. A crease came over his forehead though as he thought about the girl Kitty was sitting next to. He gulped having never felt these emotions toward a human. It was always considered bad luck for mages to love humans. But at the moment, he felt invincible and unmatched.

The neighborhood kids are playing outside of your house and they all stop, pointing and laughing at you. But it wasn't just because of the nearly overflowing diaper swaying between your legs, but the entirety of your outfit. the fabric of your uniform was on its way to forming a pair of pastel blue overall skirt with a teddy bear on the front. The hem of the skirt squeezed the diapers front and back side uncomfortably only to emphasize it. Your top was becoming a pink and white striped T shirt. The outfit would be absolutely precious!!!... If it wasn't on a 17 year old girl.

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I had waddled all the way there with people staring at me while I did and I was exhausted

The outfit was also very uncomfortable as it squeezed the nearly overflowing diaper to my body while I walked- waddled making it all the more uncomfortable. I waddle up to Merlin’s door and knock

I felt disgusted and completely broken inside as I knocked on the door, knowing I might never see my parents again, and that I would probably endure a life full of humiliation and babying

I wet my diaper more with fear as I waited for Merlin to answer the door. It was almost wet enough that it could leak, and it was not comfortable

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The door creaks open and a cold air beckons you forward. "Come in! Come in! You really shouldn't be out there unsupervised little one..." 

The moon began to trade with the suns last gleamings of daytime. There could only be a few hours left before she was stuck like this forever. 

"So... what brings you here sweetums? Are you lost?" He swivels around in his reclining chair and chuckles.

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I gravitate a chair to land behind you and gesture towards it. "C'mon! Take a seat! It would be disrespectful not to!" He smirks waiting for her to lower herself into the chair, "I got one of my wooden ones. I can't let a baby like you have a huge blowout on my good seats after all!" I grin.

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