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Hero to Baby

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This is a very unique roleplay! And for anyone who loves Superhero-type stuff, fighting the "the bad guys". But with a twist.  And I'm hoping to have a skilled, experienced roleplay partner for this! 

Summary: Nicole, 10 yeas old was playing in the backyard of her parents home when she found something glowing in the dirt a couple feet away, in the dark shadows of the trees. It was a contol device of some sort and it looked alive. As soon as she picked it up, its wirings worked its way up her arms and then all over her body. She was screaming for her parents at this time, but before it was over, she woke up in a cold sweat. It was a dream...or was it?

Meanwhile on the other side of the world, the human enemies who spent years esearching and looking for the device, was still lost. They knew the suit weakness-damage the device that was on the forehead and the suit desolves and the host goes back to their orginal self when they first found it (say Nicole was 10 when she found the suit. If she lost the suit and its abilities some older age, she would go back to her original, normal self at age 10 ). They also knew of its abilties, which made it tough to fight. But where was it, who had it, if anyone? They had plans for the host if it did get found. They would get it back at any means necessary. 


4 years had past when Nicole had past since that odd dream, but was unaware it was still lingering from within. It will only come up when she really needed it and was in danger.

Nicole stared at the sky while she stood on the green patch of grass that lay in the center of the track in the back of her school.  Even now at age 14, she still remembered the dream like it happened last night. It felt so...real. 

She tried to forget it and focused where she was and what she was suppose to be doing. It was Track and Field pratice, she had to get ready for the next event. She shook her self out of it and stated running again. 

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"IDIOTS ALL OF THEM!" is what Dr. Rubrum Angelus screams as he marches out away from a room. The council are telling him to stop trying to pursue the machine he made and they lost four years ago. It was an achievement that can almost be unmatched. But their stupidity cost him what was going to be his Magnum Opus. Luckily it was more of a beta version of the final suit. But still he cannot allow the gear to stay out of his hands. He'll have to work in secret to locate the machine and get it back.

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Nicole had already ran 15 laps oer the span of 7 minutes. That was more than she could usually do, which was strange. She was strong for her age, she aleady knew that. But stronger than usual. 

The coach had blown the whistle as a signal to bring it in and call it a day. The day was over with and the young girl was just heading for her bike to go home. 

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"Sir we're detecting use of the device again" said one of Dr. Angelus' subordinates he goes over to see if they have managed to pinpoint the location. "Sir should we gear up?" One of the soldiers asked the good doctor " No" Angelus responds "all of us going would draw the council's attention I'll go in myself to handle this."

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As Nicole peddled, she noticed a spike in her blood pressure. What was going on today? She must have been getting sick. She had to get home as soon as she could before something happened, plus her baby sister was waiting for her to come in with the babysitter. Good thing she lived close by.

Ariving home, she set her bike at the side of the house and entered. It was dinner time. 

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Angelus took one of their organizations jet crafts to get to the other side of the world. Now that they have the device's location searching for it will be a breeze and if the new wearer gives him trouble he has a little surprise for them. He keeps watch for any activities from the device. Looms like there was a spike of activity but it was not long.

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(did You see my tip in the PM? I don't know if it notifies You when the replies merges.) 

'thanks for watching her angela." Nicole offered to give her cash for the job, hich was given to Nicole by her parents but Angela refused it. "We're friends, Nicole. I couldn't take that." Angela replied.

Nicole meant to insist but hesitanted instead. She wasn't feeling too good and had to sit down so she went for the couch. "Hey. Are You alright?" Nicole's friend was now concerned. But Nicole reassured her with a smile. "Yeah! I'm fine. Just had a busy day is all." 

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(I just saw it)

It would be a while before the good doctor arrived but when he did he immediately went to work going to the locations that activity  pops up and sticks people up for information and  beating them senseless when they didn't have any good information for him. "They don't understand " he thinks" that beta suit can be a huge inconceivable to my future work. How could these fools not have seen it?" He asks frustratingly  to himself 

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It was passed 10. Angela had already left and the baby was already asleep in her own room. Meanwhile, Nicole was still in the living room spread out on the coach watching the television on low volume. Suddenly the television went to static and it was all white noise. Nicole just rolled her eyes and turned the TV off. Today was not her day. 

She looked outside and saw a storm was coming, not that it matter to anything. It was late and it was time to go to bed. And thats what she did. 

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Angelus brutally beat multiple people up but got little to no real good information and it was absolutely infuriating to him. He was not about to give up though. Whoever has the device has to use it sooner or later and when they do he'll strike

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It was the next day and her day off from school. Nicole loved the weekends! Usually that meant taking care of the baby or other chores around the house because her parents were rarely around. Like today. She was used to it though. At leas things were looking up though-T was working fine, beautiful weather and she was feeling stronger and better than ever.

As the baby slept, she sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. That was when she saw it. Something was going on in her area. 

