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A new Daddy [Private with grumpyboy and BabyGirlDaisy]


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I enter the code that unlocks the door and enter before her..

"Come into our playground, sweetheart"

The first thing she sees is the the adult sized playpen with stuffed animals covering the floor..

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"How has Aunt Niki not noticed any of this? Even i knew that you were hiding something, i didnt know what it was but i still knew." I say walking into the room that was locked. I look around standing close to the door so i can get out quickly if i want to but you soon move me away from the door and then you shut the door so i cant get out.

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I sit on the sofa listening to what you are saying about your secret life that only you and now me. "It sounds exciting but wont Aunt Niki find out?" I say to you. I start moving around alot as im excited a little and i want to find out more about this world.

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"Would i be wearing diapers outsode of the room as well or just in here. And would i be sleeping in here or in the room where all my things are?" I say asking so many questions about the relationship. "Can we start?" I say jumping up and down and i know that Aunt Niki is going to be home late

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I grab all the stuffed toys that i can before quickly walking over to where you are stood which is next to the changing table. I try to climb on holding the stuffies which is quite hard so i stop and let you put me on. I am suckling on my thumb wanting to make you happy and not angry.

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"Ok and will i be sleeping in here at night?" I adk laif on the changing table holding all the stuffed toys in my arms. I also suckle on my thunb which is helping me keep myself calm stopping me from screaming.

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As you powder me i squirm around not used to the padding that is underneath me. I throw the stuffies on the floor as they are getting on my nerves. I suvkle my thumb still as i squirm even though ou told me not to.

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I continue squirming and wriggling as im not used to the padding of the diaper that is underneath me. The hairbrush is wooden so it would sting more. "What are the hooks in the bathroom in my big room for?" I ask.

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"Stop it you know there is a risk of me telling Aunt Niki and calling Social Welfare." I say to you.laid on my stomach rubbing my left bottom cheek as it hurts. I then wait and see what your response is going to be to what i just said.

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"Can we start again then and i wont squirm while you diaper me and i promise to be good." I say to you crying and rubbing my eyes as i am slightly getting tired. I suckle my thumb and eventually fall asleep after getting your answer laid on my stomach on the changing table

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I sleep in the little girl room in the locked apartment. I suckle on my thumb cuddling with the stuffed toy that is beside me. I sleep in a t-shirt and a diaper and nothing else. My hair still in a ponytail. I dont wake up for half an hour. When i wake up i stay in the bed not wanting to get into trouble. I lay in the bed playing the the stuffed toys that are on the bed

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"What else are they for apart from enema bags." I ask sitting in the bed still playing with my stuffed animal toys having fun. After a couple of minutes i stop.and i suckle my thumb while i wait for your answer. "What do we do now?" I then ask

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"I dont like My Little Pony." I say to you climbing out from under the covers. "Can i watch tv please and what rules are there?" I ask sitting on the bed suckling the thumb and you not telling me off or putting a pacifier in instead

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