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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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I'm a little nervous about posting but I know I can't be the only one who was...

I don't want to say my real name or any information publicly on the forum simply because I'm extra paranoid, so I'll go by Bun or Bunny.

I'm a girl that's only 19 but for a very long time I really liked diapers. And I liked the concept of being in diapers and acting like a baby. At first it was just a fetish that I kept to myself. For about a year I began to accept it more. Not only the sexual part (There is that appeal too, however) but because I really love being babied and the simplicity and carefreeness of it all.

With not much experience in ABL I want to explore it more. Just got out of a relationship not long ago so I finally decided what they heck? Here goes nothing!

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Guest dragonmaster4066

good choice!! you will find a lot of like minded people here and a lot of information. most of us here are friendly and helpful. some of us are a bit older but it just means we have been doing things longer and have more helpful knowledge. well, anyway welcome to dd and i hope you have a great time here and meet many new like minded friends. :)

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Thank you everyone for the welcomes. :)

It's really awesome to talk to people who wouldn't find me weird over this even if it is over the internet.

moogle: Thank you! I love bunnies. :) I had one when I was younger and I miss her.

I have a lot of stuffed animals but my bunny and my red bulldog are my favorites. (I call the bunny Bits and the Bulldog is just Red)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to DD! :thumbsup:

It's really awesome to talk to people who wouldn't find me weird over this even if it is over the internet.

Believe me when I say there is just about nothing you can say that any of us would find weird. I'll admit even saying the word "diaper" out loud is something I really don't do and when other conversations about diapers in reference to a joke or someone talking about their kid or something I generally feel uncomfortable and awkward; but here you can talk about anything and everything you want (generally..there are some obvious things this community doesn't want to talk about) and not feel like a weirdo because someone else here likes the exact same thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...


"Normal" is a setting on my washing machine, that's all it is. If you have connection to diapers, from my experience it won't go away. It's not like an itch that if you scratch it, it goes away for a while. You are very wise to have figured out already to explore what it means to you. Don't compromise yourself and I hope that you discover here that you can accomplish your goals by being true to yourself.



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