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New Babies On The Street

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I'm gonna repost this again, in case anyone was actually interested since something happened to it. I'm not sure where I left off, so some of this may be new. . . If you have any comments at all, I'd love to hear!

“How was school today honey?” my mom asked me after I sat down to do my homework. “OK” I mumbled back to her. She went about doing the things moms usually do while I did my homework. Truth is, I hate school, and I hate the people at school, but telling her this would only upset her, so I keep it to myself. There are two things that really bug her. The first thing is whining, she really hates to hear whining. And the second thing is complaining. She gets angry every time I start complaining about something.

I’m almost 15 and since my mom is single, I guess she is over-protective of me since I’m her only daughter. She has two sons, my older brother Jake, who moved out a couple years ago, and my younger brother Rod, who is 12.

I just recently discovered something very different about myself. I found that I have an interest in diapers, pacifiers, bottles, etc. I tried on a diaper as a joke, but it felt incredible to be wearing it. I was surprised that I felt that way. Of course I didn’t tell anyone.

The best thing about the internet is you can buy something without anyone ever knowing. After I found out about my interest in diapers, I went online and ordered some. I had to do it the hard way by mailing them the money, but at least noone knew.

I was so excited about getting the diapers that I forgot all about them coming in the mail and making my mom suspicious. In fact, I’d forgotten all about mom seeing the package until I came home from school and mom was in the kitchen with the package. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the package sitting on the table, but I heaved a sigh of relief when I seen that the box was still unopened. I (as casually as I could) walked out to the kitchen and pretended not to see the package. “A package came for you today” I felt myself tense up again. I turned around toward the package and started to carry it up to my room. “Do you mind telling me what is in that box?” mom questioned. “Mom, I paid for it with my own money so I don’t see why it is any of your concern” “This is my house, young lady, and you will do as I say, understand? So tell me what is in the box” I started walking toward my room while saying “it’s none of your business what’s in this box.” “Take one more step young lady, and you will be a very sorry little girl.” I was not in a good mood by now, so I just wanted to piss her off for making such a big deal out of things. I looked back at her for a few seconds, and then took one step. She got extremely angry and said “I want you to go up to your room and change into your pyjamas and then wait for me in the corner.” She stated it so calmly it scared me more than if she’d have yelled at me. I figured now was not a great time to defy her again so I took my box and headed to my room.

“It’s not fair!” I thought as I threw my box into the closet. “It’s none of her business what I buy with my own money!” I changed into my pyjamas and stood in the corner as I was told. I hated this. Standing in the corner is something you make little kids do! Not 15 year olds! About ten minutes later I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs. I heard her come into my room and pull my stool out into the middle of my floor.

She told me to go get my box. Again, I didn’t even think about defying her. I went over to my closet and retrieved the box and handed it to her. “Since you wouldn’t tell me what was in the box, I’m going to open it and see for myself what’s in it.” I sighed as I watched her open the box. I thought I was gonna die watching her open that box. I almost started crying when she pulled out a package of diapers. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes while my face was getting redder and redder from this embarrassment. Finally she said “Well young lady, did you get these to wear?” I could only nod. “You could have avoided this spanking had you just told me what was in this box. But instead, you refused, which has earned you a nice trip over my knee”

She called me over to her side where she pulled down my pyjama bottoms and then very slowly pulled my panties down to my knees. She then picked me up and put me over her knee. Being exposed always made me feel like such a naughty little girl. Then she started spanking me. She spanked all the way down the back of my thighs. After five minutes or so, she stopped. “Go get me your paddle from the top of your dresser.” I hated having to get my paddle for her. After I handed it to her, she put me back over her knee and resumed spanking. She made sure to spank extra hard on my sit-spot. I knew I’d have trouble sitting comfortably for a while. When I felt like I couldn’t cry any harder, she stopped.

She pulled off my pyjama bottoms and my panties completely and then carried me over to my bed. I was still crying hysterically, as it was a pretty hard spanking I got. The next thing I knew, she was putting a diaper under me! And she put some baby powder on me and fastened the diaper. She then told me to take a nap and that she would come up and get me when dinner was ready.

I was already awake when she came up to tell me dinner was ready. I started to take the diaper off when she stopped me. “No, I want you to leave your diaper on.” So I started to get my sweat pants and put them on. “No, you will go down to the dinner table dressed as you are now.” “Mom! What about Rod! He can’t see me like this!” “You might as well get used to him seeing you in diapers, because you’re going to be in them awhile!” I was so mad that I started taking the diaper off anyway. “Don’t even think about it, young lady. If you take that diaper off, I won’t think twice about putting you over my knee for another spanking, only this time you will get the brush.” I sighed as I realized there was no way I could escape this. “After dinner, you and I are going to have a long talk.” I just sighed and started down to the dinner table.

I thought I was gonna die when Rod saw me. As soon as he seen me in diapers he started laughing and making snide remarks. After I threatened to tell mom that he was the one who broke our window, he shut up. He tried not to laugh all throughout the dinner. Mom was talking to us as usual as if there was nothing abnormal about the situation. When I finished eating, I didn’t even ask to be excused, I just got up and went to my room.

I was in my room about a half-hour before my mom came up. She came up and sat on my bed. “I believe we have some things to talk about.” “No mom, I believe you have some things to talk about.” I said with an apparent attitude. “Watch the attitude young lady! I’m sorry I had to spank you earlier, but I will not tolerate outright disobedience. From now on, I expect you to do as I say, when I say. I will not tolerate rudeness either, as you demonstrated earlier at the dinner table. You are to ask to be excused, is that clear?” “Crystal!” I said with sarcasm. “This is your last chance this evening to straighten up before I put you over my knee for another spanking.-“ I just rolled my eyes at this. “-As I was saying, your behavior will improve, or else you’ll be spending a lot more time with your pants down. I know I haven’t spanked you since you were little, but it seems to be the only thing that is getting through to you. I did not spank you because of the diapers, I spanked you because you refused to do as I said. As for the diapers, I’m a little concerned about your wanting to wear them. But as punishment, for acting so childish in your behavior and wanting to wear diapers, you are to wear diapers constantly for the next month. You will be fed, changed, and you will drink from a bottle. And you will sleep in a crib, understood?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I was overjoyed at the news, but it was punishment so I had to at least look a little upset.

“Mom, that’s not fair!” I yelled, although with a smile on my face. “I see that smile and that your enjoying the situation, but by the end of the month, you will be very sorry that you ever wanted this in the first place. I will be the one feeding and changing you, and you will be going to school with diapers, and there is no way to get out of this. If those diapers ever come off without my permission, you will find yourself over my knee getting the brush.”

I wasn’t at all happy hearing about wearing them to school. If somebody sees me with them on, I hate to think about what will happen. “Seeing as your all diapered up and haven’t used it yet, there’s no need for me to change you. You will have your crib tomorrow night to sleep in. I think it’s time for you to go to bed anyway, as it’s way past little babies bedtime.”

She tucked me in and then left the room. I couldn’t help but wonder what I got myself into.

By the time I woke up the next morning I had forgotten all about the previous evening until I rolled over and felt how sore my bottom was and that I was still wearing a diaper. I figured she was just blowing off steam and she wouldn’t make me go through with being treated like a baby for an entire month.

