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Babes In Christ Ministry On Myspace

Guest Reveredn Baby Jason

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Yes the Revered 'N'

Why would Jews be interested in a Christian Ministry?

well, we don't exclude anyone. And, myself, I consider myself more of a hetrodox Christian.

Basically, it is open to anyone, but especially those who have reverence for the Torah and or the New Testament. I'm not out to exclude anyone, nor am I here to bag on other ppls religion.

Oh and that's a spelling mistake. My glassess are broken.

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well, we don't exclude anyone. And, myself, I consider myself more of a hetrodox Christian.

Basically, it is open to anyone, but especially those who have reverence for the Torah and or the New Testament. I'm not out to exclude anyone, nor am I here to bag on other ppls religion.

Oh and that's a spelling mistake. My glassess are broken.

On behalf of the Diapered Jewish Community, please leave us alone.


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On behalf of the Diapered Jewish Community, please leave us alone.


I appreciate your concern. However, I think it is necessary for me to review a coupl things for you.

No matter your feelings towards Jesus, I am not antisemetic nor do I tolerate antisemtisim. I would be an idiot to do so, and hold Jesus as lord.

Secondly, an invitation is simply that, an invitation. As such it can be ignored at one's pleasure.

Thirdly, the Counstituion, which my religion considers to be Scripture, says that all men have the right to freedom of speech. As such, just as you have the right to disagree and to disagree loudly, I also have the right to do as I have done. I will not stop extending the hand of fellowship to persons of Jewish religious beleif or Hebrew ancestry.

Fourth, I respect your right, as the Counstituion says, to practice your own religion. As such, I would never attempt to harrass your synagouges or religious institutions. I hope those who feel as you do will extend the same courtesy to us, and not seek to spam or act in an eggrerious manner to our ministries. Such acts would seriously point towards an intollerant attitude apon those doing so.

In summary, you may disagree, but you do not speak for all Jewish folks nor people of Hebrew ancestry, just as I do not for all Christians. As such, I cannot accept your speaking on behalf of the Diapered Jewish Community, since I do not recognize you as being a duly appointed representative 0of said community.

Please present your credentials if you would like me to take your claim seriously. I am an ordained minister of Universal Life Church. Who are you? The counstitution says that there shall be representatives , duly selected by the people that represent them. When did the Diapered Jewish Community vote for you to speak on their behalf? If they did so, please refer me to said community, and if indeed you are their representative, I will take your comments seriously. Otherwise, please don't waste my time.

Sincerely Reverend Baby Jason A.K.A CypherX

ordained Universal Life Church Minister

Edenic Temple of Judeo-Christian Paganism

You can read what I have written at Universal Life Church Monastery

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes the Revered 'N'

Why would Jews be interested in a Christian Ministry?


I am both Jewish and Born Again, it's not mutually exclusive.

Cricket (AKA Chaya)

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