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My Observations In The Ab World.

Guest Baby_brad

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Guest Baby_brad

Holy crap its a 1770 word essay

I'm nowhere near a 24/7 diaper wearer, let alone a 24/7 baby (as much as I'd like that ^_^ ) But Over the last three months, I've been wearing diapers and going into baby mode at least 3 nights a week (if not baby night, at least a diaper, a paci or my thumb, and watching a cartoon (it usually seems to be Cars, Scooby Doo, or Nick T (as Nick T has all my favorite cartoons as a kid). Anyway here are my observations.

  1. I've become a lot more accepting of me in diapers

I hate how I look in clothes, let alone in a diaper, I'm very self conscious of the way I look, but I guess you can't have everything. I used to always be in boxers or Lounge pants, or even jeans, just so I didn't have to see myself in them. Now, while I'm still not happy with how I look, I'm never in clothes unless I'm wearing during the day around my parents, or I'm on a webcam (I at least have a shirt on). Other than that, its a diaper, plastic pants, and my Scooby doo plushie and nothing else.

  1. I'm more comfortable in diapers around people

I used to never wear diapers outside of my bedroom. want some food? Diaper came off, I went and got food, and the diaper went back on. Having worked as a Bagger for a Grocery store, a Package handler at UPS, and as a Newspaper delivery manager, I didn't wear diapers as all my friends went there, and usually when I worked as it seemed. UPS I didn't because of the work involved and all the bending over (not to mention a GREAT case of chafing that can come as an added bonus! (sorry, 2:30am humor). At the newspaper, I wore once a few days after I started, LOVED it, then wore at least once a week. After I got fired.... As you could guess, a lot more baby nights and diaper wearing ensued ;)

  1. I'm enjoying it A LOT more

Having gotten back into diapers around age 9 or 10 (between the two), I could only wear once in a neon green moon (rarer then a blue moon). I couldn't go out and buy diapers, so I had to sneak them. Having had a nephew, I was able to steal a few diapers from them whenever I went over. Now, My body found this as something Kinky and forbidden (I use those terms as an adult now, back then, something fun, and alas, sexually exciting). Now, I have about 10 diapers left and a bunch of stuffers, I can get low (I'd have more, but my car is still in the shop (hint why I lost my job), and the fact I'm BROKE. I've slowed down recently, but when there are more diapers stashed in my bedroom, boy believe me, I'm making up for lost time!. Back to the sexuality thing, I've just recently (in the past 6 months or so) finally trained my body so that whenever I put a diaper on, not to get excited. (Two reasons, One, a hard member can be hard to maneuver as I've learned, and two, babies don't get horny!) Now, I have no reaction which I'm thankful for (now). Every time I get into a baby mode, or even put a diaper on (as sloppily as I do it) I always feel a lot better, not just when wearing it, but for the next few days as it lets me get rid of stress. When I first met up with a DL I met through [That site] 4 years ago (Man, time flies!) We became good friends, and in the last year, he recently became my boyfriend, and even more recently my daddy. I couldn't be happier. When we first started hanging out, he would give me some diapers he had (he has a better bedroom for stashing stuff then I do) so I'd be set until the next time we hung out (being young it was like once a week). For most of the week following our sleep over (we still have them, neither of us make enough money to move out so he can't spend more then a night over. (hoping to change *does the Evan Almighty dance*) I would sleep like a baby, and I at the time had a severe case of depression (or so my shrink said) felt miraculously better, and was almost always in a great mood. (the almost being school). After a few years of that, I knew diapers and my AB side were meant for me. Me and daddy don't get to hang out as often as before unfortunately, He has work (he usually works weekends because of school). I miss our time together a lot, not just because of me getting a proper baby night, but we can't talk, He was the first friend I told that I was bi, and the first friend to know about my AB side, so we're very open between each other, He knows all my secrets, he even helps with most of them (if money isn't an issue ;) ) Enough dwelling on this one. (consider that my intro to daily di, been here for almost 3 years, never did introduce myself).

Now, all thats fine and dandy, but of course, theres bound to be cons.

  1. I find my self regressing more and more now.

Before, there was no problem with me regressing into baby mode as I had no true baby "mode" in me at the time. Now, as I've had tons of baby mode nights, theres some issues. The biggest one: Baby talk.

Now, I don't know great baby talk (one of my Second Life friends speaks nothing but baby talk, and I can't understand half of it, but I'm getting better), but I know enough to somewhat play the part. Baby mode, fine and dandy, but recently, I've starting mixing baby talk with real talk. In yahoo seeing I usually only talk to other AB/DL/Baby Furs so I don't have much to worry about. Its my friends and family that I have issues with. I try my best to not talk baby talk when I'm with my friends (except for daddy) but sometimes, it just slips out. a word or two I can usually hide. but while introducing myself to the Army recruiter I was talking with (who I've since stopped talking with since I have a brain injury that will disqualify me for another 2 and a half years) I spoke a whole sentence of baby talk. NO WAY was I going to hide that!.. I don't think he really noticed (thank god!)

