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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Introducing Frogboy!


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Hello all...

I'm 25, male, professional, from Yorkshire (the second best county in England, second only to Cornwall!), married and expecting our first child soon! Frogboy was a nick-name I had when I was at school (apparently I looked a bit like a frog... shame I never turned into a prince! lol). I've known since about the age of 12 that diapers appealed to me, but I didn't know there was a whole AB/DL scene until about a year ago when I stumbled accross this fantastic site!

I'm definately a diaper lover rather than an adult baby... That's not to say I can't see the appeal of being an AB, it's just that It doesn't "do it" for me.

I just thought I would say hi to everyone. I'll be posting the story of my first diaper experience in the Diaper Lovers section a bit later if you fancy a look.

All the best


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Hey freswith...

Glad to know other frogs are about! I've just added an avatar! It's a friend from my pond, sadly though from my last house, before I moved.

Many thanks for the welcome!

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Guest Mummys Cute Baby Lucy

Hiya and welcome to DD

Have fun and remember to be good!

(We can see Cornwall from our back window... that's gotta count for something! (we would be me and Junibug^^^^))

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Thanks full nappy... I'm in the east riding of yorkshire. Good to know other diaper lovers in the north!

Baby Lucy, of course that counts for something. I just love the west country, in fact, I've spent a few holidays in Dawlish and Wollacombe! I just prefer Cornwall as I've holiday'd there more!

Thanks abrera :thumbsup:

I love how friendly this site is!!!

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