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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Finally Living Alone Again!


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I've always told myself that one day, when I live on my own, that I'll indulge in the ABDL thing more. When I was younger, I thought that meant when I was in college, and that was never the case (even after graduation).

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Congratulations! I've lived with roommates and relatives for the last several years; only recently have I been able to move out on my own, and it's no coincidence that's when I finally decided to start pursuing my diaper habits a little bit more "full time". Provided, I still have people and guests coming over from time to time so it's not a 24/7 deal, but it is a *completely* liberating feeling to wear/use as often as you can, whenever you want.

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