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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

I Am An Ab


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Its offical - i am an AB i been wearing diapers for about 3months now, when ever i can and starting to wear more and more, and even going out in public with my diapers..usually tho i am public with my pullups b/c they are a litle less bulky and a little less noticable...

i come and ask the question about clothing... i am looking for my first piece of ab clothing and not sure what i want... i know some say a onezie, some say a romber(if spelled rite), and say some a sleeper. i think i am leaning towards a onezie... tho...

does anyone know where to get a nice onezie from in the us... i really like all the uk ones... like cozyndry.com. but the shipping is out of control...

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I got my onsies from fetware.  They are a good company but they send their stuff out by the us postal service.  So when it arrives you will have to sign for it at your house or the post office depending on your situation.  the address is fetware.com  

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