I didn’t feel like getting up so I just laid in bed. About 45 minutes later my mom came up. “Did you sleep well?” She asked all caring and motherly. I just rolled over in my bed cause I wasn’t ready to talk to her yet. “Are you ready to get out of bed yet?”

Her asking kinda made me mad. “I don’t need you here to get out of bed. I’m quite capable of doing it on my own!”

“At the current time you are, but after your crib arrives today, you will need someone else to get you out of bed. So for now, you have my permission to get out of bed. I want you to come down for breakfast as soon as you get dressed.”

I was thanking God that it was Saturday by the way things were going. After the spanking I got yesterday, I really didn’t want to test her patience. As soon as I got dressed, I went downstairs.

Thankfully, my brother didn’t make any remarks about my diapers as I sat down at the table. As we were eating breakfast, mom was busy telling me how today was going to be my last day as a teenager for awhile.

The day went by as any other normal Saturday with the exception that I had to wear diapers and my mom left to go shopping early and didn’t get home until dinner. She had some guy helping her carry in bags and boxes of stuff. I couldn’t see what was in them. My mom told me and my brother to stay in the Den until she said we were allowed to go to our rooms. I really didn’t have any clue what they were doing upstairs.

About two hours later, she and that guy came downstairs. He left while she came into the living room to talk to me. “Let’s go upstairs.” she said. I reluctantly followed.

When I walked into my room, I thought I was gonna die. I started freaking out because my whole room had been turned into a nursery! There was a crib my size in place of my bed, along with a mobile. All my clothes except my shirts had been confiscated. What remained in my drawers were disposable and cloth diapers, along with baby powder, wipes, and diaper pins. There was even pictures on my walls of teddy bears! I never would have thought that my mom would have taken this punishment thing to the extreme!

I only had access to my shirts. But even they had been replaced by childish themed shirts. Shirts with Mickey Mouse and Winnie The Pooh. “The shirts you have in your dresser are the only shirts you are to wear around the house. Around the house, your wardrobe will consist of your diaper, a shirt, and possibly socks. When we go somewhere in public, you will wear your school clothes as well as to school. When we go to relatives houses, you will wear what you would wear around the house. Is that understood?” I was dumbstruck as to what I could do. I stood there staring at my room. “Do you understand?” my mom repeated. “Yeah, I understand.”

“I want you to get your pyjamas on and get ready for bed. Speaking of which, did you use your diaper at all today?” I slowly shook my head no. “Did you use the bathroom at all today?” Well I knew I shouldn’t lie because it would somehow backfire and get me into more trouble. I just looked down at the floor. “What did I tell you about not using the toilet anymore? Since it was your last day as a teenager for awhile, I’ll let this time slide, but if it happens again, you will find yourself over my knee, is that clear?” I continued to stare at the floor as I shook my head yes.

“Well, I think it is time I put you to bed. You were very naughty today and didn’t listen to mommy, so I think you clearly need to go to bed early.” Lucky for my mom, I am small for my age and she is a lot bigger than me. She picked me up and put me in the crib. “Tomorrow when you wake up, things will be a lot different, little girl. Goodnight sweetheart, I’ll see you in the morning.” I was still angry with her so I didn’t say anything back.

I woke up rather early the next morning with an urge to go pee. I realized I could no longer use the bathroom for that reason and laid back trying to use the diaper. It was hard since I’d never done it before. It felt good to finally relieve myself. Afterwards I fell back asleep and I didn’t wake up until my mom woke me up. “Good morning sweetheart, I see you wet your diaper.” With that, she lifted me out of the crib and carried me over to an oversized changing table. It was so embarrassing to have her remove my wet diaper and clean me up and re-diaper me. When she was about to re-diaper me, I realized she picked out the cloth diapers and she had put three pairs together. It actually felt good to be cared for by someone again. After she diapered me, she picked out a shirt with baby Tweety on it and then told me to come downstairs to breakfast.

As I started to sit at my place at the table I noticed there was no breakfast waiting for me. My mom came into the room and told me that she would be feeding me and pointed to the oversized high chair. “You’ve got to be kidding.” I mumbled as I climbed up into the high seat. She latched the tray on, and proceeded to feed me oatmeal. I didn’t mind oatmeal, so I let her feed me. After she finished feeding me, she gave me a bottle of warm milk and sent me into the Den to watch t.v.

I hated milk and she knew it! It made me mad that she gave me milk even though she knew I didn’t like it. “But mom! You know I don’t like milk!” I protested.

“Well, I’m afraid that’s what little babies drink when they’re thirsty. Milk is important so that they grow up to be strong and healthy.”

“But I don’t like it and I won’t drink it!” I stated matter of factly.

“Well, if you’re thirsty enough, you’ll drink it, because that’s all you’re getting right now.”

I totally lost control of my temper and took my bottle and threw it at her! It narrowly missed her and shattered on the cabinet behind her. As soon as I let go of it, I instantly knew I was in BIG trouble! Her face got really red and I could see that she was very angry and trying to stay calm.

She came over to me and grabbed my arm where she pulled me over to a chair. She yanked my diaper off. She pulled me over her knee and started spanking me. It hurt really bad! After about 30 seconds she was still really mad and stopped. She told me to go into the bathroom and get her brush. I started crying as soon as I realized my fate was sealed and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. I just laid there and cried. “If you don’t go get that brush and I have to get it, you will be an even sorrier little girl!” I got up and went to get that brush. When I brought it back out to her she yanked me back over her knee where she really spanked me hard (especially in the sit-spot) for the next couple minutes.

After she finished spanking me, she led me over to a corner and told me to stay there until she said I could get out. The part that sucked the most, was that she spanked me in the Den where my brother could have seen me get spanked, and anyone who walked into the house could see me standing in the corner with my spanked bottom on display!

As luck (not for me) would have it, my aunt showed up to visit while I was standing in the corner. I had been standing there for almost 30 minutes when she came. As she walked through the door I heard her say “I see someone received a very sound bare bottom spanking by the looks of it.” It was very embarrassing for my aunt to see me this way. They even decided to have their chat in the Den while I was standing in the corner crying!

After I had been standing in the corner close to an hour, I heard my mom get up and go upstairs. When she came back downstairs, she told me I could come out. I didn’t because I didn’t want my aunt to see my private parts. When my mom walked into the room she said “Come on now, you don’t have anything your aunt hasn’t seen a thousand times.”

I hesitantly went over to my mom where she had me lay on the floor so she could re-diaper me. My mom then told me to sit on the couch for an hour.

After I sat down, my mom told me to tell my aunt why I’m being diapers punished and why I was just punished and the whole story basically. “So how did all this happen Marie?” my aunt asked me.

“Well, I ordered diapers and wouldn’t tell mom what was in the box and she spanked me for not listening and she looked in the box anyway. She said that I was gonna be punished by having to be treated like a baby for a whole month. Today, even though I don’t like milk, but mom gave it to me anyway so I got mad and threw my bottle at her. It missed her, but when it hit the cabinet it shattered. So she spanked me really hard with the brush on my bare bottom!”

“Marie! I’m very surprised to hear that you done these things! Shame on you young lady! Be very thankful I’m not your mother, because I’d have probably made you go pick a switch instead of the brush. You definitely deserved that spanking and I hope you can’t sit for a couple days, that way the message will stay with you!”

