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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Overdue hello

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I joined here quite awhile ago and never said hello to everyone so here is my late introduction.

I'm more of DL than the AB side of things although I do have a couple of bottles and a few pacifiers.

I've liked diapers since my early childhood. When I couldn't get ahold of baby diapers after my mom stopped babysitting. I just did the towels and plastic bag thing when ever I could for years till I got up the nerve to just buy some adult ones in my late twenties. I've had many a mental battle and bouts of depression with this part of myself over the years. I came to the point I'm at now where I've accepted it and don't beat myself up for it.

I'm now happily in one 24/7 and have been for quite a few years now.

Besides the diaper thing I'm also a video gamer and i'm a gear head, love working on my cars.

Oh and I'm also a smart ass Canadian living in Saskatchewan so don't hate too much lol

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