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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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“ we have to go talk to the counselor about our arrangement so you can get credit for classes still. Then prolly shopping for you and some grocery “ Hailey said she went over and grabbed a light green romper.


"Ok!* Aren said letting Hailey put the Romper on him, after she was finished, Aren got his phone and earphones so he could listen to music after they were done with the counselor, "Mommy? Is it ok if I bring my phone with me?" He asked looking up at her


Hailey thought about it. “ sorry baby you can’t have a phone we have to make this look believable. So let mommy hold ont to it. “ Hailey said taking the phone. “ can go out your shoes on “


Aren looked depressed that he couldn't have his phone to listen too, but didn't want to get in trouble so he got his shoes on, and snapped the velcro together on them, not only was his stature small, but so were his feet, so his shoes were found in Childrens, 


Hailey had the diaper bag and walked over to aren. “ alright let’s go get some breakfast Dunkin donuts sound good” Hailey asked holding her hand. 


Aren got up and held Hailey's hand as the head out the dorm room, and into the hall, as they walked he could see a lot of other students looking at him before returning to what they were originally doing, while others giggled and had, *thats cute* look when they passed by them, Aren hoped Hailey didn't park too far cos while he didn't think anyone would cause trouble for someone that looked as much as a toddler as him, he was still nervous and embarassed and he held Hailey's hand tightly but not too tightly while sucking his thumb with his free hand.


Hailey opened the backdoor wear a car seat was then buckled Aden and swapped his thumb for a pacifier. She kissed his head before getting in the driver seat. 

“ what kind of donut do you want from Dunkin’ Donuts” Hailey asked.



"Chocolate!!!" Aren replied in excitment, "the chocolate ones that have that yummy stuff inside!" He added not knowing the donut type name, he quiet down and suckled his Paci as Hailey started the car, though Aren couldn't resist making Vroom noises with his mouth.


Hailey got that donut for Aren and apple juice.  Then pulled over and put juice in a sippy cup for him the hot bib out tied around his neck and handed him donut. “ there go baby “ Hailey said to him.


Aren eats his donut and had a joyious look, as he ate, the chocolate and cream got on his face and hands, and a little on his bib, after he was done, he started drinking his apple juice slowly and giggled happily at being given a sweet treat, Aren was determine to be a good boy, and not forgetting his manners he say, "Thank you Mommy for da donut!!! Sowwy I was messy!" 


Hailey smileled at the little boy eating a donut. Drove to the meeting. “ good thing mommy put a bib on you so you didn’t you clothes messy “ Hailey said wiping his face and hands with a wipe and taking the bib off


*giggling with excitment  and happiness,* Aren let Hailey carry him out of the car and setting him down, and waited like a good boy as she got his diaper bag and other things he needed for the meeting,  as much as he wanted to play and run around, he didn't.


Hailey carried the diaper bag in the office then waited for them to be let in the room to talk about seen. “ ms.summer we got a baby for the class aren. He would love to be taken care and didn’t mind the attention. But I would like aren to tell what he doesn’t not want to happen during class. What he feels comfortable doing “ Hailey said.


Aren gulps, he wasn't used to talking to a group of people and didn't know what to say, "I uhhhhh, unmmm" he blushes, "I no like meanies  and I no like being yelled at, dats all" he said, "I wanna be happy and evewyone else to be happy, jus remember I a boy! No girly stuff!!!" He added remembering one time someone tried too put him in a dress and look all girly..


Summer smiled at the cute boy. “ that seems to work out perfectly. How about I give you a tour and go through your day “ summer said holding her hand out to seen. So he would have both Hailey and summer hand.


Aren took summers hand as they guide him around and told him what will be going on as well as what to expect while being there, the boy paid attention, and giggled every now and then from happiness he couldn't explain, as they walked around the area, Aren noticed his diaper getting warm suddenly as his bladder let go, unaware he had to go in the first place, he pretended not to notice as he continued peeing while walking with Hailey and Summer.

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