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Karma Catches up to Trevor (cute baby kaite/Kaidus exclusive)


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Frank finishes his tea while allowing Katie to get the book for him to read from.


Katie returns to the living room with the book and sits in here daddies lap: "Ready daddy, Chloe are you ready for your story now sweetie?"


Chloe completely finishes her cocoa and says she's ready for the story while still cuddling with Jane.


Chloe points to each picture while Frank reads; Trevor's still awake laying on his bed feeling smug about his revenge.


Jane smiles proudly encouraging her little princess looking to Frank: "Its just so cute having our little girls back"


Frank brings his family together (minus Trevor) in for a group hug as soon as the story's over.


Katie snuggles her mummy and daddy and Chloe too feeling a little sleepy: "Mummy and daddy me tireds Chloe what about you?"


Chloe yawns which might be a yes to Katie's question; she continues to cuddle with her parents and sister.


Katie: "Yeps daddy me fink me needs potty weewees," Looking at Chloe yawning: "Aww Chloe wets get ni ni oo need changies?"


Chloe lifts her nightie just enough to bring down the front of her panties to reveal her diaper having a slightly dark tint of the pink it came as: "I might be okay for the night mummy; these nappies do hold a lot of wee-wee."


Jane to Chloe: "Awww lets get my little princess to bed then, want mummy to carry you?" She was loving this side of her little girl a side of her that she had not seen in at least 4 years


Katie snuggles as she is carried until she is stood in front of the toilet and undressed then sat on the toilet to do her business : "Yes daddy I agree unless we are ill and need your or mummies help for foing toilet". When she is finished she calls for her daddy after wiping herself and washes her hands: "Daddy I wiped myself but not redressed but me washed hands daddy".


Frank returns to the bathroom and redresses her carefully so he doesn't rip her pull-up: "Such a good girl" he gives her a kiss before bringing her back into the position she was in while being carried upstairs.


Katie smiles as pleasing her daddy and making him so proud of her when lifted into her daddies arms once more she snuggles and kisses him closely: "Daddy me wuv oo lotties and lotties" She giggles being a little silly like a toddler would be.


Frank acknowledges Jane's statement after addressing Katie: "Daddy loves you too" he returns her affection.


Frank smiling: "You are so right" he gives Katie a kiss before hearing Jane call them back in.


Katie smiles snuggling and returns a kiss on his cheek before they enter the room just as Chloe is being lay down close to the wall

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