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A New Start For Jen (Private for me and JenAndTonic)

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Katie lifts Jenny onto her hip and goes to her own room before laying Jenny down on the bed then Katie lays next to her, "I forgive you but you really did over step the mark Jenny what you said about me and yourself" She says in a disappointed voice.

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Even if she was only deprived of Katie's comfort for a little under two hours, Jen drank it in like she was dying of thirst. "I'm sorry I lost my temper. It was wrong, it's just that I don't, I don't-" Jen stopped herself. She didn't know if she could really put her feelings into words. Everything was so complicated to her right now and she knew she had a lot that she needed to figure out. Grounded or not, some alone time might at least give her some time to think things over. She took comfort in Katie's promise not to send her back home, but wondered how many more days of her acting like a child could Katie take? How long until even her friends resolve wore down? She was done even trying to work up outrage over not being given the option to wear her panties. What was the use, she needed her Drynites, at least until whatever was going on in her head passed.

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As she listens to Jenny speaking Katie continues to comfort her little girl in her arms, "Listen sweetie maybe we both was in the wrong but what happened happened lets just move on shall we?" Katie asks while rubbing her back almost cooing to her. "We will need to figure things out with university as I saw today you was scared maybe it was the size of the campus or being around only adults and no kids or teens? Whatever your fears are I do need you to at least give your classes a try, I want you to be a big girl at university but I promise that at home you will not need to be a big girl as long as your course work is complete okay?"

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"OK, it's just that- I'm not sure I like being a big girl but I don't want to get really little either. I don't know. I'll try though." Jen, no it was Jenny now, found the Katie's changing her to be relaxing. It was nice letting Katie take care of her. It troubled her how quickly Katie accepted and encouraged her youthful side, but maybe she just had more foresight than Jenny did, seeing as after getting a taste of being little, she was reluctant to give it up. Katie might indeed like her more as a little girl, littler than the one she first met even, but Jenny liked herself that way too. There was no competition. No one yelling at her. No one pitying her, looking down on her, or condescending to her. She just got to be a person, for once just a person who was loved by someone else.

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Katie accepts Jenny into her lap holding her closely gently bouncing her before replying, "Well sweetie University requires you be a grown up but away from University we can experiment with you being different ages, that is if that is what you want to do it my little sweetheart?". Katie knew there was a lot on the little girls mind her mind must of been going at a mile a minute, she was just trying to help her friend by using the 4 years experience more she had over Jenny to do what's right for her.

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Jenny enjoys the cuddling for a little while before popping the soother out of her mouth, "I'm sorry Katie," she says trying to bridge between the little girl she wants to be right now and the big girl that has to apologize and get her thoughts out. "I shouldn't have acted like that, it was wrong. You've only been nice and tried to help me, I just had a bad day and I was angry and I lashed out. I hope I can not be grounded anymore but if you think I need to be, then I understand."

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Katie keeps snuggling her little girl in her lap and stroking her hair while listening to what she has to say, "I forgive you and we will see about you being grounded I need to be sure you have learnt your lesson, I hope you can understand that my sweetie. I was very disappointed by your behaviour towards me yes it was wrong and yes I understand it was not a easy day for you the stress must of been high. I just want the best for you whether you are big, little or somewhere between I will always be here for you" Katie replies. Katie rubs Jenny's back "Sweetie I just ask you try if you can't handle the classes then we will have to find another way, like online learning or similar. Yes I want you to find the age ranges that you feel most comfortable with being, as for public yes if you feel it is best just to be little in public then we can do that. Another thing I thought of University it 3 bus trips away so how about auntie Katie drops you there and picks you up?"

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Jenny was a bit upset at being grounded still, but knew she deserved it after being so nasty to Katie. At least her friend had offered her a way out once she demonstrated how sorry she actually was.

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"Colouring sounds like it might be fun," Jenny pipes up. She had dosed off in Katie's arms while watching telly enough times to know that watching movies means bedtime and she doesn't want to go to sleep just yet.

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Katie smiles and gets the colouring books and wax crayons out setting them up on the table "Right sweetie we are ready, do you need to go potty before we begin also are you thirsty?" she asks her little one.

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Jenny shook her head at being asked if she needed to use the potty. If she was going to be little like she wanted to be, then she wouldn't be using it for a while, she thought. She didn't mind wetting, not at least in the privacy of the house. in fact, Jen had to admit to herself she kind of liked it and she actually did like Katie helping her get changed. She promised herself that if she was going to try and enjoy being little and try to find some balance between the two parts of her self. Maybe exploring her Jenny side consciously would keep her from slipping so deep that she lost herself and got scared.

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Katie smiled only asking in case her little girl wanted to try and use it but as she did not Katie thought she best ready herself to change Jenny when needed. Katie smiled and adored her little girl Jenny while she was looking for the perfect picture to colour in, Katie was starting to love having a close bond to Jenny it almost felt like she was Jenny's real mother because lets face it her parents did not know how to take care properly of a child. Katie as she promised herself days before would do all it takes to ensure Jenny is well cared for and gets the love she should of had when she was a child the first time around.

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Jenny thanked Katie for her juice without taking her eyes from the coloring sheet. Her little girl side was bleeding over into my conscious mind but this time, Jen was doing a good job of synthesizing the two. She didn't fall into full toddler mode, but rather gently slipped into a relaxing, peaceful mindset. Relaxed and peaceful though she may have been, she was paying great attention to her coloring sheet, she wanted it to be perfect. Art had never been one of her several gifts, but in the end, she thought she did quite a good job with her coloring. With a pink crayon, at the bottom right of the page in a spot left uncolored in the green grass meadow, she wrote 'To: Auntie Katie, From: Jenny. She rose from where she sat and folded the paper up like a letter, so Katie would have to open it to see it's message. She crossed the room to where Katie sat and gave the picture too her friend. She had no reason to be nervous, but her stomach was fluttering with butterflies, she hoped Katie like her picture.

