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The Amazing Adventures of the Incredible...y Cliche Superhero Title (Private)

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The girl twisted and fought as the two burly guards dragged her back to her cell, trying to get away. Both of them were big men, though, and even standing at her full height, the top of her head didn't reach the base of their necks. On top of it all, she was exhausted from a day of scientists poking her with needles and probes, and so the fighting was a mostly futile gesture. Still, she had to grin: The guards were wearing fireproof gloves when they escorted her, something they had learned to do quickly after her first day.

"Let me go!" She shouted, though she knew it wouldn't get her anywhere. She was tossed back in the holding cell for the evening, to await another day of tests unless she could figure out a way to escape.

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(Could your posts be a bit lengthier than that? They don't have to be as lengthy as my opener, but a little more content would be good.)

The girl turned around, surprised. "Who're you?" She asked, eyeing Rachel. She wasn't about to trust any stranger who was suddenly around, whether or not she seemed friendly.

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