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A New Start For Jen (Private for me and JenAndTonic)

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Jenn was surprised to not find Katie downstairs. So, she went to the table to sit and wait for her friend. She sidestepped the chair with the booster seat strapped to it and sat in one of the regular chairs instead. For a fleeting moment, she missed how tall she was in the booster chair. Sitting in that meant she could look Katie in the eyes while they sat without straining her neck upward. When she sat she felt her big diaper squish beneath her. Small amounts of liquid were forced out before sinking back into it's padded confines. Jenn sighed. Her happiness at small victory of staying dry during the night evaporated. She at least had something else to brighten her soured mood. Conspicuous by it's absence was the stinging pain in her bottom. She still felt a bit tender, but she was on the mend.

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"I am glad to hear you did Jen, I hope you did not mind waking up in my bed it is just with all that has happened I thought it best you slept with me. What would you like? I will make you anything thing you want and if you like you can go get out of your nappy and night clothes then get a shower and get dressed too. I was thinking of letting you have a big girl day unless you want to be little Jenny? So drynites for now and we can get some big girl underwear while we go shopping for your uni supplies?" Katie replies speaking to Jen as if she was a grown up.

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A big girl day sounded heavenly. Something to keep Jenny from just taking her over again. "Aww...you know you like it." Her little self chimed before breaking into giggles.

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Katie smiles before nodding to Jen and goes into the kitchen and starts making the toast and coffee that Jen asks for "Okay you go get ready and I will have those ready for when you come back". Katie makes the toast and the coffee with ice in it only once Jen returns she plates the toast up and then places it on the table. Katie sits down next to Jen eating her breakfast too.

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Jen muched on the toast and jam and slurped down her coffee. "So what are you thinking of doing today.." she forced herself to take a pause "..Katie? I know we need to go get my luggage and we probably should go buy my books from the university. Did you have anything else planned to do today?"

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Katie starts to eat her food when Jen asked her a question "Well Jen I was thinking of going the airport first, the university to get the list of books and then to Birmingham centre to get the books and also laptop for you. That would leave the afternoon free so is there anything you would like to do?"

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Jen was excited at the idea of getting a new computer, too excited even to complain about adding to the debt that she was internally keeping track of. Besides, it wouldn't have dissuaded Katie anyway.

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Katie smiles eating her food between bites she replies "When we have everything you need then we can first go to lunch, then after how about a canal boat ride and then it be nice to go and sit on the grass outside the public library". Once they finished there food and drinks Katie asks Jen if she wouldn't mind doing the washing up for her while Katie goes and finishes getting ready, "I would not normally ask but the sooner the chores are done and the sooner I am ready the sooner we can be on our way, Jen" Katie explains to Jen hoping she won't mind just this once.

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All those sounded pretty agreeable to Jen. It must be some library though for just sitting outside of it to be an attraction unto itself. Maybe they could get some books while they were there for pleasure reading. She only had a few more days to cram any of that in before school began to dominate her time.

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"Just washing the breakfast things and put them on the draining board please" Katie replies to Jen standing up from the table before going upstairs to get ready. Once Katie was upstairs she starts to get ready doing her teeth and getting her shoes on before heading back downstairs.

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Those didn't sound too hard. Jen started on her tasks eagerly, hoping to finish up before Katie came back from upstairs. Unfortunately the task was a little more than she had expected and Katie was already back and ready to head out the door before she finished up. In her mind she thought about Katie being upset about this or thinking she was useless. The one time she looked back and made eye contact with Katie, she gave a soft smile to Jen. She still couldn't get over flinching at her every mistake or shortcoming. 16 years of programming wasn't just hanging around in her head, by so consciously exiling Jenny, she curt, derisive words of her mom and dad rung in her ears. With some reassurance that Katie wasn't angry and it was all in her head, she kept from panicking and finished her task.

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Once they was both in the car Katie made sure they both had there seatbelts on and then drove them to first to the airport to pick up Jen's luggage first, once they had the luggage Katie once they was back in the car drives them to the university. "Would you like me to come in with you Jen if not I will just park the car in the car park over there" She explains as they are parked outside the universities main building.

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While Jen at first would have enjoyed the idea of exploring on her own, she remembered the debacle from their day at the castle. She felt Jenny under her skin. The child was upset with not being let out, with being denied after having spent a day being indulged. If Jen got lost or separated from Katie, Jenny just might take the opportunity to take over again. Not so soon, not after going so deep, and certainly not in front of future classmates.

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Katie turned to face Jen and smiled nodding at her "Yes of course I can Jen, lets go are you ready?" Katie tries to say in a voice meant for an adult and not cooing meant for a little girl. Katie gets out the car and waits for Jen to do the same before she locks the car and leads the way into the universities main building.

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The campus was buzzing with people and, Jen had to be honest with herself, a little intimidating. Everything was so big and spread out and full of people. Jenny rose up inside her, empowered by Jen's nervousness.

