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Looking For A Story

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This is an older story that I saw maybe two years ago.

It was called The Bet.

It centered around two best friends, both female....and they made all kinds of bets all the time, and their parents had gotten sick of it. After telling them to no longer make any more bets together the girls decided to dare one of them to wear diapers for a day, or a week or something.

When the parents found out, they were stuck in diapers for awhile.

Anyone been able to find this story, I have had no success, and have been looking for some time now.

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Is this the one?



Part 1

Julia and Kirsten were the type of girls that everyone

wanted. They were both 16 and tremendously beautiful. Julia

was about 5 feet 6 inches, 105 pounds with blonde hair and

blue eyes. Kirsten was 5 feet 4 inches, 105 pounds with

brown hair and brown eyes. They had been best friends since

they were little. They had a close friend named James.

James was 5 feet 9 inches and about 160 pounds. He had dark

hair and dark eyes and was in good physical condition. He

was a good athlete and was playing basketball at the time.

James had always been friends with Kirsten and Julia but

had grown especially close to Julia. He was torn between

being a really good friend and being in love with her.

Julia knew everything about James, she knew who all his

crushes were (except her of course) she knew who he

secretly didn't like, she even knew he wet the bed until

his 8th grade year. James was 17 now and the three of them

were Juniors.

James and Julia were talking online one night and they

were teasing each other like they did a lot. Neither of

them ever took anything the other person said seriously and

they never really got mad at each other. Julia as always

brought up James bedwetting problem he used to have. James

was of course embarrassed so he had to think of something.

He decided if he could get Julia to lose some kind of

embarrassment bet with him he would be able to get some

dirt on her, cuz she had plenty more on him. His basketball

team was good but the team they were playing that Friday

was ranked in the state. He figured his team was really

better than the other team so he thought a bet up quick.

"Lets make a bet" James said, "If my team wins the

basketball game this Friday then next week you will be my

slave and do whatever I say starting Friday morning at

school until the end of the following Monday which we don't

have school on If we lose, however, I will be yours and

Kirsten's slave for that amount of time. We can do it then

cuz we don't have school on Monday and our parents are

gonna be gone on vacation together then."

Julia knew the team which James team was playing was

ranked so she quickly agreed figuring this would be an easy

way to have fun with James.

When Friday came the game did not go as James

expected. His team lost badly, and the girls were waiting

for him after the game to remind him of the bet. James knew

that the next weekend was going to be very, very long, and

with this thought he went to bed. Kirsten and Julia on the

other hand were nowhere near bed and were already planning

for the next weekend. They were both busy shopping. Kirsten

went down the food isle's buying lots of pop and various

drinks. Julia on the other hand was busy picking out

pacifiers and baby bottles. Kirsten and Julia then met with

each other and headed to the back of the store where they

picked out several large packs of adult disposable diapers

while they giggled uncontrollably.

The rest of the weekend went on like a normal weekend

and James thought maybe the girls had forgotten all about

the bet he had made with them. Wednesday night when James

was talking online to Kirsten though she reminded James

about the "fun" they were gonna have the upcoming weekend.

James knew Kirsten and Julia plenty well enough to know

they were probably gonna put him through hell. While James

worried and wondered at what the weekend would hold in

store for him. Kirsten and Julia were busy thinking of all

the things they were gonna do with him. When Thursday night

came Julia called James and reminded him to come to her

house early on Friday morning.

Part 2

When James alarm went off early Friday morning he

groaned and slowly got ready for school. After he had

gotten himself into what he considered a presentable

condition he told his parents to have fun on their week

long cruise and then hopped in his car and headed to

Julia's house. By the time he reached Julia's house Julia's

parents were just pulling out of their driveway to meet

James parents at the airport. When James entered in the

house through the garage he took off his shoes and went

inside. "Thirty minutes before school starts and Julia only

lives five minutes away" James said to himself. He wondered

why they wanted him here so early. When James entered the

living room both girls were sitting their smiling at him.

He knew something was up and it wasn't gonna be good. Julia

told him to sit down and gave him a large cup of hot

chocolate. James loved hot chocolate and quickly drank it

down. When he was finished Kirsten said "Well Julia I

suppose you better tell him what is up". Julia smiled as

she pulled out a disposable diaper.

Part 3

James turned white when he saw the diaper in her


"What the hell do you think you are gonna do with

that?" James asked in a shaky voice.

"I'm not gonna do anything with it" Julia said as she


"You are gonna put it on so we can see what you look

like in it."

James shook his head and said "Don't you think you are

taking this a bit far?"

"No," Kirsten giggled, "and besides it is just for the

next 15 minutes before we leave for school and then you can

take it off. Remember, you said you would do anything we

asked," said Julia.

Finally James agreed and went into the bathroom with

the diaper. After what seemed an eternity for the girls

waiting James came out in just the diaper and his shirt.

The second he walked out the door Julia and Kirsten snapped

picture after picture of him.

"Stop doing that," pleaded James, "besides your not

gonna show those pictures to people, are you?"

"Of course not," Kirsten said, "you are our friend.

"We are just keeping them so that you can't back out

of the bet," said Julia, "and now that we have these you

will have to do whatever we say."

James knew that Kirsten and Julia had no desire to

hurt him. He also knew that there would be nothing they

could do to him that they would think was too embarrassing

for him to have to go through and his fears became reality

very quickly.

"First of all lay down so I can get that diaper on

your better," said Julia.

"You obviously don't know how to put a diaper on,"

Kirsten added. When Julia undid the diaper James began to

squirm violently because she exposed his naked body.

"Sit still!!!" commanded Julia, "besides you had

better get used to this anyway. Read him the rules,


James turned white as Kirsten read him the rules:

1. you will wear a diaper at all times from now until

Monday night when you go home.

2. you will use the diapers when you have to go to the

bathroom unless we tell you otherwise. an example of this

is that you will be allowed to use the bathroom at lunch at

school today.

3. no one may change your diaper except Julia or I.

4. you must eat and drink everything we give you

5. you must let us dress you however we want when we are at

the house.

6. just be nice to us and we will make it much easier on

you but remember, if your not nice, we always do have the


As Kirsten finished reading the rules Julia finished

taping the diaper snugly around him. Julia then told him to

go get his jeans on and assured him that the only two

people who would know he was wearing a diaper was Kirsten

and her. James was almost in a state of shock as the walked

out to the car. Kirsten carried a bag containing all her

school supplies but had the addition of two disposable

diapers, too.