I really hadn’t thought my aunt would react that way. I thought that she would have been more understanding and would’ve felt sorry for me. I just sat there for the entire hour until my mom told me that I could go upstairs to play and that she’d be making lunch soon. It was weird cause I don’t play with toys anymore, but my mom got a toy-box full. That’s what she replaced my computer with. I didn’t know how I was gonna survive this month. It was technically only the first day and I’ve already been spanked!

After I went upstairs, I saw my backside in the mirror and my thighs were still really red from that spanking. I wanted to lay down, but I couldn’t get into the crib by myself. So instead I settled for sitting on the floor. It hurt sitting on the hard wooden floor in my room, because my bottom was still really sore from the spanking. I just sat there until my mom came up to tell me that lunch was ready.

As I walked into the room I noticed that my mom had made ham sandwiches. That was my favorite kind of sandwich and I was pretty hungry. Without being told I got up into my high chair. After my mom latched on the tray, she got out a jar of baby food from the cabinet. “Mom! I don’t want baby food, I want a ham sandwich! I think I’m capable of eating a ham sandwich.”

“I’m sorry, but little babies can choke on the ham, and I don’t want to take any chances of that happening.”

I was so angry that I refused to open my mouth at all. It wasn’t fair that I had to eat the same food as babies!

“Marie, I suggest you open your mouth. I won’t think twice about making you go hungry and waiting until dinner time.” I just stared at her. “This is your last chance before I take you out of that high chair. This is all you will be getting until you eat it.”

I thought it over and decided that I’d have to eat it eventually so I might as well get it over with. I opened my mouth and let her feed me. “Now see, that wasn’t too hard.” She was definitely going all out for this punishment.

After she finished feeding me, she fixed a bottle of warm milk and carried it up the stairs with her after telling me to follow. She put me in my crib and gave me the bottle of milk. “This is all you will get to drink until you drink it all.” With that she left my room and told me to sleep well.

I was determined to drink all of that milk so I wouldn’t have to have it for dinner as well. I picked up the bottle and started drinking it down. I didn’t take a breath until I’d drank every last bit. As soon as I did set the bottle down, it all came right back up all over the crib. I immediately started crying. It didn’t take long for my mom to come up and see what happened. She lifted me out of my crib and carried me into the bathroom where she cleaned me up. Eventually I stopped crying. “You see mom, that’s why I don’t like milk, it makes me sick!”

“Sssshhhh” she crooned trying to calm me down. “You’re all cleaned up.” She picked me up and carried me into her room and laid me on her bed. “You’ll have to take your nap here while I clean up your crib.” I fell asleep almost the second my head hit the pillow.

After my mom woke me up from my nap, she said I could put on some sweat pants and go outside to play. “I have your sweat-pants, and you will only wear them if I give them to you to wear.” I was grateful that she wasn’t making me go outside in just a shirt and my diaper.

My brother was already outside when I went out. We agreed on a game of hide and go seek. “You count, and I’ll go hide” my brother insisted.

“Whatever” I said and I covered my eyes to count. I figured this would be a good chance to get back at him for laughing at me. When I found him, I saw that mom was watching, so I purposely made sure to chase him over to the neighbors property where we’re not allowed to go. I made sure that I didn’t go there, but stopped at the edge. “You better come back before mom catches you over there!” I yelled.

“Too late!” My mom said as she was coming out our back door. My brother knew he was in trouble and came back immediately. She grabbed his arm and led him back inside. I went inside as well since there was nothing to do outside by yourself.

As I went inside, I could already hear the beginnings of a spanking. I walked by watching him get his butt spanked and I started to go upstairs. “Marie, you can watch, since I know your brother has made fun of your punishment.” I wasn’t going to argue so I sat on the couch where I had a prime view of him getting spanked.

My mom was really spanking him hard with just her hand. After his bottom was really red she stopped. “Go to the bathroom and get my brush, young man!” He didn’t argue and instead quickly retrieved her brush from the bathroom.

As he brought it back to her she put him back over her knee and spanked him right on his sit-spot. “Do you know why I don’t let you go over there, Rod?”

“Because there’s bad stuff over there?” he cried.

“That’s exactly right. I don’t like you going over there because there are dangerous dogs and tools over there. Now I had better never catch you over there again. Do you understand?”

“Yes mom-mee!” he wailed. With that she finished up his spanking with a dozen more spanks.

“Now I want you to plant your nose in that corner and don’t come out until I tell you to, is that understood? He only nodded this time in response.

He was crying really hard and his butt was really red. I felt bad for setting him up like that, but I knew that if I told him or mom, I’d get another spanking. “Oh well, survival of the fittest” I thought.

Actually, I was beginning to like the way I was being treated. It had its good points as well as its bad. I was getting what I wanted... to be a baby again.

I decided to go on up to my room and play. Not to mention, I was getting to be kinda afraid of being around mom, cause she spanks us for every little thing we do now. I guess my behavior is better than before, but still, spankings hurt!

I decided to check out some of the toys that were in my toy-box. It couldn’t hurt, and it might be fun. I went through the box and actually there were toys that I used to love playing with. Hotwheels cars, ramps, and some dolls. If these are all I can play with, I don’t see any reason to let them go unused, right? I set up the car ramps and were playing with them when my mom came in.

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Unfortunately nothing is based on real events. . . . just another fantasy I suppose.

“Dinner’s ready sweetheart.”

“Ok mom, I’ll be down in a minute” She left and went back downstairs. I accidentally got caught up in playing with the cars that I forgot to go downstairs.

“Didn’t I tell you dinner’s ready?” I jumped when my mom said this cause I forgot all about dinner.

“I’m sorry mom, I forgot.”

“Ok, well lets go down now.” mom said reassuringly.

I was extremely surprised that she didn’t do anything and wasn’t mad that I forgot about dinner. “Oh well” I thought and followed her downstairs.

I headed straight over to the high chair and hopped up in it. I waited as mom latched the tray on and brought over my food. It was vegetable soup, which was my favorite! I looked up at my mom and smiled, and she actually smiled back. After she finished feeding me, she filled my bottle with Kool-Aid. “I won’t give you milk anymore since it makes you sick.”

This time, I happily went over to the couch and sat down to enjoy my bottle. Things were starting to look up, I thought. After I finished my bottle, my mom came into the Den. “I would like to talk to you in your room.” My heart sank. I was thinking only one thing: spanking. But I couldn’t remember what I did wrong....that she would’ve found out about. So I followed her up to my room.

She sat on my bed and motioned for me to sit next to her. So I didn’t think twice about doing so.

“I want to say I’m sorry.”

“What for mom?”

“Because I’ve been looking at this whole situation all wrong and it has caused me to act differently than I should. I wasn’t happy when you and your brother were babies because of how your father treated me. That caused me not to give you the best ‘babyhood’ I could have. I guess you being in diapers reminded me of that time, and therefore caused me to be unhappy. Well, I’ve decided to give you a real second ‘babyhood’! Don’t think of it as punishment anymore, just let me baby you again like I should have the first time. Because of the way I treated you, you never got a real first ‘babyhood’. This might be why you want to wear diapers, because I neglected to give you the love and care that are associated with them. And another thing, I’ve been getting angry too easily lately and I shouldn’t have spanked you out of anger like I did. I’m not saying I won’t spank you, because there will be times when you really deserve it, like this morning when you threw your bottle. Do you forgive me?”