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"I must smoke out the person who has what is rightfully mine" Dr. Angelus thinks to himself as he calls in some of his loyalists who will easily deft the council for him. In this remote town the user will not  be a able to run or hide once the attack begins and he'll finally get his device back.

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The news showed drones scanning individuals, young and older for something. soldiers interrogating them even to to the point of harm. There was a lot of them. Whatever it was, they were desperate.

A frantic knocking came from the door which cause Nicole to jump. She got up and opened the door. It was Angela. "Do you see what's going on.!" Angela only lived across the street, which explained how they were such close friends. "Yeah. Get in" Nicole nodded and closed the door behind her, locking it. 

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Angelus stands at the top of a hill and talks to the squad of soldiers he called in "make sure you don't damage the suite if you find it. It may very well still be useful. Apprehend the user but do not engage in any unnecessary battles" he orders and looks over the town as property is being damaged and people are being assaulted. A news helicopter comes flying above and he has his hand transform into a plasma cannon and shoots it down.

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cole and Angela sat in silence as they watched the news coverage. It was showing what was happening in their streets when the helicopter they ww re recording from got shot down by a man in a seemingly white suit. Nicole couldn't make the person out in time before the screen went black. She had to do something before her city went to hell No one else was

She checked the phones to see if she could call her friends and parents. No need to call the authorities since they were already were aware. The phones were down. This was just great. 

"Ill be back." Nicole said walking over in a hurry and placing a hand on the door knob. "Where are you going?! Are you crazy?!" Her friend got up after her. "The phones are down and I have to get help." Angela nodded, understanding.

Nicole was out the door and was already greeted by soldiers not too far down the street. 

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The soldiers turn to her it was a squad of about four of them each of them had a drone backing them. "Hey you little girl!" One of them called out as they started walking towards them " we've got some questions for you." He says in a menacing way as they  pull out laser guns and other unauthorized military equipment.

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The young girl made the effort to hide between houses and bushes as she made her way down the street. She didn't want to get caught for obvious reasons. But even if she did, she was just a little girl. They wouldn't stop and harm a little girl...would they?

When one of them called out to her, she stopped in her tracks and put her hands up. She made her way into the streets where some of them and their vechiles were stationed. "Okay, okay...just relax." Her blood pressure was starting to sky rocket. Its never been this high before. Still, Nicole did her best to keep he cool. 

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Angelus just got a huge spike in the device's signal and looks to where the location is "Delta team the person near you has tge device. Apprehend them quickly" he says and the team leader gets a big nasty grin "well look at that. You have something that belongs to the boss" the soldier says

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First Nicole was scared, then tough, and now confused. It seemed like everything mixed together at that moment and didn't know to how reply when he falsely accused her. She just knew something was growing inside of her and she didn't know what.

That was when the armored suit first appeared. It first grew from the top of her finger tips and quickly made its way from head and her toes before she could act. Suddnely she felt more powerful and stronger than shes ever been. And to be honest, it felt kinda good. 

The suited young girl looked at her hands and back up at the soliders. She just smiled, even though the others couldn't see it thru her helmet. 

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As these people landed their first attacks, Nicole flinched thinking that she would be harmed. She was just a young girl, after all. And these were well-trained soliders who seemed to know what they were doing. But to her surprise she wasn't hurt as much as she thought she would be. The suit, it seemed to be shielding her. 

Nicole eventally built enough courage and thought she would give it a shot in fighting herself, although she neer fought in her life. When landed her first couple of punches, she sent the men and vechicles flying, some of the men even got throw at the vechicles. As for the drones coming her way, she just used them like frisbees by tossing one at the others causing them to all explode. This was fun, she thought. 

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Angelus is losing men just as he thought the suit is causing him trouble if only he had found it sooner. It looks like to get the job done he'll have to do it himself. He jumps down the hill and ass he drops the alpha suit engulfs  him and as soon as he lands he bursts forward at high amounts of speed.

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The impact of the mans landing startled Nicole, almost causing her to lose her balance.He was definately bigger and stronger looking than the rest. Which meant he had to be the leader. He had to be responsible for all of this. To think that he hurt innocent citizens and destroyed many things in the town angered her.

She wasn't even sure what this guy wanted. "What do You want?!" she yelled out of frustration. 

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"Simple little girl" he says as he marches forward "i need that suit that is on you. Hand it over and that will be that. But if you don't" cannons burst from his shoulders "well let's say it will not end well" he snaps his fingers and the remaining soldiers surround them.

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That burst sent Nicole flying and upon impact onto the concrete streets below, her body curved right across it. Okay. That hurt. This guy had to have special skills, which she wasn't expecting. She leaped up, doing her best not to show any weakness.

She considered handing the armor and ending this. She knew nothing about this thing anyway, just that it gave her nightmares and wet dreams.  But these were bad people and if it was one thing she knew, was to never back down. Let alone people like these. 
She walked up to Angelus, and gave her a strong punch of her own, which took all that she had. And that at least knocked him to the ground. 

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