The school day was divided up into seven class hours

and a lunch period. Neither Kirsten or Julia had first or

second hour with James but they told him they would be

checking in between classes to make sure he still had his

diaper on. Kirsten had third hour with James, and both of

them had fourth hour with him. After lunch he would have

fifth hour alone and both sixth and seventh hours with

Julia. When the got to school Julia had to prod James with

several more promises of only Kirsten and her ever finding

out about the diapers and promised him they were not

visible underneath his loose-fitting jeans. Both first and

second hours seemed to crawl for James. They were, however,

nothing compared to third hour. James began to squirm

around uncomfortably. He looked behind him to see a smiling

Kirsten who had taken her seat behind him. She could hardly

contain her laughter because she realized her "special" hot

chocolate had finally made its way to James aching bladder.

Part 4

"What's the matter, James?" asked Kirsten as she

desperately tried to control her giggles. James' face

turned red as he knew that he didn't need to answer.

"Just think," whispered Kirsten, "If you can wait

another 2 hours you can go in the toilet instead of your

diapers". Kirsten said all this knowing there was no way

James would make it 2 hours and James knew that as well.

What happened next took Kirsten as much by surprise as it

did James.

Towards the end of class James was desperate for

relief. He shifted left and right and squirmed this way and

that. He was desperately concentrating on holding his pee

when Kirsten poked him in his back to get his attention to

say something to him. James never found out what she was

going to say. When she poked him he lost his concentration

and was filling the diapers with a warm flood of pee as he

turned around. His face turned red with embarrassment and

it took Kirsten only moments to realize what was happening.

Kirsten could no longer contain herself and she started

laughing out loud.

"Kirsten!!! do you have something you would like to

share with the rest of the class?" the teacher asked.

Kirsten acted as though she was thinking long and hard and

saw James squirm uncomfortably as she paused. Kirsten knew

there was no chance she would ever do something to James

like tell everyone what had just happened, but she was

enjoying watching him sweat it.

"No I don't think so," she replied. She watched James

sigh with relief.

About five minutes later class ended and as Kirsten

walked down the hall with her arm around James she quickly

found a corner where no one was and yanked him by his arm

into it. She stuck her hand down the front of James' pants

and felt his diaper still very warm from its recent

wetting. He blushed badly as he looked down into her eyes.

She looked up at him smiling and she took her hand off the

warm diaper and wrapped her arm back around him. When Julia

saw them coming down the hall and she saw the smile on

Kirsten's face she began to giggle. When James and Kirsten

reached her though she looked and James and said, "Damnit!

why couldn't you wait till this hour so I could see you

when you did it?"

James just blushed more and they walked him to fourth

hour with one arm around him each. James didn't realize how

many eyes were on him enviously as the two beautiful girls

walked him to his class. Every boy in the school was

jealous and wondered why he should get both of Kirsten's

and Julia's attention. The other boys, however, did not

realize exactly what position James was in either walking

down the hall in a wet diaper.

When they reached fourth hour Kirsten took the seat in

front of James and Julia took the seat behind him. Knowing

his uncomfortable wet state Julia whispered to him about

things that had happened in her first three classes and let

him alone about the wet diaper. James would have forgot

about his current state if every time he moved he hadn't

felt the wetness of the diaper. When fourth hours end came,

the girls walked James out to the car and they headed out

to lunch. Kirsten drove them to Arby's as James lay in the

back and Julia removed the wet diaper from him. Instead of

putting another diaper on him as James expected Julia

handed him his underwear and said, "We decided that we

weren't gonna make you poop in your diapers at school, so

you had better make sure that you go before we leave

Arby's. Besides, no worries, you will have plenty of

chances to do that over the next three days, right,

Kirsten?" said Julia.

"Of course," answered Kirsten as she giggled

"especially after I make him lots and lots of refried beans

to eat!"

Both girls giggled and giggled and James looked as

though he was gonna throw up as he thought about what he

was gonna go through for the next few days. The one thing

James couldn't complain about was even though it was

horribly embarrassing, He had somewhat enjoyed when Kirsten

had put her hand on the warm diapers and even better was

when Julia had just recently changed his wet one.

"At least they both don't mind seeing me naked," James

thought as they walked into Arby's. After James told

Kirsten what he wanted and went into the bathroom to do as

the girls told him. Kirsten took the liberty to remind

Julia she probably ought to change his small Coke to a

super size if she wanted to see him wet his diaper before

seventh hour was complete. After James finished off his

food and the Coke, Kirsten led him out to the car to get a

new diaper on him. She taped his diaper on very snugly and

pulled his jeans back up on him just in time so he could

see Julia coming out of the restaurant with a totally

refilled cup of pop for him. They told him to drink it all

and the three of them headed back to school. James finished

his second super sized Coke and they all headed inside for

fifth hour.

Part 5

James hurried to 5th hour and quickly took his seat.

Fifth hour passed quickly and uneventfully and he headed

off to sixth hour. He sat down and soon Julia came in and

took her seat behind him. She talked to him some. About

half way through class she noticed he was squirming around.

Towards the end of class he was squirming almost non stop.

Finally class ended. When James took his seat in seventh

hour, which happened to be English class, Julia again sat

directly behind him. The English teacher divided the class

in pairs of two to read a couple chapters of "Romeo and

Juliat." Since Julia was sitting directly behind James,

luck would have it that he was paired up with her. Normally

James would have been more than happy to work with Julia,

but today he just happened to be wearing diapers and was

minutes from wetting them. So he wasn't exactly thrilled to

say the least to be paired with the one person who knew his

predicament. Julia read the first couple chapters and then

said, "Ok your turn now James."

James, who had been paying attention to nothing

because he was concentrating on not wetting his diapers,

whispered, "No way, I can't, I gotta pee too bad."

"Just wet your diapers and get it over with," Julia

whispered back.

"No way, not in school for the second time today," he


"We'll see about that," said Julia, and with that she

quickly kissed him on the lips. James was so shocked he

completely lost control of his bladder and just flooded the

diapers. Julia had little time to notice this however

because the teachers voice said aloud, "JULIA!!! You are

supposed to be reading the play of 'Romeo and Juliat', not

acting it out!!!"

The whole class erupted with laughter and Julia was

still red when it quieted down. When she looked at James

though she smiled and said mockingly, "Don't worry I'll buy

you another Coke since you just lost the one you had

before." James just blushed, Julia just lay her head on his

shoulder and said, "read the last chapter now, James."

James had mixed emotions as he went to his locker to

end the school day. He was happy to be leaving school. He

was scared of what the girls might do to him when he went

home with him. He just knew one thing for sure. He wanted

out of the wet diaper badly. Kirsten met Julia and they

both headed over to James locker.

"I've got to go to the bathroom," said Julia as she

smiled at James.

"Come on, buddy," said Kirsten. "Come with me to the

car and I will get you changed."

When they got to the car James lay down in the

backseat and Kirsten got the last clean diaper out. She

removed the wet diaper from him and threw it in a plastic

bag. Then she sprinkled his crotch with baby powder. This

was too much for James. He quickly became aroused. Kirsten

just kept right on going, though he could hear her trying

to quiet her giggles. She taped the diaper up nice and snug

and helped him with his jeans. When Julia got back to the

car James said, "Maybe you should be the one wearing the

diapers since you can't wait a five-minute drive to yours

house to go to the bathroom."