“Yes mommy, I do!”

“Aww thank you sweetheart. I’m sorry about how things were before. I promise you can come to me with any problem and I will help you through it, ok?”

“Ok mommy!”

My mom then kissed my forehead and left my room. I couldn’t believe the conversation I just had with her. I hope it was for real. I feel differently than I did earlier. Now I feel loved and cared for. I don’t think I could possibly be happier.

After much thought and deliberation, I decided to go ahead and chance wearing diapers to school Monday. My mom kept asking if I was sure and I told her yeah. I knew I had to be especially careful so no one found out. My mom (now mommy) was being really nice and she was supportive of me wanting to wear diapers.

The whole day, I was terrified of someone finding out that I was wearing diapers that I couldn’t concentrate on my school work. I was so inattentive in class, that Mrs. Bowers sent me to the office after getting on me several times. As fate would have it, I somehow got entwined in a food fight. My friends suggested it and said we wouldn’t get caught and I agreed because it sounded like fun. We always did this kinda stuff, but only this time there was a little voice in the back of my head saying I’d be in a LOT of trouble if we DID get caught.

Jessica, Jamie, and I started the food fight by throwing some pudding at the Varsity quarterback. And it worked, because everyone started throwing food! But someone ratted us out to the Vice Principal. We all knew we were in trouble when our names we called out over the PA system and were told to report to the office.

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When we got to the office, the secretary told us to have a seat and that Mr. McCormick would be with us momentarily. Those minutes seemed like hours! I’m pretty sure we only waited about 15 minutes before he called us in. He motioned for us to have a seat and as we did so, he informed us that our parents had been phoned and were all on their way. I didn’t hear another word he said after that ‘cause I started bawling. I knew I was gonna get spanked when I got home and I kept cursing myself for going along with the plan in the first place.

“Marie? What’s wrong? We’ve done worse things than start a food fight before and we don’t get in much trouble. We might get suspended for a few days but that’s all.” Jessica calmly reassured me. But only it wasn’t reassuring. I couldn’t possibly tell her that my mom started spanking me again, and worse yet, that I’m wearing diapers!

I finally got myself under control and stopped crying. About 5 minutes after that, in walked our parents. I got really scared again and started peeing! Good thing I had a diaper on. I couldn’t read my moms face. She looked pretty upset but not boiling angry like she was when I shattered that bottle. They each took a seat next to us respectively while Mr. McCormick went over what had happened and how we started it. He concluded by explaining that we were suspended for the next week.

He told us each that he’d see us upon our return in one week and that our work would be ready for pick up tomorrow. He then bid all of us good-bye and that he hoped we straightened out by the time we returned. I heard my mom quietly say “You can bet we’ll get to the bottom of things.”

We rode home in complete silence. I was terrified to look at her, let alone speak to her. I knew I was in a lot of trouble, but really in no hurry to find out how much. When we got home, I put my book-bag down before my mom finally spoke “I want you to go to your room, strip down to your diaper and shirt, and then stand in the corner.” I looked down and went upstairs. After I had stripped down to my diaper and shirt, I noticed my diaper was beginning to sag. I promptly went to the corner as I was told.

It was a full 45 minutes before my mom came upstairs! When she finally came upstairs she sat in my crib with the side down and called me over to her. I went over and she pulled me up onto her lap. We sat there like that for awhile before she spoke, “Baby, why did you help start a food fight?” She didn’t sound too angry, but upset none the less.

“I don’t know” I said as I looked down.

“Baby, you know I don’t like that answer. Now please tell me why you would want to do something like that.” She said as she made me look her in the face.

“I don’t know, I mean, well it just seemed like fun even though I knew it was wrong and that I’d get in trouble if we were caught.” I stated quietly. I was sooo scared that I wet my diaper some more waiting for her to answer.

“How do you think you should be punished?” My mom asked quietly.

“I dunno” I answered just as quietly.

“Yes Baby, I think you do know.” I just looked away as she said this. “Now how do naughty babies get punished?” I continued looking away and didn’t answer. “Hmmmm?” She asked as she lifted my chin up so that I was looking at her.

“A spanking?” I asked, almost a whisper.

“Mmmm hmmm, that’s right” She said, nodding. “And how are naughty babies spanked in this house?” She ventured.

“On their bare bottom” I answered barely audible.

“Uh-huh” She said nodding her response once again. “Well, lets get this over with” She sighed as she lifted me up and started taking off the sagging disposable. With nothing else to remove, she put me over her knee and began spanking. I began crying and begging her to stop after the third spank, but she continued anyways. At some point between my pleas, she picked up the hairbrush and began spanking. I really started kicking and trying to get away! She really was gonna make me sorry for starting that food fight. She didn’t stop until I had long stopped begging. In fact, I had even begun hiccupping from crying so much. When she finally stopped, she just let me lay there crying it out. After I had calmed down considerably she turned me over and sat me on her lap. I winced because my bum was still on fire!

“I’m sorry I had to do that sweetheart, but you needed to learn a lesson and I wanted to be sure that it was one you wouldn’t forget. Do you forgive me?” She asked. I nodded my response. With that, she picked me up and carried me over to the changing table. She diapered me up thickly in my cloth diapers and then topped it off with a pair of plastic pants. She took off my shirt which surprised me. But quickly, she replaced it with a pink onesie. “It’s only about 3 and your brother will be home shortly. Why don’t you take a nap until supper, ok sweetheart?”

What would it have mattered if I said no? She still would have made me lay down so I simply saved her the trouble “Ok mommy” I said. And besides, I was kinda tired. In fact, it didn’t take long at all to fall asleep once she lifted the side rail up into place.

The room was dark when she came back in to wake me up for supper. I was still really sleepy, so she carried me downstairs and put me into my highchair. To my surprise, Rod wasn’t here. “Where’s Rod?”

“Oh, he’s staying the night with your grandma, honey” I shrugged and watched my mom finish dinner.

When my mom came over to feed me my dinner she pulled up a chair. “I want to tell you a few things, Marie. The first thing is, that since you’ve been suspended for a week, then you’re being punished. You won’t get grown-up food, but baby food. But you will be closely under my supervision the entire week. The other thing, Jessica and Jamie’s parents are fed up with their behavior as well. They are getting baby treatment the whole week, until the day before you go back to school. But their parents work during the day, so I offered to babysit them since I’ll be home with you anyway. So they’ll be over here every day for the next week. I want to give you a little run down of the way things are going to work while they’re here. I’m going to go pick up all three of your all’s work tomorrow, and everyday you will each spend 2 hours studying and doing your schoolwork. Jamie’s dad is bringing over two more cribs and high chairs for me to use this week. I’ve also been told that if they give me any trouble that I have total permission to take their diapers off and spank them, even with a brush if they warrant it. So I want you to know, that if you get in any trouble while they’re here, I will not hesitate to spank you. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mommy”

“Good, now let me get your dinner” She went over and pulled out a couple jars of baby food. Lets see, there was green beans, peas, carrots, and strained prunes, YUCK! I choked it down after I put up a big enough fuss for my mom to threaten me with a spanking. After dinner, she put me in the playpen set up in the Den along with a bottle of formula. It was disgusting, but better than milk.