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Katie sat down after giving her little girl the drink and watched her colouring in a picture made her smile, she was becoming very proud of her little girl Jenny. Jenny to Katie seamed to be absorbed in her task at hand it was like she was trying her best to colour in and stay within the lines, while at the same time Katie thought Jenny looked so relaxed and at ease with the world right at this very moment which is all Katie wanted for her little niece. When Jenny had finished

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Jenny was beaming when Katie put the drawing on the fridge. It was something so small, but it meant the world to her, whether she was being little or not, and it did so much to make her feel very much like the little girl she was aching to be. She scurried back to the living room and spent the next hour or so making Katie more pictures and coloring them as pretty as she could. After the fifth new addition to the refrigerator, Jenny felt the need to pee. She thought about getting up to use the potty for a brief second, before remembering that she had planned to just let nature take its course. Unfortunately, nature wasn't helping and her efforts to force it out only seemed to make it harder to go. She squirmed in place trying to find a comfy position, trying to find some way to sit that took pressure off her cramping bladder and just let her go.

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Katie smiles as Jenny colours in picture after picture for her it made her feel warm inside she places each of the pictures on the fridge displaying them proudly, each time thanking Jenny with a big snuggle and kisses on her forehead showing how proud of Jenny she is. Katie was enjoying this special time with her little girl she was really bonding with her and it felt great. After the 5 pictures was completed Katie smiled and put the last one on the fridge and takes hold of Jenny's hand in hers, "Sweetie thank you for the pictures they are all so lovely I will keep them even after you do more, what do you want to do now little princess?" She coos and planned to place the pictures into a folder for Jenny after they had been on the fridge. "I love you loads and lots my little angel you are such a good little girl sweetie and Auntie Katie is very proud of you" She explains in a cooing and motherly way.

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As if on cue, her stomach gave a loud rumble. It was evening time now and she hadn't eaten since her toast and coffee this morning. "Can you make us some dinner, please?" She asked Katie.

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Jenny was totally off in her own world when Katie snapped her out of by telling her dinner was almost ready. Dinner was...different. She'd had all the ingredients before but never in this configuration. Still, it did smell good so she took a few exploratory bites before warming up to her food well enough. After such a peckish beginning though, her hunger did catch up with her and soon she'd gobbled down the whole thing. Katie savored the food a bit more, but that was fine with Jenny because it meant she got to show Katie the pictures she'd worked on while dinner was being made. Once they were done, Jenny followed Katie to the kitchen without being asked and helped her friend rinse the dishes off. She had yet to notice the tell-tale wet lines on the back of her pajama pants from where she had flooded over the leak guards or the faint wetness she left in her chair.

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Katie eat her dinner at a more relaxed pace to what Jenny ate hers at, it did not bother her one bit as the poor girl must be so hungry she thought. Dinner was a quiet affair not much really going on though it afterwards when they had finished Katie smiled proudly as Jenny showed her what she had been working on, as she was cooking the food "Wowwee sweetie you are so good at colouring in for me, I am very proud of you" She coos, after which Jenny without her asking helped her with the washing up which made Katie happy that Jenny was being such a good girl for her. "Now before we decide where to hang up those lovely little pictures we must go upstairs and finish getting you ready for bed because I bet my little princess needs to be freshened up too" She coos taking Jenny's hand and leading her upstairs.

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Jenny might have blushed from Katie's kind words, but deep down the made her as happy as she'd ever been. After all the constant, effusive praise, Jenny was finally starting to internalize it all. She was her 'Aunt's' cute little girl and she loved it. She loved being little and cute and carefree and loved. She was overjoyed that Katie liked her drawings. Maybe she was a better artist than she had thought if she had had made so many pretty pictures? Jenny blushed deeply, she knew what 'freshen up' meant. Although this wetting had been no accident, she was still a little uneasy at the thought of going through with what she had decided she wanted. It was no longer a Jen/Jenny conflict, more a her/residual shame conflict. Still she let Katie lead her upstairs. Three days ago Jen would have protested even her pull-ups, in the span of a long weekend she'd gone to wetting willingly and looking forward to the change. The only thing that upset her about the events about to unfold, as Katie laid her out ready to change her out of her sopping pants, was that she had probably stained her cute pajamas.

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Katie helps the young girl upstairs to her room and lays her down on her bed, "You just relax and Auntie will get you nice and comfortable sweetie" Katie coos gathering the needed supplies to change Jenny. Once the supplies are gathered Katie starts to undress Jenny and wipe her clean with baby wipes gently, smiling and singing to Jenny now moving onto powdering her before changing her into one of her Molicare nappies. "There you go sweetie does that feel better? Should I change your PJ's or are they okay?" Katie asks her little niece wanting to know if Jenny needed to be redressed into her new PJ's.

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Jenny felt a strange mix of relaxation and giddiness as her friend slid off her pull-ups and changed her into thicker protection. A part of her loved that Katie didn't even give her a choice or a chance to waiver on being her best friends little girl. Katie loving cleaned her private area before wrapping her gently in a fresh diaper, a real diaper, to last her through the night.

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"Right then sweetie lets see what other Jammies auntie has for you shall we" Katie asks rhetorically before going to her wardrobe and getting out the different PJ's, laying them out on the bed for Jenny to see smiling the choices are all very girly and cute. There is one pair that is purple with butterflies another pair was pink with kittens on and the other pair was a light yellow with puppies on.

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