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Soft Plushy?


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I have always wounder if it is something whit the brain that make you feel how soft and nice it is to cuddling whit your Plushy? Some sort of reaction whit memoirs or something. Can it be something whit the reward system in the brain?

Is it any study about this area?

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It is about tactile feelings...some people don't grow out of the need to hold and cuddle soft animals. For me it is soft blankets. I love them.

This. Personally I don't think anybody truly outgrows that.

But if you start when you are 19-20 to sleep whit a plushy again.

It's still what foundationbaby said (quoted above), only that you just didn't act on it until you were 19-20.

~ Cody, aka moogle

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But if you start when you are 19-20 to sleep whit a plushy again.

It could be that you didn't feel the need to cuddle with soft cuddly animals until something in your life triggered it...such as the need to feel little. I do admit when my cat that I had for 13yrs died...I cuddled with one of my soft stuffed animals for several months afterwards to help me heal. My cat used to sleep in my bed so I had to have something to hold onto and my stuffed polar bear did the trick even though I still miss my kitty.

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