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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

G/F May Be Allergic To Diaper Material

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Hey guys

To give you an update since my last post (which was a while ago),i've moved on from the former DL (relationship didnt last long for various reasons). My first girlfriend/current Mommy and i are trying to make it work again,and i think she's the one that i can fully embrace the lifestyle around (I've gotten better with that too). Recentley,i've wanted to make a transition where want her to be the baby too. The only problem is (the few times she's visited) we found out she's allergic to something in the diapers we've tried (Bambinos and Cushies). I dont know if it's the absorbent polymer material or the latex,but it gives her bad diaper rash. But that doesnt stop us from being mischevious Toddlers sans diapers

Anyone have any suggestions in the way of training pants or something without the sensitive material for her?

Thanks! (shy hugs all around)

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Congratulations first of all on finding a woman who supports your AB/DL desires and is willing to try the things you're interested in. You are very lucky and it doesn't hurt to be reminded of that! A diaper rash can be caused by heat and moisture or a fungal source. It is important to treat her rash first and think about putting her back in diapers later. My wife is prone to them and I ask her to use the hairdryer to throughly dry herself between changes and use an antifungal cream during the day and then diaper rash cream at night.

She may have a reaction to the SAP in disposibles. Have you considered cloth diapers? While they are more expensive to buy and require washing, it was THE solution prior to decent disposible diapers coming to the marketplace. Even if you do try cloth, I think you should change her as soon after she gets wet as possible. She shows a lot of concern for your happiness and not letting her sit around in wet diapers isn't too much to do for her health and well-being.

Of course if this is something that doesn't really appeal to her, it would be best if you could let it go. Your choices are to accept her the way she is or move one. Plenty of us have been rejected for not being the way the women we have been in relationships wanted and they moved on.

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Yeah, I was going to say if it's definitely something about the diapers themselves (as opposed to baby poweder, lotion, or creams) then I would think cloth diapers would be the logical alternative.

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Material is pretty much the same between cloth backed and plastic backed diapers minus the plastic backing. It's probably one of the chemicals that are in the disposable diapers or possibly the lotion or powder you are using. You should be able to easily test which one is causing it and make the switch to cloth if its the disposables.

nicediaper.com sells cloth diapers, AIOs, and pullups at reasonable prices. There shipping just takes a while.

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Try Abena Abri Form Nature disposable diapers if she doesn't want to go down the cloth route.

They contain NO optical brightener, perfume or moisture cream and they ain't bleached white. All things that can cause rashes for some people in disposables.

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