"No, no," said Julia, "we aren't going to my house, we

are going to your house so we can get your clothes so you

can spend the whole weekend with us!!"

"That's right!!!" said Kirsten. "Not only are you

gonna be wetting diapers during the day, your gonna be a

bedwetter at night!!!!"

At this both girls began laughing.

"So I guess you told her about me wetting the bed when

i was younger, huh?" James said to Julia.

"Of course not, James! I would never tell anyone your

secrets." said Julia.

"YOU WERE A BEDWETTER!!!!!" laughed Kirsten. "Oh my

gosh, that is sooooo funny!!!"

James sighed as this was getting worse and worse. When

they got to his house they got all enough clothes to last

him the weekend. Julia and Kirsten had barely stopped

laughing before Julia said, "Hey James, make sure you bring

the plastic sheet that used to be on your bed along with

you so you don't stain my mattress!"

Both girls just laughed and laughed. James just shook

his head and went to get the plastic sheet. When they had

everything they thought James should bring they all got

back in the car and they headed back to Julia's house.

Part 6

When they arrived to Julia's house the three of them

went into Julia's room. Much to James dismay he saw sitting

over in the corner pacifiers, bottles, and several packages

of more diapers.

"You will be sleeping in my bed," said Julia.

"Then again so will we." James heart raced when he

heard this. Finally his dream he would get to sleep in

Julia's bed with her!!! Then his heart slowed, he

remembered he would be very well diapered. He looked the

bed over, big enough for two people to sleep comfortably he

thought. Three people would have to cuddle very close

together though. Diapered or not, this won't be that bad he

thought to himself. James then realized his second coke had

been catching up with him and he was now dancing a little

because he had to pee.

"Can I use the bathroom?" James asked the girls.

"You just don't get it, do you?" asked Kirsten. "We

let you go poop at Arby's because we didn't want you to

have to wear a dirty diaper in school and have everyone

find out.

"From here on out though," said Julia. "Pee, Poop,

even diarrhea, It's DIAPERS, DIAPERS, ALL coming out in

your DIAPERS!!!!!!"

Julia then smiled at him and walked around behind him.

She gently put her hands around his waste and began to

unbutton his jeans. She pulled them off him and led him

towards the bed. Kirsten pulled his arms up and helped him

get his shirt off and they gently pushed him down so he was

lying on the bed looking up at them. James was wondering

what in the hell was going on when he saw Kirsten look over

at Julia. They both looked down at him and smiled, and then

began to tickle him. James was so shocked he did not have

enough time to beg them to stop before he began wetting his

diapers. Both girls stopped tickling him and put their

hands on his diaper. They felt it turn soft and warm under

their hands and they both began to giggle. James just lay

on the bed in shock.

When the girls finished their laughing they gently

helped James down to the floor and Julia began to remove

his wet diaper. Kirsten went over and grabbed a clean

diaper and powder. When Julia took the wet diaper off him

and he realized he was completely naked he started to

protest. Kirsten quickly shoved a pacifier in his mouth

though and commanded him to keep it there. When Julia began

to powder James he got the same reaction to it as the first

time Kirsten did it to him. Julia just giggled and then

Julia taped the diapers snugly around him and made sure it

was secure and helped him to his feet. Julia and Kirsten

led James out to the living room where Kirsten got a

blanket and wrapped it around him. Julia went out in the

kitchen and began to fill a bottle with juice. Kirsten sat

down on one end of the couch and told James to lay down on

the couch and lay his head in her lap. She got a pillow to

help prop his head up and she laid his head on her lap and

gently stroked his hair. Julia came back in with the bottle

and handed it to Kirsten who removed the pacifier from

James mouth and told him to drink the bottle. Julia sat

down on the end of the couch and laid James legs up on her

lap. Kirsten and Julia began to talk of what they should do

with James for the rest of the night. They thought of doing

his hair or dressing him up or putting makeup on him but

decided to wait to do all that till another day. The

decided they would take him shopping to the mall since they

loved shopping and after that they would go see a movie.

James just listened to them as he lay motionless sucking on

the bottle wondering what would happen next.

Julia prepared a bag for James while Kirsten fed him

the rest of the bottle. Julia grabbed three extra diapers a

pacifier and a couple bottles and filled them with juice.

Kirsten finished feeding James and told him to get his

clothes on. They then took James out to Julia's car and

they headed for the mall. When they arrived Julia handed

James the bag containing his diapers and said, "Don't lose

this or you won't be getting a change when you need it."

James took the bag and the three of them walked in the


"Where should we go first??" asked Kirsten.

"I think the first thing we need to do is get some

more food in James so that we will be sure he will have

lots to fill his diaper with in the morning," said Julia.

James groaned. Kirsten and Julia laughed and laughed.

Kirsten and Julia took James to a Chinese restaurant and

ordered him some orange chicken and rice.

"Just think, buddy," said Kirsten cheerfully.

"Everything you eat is gonna end up in your diapers!!!! "

"We will have to make sure to feed him lots of beans

and tacos tomorrow!!" said Julia.

"You will give my diarrhea, though," groaned James.

"I know!!" said Julia cheerfully.

"That is gonna be a lot of fun for you!" said Kirsten

as she laughed.

"I can only promise you this," said Julia. "You will

be a poopy mess when we are finished with you tomorrow!!!"

"Oh gross!!!" said James.

"Gross isn't the word!" said Julia. "Its more like

messy, messy, messy!!!!"

"I can't wait to watch you poop in your diapers!" said

Kirsten as she put her arm around him and gave him a

squeeze . James just groaned more and finished up his meal.

When they were finished eating the girls dragged James

into every store imaginable. Neither of the girls were in

any want for money. James really couldn't complain either

though because his parents had plenty themselves. When they

finished up shopping the girls took James to the movie

theater. As Julia turned the car off the girls heard a

familiar sound. pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. James was

wetting his diaper again. The girls laughed for what seemed

an hour to James but they finally got him changed into a

clean diaper.

Julia brought an extra diaper to change James out of

since she was quite sure by the amount of liquid they made

him drink there was no way on earth he would make it

through the movie dry. Julia bought them all some pop.

James, of course, ended up with the biggest size there was.

The girls decided to see the movie "Hannibal." James

couldn't object since he loved "Silence of the Lambs."

As they were walking in Julia whispered to James,

"Now, buddy, I brought you and extra diaper so we could

change you after the movie, but if you wet your diapers

when you get scared I'm not getting up to change you in the

middle of the movie. So you will have to sit in them till

it is done."

