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A New Start For Jen (Private for me and JenAndTonic)

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"I guess." Jenny mumbled. She was still appehensive though. Lucy had been a brat from the moment she arrived until their time at the restaurant. She had a hard time imagining how things would be any different now. Still, Katie was asking this of her and she felt like she needed to give it her best shot. "I was coloring it all in for you, you know. That's why I got so upset." Jenny let slip in a moment of pure honest. "I just wanted you to have more pretty things. I wanted to be to Lucy what you were to me, and then she wrecked it all and I couldn't help it. I shouldn't have been so mean to a toddler, you're right. But, if you had intervened sooner it wouldn't have gotten to that point. I'm not blaming you, I'm not blaming anyone, it's just..." Jenny let the sentence trail off, unaware of how to inform Katie that SHE didn't want to share her auntie with a new little girl either. Of how she had gone from domineering, oppressive attention, to unconditional love and how taking that away hurt more than never having it. Despite the ages she masqueraded as, Jen was still just a teenager, and she was just starting to understand all of HER emotions as well.

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"Look sweetie I know it was bad what Lucy did and I am informed that my big sister will be having a long talk about it with her. Now with the way you behaved I think it might be best me you and Lucy spend some bonding time together with you as a little girl just like Lucy, I am taking away your computer for use other than uni work and on your little side no potty and pull-ups for a month" She replies to Jenny and lifts her into her lap. Katie looks at her little girl Jenny in her lap she did seam like she was truely sorry but what if it was just an act? To try and get her to cave in and forget she was bad, Katie had to punish her but she was not going to spank her after all it is what her parents did to her all the time and Katie was trying to show her true parental love not abuse. Mean while upstairs Lucy was just waking up from falling asleep from crying after being put in travel cot. Katie hears Lucy crying looking at Jenny she says "Sweetie go upstairs get yourself some of your toys to play with and your soother and bunny, I will go see to Lucy and be back soon".

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Jenny thought that she'd rather be spanked. No pull-ups for a month! What was she going to do? Diapering up had been an attempt at sympathy points, not she was stuck in them. Her computer was still in it's box, but just the idea of not being able to use it for anything other than school made Jenny feel...strange. Of course she didn't like it but she would be remiss to say that she didn't feel like she deserved to be punished.

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Katie had to put her foot down with both girls and be strict and firm, she heas upstairs to her bedroom seeing Lucy crying sitting up in the travel cot she reaches down and lifts the little girl up laying her down on the bed before getting to work on cleaning and changing her nappy. Once Lucy had been changed she carries her downstairs to see Jenny come down with her bunny and soother.

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Jenny held back her tears as she saw Katie and Lucy descend the steps. There would be a time to cry later. Now, all she could hope for was she didn't lose even more of the littler girls respect when Lucy found out she'd been relegated to diapers for the week. Under her breath, and tugging at the bottom of her dress, Jenny mumbles sorry. Lucy is far more emotional about the whole process and Jenny cringes when Lucy is lowered into her lap, the crackling of her Molicare is deafening to her. Tears start to well once more, but again, she holds them back. She will be Lucy's 'Katie', and not even being stuck in a diaper can stop it.

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Lucy when placed in Jenny's lap she whispers to Jenny that she is sorry and she be a good girl now, Katie looks at the two little girls going to get them drinks in bottles before returning to them both "Here you go now I hope you are both going to be good little girls for my from now on". Lucy whispering to Jenny "Me know oo in nappy me no makes fun of oo" she cuddles Jenny closely and kisses her cheek, before thanking her auntie Katie for the bottle taking it and drinking it, Katie smiles seeing thatt at least for now her little girls are behaving themselfs.

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Jenny, while cautiously optimistic about Lucy's pledge to be good, was shocked to find out the little girl knew she was wearing a diaper. True, it was pretty large on her but she didn't expect Lucy to be able to piece out that a big girl like her was wearing one. She lets herself be hugged and receive a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek from Lucy. With Katie out of sight, she gives the bottle a try and was surprised to discover that Katie must have enlarged the nipple on hers, because she was finally able to get some fluid down. She couldn't shake the awkwardness of sucking down a bottle in a diaper next to a real toddler. It was much easier to imagine herself as being that little without Lucy physically reminding her that she wasn't really a toddler.

