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My Encounter With Diapers

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The following is a true account of events in my life. The names have been changed for the security of myself and others. Any real life correlation is merely a coincidence and in no way intended. This story includes underage boys, diapers, messing, and spanking. if any of this material offends you, please click away from this thread. feel free to nit-pick as that is what this is for. Thank you.

My Encounter with Diapers

I was six years old by 5 months, and happily playing with my Lego blocks on the living room floor. BAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr! The fire whistle goes off. (for those of you who live in a large town, us small town folk have a whistle in the center of town that is really loud, and will sound when there is a fire) My parents both rush out the door, and off they go to answer their call to duty. This was a very usual occurrence for me, my parents have been volunteer firefighters since i can remember. So i kept playing, thinking nothing of it. Two or so hours later, i was getting worried though. "they never took this long on a run," i thought looking out the front door seeing if they where just outside. Not seeing them, i simply went back to playing. A few minutes later, my mother came inside alone and crying. "Cody, come over here, we need to talk." she says. I get up and walk over to her. "Wheres daddy?" I ask, that is the moment that my whole life changed. "Daddy isn't coming back, he died." my mother said. That sentence actually took a long time to set in. I don't remember much else of that year other than the funeral service, and the countless hours of counseling that i went through. In fact, my next memory occurs a little over a year later.

Seven years old now, im depressed, i have very few friends now, i pushed them away with my depression. but worst of all, i started having a problem. one that i am pretty sure stemmed from my loss. At the age of seven, i started messing my pants. not on purpose, like my mother likes to think, but i honestly didn't feel the need to go, and when i did, it was too late. My first accident that i remember, was in P.E. we were playing dodge-ball, and i was running to the line to get a ball. I pick one up, and as im standing up, it happens, i get hit in the face with a ball, and fall backwards onto my butt. As i was standing up, i felt a warm mass spread up around my bottom. Honestly had no idea what was happening. One of my friends at the time, later moved on to picking fun at me for my problem, helped me up, and got a whiff of what happened. "eeeewwww, Cody pooped his pants!" he said loud enough for everyone in the gymnasium to hear. All the other kids imeadiatly burst into laughter, aside form the few that felt genuinely bad for me, these are the only ones that would even talk to me without teasing me. The Gym teacher came over and told me to go and see the nurse. My parents were called and i was sent home. I had several more accidents after that, when my mother would find out, she would spank me, tell me that it was nasty to do that, and make me clean out my underwear. She threatened diapers a few times, but never followed through.

That brings me to about 7 months later, it was my friends birthday, and i went over to his house for a sleepover. Both him and his parents were well aware of my problem and said nothing of it. That is until i finally did have an accident. I was playing with my friend on his new trampoline. I was jumping and all of a sudden it just came out. I had no control whatsoever, almost imeadiatly after, i ran inside to tell my friends mom what had happened. it was getting late, almost time for bed anyway, so she told me to go upstairs and shower and rinse out my underwear. I did as i was told, and she got on the phone to call my mother and tell her what happened. I finished up, and walked out of the bathroom with my towel around my waist. I was greeted by my friends mother, "come with me." was all she said as she took me by the hand and led me up to her room. "Lay down on the bed and open your towel." she said. I did as i was told, not wanting her to send me home. i was laying there looking up at the ceiling, listening to her rummage through the drawers. finally, she came over to me and sat some things on the bed next to me. instantly i recognized all of the things. it was a pampers baby diaper, a bottle of baby powder, and some rash cream. As soon as i saw these items, i freaked. I tried to get up and run, but she grabbed me by the arm and gently pushed me back onto the bed. "Listen, your mother gave me permission to do this, she also told me that if you misbehaved i may spank you." not wanting a spanking, i agreed to let her diaper me. with swift expertise, she lifted my bottom, and placed the diaper under me, spread the cream, and powdered me, and in no time flat, i was wearing a diaper. "OK, now you go over to Dave's room, and get ready for bed." i waddled down the hall, noticing how thick the diaper was compared to my undies. I cracked the door to my friends room, hoping that he was not in there. "It's OK, mom already told me the you have to wear a diaper here. im not gonna laugh." i heard through the door. i opened the door and walked in, we went to bed early that night.

The next morning, i woke up to the sun beaming in on my forehead. I sat up, remembering the diaper that was around my waist. I got up and went downstairs. "good morning, how did you sleep?" I heard Ann (my friends mom say.) "good, actually the best i've slept since...well, you know." i said, trailing of at the end. The next thing i know, i was being spun around and Ann pulling the back of my diaper out. "all clean i see, still, i think its best that whenever you are here, you wear diapers, to protect your cloths, and our furniture." she said, at this point, i didn't really care, i hadn't been made fun of for it. we ate breakfast and Dave and i went into the living room to play some video games. about an hour later i felt the need to pee. i got up and went to tell Ann. "Mrs. Ann, i gotta go to the bathroom." i said to her, already doing the pee dance. "well, you are wearing a diaper, and those tapes will not hold well after they have been taken off and i am not going to be wasting them, so just go and i will change you when i am not busy. now go and play." she said nonchalantly. i went back into the living room with Dave, not ready to give up. ten minutes passed, ind i couldn't hold it anymore. it came rushing out as if the hoover dam had just burst. the diaper felt all wet and soggy, but warm and oddly nice. i just continued to play, about five minutes later, i got thirsty. I stood up and as i did, i felt myself pooping in my diaper. I remember going to find Ann crying. i found her in her room and started to tell her what happened, but before i could, she said "phew, i take it that you need a diaper change?" I nodded and she told me to wait while she got some supplies. she came back and spread a towel on the floor. "lie down, we will get you cleaned up." i did as i was told. she untapped the diaper and said "pee-yew! that stinks!" she continued to clean me up and taped me into another diaper. "off you go!" she said as i stood up, she gave me a pat on my rear. i had one more diaper change that day, but instead of another diaper, i got my underpants back and i was sent back home.

I went back many times, I had no problem wearing the diapers, I actually preferred them to my undies, they contained my accidents, and i didn't have to worry about the bathroom. I never could talk my mom into putting me back in diapers, she still thought i was doing it on purpose. I finally stopped having accidents when we moved away to Florida about 2 years later. Not sure if that is related or not. At no point in time did i feel abused, personally, i feel that spanking is required for a child to grow up and be respectful.

As i said before, feel free to nit-pick, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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no, no other problems, like i said, i am a us marine, if i still had them i wouldnt be in. no i never did go and see a doctor about it. nor have i brought it up again, no need to. my father died because there was no water to put out the fire, and he was in the basement searching for survivors, and the structure collapsed on top of him and another firefighter.

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