"Thanks a ton, Jules" James whispered back. James sat

in between Kirsten and Julia and they weren't far in the

movie before both were cuddling to him. James, on the other

hand, wasn't far into the movie before he soaked the

diapers, not because he was scared, but because the girls

had been feeding him liquid almost nonstop. When the movie

was over Julia changed James out at the car and got him in

a fresh diaper, then they headed home. When they arrived at

Julia's James was told to sit on the couch and Julia and

Kirsten left the room to get ready. James knew it would be

a long night because he had drank so much pop at the movie.

When Kirsten and Julia called him in the room though he

knew it would be much longer than he originally thought. He

saw at least half a dozen bottles filled up and several

diapers on the floor. Kirsten was fitting the plastic sheet

onto Julia's bed.

"Well James, we are gonna have a VERY busy day

tomorrow," said Julia.

"So we are gonna get you around for bed cuz it is


"More like BEDWETTING TIME!!!!" giggled Kirsten. When

James heard the way Kirsten said bedwetting time he knew he

was probably not gonna get much sleep. The girls then began

to get him ready for bed.

Part 7

Julia took out 4 diapers and began to cut the outer

plastic of 3 of them.

"Lay down," said Kirsten. She took his pants off when

she found his diaper was dry she said, "You might wanna wet

this before I take it off you if you gotta go at all,

because as soon as your night diapers are on, whatever

comes out you sleep in."

"Thanks, but I don't gotta go," said James. Kirsten

removed the dry diaper from James and began to sprinkle

quite a bit of powder on him.

"Don't want you to get a rash from all the wetting you

are gonna be doing?" Kirsten giggled.

"Why the hell are you cutting holes in those?" James

said to Julia.

"So that I can put four of them on you" said Julia.

"Then when the first diaper fills it will be able to

leak out into the next one."

"That's why I am leaving the fourth diaper alone is so

that it won't leak," said Julia. She then began to put the

diapers on him.

When Julia got the fourth diaper on him James could

barely move. His legs were spread wide apart. Kirsten took

his shirt off and said, "He can sleep in just his diapers."

Both girls giggled as James tried to get to his feet.

Julia and Kirsten helped him into the bed. Kirsten and

Julia both hopped in after they grabbed several bottles

each. Julia propped James head up into her lap as she sat

in the bed. James look down and could not believe the

number of bottles there were. Kirsten handed Julia a bottle

and Julia said, "Drink up buddy the sooner you are done the

sooner we can go to sleep.

"And the sooner you can start wetting the bed!!!"

Kirsten said.

James drank for what seemed an eternity to him. Bottle

after bottle finally he finished them all and Julia laid

his head back down on the pillow. Kirsten then got up and

turned out the lights and crawled back into the bed. Julia

pulled the covers up over the three of them. James was

laying in the middle of the bed in between the two girls.

As James expected it was a tight squeeze but the two girls

cuddled in close to him. James lay on his stomach with his

head turned towards Julia. The two girls cuddled their

heads in close to his and wrapped their arms around him.

Kirsten gently rubbed his back and Julia moved her face

momentarily closer his and gave him a quick kiss. James

quickly drifted to sleep but just as quickly found himself

awake. He could feel himself wetting and Kirsten was gently

rubbing the crotch of his diapers.

"Feels like bedwetting time has started," Kirsten said


"I'm sure it will go on for quite a while, too," said

Julia as she gave James a tight squeeze. James went on

wetting while Kirsten and Julia drifted to sleep cuddled to

him. James drifted in and out of consciousness with each

wetting. All three woke up abruptly though when Kirsten


Part 8

It didn't take long for James to figure out what

Kirsten's scream was from. Kirsten jumped out of bed like a

rocket. Julia looked at her friend and saw a dark stain on

her pajamas.

"He leaked all over me!!!!" said a hysterical Kirsten.

"Thank God we put that plastic sheet on!!!" said Julia

as she looked at the wet sheets with horror. Then they both

looked over at James. His face was blushed beet red with

embarrassment and he lay curled up and shivering.

"Aww, I just wanted him to wet all over in his

diapers, not freeze to death" said Kirsten.

"I'll get him changed, you go get a bunch of blankets

out of the closet and lay some on the floor and some for us

to cover up with. We will have to sleep on the floor for

the rest of the night," said Julia as she started to remove

the soaked diapers from James. She then rediapered him the

same way she had. When she was finished she removed the wet

sheets from the bed and threw them in the wash. Then James

and Julia went out by Kirsten and snuggled up in the

blankets and fell asleep.

Part 9

Julia and Kirsten awoke James the next morning about


"Busy day!!!!" said a smiling Julia as she pulled the

covers off him.

"I think we might have overdone the drinking thing

just a little," said Kirsten as she felt absolutely soaked

diapers. She changed him into a new fresh clean diaper.

Unknown to the girls that while they were feeding James his

breakfast he was all ready feeling the pain in his stomach

that told him he desperately needed to poop. James was

quite desperate by the time breakfast was over and he

decided just to play on the mercy of the girls.

"Can you Please let me go to the bathroom?" James

begged. "Its worse than pee this time" he pleaded.

"Hell NO!" said Kirsten.

"This is what we have been waiting so patiently for!"

added Julia.

James fought about another half hour the girls didn't

take their eyes off him the whole time. James finally could

take it no longer. He filled his diapers with a warm mess

of poop. Kirsten and Julia laughed as they watched.

"Now can you change me, please!!!" James begged.

"Nah," said Julia "It just snowed we are all gonna go

outside and play."

Julia and Kirsten dressed in their snow suits and then

turned their attention to James. Julia pulled out an old

snow suit she used to wear.

"This should keep you nice and warm and keep you

bundled up all nice and TIGHT!!!" Julia said with a smirk.

The stretched and stretched it till it finally fit over

James and they both giggled as they watched James face when

they zipped it up spreading his poopy mess all over his

backside. When they all got out side Julia and Kirsten both

ran at James tackling him and spreading the mess around in

his diaper even further. James wet his diaper several times

before they decided to come in for lunch and he was just a


"You got first messy diaper, Julia!!" said Kirsten.

"Fine but you are so changing the next one!" replied


"Lay down, buddy," Julia said as she began to remove

his clothes. When she got to the diaper and undid it she

almost gagged at the smell.

"Oh that is so messy!!! I am feeling slightly bad for

you," she said.

"Yeah," said Kirsten sullenly, "but not so bad we

aren't fixing you tacos and beans for lunch," she added

with a smile.

When Julia finally got James cleaned up she was

relieved as he was. She got him a bottle and told him to

drink up and she went to help Kirsten fix the food. By the

time James was starting to finish his second bottle Julia

and Kirsten called him to the kitchen. They scooped him

lots of beans and gave him several tacos and plenty more to

drink. James finally finished his food and Julia told him

to lay across the couch like he had last night and to lay

his head in her lap. She gave him another bottle and told

him just to rest and relax. James was more than happy to

because he hadn't really gotten enough sleep the night

before because of the non stop wetting the girls put him

through. He slowly drifted to sleep on her lap.