I finally settled with some blocks and really lost track of time playing, until the doorbell rang. My mom rushed over to the door and opened it up to Jamie’s dad. I was super embarrassed for him to see me setting there in diapers and a onesie. He came inside carrying a box and eventually brought all four in. Two of them he took upstairs and he was up there about 30 minutes setting the cribs up. Then he came back downstairs and set up the two highchairs. When he was finished he said that he really had to get going. “Bye Jane!” he called out to my mom and then he turned to me “Bye bye Baby Marie!” I must’ve turned really red because he chuckled and left.

After he left, my mom came in and told me it was time for my bath and then it was bedtime. Oh boy! How fun! I sulked, as I really wasn’t looking forward to her bathing me. She drew me a tub of water and then set me in it. She didn’t waste no time washing my hair and scrubbing me all over. When she was done she told me I could play for a little while, but to be careful not to get water everywhere. I guess I just forgot ‘cause when she came back in she started scolding me for getting water everywhere. She took me out of the tub and carried me into my room and laid me on the changing table. She pulled out three nighttime cloth diapers and put them on me. “You’re in there for the night Marie, even if you have to go poopy, understand?” I nodded. “This is part of your punishment, you are going to have to go all night on one set of diapers.” She picked some pink footed jammies out of my drawer and put them on me. “Now lets get you tucked in” She said as she carried me over to my crib. She latched the gate into place, turned on the monitor, and put my pacifier in my mouth. “Goodnight sweetheart, don’t let the bed bugs bite!”

“Night, Mommy” I said around the pacifier before I quickly drifted off to sleep.

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“Wake up sweetheart, it’s time to get up!” My mom said, gently shaking me awake. She lowered the gate and carried me over to the changing table. She unzipped my warm jammies and proceeded changing my really soaked diaper. When she finished changing me back into some more cloth diapers, she zipped my jammies back up and started carrying me downstairs. I still had my pacifier in my mouth as my mom carried me back downstairs. When we got to the kitchen I thought I was gonna die! There was Jamie and her dad, and Jessica and her mom! Their parents were putting them each into a highchair. They didn’t look very happy at all, and I’m pretty sure I saw Jamie wince when she sat down. “Aren’t you gonna say hi?” My mom prompted.

I had sorta forgotten as I watched, transfixed on them. “Oh yeah, hey guys.” They didn’t say anything back, instead they glared at me. My mom went over and sat me in the highchair next to Jamie. We sat there while our parents decided to sit and have a cup of coffee. “You guys, the reason I started crying yesterday was because I knew I was gonna get a spanking when I got home. I had no idea all this was gonna happen!” I explained.

“We got spanked too!” Jessica said quietly. Jamie nodded in agreement.

“My Daddy spanked me with a hairbrush.” Jamie said quietly. I nodded as to indicate that was what I had gotten as well. We looked at Jessica waiting to hear her answer.

“My mom used a switch” She said even quieter. Our eyes widened at that. “She knew it was my idea” Jessica continued.

Just then our parents stood up from the table. As they were leaving, Luke, (Jamie’s dad) told Jamie she had better behave, or else.

After they left, my mom went over to the cabinet and brought back 3 jars for each of us. She then fed Jamie, then me, then Jessica. We were a mess by the time we finished eating. My mom then let each of us out of the high chair and gave us each a bottle of formula to take into the Den and finish. About a half an hour later my mom came in and said it was time for our baths. I shuddered ‘cause I knew what my mom was planning. You see, we have an extra large bath tub, and the three of us are fairly small for our age. I assumed correctly as on our way upstairs my mom announced we’d be taking a bath together.

One at a time she put us up on the changing table and began removing our diapers and jammies. Then she’d send us one at a time into the bathroom for our bath. When we were all in the tub, she came in and began scrubbing me first. When she was done, she left to allow us a little play time. We got involved in a splashing contest and managed to get water everywhere! My mom was not at all pleased when she came in and saw the mess. She scolded me about letting this happen a second time. She told me if there was a third time, I would get a spanking. She took me out first and diapered me up. As she was putting on my diapers, she gave me a sharp smack to my bare bum. “That was for splashing!” She then put a blue onesie on me. The same procedure followed for Jessica and Jamie, even the smack for splashing! After we were all nice and clean she told us to come downstairs and get started on our schoolwork. We followed but out of fear of a spanking, not because we wanted to. My mom told us to work on our assignments quietly and that she didn’t wanna hear any talking or noise. We worked hard for about an hour before getting bored. We started whispering, and then giggling. My mom came in and threatened us with a spanking, but we quieted down after that. We worked for 2 hours! We were so bored by the time my mom told us we could stop working that we thought we were gonna die!

“Lunch time!” My mom said right after she told us we could stop working on our assignments. She put each of us in a highchair and began feeding us corn, peas, and strained prunes. Once again I had to gag my way through it, but Jessica and Jamie didn’t seem to be having as much trouble. Once lunch was finished, my mom sent us up to my room, and that she’d be along momentarily. She came up with 3 bottles full of — what else? Formula! She latched us each into a crib and gave us our bottles and pacifiers. “I’m turning on the monitor, so if I hear any talking, some diapers are gonna be coming off!”

Even though we knew we’d probably get the chance to talk more after nap time, we wanted to talk really bad. Up until now we hadn’t really had a chance to talk without my mom around. I threw a blanket over the monitor, to hopefully block any sound from going through and began whispering to them. “So what do you guys think? About being treated like a baby and wearing diapers?”

They didn’t say anything for a few moments and then Jamie spoke up “Actually, I think they’re kinda nice and I like the attention, even if spankings come along with it.”

Jessica looked at her like she was crazy and then conceded “Yeah I sorta like it too. That spanking I got yesterday hurt like hell, but I think I’m starting to enjoy it.”

“Yeah, me too. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was thinking how weird it is for me to like this treatment, but I’m glad I have you guys to go through it with me!”

My mom came up to wake us up about two hours later, but we had already waken up. “What is a blanket doing over the monitor?” My mom asked. Uh-oh busted, I thought, so I didn’t say anything. “You were talking during nap time weren’t you?” I still didn’t say anything. She let us each out of our cribs and told us to go downstairs, which we did promptly. Upon getting downstairs my mom directed each of us to a different corner. “I don’t know for sure that you were talking, but I’m pretty sure you were, so I think a little corner time is in order. I want you three to stay in the corner until I say you can come out.”

We were only in the corner for about 15 minutes when Jessica started crying. I didn’t wanna talk and get caught, so I only wondered why she was crying, but then I began to smell it, she had messed her diaper! I had managed to avoid that so far, so I wasn’t sure what its like. All I could do was sympathize for her. My mom ignored her and came back after 30 minutes and told us we could go up to my room and play.

My mom came along up with us so as to change Jessica out of her now wet and messy diaper. The strong odor filled the room. It nearly gagged me as I wasn’t used to it yet. When Jessica was in a fresh set of diapers, my mom finally left us to play, alone in my room.

“Your mom is going all out for this, and I always thought she was the coolest of our parents” Jessica explained.

“Yeah well she’s been getting more strict lately” Turning to Jamie “What did your dad mean when he said ‘behave or else’”?

