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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

A Dream Come True

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Hey every one I know its been a while since iv been on but something great happened 2 months ago

It all strated when I was living with my girl friend 4 months ago. I used to go on the internet and come on this site when no one was around and chat or just to get advice about diffrent issues. and this made every thing alot easier to do, I got into an accident august 26 2005 and I was seriously injured but I have recooperated well. I had to under go and operation which was on my pelvise right on top of the bladder so i felt i had to go pee all the time and much quicker. one nite in was sleeping and i wet the bed at my girlfriends but not on perpose. the mother of my girlfriend which was a nerse dose all the landury and was going to wash all the sheets so i had to tell this wasent easy. so i did and she was very comforting about the whole situation, I felt i needed to tell my girlfriend which we are very close and we treat eachother like babys any way, about what happened. this took a little longer to do but long storie short i did and she was so glade that I told her and she was proud of me for having the guts to tell her. she was very accepting and kept it our secret I love her for this alot more. any ways me and my girl friend went to a friends house played some sponge bob monoply and watched a couple movies. after we went home i got something to drink and went to my room and I was amazed and that weired butterfly feeling to find a pack of diapers on my bed with water proof mattress already on my bed under my sheets. and now every one in the house knows and dosent care when my diapers are almost out the mother gose and buys me a new pack. Iv been sleeping in diapers for 2 months now and I sleep with my girl friend in them and she loves it.

cheers supermikey

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Think your girlfriends mother is a very open minded mother. And also for the daughter. Congrats on your finding such a relationship. Good luck.

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