When James woke up he was wetting his diapers but that

was the least of his worries.

"Oh my gosh I feel so sick," James moaned.

"Sounds like somebody needs to empty themselves out

into their diapers," Kirsten giggled. Julia was about to

say something when she was interrupted with a wet fart.

James felt a thick stream of diarrhea fill the back of his

diapers. Julia and Kirsten fell on the floor in laughter

they weren't even close to finishing when another wet fart

was heard and James filled the diapers with even more

diarrhea. This went on with James filling the diapers a

third time as well.

"Go stand on the kitchen floor" commanded Julia in

between laughs "I can't have you get your poop all over the


James went into the kitchen and the girls laughed for

almost another 10 minutes straight. Julia came into the

kitchen with Kirsten close behind.

"You done squirting yet?" Julia asked with a smile.

"I think so, but I gotta pee now" James replied.

"Well go now cuz after you get changed you aren't

getting a clean diaper for the next couple of hours," said

Julia. James began to wet, psssssssssssssss the sound was a

cue to the girls to begin laughing again. About five

minutes after James was done wetting the diaper they quit

laughing. Julia looked at the clock.

"Oh geez it is 3 in the afternoon already, time flies

when you are having fun, huh, James??" Julia laughed.

Kirsten went over by James and looked at the diapers.

They had swelled absolutely huge but had not leaked.

"Wow that must be an umm rather interesting feeling to

be wearing that James." Kirsten said and began to laugh.

"You know what is really funny though?" said Julia as

she began to laugh.

"Whats that?" asked Kirsten as she laughed, too.

"Its your turn to change him!!!" Julia said still

laughing. Kirsten stopped laughing and groaned.

Part 10

"This is gonna be so nasty!!!" Kirsten said aloud.

"Just be glad you aren't wearing them" replied Julia.

"Very, very, true," said Kirsten. She took James and

laid him down on a changing pad. When Kirsten untaped the

diapers she turned white.

"OH MY GOSH!!! OH MY GOSH" she whined. She moved the

diaper out from underneath him and then took some several

wipes and began to clean him off. It took several minutes

in all for Kirsten to get him completely clean. She then

powdered him extremely well and taped a diaper snugly in

place on him.

"Feel better, James?" Kirsten asked.

"Tons!!!" he replied.

"Well you make sure you eat very good for dinner

tonight so you can fill your diapers up nice and full for

Julia before we go to bed, ok?" said Kirsten.

James just rolled his eyes. When James and Kirsten

entered back in the kitchen Julia was waiting for them."

You know what would be great? I think we should have

James fill his diapers like that some night before bed and

let him sleep like that!" Julia said.

Kirsten giggled, "oh that would be hilarious" she


"Lets go get some pizza for dinner tonight," said


"Sounds good to me!" said Kirsten.

The girls took turns getting ready while the other

girl watched James. Julia went and got ready first so

Kirsten sat down with James and began to talk to him.

"We might as well talk about something other than you

peeing and pooping in your diapers for a while till Julia

gets out," said Kirsten.

"Ok sounds good to me," replied James.

"Tell me all about your bedwetting, and don't miss any

details!" Kirsten giggled.

James groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Oh c'mon, I won't tell a soul, I promise, how old

were you when you stopped?" Kirsten asked.

"I stopped halfway through eighth grade," answered


"Did you have to wear diapers?" Kirsten giggled as she


"Only when we went places away from home"

Kirsten smiled at him and said, "Why are you blushing

while telling me this, James? I mean, look at you now."

James looked down and saw his diaper and blushed even

worse. Kirsten just laughed, and said, "You know we still

consider you our best friend, but there is no way we could

pass this up!! it's just too much fun."

"Yeah, I'd have a fun time making you wet the bed and

poop in a diaper, too"

James laughed as he thought of this.

"Well too bad that will never happen," Kirsten said as

she smiled.

"We will see about that thought James....as soon as I

get the picture from you two and this week is over, I will

get my friendly revenge," James thought to himself.

"James you still with me?" Kirsten asked as she saw

him deep in thought.

"Oh yeah, too bad, don't worry though, I won't hold

hard feelings against you two," said James.

"Good," said Kirsten, "cuz we still love ya!"

"Your turn," said Julia as she came out of the

bathroom. Kirsten walked to the bathroom and Julia sat down

next to James.

"We would let you get ready, James, but you're wearing

a diaper, so looks like your ready!" Julia said.

"Thanks a lot, Jules," said James as sarcastically as

he could.

"Do you think I look pretty?" asked Julia.

"Yeah what's new, though?" asked James.

"Thanks, I know!!!" said Julia as she giggled, "and

for that come over here."

Kirsten came out of the bathroom all ready to go. She

saw Julia changing James diaper on the floor.

"Did he wet his diapers already again?" asked Kirsten.

"Yeah he just can't seem to control his bladder at all

when I kiss him," replied Julia.

Kirsten giggled and said, "all right lets go eat."

"Don't you think we should let James put some pants

over his diaper?" Julia asked.

Kirsten thought for a few seconds and smiled at James.

James face turned white.

"Yeah I guess so," Kirsten giggled. James sighed in

relief, got his pants on, and they all walked out to the

car to leave.

Part 11

Kirsten came out of the bathroom all ready to go. She

saw Julia changing James' diaper on the floor.

"Did he wet his diapers already again?" asked Kirsten.

"Yeah he just can't seem to control his bladder at all

when I kiss him" replied Julia. Kirsten giggled and said,

"all right lets go eat."

"Don't you think we should let James put some pants

over his diaper?" Julia asked. Kirsten thought for a few

seconds and smiled at James. James face turned white.

"Yeah I guess so," Kirsten giggled. James sighed with

relief, got his pants on, and they all walked out to the

car to go eat.

When they arrived at the pizza place Julia took James

to sit down while Kirsten ordered the pizza. After they

were seated James asked what they were gonna do when they

were done eating.

"Oh we are gonna have lots of fun," promised Julia.

"First, we are gonna go rent some movies, when we get

home your pizza should be worked through your system and we

plan on you having some more messy diapers. We will have

some fun with your messy diapers for a bit, you'll have to

wait and see what I mean by that. Then when I am done

changing those nasty things, we will put the movies in and

cuddle you up with us. Then we will watch the movies and

start feeding you bottles to get you ready for your

bedwetting tonight!!!"

"Wonderful!!!" James said in a sarcastic tone. Kirsten

then came back to the table with the pizza and they all

ate. James was given plenty more than he wanted and was

absolutely stuffed when they all got back into the car. The

girls drove to the movie store and took plenty of time

picking out two movies James really didn't want to see.