Jamie looked away but then quietly said “Well. . . I got spanked yesterday for the food fight and then he didn’t even tell me about this part of the punishment until this morning. Well, I refused to wear diapers, let alone let him put them on me so I shut my room door and locked it. It only took him a couple minutes to take off the doorknob, which was inevitable sooner or later. Then he pulled my pyjamas down and spanked me, and diapered me anyway.”

We sat there in silence for a few minutes when Jamie spoke again, only in a more cheerful tone “There’s no point in letting these toys go un-played with right?” as she walked over to my toy box. I smiled and followed her, with Jessica right behind me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that Jamie was thoroughly enjoying this.

We decided on a small, bouncy, rubber ball to play with. We sat down and started rolling it to each other when Jessica came up with a better idea. “Let’s all stand up and go to opposite parts of the room and throw the ball.” Jamie and I thought it sounded like fun so we readily agreed.

We began throwing it in a triangle and the more we threw, the harder we threw. We were having a lot of fun when Jessica threw it hard enough that Jamie missed it completely and it cracked the window behind her. The cracking sound was unmistakable. “Shit!” Was all that came out of my mouth. I had no idea that my mom had turned on the monitor before she left and within seconds she was in the room.

“What did I hear you say just a moment ago?” My mom questioned. She hadn’t heard the crack! I heaved a sigh of relief before answering her question.

“Umm, nothing mommy” I said looking down.

“Mmmm hmmm, girls? Do you know what she said?” My friends quickly shook their heads no. Disappointed my mom continued “I know very well what Marie said, but since you all lied, I think a mouth soaping is in order.” She commanded us into the bathroom where we silently went.

About 10 seconds later “HOW DID THIS CRACK GET IN THE WINDOW?” She yelled from my room. Jessica, Jamie and I just looked at each other as we realized how much trouble we were gonna be in. My mom came and stood in the doorway of the bathroom looking pretty mad. “Girls, do you wanna tell me why there’s a crack in the window?” My mom asked us. We all just looked away and decided not to say anything. My mom, realizing we weren’t going to say anything, continued “In addition to your mouth soaping, you will each be getting a spanking, let’s go back to the nursery.”

She went in and pulled the stool out into the middle of the room. “Now, I want one of you to tell me whose idea it was to throw the ball around. Yes I know the ball put the crack in the window because it was laying right next to it. If you don’t tell me, you will all be much sorrier.” I think Jessica was about to come forward when I did and said it was my idea. Actually my mom looked really surprised “I’m very surprised this is your idea Marie! You will be the last one to get spanked.”

I just stood there as she called Jessica to her first. My mom made extra sure to unpin the diapers slowly. Finally my mom pulled Jessica over her knee and started spanking with her hand. After the first ten spanks Jessica was already in tears begging my mom to stop. “Please stop! It huuuurrrtttss!” My mom spanked until her bottom was bright red. My mom stood Jessica in a corner and put a bar of soap in her mouth.

Then it was Jamie’s turn. As soon as my mom had Jamie over her knee she remarked on the state of her bottom “It looks like you just got spanked this morning.” My mom chuckled and then began spanking. Afterwards she sent Jamie to another corner with a bar of soap.

It was finally my turn. I was SO anxious after watching both my friends get their spanking that I knew why my mom was making me go last. It took her an eternity to unpin my diapers! When she finally had them off, she put me over her knee and began the dreaded spanking. “Please mommy, stoooopp!” I sobbed.

“You know very well that I do not allow you to throw things in the house young lady!” She scolded. “And I want this to be a reminder for the next time you consider breaking another rule!” She added.

I started kicking and crying even harder as she picked up the brush and began applying it to my bottom. She didn’t let up once for an entire 2 minutes. My bum was on fire when she finally stopped and stood me up! I started rubbing to alleviate the burning in my backside but she smacked my hands away and told me I wasn’t allowed to rub. She then led me to the corner opposite of Jamie and popped a bar of soap into my mouth.

“Jessica, you may come out of the corner and I will put your diapers back on.” I heard Jessica go over and hop up onto the changing table for my mom to re-diaper her. Ten minutes later Jamie was allowed out of the corner to get her diapers on. It was 20 more minutes before I was allowed out. My mom diapered me up and as she was leaving the room turned to us “Jamie and Jessica, your parents will be here in about an hour, so I’ll be up shortly to get you ready to go home.” My mom then left.

“Ok guys” I said, “I’m not lying anymore and I’m not breaking any more rules! That spanking really hurt!”

“You shouldn’t have taken the blame for coming up with the idea. I was about to confess, but you beat me to it. I should have been the one to get the brush” Jessica admitted.

“Yeah” I continued, “But you got the switch yesterday, I don’t think your bum could’ve handled a brush spanking” I explained. “Anyways,” I said turning to Jamie “I think my mom likes your dad, she was really happy when he came over last night. I think he even asked her out to dinner” I said.

“Really? Wow, it’s been almost 3 years since my mom died so maybe he’s ready to date again. You think they’ll get married?”

“I’m not sure but if they do, we’re twice as likely to get caught doing something! And they’re more likely to go through with anything they say.” I told Jamie.

Jessica finally spoke up “They are going out to dinner, tomorrow night, I heard my mom talking because she’s babysitting you guys. I think she’s going to come over here since there’s enough stuff for three people here. My mom felt like she needed to get me a crib and highchair too, so that’s being set up today.”

Jamie looked at her in surprise and kinda fear “She won’t use a switch will she?” She quietly asked.

“I don’t know, probably not since you aren’t her kid” Jessica assured Jamie.

“You know,” I said “This could be a LOT of fun if we stayed out of trouble and just let things happen.”

“But you know us” Jamie said “Trouble likes following us around.” We laughed and then decided to check out the clothes my mom had bought me because they were supposedly getting similar outfits.

We were having a pretty good time chatting and checking out the newest aspects of our lives. It was only about 30 minutes before my mom came back up to get them ready. I was really bummed that they had to go home already.

Since it was only the middle of February, she put them each in a pair of overalls over their thick cloth diapers and their pink onesies. She topped off the ensemble with a childish coat, only sized for a bigger person. I had to admit, they looked very childish but also very cute in their new outfits. Jamie was particularly enjoying it as she kept looking at herself in the mirror. Jessica was kinda pouting because she had to go outside like that.

Their parents arrived promptly at 5:00. Jamie’s dad asked her if she had been good, but Jamie only looked at the floor. My mom seemed overly happy to volunteer the information. “Remember what I told you was going to happen if you got in any trouble today?” Luke asked Jamie.

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Well I think this is the best chapter yet! This is a really convincing story and I feel like I'm right in the middle of it. You've got a really vivid imagination Baby D and I like you're style! Keep up the good work. And as always I'm so looking forward to the next chapter!!!!!!

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I felt really sorry for her because she started tearing up “Please Daddy, I’m sorry, it was an accident! Please don’t spank me! ! ! By now she was crying and I thought I saw a hint of mercy toward his daughter. I guess I’d find out tomorrow what happens.

Jessica was explaining things to her mom, trying to talk her way out of any further trouble at home. “Jessica, we need to get home. Bye Jane, see you tonight.” Luke agreed saying he had to go home to get ready.

When they opened up the door I saw that there weren’t any cars awaiting them. Apparently Jamie and Jessica noticed too because they began questioning their parents. “Daddy, where is the car at?”

“Oh, we’re walking home sweetheart. Our house is only a couple blocks.” Luke explained, but Jamie looked like she was ready to kill someone.

