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A baby for two (cute baby katie and I)


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Lucy smiles and hands Kohl a cookie to help him settle his tummy until after they paid for everything she cuddles him prouldy kissing his forehead cooing to him. Josh pushes the cart in to the line and keeps moving forward until it is there turn to pay once the items are paid for Josh thanks the checkout assistant who mentioned how cute Kohl looks. "Thank you maam and yes he is our little angel" Lucy replies before asking Josh to take the toys to the car load it up and to meet them in the food court. Josh agrees with Lucy and cuddles Kohl telling him to be good for mommy before he goes off to place everything in the car before meeting Lucy and Kohl who already have there food. "How about we play a game together and then after daddy and you can play with your new Lego while mommy cleans the house" Lucy explains while taking Kohl to the food court "What does my little prince want to eat sweetie?" Lucy asks.

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Kohl liked the sound of that. They had picked out a Scooby Doo board game, similar to Mouse Trap, that he was so excited to play. And the lego sets that they could put together would make a whole little lego city for them. Kohl rested his head against Lucy's shoulder, sighing as he thought that this how families should be. He was even willing to set aside his playing to help his mommy do any house work so they could all play together more.

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"Of course you can sweetie if that is what my little prince wants he shall have" Lucy giggles and smiles walking over to the right stand "Would you like waffle fries with them too?" she asks Kohl before she orders for them both. Once they have the food

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Kohl nodded his head, preferring the larger waffle fries than normal ones. He whispered in his mommy's ear, asking if he could have ranch and lemonade to drink. He thanked her and the teen working the cash register and wrapped a hand into the bottom of Lucy's shirt, making sure to stay right beside her as the walked through the tables before the shorted male pointed out an empty table for them to sit as his mommy carried the food ladden tray. Kohl looked around at all the people before deciding that a booster would be fine. Lucy got him settled in the booster and Kohl dug into his food, munching on the nuggets as he dipped them in the sauce. He cheered when Josh finally joined them.

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Lucy smiles as Josh takes his seat she hugs and kisses him "Yes we was hiding from you daddy as we was playing hide and go seek" she says giggling before helping Kohl with his food before reading her food before they eat. Josh smiles giggling at Kohl's and Lucy's comments about hide and go seek "So youwas both hiding from me was you?" Josh asks looking sad then giggles "Awww that is okay then" Josh replies to Kohls expernation. Josh settles down to eat his food with the love of his life and there little prince Kohl "I love you both very much and glad we are all having fun, sweetie when we get home what are we going to do first?" he asks there little boy. Lucy looks at Josh with loving eyes when he said that he loves her and Kohl very much once her mouth is empty she replies "And I love you and Kohl very much too".

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Kohl smiles at all the love you's, nodding his head in agreement. "We're gonna play a board game first." the dark haired boy said as he rubbed a fist into one of his eyes. "And then, cause mommy has to do boring house stuff, she said that we can play with the legos we got." Kohl explained in a matter of fact tone as he recaps what he and Lucy had decided.

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"Sounds like a plan to me sweetie and a lot of fun too, I can make it so we all can play faster if little Kohl willing to have a nap?" Josh answers knowing that if Kohl has a nap they can do the chores as he sleeps then when he wakes up they will only need to do Kohls room. Lucy smiles understanding what Josh means as they all eat there meals. "How about it Kohl a little nap when we get home then mommy and I will do the chores so when you wakies up they will be mostly done?" Lucy asks.

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"No." Kohl says in a whiny tone. "Not sleepy." He pouts as he tears apart his fries. The act probably would have been more convincing if it weren't for the large yawn that broke past his lips. He tried to cover it up by putting french fry pieces in it. He didn't want to go to sleep, sleep was boring, he thought grumpily to himself, even if it meant more play time. He just had to stay awake on the car ride home, it would be hard, but then mommy and daddy would have no choice but to play with him.

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Lucy and Johl dont get angry or upset like his family might of done when he was a toddler insteads the giggle a little before making a offer to the little boy "If you nap then mommy and me will let you stay up until 10:30pm tonight and any days you nap" Josh replies. Lucy turns to Kohl after everyone has finished "Do you agree to daddies terms sweetie? Normal beddies without nap will be 9pm" she explains as she lifts Kohl into her lap gentle snuggling him. When they are ready too they gather there things and Josh lifts there little prince into his arms cuddling him closely.

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He could get a whole lot of playing done in an hour and a half, or watch movies, the blue eyed boy thought as he sucked on his thumb. "Fine," he said, finally agreeing. "But I still not tired." He said, just so mommy and daddy would know. He rested his head onto Josh's shoulder as he was carried through the mall as they made their way out to the car. Kohl rubs at his eyes again and fails at covering up a yawn. Maybe he could just nap in the car and that could be his nap he thought.

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"I know your not sweetie why dont you have a little nap in the car sweetie" Josh answers there little boy and he helps him gently into his car seat before Lucy and Josh get in the car. Once Lucy is in the back seat she puts on her seat belt sitting next to Kohl before Josh gets in fastening his seat belt and driving them home on the way home they hit slow moving traffic though but Josh stays calm talking to Lucy to take his mind off the stress of it. Lucy talks quietly to signal there little prince is asleep the car ride takes 45 minutes instead of the normal 15 due to the weekend traffic.

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Kohl just grumbles but lets his small form be strapped into the car. He whines and reaches down to where Leopold had fallen to the floor of the car, unable to reach it though. Lucy picks up the stuffed animal and hands it to him, he quickly snuggles it to his chest, and rests his against the side of the window. The gentle rocking of the car and boring chatter of his mommy and daddy had his eyes were growing heavy and he was soon snoozing in his booster seat.