I've talked with my ex girlfriend (who I assume knows I'm an AB, she kept stealing all my pacifiers except the one I hid (she could steal all the 3 dollar ones she wants from me, but Leave the Nuk5 alone!). Now thats fine, but the problem with that is, my pacifiers are hidden right next to all my diapers and other necessities for my AB self (bottles and obviously pacifiers). My favorite way to cuddle with people is with my head in their lap. (yes I've dated females before, but they all ended in Disaster, although I am proud my last one lasted for 13 months. (go me!)). but she when we cuddled like that, she'd always bring out a paci (almost always mine, although she has one that has lights in it (I kinda want one)) and stick it in my mouth and pull out one of her plushies (I helped her on that one, for our 1 year anniversary I bought an almost build a bear bear (Its from Noah's Ark which my tutor does as a side job) that was recorded to say I love you, she loves it.. the fact that we broke up 9 months ago (once again time flies) and she still sleeps with it almost nightly (Expecally (I hope you can get the gist of what I'm trying to say) if her and her new boyfriend get into a fight. She still looks for me to help her in bad times.) Usually I can help her with family issues (I've been through pretty much everything she has except loosing a parent), but in relationships I'm rubbish, I can't even help my self usually, so I tend to not help with that kind of support and help) Dear god, I'm like going in and out of what I'm trying to talk about. She would always bring him out and give him to me, and call me her big baby as she smacked (playfully) my butt. if she knows or not I'll never know, but it was fun while it lasted, I kind of miss her still, theres something females can provide that males can't but daddy is still awesome as a boyfriend). Now that I went totally off what I was trying to say, I've had some baby talk slippages with her, but I don't think she payed any attention (or did, just didn't say anything).

Enough babbling! ANYWAY,

and the final con, Changing of my body.

In the last few years I was the horniest person you'd ever meet, I'd have sex with any female that would agree to it (which didn't happen, so not much improvement there). So, as horny as I was, I had to get rid of it somehow (not going into details you can probably figure it out). but now, I have no sex drive, I could care less about anything relating to sex. before I'd masturbate 3-4 times a day because it was new and exciting (for the first week). Then I went back to somewhat normal amounts. Now, I'll go a a few days or even a week or two between times, I just find it more of a chore these days then for pleasure. (I can attest to diapers helping as right after I started wearing more, my libido did a complete 360. Now, I see a naked woman (or a naked cute guy (not into the fat guys, sorry guys :P ) and I just don't care, theres no stirring of my loins, no nothing.) if daddy is playing boyfriend instead of daddy, yeah it feels good, but I don't crave it as much (usually two or three times a month), and thats all I care.

I know I babbled this post to death, but I'm tired and I've been meaning to do this. If your going to flame me or give me crap, please keep it somewhat respectful. Fanks

~Baby Brad

P.S Holy crap, I wanted this to be short, not spend an hour on one single post!

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Thanks for sharing your story. It's really neat to hear these updates from other ABs. it sounds like you've done a lot of growing (or un-growing at the case may be) with regards to your baby self. It's great to hear you're coming to terms with this side of yourself and finding neat ways to embrace it. I look forward to it continuing to bring you pleasure and satisfaction for the years to come.

Keep us posted :-)

All deh bestests


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Wonderful essay!

I'm not that sexual either with another person, especially not with Daddy when he is daddy. It FEELS wrong since to me daddies are about cuddles, strawberries, tickels, play time , getin baba and diaper changes, lots of hugs and smiles... and sometimes about me being a crankie baby.. in fact when i get temperamental I will usually regress... or sad. In fact I regress more when depression gets a hold of me.. sometimes almost 24/7.

But, babies don't get horney? Well, its common to catch lil ones - real lil ones playing with their whoo hoo. The Dr told me that it feels good to them, and not to worry. I would not have mentioned it to the Dr had I just not been curious about it since I cannot recall NOT masturbating. Now, boys and girls don't get semen or wet until puberty, but I know - from experience myself, that as I girl i could 'get off'. I do not know if I ever did this with my diaper, ok. I do not recall that - but I would think so since I had the idea to do it with a big fluffy pillow, not the hands... and i never stopped doing it that way... well until I discovered wadel pants ... te he. I've always liked the feeling of having something right there between my legs - fluffy - even when not masturbating. It just FEEL really nice.

I also always recall hiding under a lot of blankets so that my mom would not catch me doing it.

I've also heard, not sure if this is true, but that the reason little kids liked rocking horses so much was the stimulation... heh

lil kitty

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Guest Baby_brad

But, babies don't get horney? Well, its common to catch lil ones - real lil ones playing with their whoo hoo. The Dr told me that it feels good to them, and not to worry. I would not have mentioned it to the Dr had I just not been curious about it since I cannot recall NOT masturbating. Now, boys and girls don't get semen or wet until puberty, but I know - from experience myself, that as I girl i could 'get off'. I do not know if I ever did this with my diaper, ok. I do not recall that - but I would think so since I had the idea to do it with a big fluffy pillow, not the hands... and i never stopped doing it that way... well until I discovered wadel pants ... te he. I've always liked the feeling of having something right there between my legs - fluffy - even when not masturbating. It just FEEL really nice.

I also always recall hiding under a lot of blankets so that my mom would not catch me doing it.

I've also heard, not sure if this is true, but that the reason little kids liked rocking horses so much was the stimulation... heh

lil kitty

Well, I don't have any little brothers so I might be wrong.. My middle brother is 30 so there was an age gap ;)

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your a tit. im glad you dont have any younger brothers. diapers is sexual for everyone you prat. its why you wear them. if it was not sexual then you wont wear them. thats like saying sex is not sexual. dumbass


Pwaaayyy nice! Juz cause it gits oo off dones NOt mean it gets everyone off. World is big. People got many kinks. For some people being AB is not a kick at all. I do not get sexual when I regress... for me it is part of the point... its safe feeling. I was pointing out how it might not be that way for everyone - but don't attack someone like that.... bad bad!

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