“I will NOT walk home like this!” Jessica screamed at her mom. Yikes, she’s in for some trouble I thought to myself. Jessica lived a little bit closer, but in the other direction than Jamie.

Getting annoyed, Sue, her mom quickly responded “You will do as I say young lady and if you’re not out that door when I count to three, you will walk home with a much sorer bottom!” Sue started counting and right before she hit 3, Jessica changed her mind and ran out the door.

I felt bad for them. School was already out for the day and someone would surely see them in their current state of dress. I certainly wouldn’t wanna go out dressed like that!

After they left, I wanted to question my mom about seeing Sue tonight. “Yes honey, Luke and I are going out to dinner and Sue is babysitting.” We must have gotten the days mixed up. They were going out tonight, not tomorrow night.

I was in a particularly babyish mood after having to share all the attention for an entire day, so I tried to get my mom to play along. “Mommy, can I have a bottle of juice?” I said in the most babyish way I could manage.

“Sure honey” She said as she prepared a bottle and handed it to me.

Darn! She hadn’t caught on! I decided to take it a step further. “Uhhh mommy? Will you umm uhh, feed it to me?” I asked giving her my puppy dog eyes.

“Not right now, sweetheart. I have to get ready for tonight.” She said sorta rushed. I thought for sure the puppy dog eyes would work! I decided I didn’t wanna talk to her anymore so I went upstairs to play.

When she came upstairs to get me ready to go over to Jessica’s house, at first I refused. I refused as long as possible until she threatened to spank me. She had to change my diaper first. Instead of walking over to the changing table, I crawled. I could tell she was getting really annoyed, but I was purposely trying to make her late for not playing with me. She changed my wet diapers super fast, so I knew I had to slow down while getting dressed. She pulled out a shirt, a pair of overalls, some socks and shoes and told me to get dressed while she finished getting ready. I went so slow, that by the time she came back up 15 minutes later, expecting me to be done, I only had my shirt on. She was really pissed and if she hadn’t been in such a hurry, I’m sure she would’ve spanked me. She then proceeded to finish dressing me, herself. I complained the whole time saying I could do it myself. When we finally got down to my shoes, I wouldn’t let her put them on me. “Marie, I’m already late for my date with Luke thanks to you. Now let me put these shoes on!” I shook my head no, and almost immediately she smacked my leg as a warning. I conceded and let her put my shoes on. She finished up by putting my coat on, and out the door we went.

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I thought for sure she’d drive over, considering how late I made her, but we still walked the 2 blocks to Jessica’s house. Several of the people from school saw me, but I’m pretty sure they couldn’t see the definite bulge around my waist, because it was pretty dark out. Even though people could see me, I still walked slow and my mom realized because she picked me up and carried me the rest of the way.

When we arrived at Jessica’s house, I was proud when I looked up at the clock and realized that I’d managed to make my mom 45 minutes late. I was really surprised when Jamie wasn’t there yet. Just about the time that thought ran through my head, Luke came in carrying Jamie as she cried. He looked really annoyed too.

“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting for so long Jane, it’s just that I had a horrible time getting Jamie to do what I wanted. I wound up having to spank her on the way over here because she stopped and refused to go any farther.”

“That’s perfectly fine, I just arrived less than 5 minutes ago myself. I had the same problem with Marie. She went out of her way to do everything as slow as possible. I was going to wait until tonight to deal with that, though.” She said as she looked at me. I knew what she meant by that.

As soon as my mom and Luke left, Jessica’s mom took our coats off and ushered us into the living room where a large playpen had been set up. Jessica was already in there waiting for us.

Jamie had since calmed down and was no longer crying. “Were you trying to make your dad late?” I asked Jamie. She nodded and I grinned “Me too and I think we did a pretty good job. I’m sorry that you got spanked though.” I said, changing my tone.

“Yeah me too” Jamie said. “It wasn’t that it hurt, but that he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and spanked me! There were kids from school out and I thought I was gonna die of embarrassment!” Jamie exclaimed. Jessica and I looked at Jamie with wide eyes.

Jessica was the first to speak “I’m so sorry Jamie! That must’ve really sucked!” Jessica got up and went over and hugged Jamie. I just gulped. All I could think about was if Jamie’s dad and my mom got married, that could very well be me some day! I shuddered at the thought. “Oh well, it would take months before they got married” I thought to myself reassuringly.

“I’m sorry too Jamie! Making your dad late for his date wasn’t worth that embarrassment! Nothing is!” I expressed. I felt horrible and grateful at the same time. Horrible that it’d happened to Jamie, but yet grateful that my mom didn’t do such a thing to me, being as I acted absolutely terrible by making her late for her date. Oh well, I was in for it tonight.

We got very little talking in before Jessica’s mom came back in and announced that it was time for our bottles. With her she brought three identical bottles full of warm milk! I hadn’t the slightest clue what I was gonna do. I couldn’t possibly drink it or else I’d get sick, but if I don’t drink it, I’ll probably get spanked and I don’t want that either.

Jessica’s mom handed us each a bottle and left. “Guys, can one of you drink my milk? I get really sick when I drink milk and I really don’t want a spanking.”

“Sure, I’ll drink it for ya, I owe you for taking the blame earlier anyway.” Jessica said.

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.” I told Jessica. I noticed Jamie was having a hard time getting hers down. She looked like she kept gagging on it when she drank. When she finished, I was glad to see that she didn’t get sick. About 5 minutes later, she puked.

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Jessica’s mom came back in when she heard Jamie crying. She picked Jamie up and carried her into the bathroom and gave her a bath. Jessica and I let ourselves out of the playpen to get away from the mess. When Jessica’s mom came back she didn’t say anything about us getting out of the playpen, and instead just cleaned up the mess.

By the time that whole ordeal was over, it was going on 8:30! “It’s bedtime, kids!” Jessica’s mom announced happily.

We all groaned “But we don’t have any jammies I noted!” Jamie seconded my comment to Jessica’s mom.

“That’s fine. Your parents told me to just lay you down in what you have on now. So when they come to pick you up later tonight, they won’t have to get you dressed.” We groaned again as we thought maybe we had just avoided bedtime. We were ushered upstairs by Jessica’s mom who had two cots laid out for Jamie and me. Jessica, of course, had her own crib to sleep in.

Jessica’s mom tucked us in, and I dunno about Jamie, but I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.

When our parents got back, they quietly woke us up and carried us downstairs without waking Jessica. They put our coats on us before saying our goodbyes. Then we went out an walked home. It was chilly outside and I was freezing by the time we got home. My mom took me upstairs and changed me into my jammies and laid me down in my crib.

When I woke up I remembered having the wildest dream! I dreamed my mom told me that Luke had proposed to her and she accepted and that they had set the wedding date as soon as possible.

My mom was up moments later to change my diapers. As she laid me on the changing table she began talking. “I said something to you last night, but you were so tired that I’m not sure you understood.

Sorry this chapters a little short. . . . stay tuned.

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Last night at dinner, Luke proposed! And I accepted!” My mom said excitedly. I wasn’t fully awake when she had started, but I sure was now.

“WHAT!?! You can’t be serious! You just started dating!” I yelled.