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Katie went out to the kitchen to start dinner once both of the little girls appered settled to her, once in the kitchen Katie starts to prepare a home made stew for the three of them. Lucy drinks her bottle smiling and snuggling with the girl Jenny both of them in nappies and enjoying the company of Jenny, Lucy was warming to Jenny slowly but there was something about her that she didn't understand is her funny accent it was not from here. "Jenny why oo talk funny and no likes auntie?" Asks Lucy not meaning to be mean she has no plan to be mean just yet. Katie starts chopping the veg up and adds it to the gravy heating on the stove before starting to prepare the meat for the stew and cutting it up, before putting it in the oven Katie then goes and checks on the two of them putting on of the pre-school channels on before returning to the kitchen.

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Jenny was still wary about Lucy, although she did enjoy the little girl's company now, memories of the resturant hung with her. Still, being around Lucy caused Jenny to slowly start to slide further back in her mental state. In her increasingly vulnerable state, she was hurt a bit when Lucy told her she talked funny. She explained that she was from America and that's how people talked where she was from. This prompted a why which Jenny tried to further explain. Lucy said she got it but Jenny wasn't certain. With cartoons on, Jenny felt being pulled in two directions, she wanted to regress and be little like Lucy but seeing a physical toddler compared to her caused enough mental static that it was hard to fully sink into that space. As a result, she was left between worlds and all the more self conscious and insecure for it.

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Jenny perked up at the idea of coloring. She got off the couch and led Lucy to where Katie had kept the books and the crayons, both girls big and little crinkling like autumn leaves as they padded through the house. Jenny laid out the books, and to avoid a repeat of the restaurant incident, she let Lucy pick first. Jenny ended up choosing a princess coloring book. It was generic, not licensed by disney, but that gave her more freedom. She thought back to her imaginative world she created with the legos; the world of Princess Jennifer and Queen Katie where all princesses learned to sit and use the royal throne at their own pace. She drew in a new character. Maybe the daughter of some duke or duchess. Lady Lucille of Birmingham. She ended up getting so lost in her coloring and constructing her fantasy world that she lost track of everything else around her.

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Lucy snuggles Jenny before getting up and going with Jenny to get the books and crayons so they can cuddle, she holds the big girls hand as they both waddle over to where the colouring books are kept and got them before waddling over to where they are allowed to colour in. Once they are set up to colour Lucy chooses to colour in the general picture book she opens the page and grabs her soother sucking on it as she takes the crayon in her hand scribbling, not really at a age to understand that she was suppossed to stay within the lines of the pictures in the book. Lucy pushes a soother over to Jenny thinking that like her she might want it too "For oo Jenny" She asks. Katie was still busy in the kitchen preparing there food after dinner she would let the girls play awhile before bathing each of them sepperately and then getting them to be after a story.

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Still not totally comfortable being a toddler around Lucy, it was only after some protest that Jenny reluctantly did take the soother from the younger girl. As she colored, she tried to focus in on getting into her little head space again. Sure, Lucy was making it difficult, but getting past that awkwardness might allow her to enjoy her new companion more. She began to force herself to suck on the paci until the sucking became as rhythmic as Lucy's.

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Lucy smiles happily as she sees Jenny take the soother from her and sucking on it like she was, Lucy was enjoying herself colouring in well scribbling in the colouring book just like the toddler she is. Katie still preparing the food can't hear anything from the lounge so she assumes all is going well and leaves the girls to it. Lucy looks over at Jenny annd sees she is not looking at her and then grabs some crayons sneaking over to the nearby wall, before starting to draw on the walls.

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Jenny kept at her picture until it was finished and ready to present to Katie. In a brief moment before flipping to the next page, she looked up for Lucy and didn't see the girl in front of her. Instead, she heard giggling from behind her. She turned around and her mouth dropped open in horror, Lucy had proceeded to take her crayons and make a huge mess all over Katie's clean, white walls.