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Katie was kind of expecting the University campus to be busy and she was not really expecting Jen to be nervous but maybe it was Jenny showing though, maybe Jen was not used to seeing such a big campus with buildings spread out over a few miles rather than few 100 metres of a school.

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Katie sticking up for her did embolden her a little bit, but as the day wore on, Katie constantly had to inform those they came in contact with that Jen was the student, not her. It hurt. She had went to so much effort to try and come off like the future student she would be, but her apprehension and the mounting assumptions that she was merely a tween, kid sister tag along were weighing on her. She stuck close to Katie and didn't speak much. She wanted to reach out and clutch Katie's hand in hers and hold on. But she wouldn't. She couldn't let herself. Her pride was bruised and her ego was battered but neither would let her seek comfort in Katie. Not after yesterday. Jenny was too strong and she had to be big, not just for herself but for her parents and Katie as well. She had to prove everybody else wrong.

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While joining the line for the ID for Jen Katie resisted the motherly instincts growing inside, poor Jenny she thought she must be having a hard time with aeveryone mistaking her for a primary school kid in year 5 and not a young lady mature enough to be learning along side 18 year olds. Katie really wanted to now more than ever just pick Jen up and snuggle her close but she would not as that would just prove everyone right that Jen did not belong, she was not willing to let that happen Katie knew the best thing for Jen would be to let her handle things not to mother and smoother the poor girl.

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Jen and Katie quietly advanced to the front of the line. Jen noticed that Katie seemed upset and wondered if perhaps she had done something to upset her. Katie's noticeable tension caused Jen to pull away. She wondered if perhaps she had made her best friend angry? Even if she hadn't, she didn't feel comfortable approaching Katie for comfort right now. Jen stood silent, staring down at the floor. She managed to fake a smile while her picture was taken. She wanted to cuddle up to Katie so badly, Jenny was pounding down the door in her head, yelling to be let out, to take over. Jen was caught in the middle of this inner tempest, torn between trying to keep up appearances as a teenager when everyone in the world saw her otherwise and giving in to the happy, scary control that her Jenny self had over her.

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Katie gently pulls Jen back in near to her with a smile, "What's the matter Jen? If your wondering why I am a little upset it is not you the person behind us thought you was a little girl that needs to be taken everywhere" She explained. Katie gave Jen a discrete look of I want to comfort you when we alone. They wait in line some more before it is time for Jen to get her ID Card and NUS discount card too, once they was completed and handed to Jen Katie walked them back to the car, before getting into the car and fastening her seatbelt waiting for Jen to get herself into the car and buckled in. "Jen I need to ask you a question I know you won't like it but I need to know did you make it in time?" Katie explained also saying that she did not want to ask her in front of everyone in there.

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Jen took her seat in the car, just happy to be alone with Katie when her friend asked the question. Jen's face flushed, "yes.." She answered meekly before averting her eyes. She didn't want to be seen right now by anyone. How could she handle school by herself? She couldn't even handle using the bathroom by herself the past few days. She was a failure. Her parents were right. Without them she had transformed from a mature competent young lady to a kid who couldn't keep her pull-ups dry and she hated it. She hated them, she hated herself, she just couldn't take it anymore. Jen knew Katie didn't believe her and a days worth of fought back tears started pooling in her eyes.

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Katie had a feeling that Jen might fly off the handle at her asking the question but first that she might lie first. She lets Jen have her outburst but that did not mean it did not hurt one bit, Katie was really hurt by the outburst but tries her hardest to keep her composure after all she was about to drive them home. Katie turns the radio on to a classical music station before starting the car and driving home, All thought the drive home Katie stayed silent and just focused on the road with the music there to just break the silence after all Katie hated not driving without something to listen too. Katie really wanted to yell at her little girl but knew better when they get home she would ground her and send her to her room.

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Jen continued to cry most of the way home. She was just waiting for something to happen and every moment that it didn't confused and frightened her more. Katie was quiet. She didn't reach out, she didn't reassure her, she didn't even look at Jen. "I'm sorry." Jen croaked. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Please, just get it over with. Katie remained stoic. Only once they were back home did Katie let loose on Jen. Katie didn't shout though, that would have been easy. Jen knew what it was like to be shouted at. She spoke up and she spoke clear, but without emotion. Without pity or empathy. Without the love that Jen thought Katie had for her. She'd done it, she'd lost her one friend in the world. All because she couldn't be an adult. All because she couldn't keep her pants dry. Her former friend pulled her up the stairs, again, no erratic movements, no rage, no anything but a quiet, unrelenting force.

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Katie lays on her bed unhappy and crying still how could her best friend be so hurtful to her after all she had done for Jen. What was Katie going to do now she knew whatever happened she could not send the little girl back to her parents to be abused, as much as Jen hurt her feelings she could not let her get abused there was no just way. Katie comforted herself before regaining her composure before smarting herself up and entering Jenny's room "Right little girl I think you have some explaining to do followed by an apology and I expect you to mean it".

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When Katie opened the door, Jen ran to her and threw her arms around her friends waist, burying her face in Katie's chest. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She said over and over again.

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