My mom wasn’t exactly thrilled with my response. I think she was expecting me to be happy. “I’ve known Luke since before your father left and we’ve been dating for about six months!”

I was starting to get a little angry “How come I didn’t know you were dating!?!” I yelled back at her.

“Maybe you would have if you weren’t always out getting into so much trouble. You were never home, so how could you have known?” She said getting annoyed.

I didn’t have a response for what she had just said so I didn’t say anything. As she was finishing up my change I asked calmly “So when is the wedding?”.

My mom smiled “Well, we decided the sooner the better. We’re getting married Sunday.”

“Whatever” I said “So when is our punishment over?” I asked.

“For Jamie and you it’s over Monday morning before school.” My mom stated calmly.

I rolled my eyes and began pouting. She put me in a purple onesie and carried me downstairs. I had forgotten that Jamie and Jessica were gonna be here. Their parents were sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. Our parents liked having a cup of coffee together in the mornings. I got really embarrassed as I realized that everyone must’ve heard my reaction to the wedding. I looked over at Jamie who looked like she was in a bad mood too.

My mom carried me over and put me in my highchair. I looked over at Jamie and Jessica “Everyone heard me, didn’t they?” I asked. Jessica nodded sympathetically. Jamie didn’t even look up so I turned my attention toward her. “Did your dad just tell you this morning too?” She nodded. She looked upset, so I didn’t say anything else.

Our parents finished their cup of coffee and they all got up. Jessica’s mom was in a hurry so she kissed Jessica goodbye and left. Luke stayed around a bit longer and talked. They were talking about moving arrangements and all the work that had to be done. “Mommy?”

I interrupted.

“Yes?” She said.

“Is Luke and Jamie moving in with us, or are we gonna move in with them?” I asked, trying to hide my disapproval.

Luke answered for my mom “We’re moving in here since this house is bigger and we’re going to rent out my house.”

I looked at Luke and as politely as I could “Are you my mom?” He looked at me kinda funny.

But my mom got mad. “Marie! That was extremely disrespectful. I want you to apologize right now!” My mom demanded.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, that's what I meant by that, thanx DL JAY. Sorry, I haven't posted anymore to the story recently, I have been sooooooo busy. In fact, this is the first time I've been on DD in two weeks. But anyways, here's the next installment of the story. . . .

I was too mad to say anything nice, let alone an apology. “NO!” I knew I was asking for a lot of trouble, but I honestly didn’t care at that point.

My mom pulled me out of the highchair “I want you to go on up to your room! Maybe you need to go back to bed!” With a smack to my bum she sent me upstairs. I went up slowly and it was about ten minutes before I heard Luke leave. I heard her coming up the steps, I was beginning to think my little stunt wasn’t so smart after all.

She came up and sat on my crib watching me. “Marie, come here” She said calmly. I obeyed and went over to her. “We need to talk about Luke and I, starting with last night.” I looked away as she talked to me. “I am fully aware that you were purposely trying to make me late.”

“That was only because you wouldn’t play with me!” I interrupted.

“Even so, that was very wrong of you to try and make me late. From what Luke said, Jamie did the same thing to him. But today, today was completely unacceptable! I won’t tolerate you speaking to an adult like that, especially Luke! And whether you like it or not, he will soon be your stepfather. You’ve been extremely naughty, I think you can go without breakfast. You will go downstairs and study for 2 hours, get an early lunch, bath, and extra long nap-time! I hate spanking you all the time, so I thought I’d give both of us a break. Now go downstairs and get to work on your studies. I still have to feed Jessica and Jamie their breakfast.”

I was incredibly relieved that I didn’t get a spanking! Even though I didn’t get spanked, I wouldn’t get much time to talk to Jamie and Jessica because I’ll be doing everything at different times than them!

I went downstairs and got to work on my school work. It was so boring, not to mention I was extremely hungry. My two hours of studying were up at 10:00 and my mom put me in my highchair for my early lunch. She pulled out my favorite, strained prunes! (Yeah right!) I gagged it down wanting to avoid any more trouble.

Bath time sucked! My mom still wasn’t happy with me. I could tell because she said very little to me and was sure to scrub extra rough. She didn’t even allow me time to play. She got me pinned into some thick cloth diapers and my jammies. I guess since I was gonna be in bed for awhile.

I heard my mom come up awhile later and put Jamie and Jessica down for their naps but I pretended to be asleep.

I got to talk to them after we were let up from our naps. Then they went home at 5, same as the day before. Only tonight we weren’t going anywhere.

The rest of the week went by pretty quickly, I was still scared of Luke becoming my stepdad. According to Jamie he will spank anywhere.

It was finally Sunday and I was nervous. Jamie was every bit as nervous as I was because we were both attending the wedding in identical outfits. We were in age appropriate clothes, short skirts and a cute top, although not quite as age appropriate as the skirts. We didn’t have complete say over our attire. And we were both in cloth diapers and we each had a pair of pink plastic panties on. It really sucked because anyone who cared to look would notice.

Rod was at the wedding, along with our grandparents and well, the whole family. It was the first time I’d seen Rod in over a week. Mom said it was because of our punishment, but that he was coming home with us after the wedding. He really liked Luke, but he didn’t have to worry as much about spankings as Jamie and I did.

The wedding was okay I guess, just that everyone in the family had to comment on my diapers “Oh, how cute!” or “Aren’t you a little old to be in diapers?” or “Did you get into an accident?”. It was embarrassing. Jamie endured the same from her family.

After the wedding, we went home and spent the whole evening turning my nursery into ‘our’ nursery. It was now Jamie’s and mine. Luke, now Daddy, put the third crib out in the garage.

It was almost bedtime when Mommy and Daddy came into our room while Jamie and I were talking. They sat down together on Jamie’s crib. “We want to talk to you girls” my mom began.

“We want to know, since your punishment ends tomorrow morning, if you would like to keep this up. The only difference is, it won’t be a punishment and we won’t be as rough. Of course there will still be spankings, but you get the picture.” Luke finished.

I looked at Jamie. I knew I really wanted this to continue, but I wasn’t sure if she did. I climbed out on the limb anyways, “Yeah, I wanna keep doing it” I said. Jamie backed me up immediately saying she did too. “Do we gotta wear our diapers to school?” I asked.

“Not if you don’t want to sweetheart.” My mom said. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to wear them to school all the time.

“Well, it’s bedtime girls, so let’s get you changed and into your jammies.” Luke, err Daddy said. Daddy picked me up first and put me on the changing table, where he took off my wet diapers and pinned on some fresh ones. When he was finished he lifted me off the changing table onto the floor where Mommy put my jammies on. The same thing followed for Jamie. They tucked us both into bed and left the room. I fell asleep quickly.

When mommy woke me up for school the next morning, I woke up wet. Which was unusual. This was the first time I actually wet the bed. I tried not to let it get to me as I got ready for school. My mom changed me and Jamie out of our diapers and gave us our clothes back for school. We got dressed and went down to eat. With two highchairs and two parents, we got fed twice as fast. Rod just sorta rolled his eyes as he watched us being fed our breakfast. To be honest, I think he was a little bit jealous.

As I was walking to my first class, talking to Jamie, I felt wet.

Sorry guys, but the story is over either after the next part or the follwing one. If you want, when that time comes, I could continue it, but it would be in shorter installments and it wouldn't be as often. Let me know what ya think!

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