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Lucy giggles drawing on the walls with the crayons until Jenny cried out at her which made her run putting the crayons down and run over to the sofa sitting down trying to look inocent as she can. Katie comes into the lounge once the food is done and comes to check on the girls before getting them ready to eat, she is too busy checking on the girls to see the crayon scribbles on the wall. "Why is Lucy crying Jenny?" Katie asks.

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All Jenny can do is point at the wall and the indistinct streaks of color all over it. She sits there, trying to tell Katie something, anything, but her mouth flaps open and closed like a fish. She finally manages to peep out that, "I was coloring and I looked up and Lucy was..." she kept pointing at the wall, the gesture spoke for itself.

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"I see so I guess you was not a big girl enough to keep an eye on Lucy so you could not stop her?" Katie says before going to the kitchen and getting a damp hot water cloth wiping the wall clean, it was a good job that once Lucy was born she has the house decorated using the wipe clean paints. After she cleaned the wall she turns to Lucy "You are in trouble young lady" and turning to Jenny "You are taking Lucy and yourself to the bathroom and you will bath yourself and Lucy and get yourself ready for bed", Katie tidies the room up putting the colouring books and crayons away properly.

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"But!" Jenny sputtered, "I didn't do anything!" Jenny pleaded but she saw Katie was unmoved. Whatever was left of her friend was gone, they were no longer equals in any sense, they were guardian and child. "I can't give her a bath, I don't know how." Jenny whined. Still unmoved, Jenny turned and took Lucy by the hand upstairs. While Lucy was squalling, Jenny's tears flowed much more quietly. Welling up and spilling over into thin streams down her cheeks. For the first time since she arrived, she wanted to go home.

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Katie was so heartbroken by the events that had unfolded and it was hard for her to cope right this moment after all the little girl she was calling Jenny was her best friend, After awhile she goes upstairs and checks on Jenny and Lucy to see if Jenny is doing as she asked in her mind she was wanting to have Jenny sleep with her tonight to show her she loved her still and she was trying to help Jenny. Lucy was in tears but cooperating at least for now so it would seam right now Lucy knew she was in big trouble but she wanted to try and stop being naughty.

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Jenny pouted through the whole ordeal. She was the youngest and had never really supervised children before. She really didn't know how she was supposed to do this. Lucy was cooperating, which made it harder to stay mad at the younger girl. Once out of her clothes and with her diaper off, Jenny hefted Lucy into the tub. A quiet plea for bubbles was made. Jenny obliged. She surprised herself at how well things were going, the only hiccup was getting shampoo in Lucy's eyes. Jenny got her out and toweled the toddler off. Now it was her turn. She'd been hesitant to bathe together with Lucy, not knowing exactly what to expect from the process. She pulled off her yellow tunic dress and with a small bit of tugging at the tapes, her dry diaper fell in a heap to the floor. She covered herself up before turning to Lucy,

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Lucy cooperated completely asking nicely for bubbles and allows Jenny to bath her while she plays, when it comes to having her hair washed some of the shampoo in Lucy's eye makes her cry a little from the stinging in her eyes. Once clean she allows Jenny to dry her but she did not like the idea of having to sit on the toilet after all she was a toddler and had not even sat on her little potty in a while, after all the little girl was resisting potty training. Katie saw that there was going to be a problem so steped in and took over she finishes drying the little girl "Jenny stay in the bathroom while I get this little one dressed, in a nappy and to bed before helping you too", Katie carries the toddler to her room and gets her in a nappy before dressing her in her sleeper giving her a kiss and tucking her into the cot. Katie returns to the bathroom and starts to wash Jenny but allowing her to play in the water "Look maybe I have been too hard on you sweetie but you have to give me a chance I am new to parenting and well your new to being a little cute girl too". Katie helps Jenny out the bath once she is clean and pulls the plug before grabbing a clean towel and starting to dry her little Jenny so she does not get a cold.

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For as alone as she had felt all day, everything felt right again now as Katie helped her. Her failed attempt at being somewhat grown had caused her no end to misery today. She took solace in Katie's touch and kind words and allowed herself to slip deeper into her regressed state. She was no longer a 16 year old, over achieving

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