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well i figure i'll share another one of my intrests here. i do enjoy watching cartoons quite a bit - for various reasons.

why i love it...

the art involved in many cartoons is actualy quite impressive.

the technology and co-operation of an animation team astounds me.

the creativity of many cartoons inspires me. and the cheap knockoffs annoy me.

but most of all they are just fun to watch.

on Anime...

yes, i do watch Anime. no i don't watch everything that comes down the chute.

but the ones i do like, i like for their creative spark. or their slapstick humor (Captain Tylor) or for their incredible character development.

i have only seen a few sieries all teh way through as they are far too expensive on the american market, but i do enjoy "Berserk", "Trigun", "Neon Genisis Evangalion" and "The Irrisponsible Captain Tylor". these shows i would not recomend for children... well maybe Captain Tylor, most the crude humor would go over a childs head in the episodes i have seen. but i;

've goten off topic

on the down side...

i love that the creators of many animated features use their freedom to create a unique world. but i'm sorry to say that while i grew up with Disney, the company has all but lost the dream Walt had. and now puts out the same film again and again.

i think MGM holds the rights to the Land Before Time... i don't know how in the world that sieries is still going. they are up to part 20 or so now... since they love to use roman numerals, they may actualy see improved sales when they get to the 30th instalation... "The land Befor Time XXX" anyone got a good subtitle for that one?

anyway, those are my personal peeves in the industry.

on computer animation...

Pixar, as a company, and the many advancements they have brought to the industry are deffinetly on my favorates list. every major film they have ever released was not only a fun experiance, but they insisted on raising the bar and developing new technologies for each film. every one builds on the last to improve the renderman engine(i think thats what they call it). and they manage to astound me every time. those "cute little short movies" in front of their main features are far more then many people realise... those things win all sorts of technological advancement awards. even tho i found "Boundin" to be verry anoying, i was still impressed with how they went about doing it.

was that a Pixar plug? woops.

anyway, i do enjoy american animation as well. but i figure i'll end the topic here.

they may not be your reasons for loving animation, if you do at all. but i was just curious if anyone else admired that artform, and why?

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I love cartoons, I always have, I have a DVD collection of many of my old favourites, From Batman to SUperman and the Justic League cartoons, love em. I have the GIJOE dvds and Transformers, I love the art and stories and fun of them all. And I always will too.

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I'm ahuge anime and manga fan. some of my favorites include One Piece (very good desipte its dub), Azumanga Daioh (cute + funny = ULTIMATE COMBO!!!), and Naruto.

Oh, and The Irresponsible Captain Tylor is one of my all-time favorites. It' cool to see someoen else who likes it.

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Big Hayao Myazaki fan, and also Magic Users Club, Dragon Half, Azumanga Daioh and just got SteamBoy on DVD. Loved Akira so looking forward to watching Steamboy loads :)

first time I watched Spirited away,, the ending made me cry for half an hour, i loved to so much :)

Luckily I had my plushies to snuggle :)


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