"You will be busy drinking, anyways," said Kirsten

when James complained. James stomach was starting to churn

when they were halfway home and he realized it was the all

too familiar feeling of him needing to poop.

When the arrived home James was in obvious pain and


"Just poop in your diapers so we can watch the

movies!" Julia said. James knew it was inevitable and that

the girls weren't gonna let him off so he squatted down and

began to push. His stomach ached as he tried to push the

poop out but it was much more solid than it had been the

first two times. After about six or seven minutes James

finally worked it all out. He sighed with relief but was

quickly yanked up to his feet by Julia who told him to take

his jeans and shirt off. While James was doing this his

bladder started to release all he had drank the past few

hours. Julia had undressed him and let him back down on the

floor before James had finished wetting the diaper. James

sighed with relief as the aching in his bladder and bowels

had finally subsided.

"All right, James, I want you to stay laying on your

stomach no matter what we do," Julia commanded.

"Yes, this is going to get a bit messy!" Kirsten said

as she got on the floor next to him. She then placed her

hands on the back of his diaper and began to press inward

on it spreading his poop around. James began to get up but

lay back down quickly when Julia said, "Sit down or you are

sleeping in it tonight!"

Kirsten kept rubbing the back of his diapers for a

good 15 minutes and James squirmed with discomfort as he

felt what used to be a rather solid bowel movement worked

into a thick paste across his backside. Kirsten then got up

and told him to stay laying on the ground till they

returned. When they did Julia was holding a large bowl.

"In case you didn't notice we drank plenty tonight

too, so we got something to add to your diaper."

"Hurry up while it is still warm!!!" Kirsten said.

James turned white as Julia pulled the front of his diaper

out and Kirsten poured the bowl filled with yellow liquid

down the front of his diaper. James jumped around as the

warm liquid ran down his skin and all around in his diapers

turning the pasty poop on his backside into a gooey mess.

James was literally seconds from throwing up when Kirsten

said, "Geez James, just kidding, James. Its only warm water

with yellow food coloring! even we aren't that nasty!!!."

The color returned to James' face and he stopped

jumping up and down.

"Now stand still so we can rub it around some more or

your sleeping in it!" Julia said. James stood still and

began his squirming again as the girls worked the mess all

over his diapered area. After what seemed hours to James

but actually wasn't that long, the girls finally got sick

of watching James squirm and decided to clean him up so

they could watch the movies.

"Your messy diaper this time," said Kirsten.

"I know, go warm him up some bath water so we can wash

him and I'll get him out of this diaper," replied Julia.

Julia led James to another bathroom and lay him down

and quickly got the messy diaper off him. She wiped him

clean as best she could then turned the shower on and told

him to jump in. He was in there for about a minute when she

opened the shower curtain and turned the water off. "What

are you doing?" asked James? "I just wanted you to rinse

the rest of that mess off, not clean yourself. Kirsten and

I are going to wash you in the tub" said Julia.

James shifted uncomfortably as he stood before the

girls totally naked. "Hop in" said Kirsten. "It should be

just about the right temp" The warm water did feel good but

James could barely enjoy it. He was far to embarrassed at

being aroused as he sat in the water in front of the girls.

"Don't be embarrassed James, We would think there was

something wrong with you if that didn't happen" said Julia

with a smile. James tried to relax and did a good job minus

the 10 minutes Julia and Kirsten took alternating back and

forth as they washed his privates. Finally they shampooed

his hair and rinsed it out and told him to hop out of the

tub. Julia and Kirsten took two towels and dryed his body

and then stretched them on the floor and told him to lay

down on them. Kirsten left the room and Julia took several

diapers out and prepared them as she had the night before.

She told James that she added a couple extra diapers since

they were gonna watch the movies first and that he wasn't

getting changed till morning. She then powdered him good

and began to diaper him. Kirsten returned with a light blue

one piece sleeper that had mittens in the hands and feet.

"This should keep our buddy nice and warm while he sleeps

tonight" Kirsten said mockingly. When Julia finished taping

on all the diapers They began to put the sleeper on him.

James was surprised at how well it fit when they zipped him

up. The only place it was very tight at all was where his

diapers bulged out quite noticeably. They then led him out

to the couch and Kirsten turned the first movie on.

Julia and Kirsten sat close together and James lay

across their laps with his head on Julia's lap and his

upper body across Kirsten's lap. The took turns feeding

James the bottles since his hands were useless in the

mittens of the sleeper. They only made James drink a few

bottles and then Julia commented that she didn't want her

bed soaked again so they let him sit up in between them and

wrapped a blanket around the three of them. James made it

through the first movie but halfway through the second

movie he knew he would be going to bed in a wet diaper. As

the second movie neared its end James wet the diapers quite

a bit. His diapers were so thick however that they easily

and quickly absorbed all his pee and he could barely notice

that he had even wet. When the second movie ended the girls

decided James diapers should be able to hold a ton of pee.

So they decided to give him a few more bottles before bed.

When James lay down between the girls for bed his body was

filled with liquids and he knew it would probably be

another long night.

James listened to the girls crack jokes about

bedwetting for an hour or so before he finally fell asleep.

When James woke up he was wetting his diapers badly and as

she had been the night before, Kirsten was awake to tease

him about his wetting. James listened to another ten

minutes before she finally cuddled up close to him and went

to sleep. James woke up a few more times and felt the warm

liquid moving through his diapers, but he slept rather well

as he snuggled closely with the girls as they held on to

him and laid their heads on his chest.

Part 12

James woke up soaked, and squirmed around a bit trying

to get comfortable. His squirming woke Kirsten up. She

slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock.

"It's only seven, James, go back to sleep," she said

as she yawned.

"How about I put these soaked diapers on you and you

go back to sleep," said James.

"Aww did James go wettums in his didees?" Kirsten


"What do you think after all you made me drink?

replied James.

"FINE!!! I will change you so we can rest for a couple

more hours, then its time for you to dirty your diapers!!!"

Kirsten said.

With that she removed the soaked diapers from James

and taped a new one snugly to him. They then cuddled back

under the covers and fell asleep. The alarm went off at 10

AM. Kirsten and Julia both shook James as he tried to

ignore the alarm.

"Lets go, James, we got a busy day," said Julia. "Last

full day, thank goodness" said James.

"Well we better make it the best then," said Kirsten.

The girls fed him another big breakfast and by the

time he was finished he needed to pee badly again. Julia

and Kirsten watched as he squirmed around Kirsten got and

idea and she unzipped the sleeper from him and left him so

he was just in his diapers. James squirmed uncomfortably as

the girls sat and watched him standing in just his diaper.

He squirmed around and finally gave up and wet the diaper

in front of them. The girls giggled as they watched the

front of his diaper turn yellow.

"Can you change me now?" asked James.

