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Ab Experience On Tv

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Was watching TV yesterday and saw a show on TV called the Starting Over House, and there was a woman who needed to grow up up because she was 40 and had never held a job.

So in order to help her find reality, they dressed her up in baby clothes and took her out to a play date with young children and made her drink from a bottle, wear diapers, and wear a bonnett, etc.

It should be on again this afternoon... it was the first time I have seen the show, sorry I don't know more about it.

Lil X

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I saw that show some time ago, and it reaired monday. It was really quite funny, when she was at the nursery school the other kids told her she was to big to be a baby and should grow up, they wouldn't let her play with the toys..quite typical. I always wondered when they had her diapered if they let her use the rest room, they seemed awfull strict with her almost to the BDSM scene. I believe that was on the Lifetime channel, and as was said, on the show "Starting Over" how appropriate.

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