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Once home Lucy gets out the car she lifts the sleeping little boy gently into her arms rubbing his back while carrying him upstairs to his toddler bed to tuck him in with his plushie and binky after of course undressing him into a cute pair of PJ's being careful not to wake him. While Lucy is putting Kohl to bed Josh unloads the toys into the playroom before helping Lucy do the chores so that when Kohl wakes up they can all play together. Before leaving his room Lucy turns on the baby monitor so she can hear if there little one wakes before they are finished.

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Khol slowly began to awaken, rubbing at his eyes as he sat up in bed. He was a little sweaty from being curled up under the blanket and pushed his bang from his face. He still had his stuffed toy tucked under his arm as he climbed out of bed, noticing his long green cotton pants and t-rex tshirt that replaced his day time clothes. He stumbled to the door, still rubbing his eyes and holding his toy as he got the door open. "Mommy? Daddy?" He called out.

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Lucy and Josh where just finishing the last of the chores up when they hear there little prince calling them, so they head off too go see him "Its ok sweetie hear we are are you okies?" Lucy asks and lifts him up on to her hip snuggling her baby tightly and kissing his forehead and cheek. Josh watches Lucy interact with Kohl before leading them downstairs to the playroom and Josh asks "Do you like this room? This room is only for you sweetie for you to play and keep your toys in".

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Kohl let his head fall down to rest on Lucy's shoulder, thumb popping in his mouth as his toy hung from his hand. He nodded his head, indicating that he had a good nap. When they got to the room his eyes grew wide and he was instantly wide awake and ready to play.

"Just mine?" He asked, thinking that it would be very nice to have something that was solely his, especially with the changes in their lives. He squirmed on the other's hip, ready to get his hands on everything, gaze shifting from the neatly stacked bored games, a kiddy table that would be perfect for working on puzzles or doing art, even a cozy spot for him to read any of the child appropriate books on a small blue bookshelf.

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"Yes sweetie that is right this room is your but of course mommy and daddy will also keep checking on you or even come play with our little prince too" Lucy explains in a cooing voice to Kohl. Both Lucy and Josh really wanted Kohl to be happy as if he wasn't happy then how could they ever be happy.

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Kohl nodded his head, listening intently as he was shown around the room, making sure they knew he was listening. Because good boys listened and he was the bestest good boy ever. He looked at all the toys, ones he had picked put with the ones Lucy and Josh must have bought before he moved in with them. He went to the table, setting Leopold in one of the seats at yhe brightly colored table before going yo practically mountain size stack of games.

"We play?" He asked excitedly as he tried to work out the one he wanted fro. The stack.

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Lucy and Josh admire there little princes reaction as he seams admazed that they would do all this just for him, the trust is to make there little boy happy they would be willing to do whatever they could within certain bounderies for him. Kohl seamed to be accepting his new role and all the trapping that come with being a little boy also for once he just seamed so at peace with this new role that he just seamed to glow with energy just like little kids do. Lucy smiles nodding "I want to play with my little boy yes but what does our little prince want to play first?" she asks with a smile.

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Kohl giggled as his daddy counted them down, poking his own nose as he was counted off with the trio. He turned to the pile and unstacked each rattling box, eyeing each brightly colored cardboard cover. I need a game for me and mommy and daddy, his head suddenly whipped around as he gazed at his stuffed toy sitting at the small table. He supposed Leo could sit in his lap and be on his team...

"This one." He finally shouted and held up a box of Trouble before crawling over to his mommy's lap so they could set up the game.

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Lucy watched Khol and Josh interact with one another it was almost as if there little boy was there biological son and he had just has his 2nd or 3rd birthday, when Kohl finally picked out the game called trouble a game both Lucy and Josh knew well from there childhoods. Lucy asks Kohl as she takes him and the game into her lap sitting down at the table "What colour do you want to be sweetie?" before helping to set up the game properly after unwrapping the shirnk wrap then unboxing it.

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"Leopold and I are gonna be green mama." He said as he settled in his chair at the table, snatching the animal and holding it tight iron his lap as he squirmed in excitement as he patiently waited for the board to be set up. With a fuzzy animal tucked under his arm, fingers in his mouth, he reached out with the other hand, pressing down on the clear bubble that held the dice, laughing at the loud noise. He counted out loud as he moved his green peg five spaces forward.

"Mommy's turn now!"

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Lucy and Josh choose there colours respectfully choosing red and yellow and making there choices known to Kohl before agreeing that Kohl could be Green if that is what he wanted. Josh while waiting for his turn after Lucy removed Kohl's fingers gently from his mouth kissing them and replacing them with a pacifier before he kissed there little boys forehead. Lucy pops the dice popper and roles a 6 followed by a 3 so she places a red piece on the start space before counting out loud 1,2,3 as she moves her piece 3 spaces. Josh takes his turn and does not roll a 6 so can not move so he says "Oh well I can't move so its now our little princes turn"

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Kohl giggled just a tiny bit at Josh not being able to move, and even though he might have scowled just a little bit when mommy made him take his fingers out, he didn't like the binky! But he also knew that making mean faces was naughty and get didn't want to get into any trouble. So he just say back in his chair and squeezed his toy to his chest as they played the game, sending each other back to start or various other places, until finally there was a winner. Kohl didn't even care when he had to start over or mommy got to move farther ahead than him. He was just happy to be spending time like this with Josh and Lucy. He leaned against his mommy's side, snuggling happily.

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Lucy noticed Kohl scowling when she removes his fingers from his mouth to swap them for a pacifier instead so he wont ruin his teeth, Lucy and Josh dont say anything about Kohls scowling as to be honnest it was only a very minor pout so they would be wrong to punnish there little boy who upto now has been so very good.

Edited by cute baby katie
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