"Nah, we will wait 'til you fill that up with some

poop first," said Julia. The girls didn't have to wait long

at about 11:30 James was squirming and dancing with a fresh

bladder of pee and a stomach ache that told him it was

gonna be messy. The girls had James lie across the couch

and Julia was feeding him bottles while Kirsten massaged

his stomach trying to force the poop into his diapers.

James finally gave in and let several warm streams of

diarrhea fill the diapers. The girls helped James sit up so

he wouldn't leak. Julia quit feeding him the bottle but

Kirsten continued to massage his stomach and helped several

more streams of diarrhea into James diapers.

When James had finished the warm runny mess was all

over and he was very ready to be changed. Kirsten finally

took him in the bathroom and removed the dirty diapers and

let him hop in the shower. When he got out she let him dry

himself off and then she diapered him. James was fed more

tacos and beans for lunch and they laid him down for a nap.

James slept decent during the nap but was awakened again by

pains of needing to poop. Kirsten was right there as always

to mock him.

"Aww, does my little buddy need to go poopy??" She


"Well If I was you I would hold that as long as you

can!!" said Julia, "because we are gonna take you to the

mall again and then we are gonna go out to eat around six,

when we are done with that, then we will change you."

James groaned as he thought about it. He knew he would

not be able to hold off messing the diaper long, and it was

only 2:30.

Part 13

"Lay down over here James" Julia said as she got

another diaper out. "I'm going to put another diaper on you

along with these plastic pants, because I don't want you

dripping all over during dinner," she said with a smile and


James lay down and let her put the extra diaper and

plastic pants on him. When he put his pants on he looked in

the mirror and saw a slight bulkiness to his diapered area.

"JULIA!!!!!" he complained.

"Would you rather walk around the mall and look like

maybe you are wearing a diaper or walk around without the

extra diaper and without the plastic pants and have

everyone KNOW from the smell that you are wearing a DIRTY

DIAPER?" Julia asked sarcastically.

James sighed and bent over in pain as his stomach

groaned from the pressure built up inside of him. Julia got

in the driver's seat and Kirsten got in the backseat with


"Lay down across the seat and put your head in my lap

and listen," said Kirsten as she helped him lay down.

"Just being the nice person I am, I'm gonna make a

suggestion for ya!!!!" she said with a smile. James knew

that whichever way he decided his diapers were still gonna

be dirty.

"I think you should just fill your diapers up now

while your relaxed and laying down, it's all gonna come out

sooner or later and I would think you would wanna be

stationary when it happens. Besides, your tummy has to be

killing you, just let it out," Kirsten said smiling. James

knew she was right and buried his face in her lap. Kirsten

played with his hair as James tried to get in a position he

thought best to fill the diaper. Finally, James let go and

felt the diarrhea completely fill his diapers. He almost

started crying as he felt the warm semi-liquid poop spread

all over him. Kirsten and Julia giggled as they continued

to get closer to the mall. When they arrived Kirsten had to

prod him to get up.

"C'mon, you can't keep your face their forever, even

though I know you would like to," she said as she laughed.

James slowly got up and felt the still warm mess shifting

through out his diapers. Kirsten and Julia walked him

around from store to store as time just absolutely crawled

for James. The girls shopped non stop until dinner time and

only stopped once for a few minutes to let James fill the

diapers with a warm flood of pee and some fresh diarrhea

before they continued to look around. By the time they were

finished walking the mess covered James from front to back

and filled every inch of his diapers. Time crawled as James

sat in the mess during dinner and the girls once again

showed no mercy. James was given an extraordinary amount to

eat and was told he wasn't getting changed until he

finished it. During dinner James wet heavily again and the

contents of his diapers spilled into his plastic pants.

James finally finished dinner and looked pleadingly at


"PLEASE change me!!!!" he begged.

"Damn it, I forgot to bring any extra diaper to change

you into," Julia said.

"DAMN IT JULIA!!!!" James yelled.

The whole restaurant looked in their direction.

Kirsten seized the opportunity and said loud enough so that

everyone looking could here, "Take it easy James, I brought

a diaper to change you with," she said as she held one up

so everyone could see. James turned beet red and

practically dragged Julia out of the restaurant and into

the mall. Kirsten shouted after Julia that she would stay

to pay the bill and meet them outside the diaper changing

rooms. When they got to the diaper changing rooms which

were right next to the girls bathroom, James looked in

horror as there seemed to be about a hundred teenage girls

standing around the area. James turned red as there was no

doubt in anyone's mind who was gonna get changed. It was

easy for everyone to see he was struggling to walk in his

mess and Julia held a diaper in her hands as she led him

into the changing room. Julia removed the dirty diaper from

James. He could tell it looked every bit as nasty as it

felt when he saw a queasy look come across Julia's face. It

took her a while to completely wipe him off but she finally

finished and was reaching for the clean diaper when she

bumped the diarrhea filled one and knocked it off the

changing counter onto the floor.

"Shit," she said as she looked at James with a look of


"What's wrong, Jules?" James asked as he couldn't see

on the floor what she could see.

"Umm I Kind of accidentally bumped the messy diaper

off the counter," she said.

"Well duh, I could see that" said James, "but what was

that look you gave me?"

"Well I kind of knocked it onto your pants and they

got shit all over them," Julia said timidly.



Julia's face turned from a look of horror to a smile.

When Julia and James walked out of the changing room

Kirsten was right outside the door waiting for them. When

Kirsten saw them she began to laugh uncontrollably and tons

of people looked to see what the girl was laughing so hard


"That is so mean, yet so funny!!!" she giggled as she

stared at James who was only wearing his shirt and a

perfectly visible white disposable diaper. James turned red

as many people looked at him. He counted his luck the

changing rooms were close to the car, and figured only a

couple hundred people had seen him. He prayed they were all

people he didn't know. Julia put James pants in the trunk

as they smelled absolutely awful and then they got in the

car to go to Julia's house. Kirsten didn't stop laughing

the whole way home as Julia told her exactly what had

happened in the changing room. James just buried his face

in her lap again and tried not to think about all the

people who had saw him. When they got to the house Julia

threw James pants in the wash and they watched TV till

around 8:30. Julia then came up to James and told him if he

was smart he would empty as much out into his diapers as he

could, because Kirsten was going to get him diapered for

bed time. Kirsten walked in the room and added, "and once

you are diapered for bed you aren't going to be changed

till morning."

James filled the diaper with as much pee as he could

as he pushed until nothing would come out. Kirsten then

changed the wet diaper and took out several clean diapers

and prepared them as Julia had the two nights before. She

laid him down and taped diaper after diaper tightly to him

and then put the footed sleeper with mittens on him. James

had a hard time walking as he found he had a few more

diapers on than the last night.

"They might be uncomfortable now but you'll be happy

you got them when you are wetting tonight," said Julia.

