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A new Daddy [Private with grumpyboy and BabyGirlDaisy]


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I am brough to the house by a couple of policemen and a woman. My parents had been invlived in a plane crash and the next person that had to look after me was my uncle David. I stand at the door and i knock on it quietly as im shy as i havent seen this uncle since i was 2.

I stand at the door and wait until someone answers. A policeman stays with me to make sure i am safe and to mkae sure my uncle is actually in becaude if he isnt then the police would have to take me to a childrens home. Eventually there is an answer at the door

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I pull my suitcase back out of your grasp. "I dont like anyone else touching my things." I say taking my shoes off and moving into the actual living space of the house. I sit down on the sofa with my suitcase next to me where i can reach and see it easily.

"So are you married and have any children?" I ask you shyly. I bite my finger nails as im nervous. I look around the downstaies of the house. It looks normal but i dont know about the secret side of you

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"First, where is the bathroom?" I ask standing up and picking my suitcase up. Once you tell me where its at i head there and go do what i need to do before coming back out and following you to my new room. I go in and put the suitcase on the bed and i sit down. I look around the room and there is different shades of pink everywhere with different shades of purple. "This is nice and homely." I say outloud.

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"I always get plenty of sleep at night so i am never tired during the day and the room is fine. It doesnt need decorating." I say to Uncle David. "Can i have some time alone so i can unpack and have a look around please?" I adk sitting down on the bed in my new bedroom. Once you leave me i start to unpack my suitcase and put things in the dresser and in the closet.

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I finiah unpacking all my suitcase and i then put the empty suitcase in the bottom of the closet on the floor. I then start wandering around upstaors having a look. I get to a door and i go to open it but its locked. I go downstairs and stand infront of you.

"Uncle David there is a door upstairs thats locked. What room is it?" I ask. I sit down on the sofa and wait for an answer to come from your mouth.

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"Im not hungry." I say to you. As i tuen the tv on while you are on your laptop looking at something that i dont know about. I tuen it is a channel that i love and watvh the programmes that are on. I sit quietly watching tv as i dont want to disturb you as i dont know if you are working or not.

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After a wholw i get bores and i come over to yoy. "What you doing?" I ask you looking over your shoulder. You had closed the windows down therefore i couldnt see anything that you were doing. "What can we do im bored." I say to you

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Whew, that was close.. I have to keep a better eye on Daisy.. She's no doubt curious about what I'm doing.. I might need to test her willingness to keep a secret sooner than I thought.

"Well, what do you like to do when you're bored, Daisy?.. Keep in mind I'm about all you have right now for company"

I might be imagining things, but Daisy is looking at me with that little Lolita look.

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I walk upstairs and into my room where i get a book anf lay on my bed amd read it. The book is quite thick and has more than 20 chapters. I lay on my bed reading thw book. It comes to 6 so Aunt Niki shpuld be home in a few minutes

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David knocks softly on Daisy's door..

"Hey sweetheart... ummm I mean Daisy. Aunt Niki called and said she's going to be late and to go ahead and eat without her. I know you said you didn't want to eat dinner, and if you're still bored maybe we could play a game or something"

"I'm not very familiar with what young girls like to do to occupy themselves.. But I really want to get to know you. You know you're going to be like my little girl.. "

David gets an embarrassing look on his face.

"Sorry, I know that sounds like I want you to be my little.. Uh.. Damn !!! I'm really messing this up!!"

I hope you know what I'm trying to say.."

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David looks at Daisy, trying to discern whether she might know more about little girls and their daddy's than he would have imagined.

"First, I need to know that you can keep a secret, Daisy"

"This is something that could potentially ruin my marriage and even my career. Seriously, I'd be totally fucked.. And not in a good way"

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"It depends what type of secret and i would get into trouble for that type of language." I say putting the bookmark onto the page i am on and thwn i close the book and put it on the dressing table. I wait for you to reply

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"Can I sit next to you?"

Not waiting for Daisy's reply, I sit next to her and look deep into her eyes.

"Well, I have this secret side to me.. I have had it for a long time. It's mostly a need I have.. It's somewhat taboo.. Ummm, sexual for some of it, but not totally. It's a little difficult to describe to someone who's not familiar with the lifestyle. Does that give you enough to go on.. I mean to agree to keep my secret?"

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"I dont know. Whats in it for me to keep your secret?" I ask moving away from Uncle David a little bit as i dont want him next to me. After a while i stand up and have my hands on my hips waiting for an answer

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"Well, if you can keep my secret, I'll let you into my little secret world and many girls your age find what I plan to introduce you to very very rewarding.. Both I pleasure and with material rewards as well"

I wait for her reply, hoping I have said enough without exposing myself too much and at the same time enough too interest her in hearing more.. God help me if she decides to call Social Welfare.

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"Fine ill keep your secret but thats only because your family. If you werent family i would have beem calling Social Welfare." I say to you stood up. "Now are you going to introduce me to your world amd get things started or not?" I ask

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I turn to Daisy and reply

"Yes, Daisy... It all starts now...."

I motion for her to come out of her room and I lead her to the locked door that she discovered only a few hours earlier..

I think to myself.. This is happening so quickly. I hope she doesn't faint when she sees what's in store for her.

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