"Wetting will be the least of his worries," Kirsten

whispered to Julia. The girls giggled as knew James didn't

realize with all the food he had eaten, plus the laxatives

Kirsten had slipped in his bottle she was about to feed

him, James dinner was not too far away from the back of his

diapers. James laid his head in Kirsten's lap and sucked

down the bottle completely. Julia got a blanket and wrapped

James in it. Kirsten put a pacifier in his mouth and

stroked his hair while Julia gently began to rub and push

on his abdomen. The massage only felt good to James for

about 45 minutes as he suddenly realized with a slight pain

what the real intent of the massage was. James tried to sit

up but Kirsten gently pushed his head down and warned him

to keep the pacifier in his mouth. James squirmed around

and Julia said "SIT STILL JAMES!!!"

James gently shook and moaned as he felt the warm mess

of poop begin to push out his butt and into the diaper.

James could feel unlike his diarrhea from earlier that this

was a very solid mess. Julia continued to rub his stomach

as the poop continued to push out into his diapers. He

winced as he felt it begin to pile up and squish up against

him. Julia kept on massaging and James kept on filling the

diaper. It took almost 15 minutes for the solid mess to

completely push its way out into his diapers. Julia

continued to massage him as James lay there in a diaper

full of poop. Finally Kirsten said, "Well lets get the

bottles out and get the bedwetting started."

"Definitely, I'm sure we can find lots of ways to

really enjoy James last night bedwetting with us!!!!" Julia

said as she winked at James.

Kirsten sniffed the air, smiled at Julia and said,

"Smells like James is gonna be spending the night in more

than pee too," she said with a smile.

Part 14

Julia and Kirsten fed James plenty of bottles. James

knew it was going to be as wet a night as ever, and much

more messy. James had already spread the mess around quite

a bit from having been on his backside drinking the

bottles, so it didn't really matter in which position he

lay. The smell was contained decently inside the confines

of the many diapers and the sleeper. Instead of going to

sleep the girls sat in bed waiting for his every wetting.

After watching James wet the diapers several times the

girls became tired though and went to sleep. James woke up

sleepily as he felt himself being gently shook. He tried to

focus his eyes but it was still dark. He looked at the

clock and it said 5:00.

"What the hell??" James said confused.

"Shhhh....calm down," he heard a gentle voice say.

James wet in shock as he felt a body crawl on top of his

and lips touch his own.

"Its just me, Julia," whispered Julia.

He continued to wet as she made out with him. James

would remember his first time making out with Julia for

several reasons. Some of them being that he had longed for

it for so long and also the fact that it was special

because of being the first time. The main reason though was

that he would never forget he was wearing a dirty soaked

diaper when it happened. James and Julia went on for 20

minutes before they heard Kirsten sleepily say, "My

goodness, some people are trying to sleep ya know?"

Julia rolled off him and back to her spot in bed.

"Damn you, Kirsten," said James. Their was silence in

the room for about 5 seconds and then for the first time

all weekend, the three of them laughed together. James woke

up, he felt hands rubbing him and lips touch his. He opened

his mouth and felt a tongue against his, he opened his eyes

and saw Kirsten. His diapers filled with pee. Kirsten

pulled away and began laughing hysterically.

"What's wrong, James, expecting Julia? Don't worry,

she gave me permission to do that so I could make you pee

in your diapers more. I would never kiss a bedwetter just

to kiss him," she mocked.

"You're not to bad though, James, for a bedwetter,"

she threw on the end again.

James just shook his head and lay back down.

"OH NO you don't, as much as I would love to let you

stay in those dirty diapers as oppose to changing them, it

is already eleven, we only have seven more hours with you,"

Kirsten said.

She laid James down and gagged as she removed the

final diaper containing all James poop from the night

before. Kirsten Powdered him then taped the clean diaper on


"Well you only got one more diaper left after this on.

Geez, I am gonna miss changing you," she sighed.

"I don't think I will miss the changings that much,"

James said.

"Yeah I didn't suppose you would, but hey, maybe if

you start wetting your bed again, you will have to wear

diapers, and then I can come change you!!" said Kirsten

with a smile.

They then went out into the kitchen where Julia was.

"Well, I am fixing our lunch and your last messy

diaper," said Julia as they entered.

"Don't you be sad, though, James, we will make sure to

make this one you won't soon forget," Kirsten said as her

and Julia smiled at James.

Part 15

James ate the food slowly as the girls continued to

pile it on his plate. Julia had made chicken with mashed

potatoes and gravy. He looked over to the clock every two

minutes, longing for 6 o'clock to come. He would finally be

free of the diapers and this never-ending embarrassment. He

would finally be able to go to the bathroom in the toilet


"James keep eating, no sense stalling you are gonna

fill your diapers up with poop before you leave!!!" Kirsten

said. James began eating again.

James filled his diapers with a warm stream of pee not

long after finishing up his eating. Julia took the diaper

off him and taped his final diaper on him.

"12:30 James, whatever comes out in your diapers your

staying in until 6:00," Julia said. The girls almost seemed

in a down mood until James filled his diapers with a load

of warm sticky poop at about 2:00.

"Finally the last time I gotta poop in my diapers,"

James said. Kirsten and Julia just giggled. James found out

just how wrong he was about a half hour later, and about

every half hour after that.

"Sorry James, but we had to load your drinks with

laxatives, we gotta see you poop your diapers a few more

times before you leave," said Julia. The girls spread his

mess around with their hands pressing on the outsides of

his diaper every time he pooped. James filled the diapers

again and again with diarrhea. The girls giggled and

giggled until their stomachs hurt. James felt another rush

of warm diarrhea spill out into his diapers. The diapers

then expanded and James felt the poop begin to ooze out.

"Oh my gosh, go stand on the kitchen floor," Julia

yelled at him. James watched grossed out as the poop began

to ooze down the sides of his diaper and onto his legs.

Kirsten and Julia looked a bit shocked but then recovered

and began to laugh uncontrollably. They let James take the

diaper off but for once told him to do it himself and gave

him his underwear to put on. James came out and it was only


"You can leave a half hour early I guess" Julia


"Pictures!!!!" James said.

"Oh yeah" said Kirsten and she handed him the


The next week of school went great for James, It was a

little weird talking to Julia and Kirsten at first. By

Wednesday things were back to normal. At least the girls

thought James was completely over it. They had apologized

to him for being so harsh. James said it was ok and he

would have done the same. James and Julia were really

getting close, in fact it was Friday night and Julia's

parents were out of town again!!! James crawled into bed

with Julia, no diapers this time. The two snuggled close

together and after doing this and that.......they fell

asleep. James woke up hearing a scream, this time it was

from Julia. It didn't take James long to figure out what it

was, he had WET THE BED!!!!


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That isn't it, but that is a great story, thank you for sharing, there is a second version of that, where James diapers both girls and personally, I like it a lot better. If you can find that second version, that would be great as well.

Not quite the right story, but a great story none the less.

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